单词 | paradoxical |
释义 | paradoxical [英 [?p?r?'d?ks?kl] 美 [?p?r?'d?ks?kl] ] paradoxical的意思、解释 paradoxical 基本解释 形容词矛盾的; 似非而是的; 反常的,荒谬的; 反论的,反面议论的 paradoxical 网络解释 1. 矛盾的:再考虑由具有相同逻辑类型的两项组成的自相矛盾的 (paradoxical)系统,举例如下: 1.以下陈述是正确的; 2.以上陈述是错误的. 如果第一项陈述是正确的, 则第二项陈述指示第一项陈述是错 误的, 2. 自相矛盾的:首先,介绍逻辑类型(logical type)的概念,举例如下:再考虑由具有相同逻辑类型的两项组成的自相矛盾的(paradoxical)系统,举例如下:b)如果我是作出这个陈述的陈述者,即我的逻辑类型高级於我所作的陈述(我是这个陈述的语境),那麼, 3. paradoxical在线翻译 3. 看似矛盾其实有道理的, 似非而是的:- novel 新奇的, 新颖的 | - paradoxical看似矛盾其实有道理的,似非而是的 | - commendatory 称赞的 paradoxical 双语例句 1. But it is paradoxical that when the staff of the Historic American Engineering Record wished to have drawings made of machines and isometric views of industrial processes for its historical record of American engineering, the only college students with the requisite abilities were not engineering students, but rather students attending architectural schools. 但令人感到自相矛盾的是,当《美国工程历史名录》的工作人员希望得到为其美国工程历史记录而绘制的机器图和等比例图时,唯一具有所需技能的大学生不是工程学大学生,而是就读于建筑学院的大学生。 2. Sometimes, people live in a paradoxical environment and incapable of action, but I am usually in the circumstances. 在美国加州,一个男人可否和他的寡妇的姐姐或妹妹合法结婚?(6)30除以二分之一加上10等于多少? 3. paradoxical的翻译 3. Based on the knowledge of afferent projections from MSR, MLR, LC with it's ventral part to the VPT, we postulate that VPT might serve as the anatomical basis for inducing stepping movement and initiating paradoxical sleep (Sakai, 1985) as well. 根据MSR、MLR和LC及其腹侧部至VPT的传入,我们推测这可能是VPT兴奋踏步运动并和异相睡眠开启相关(Sakai,1985)的解剖学基础。 4. It will just as firmly reject the slightly paradoxical code times (label-$+1) db 0 label: db'NOW where am I? 它牢固地正将拒绝轻微地似是而非的代码时间(标记$+1) db 0 标签:'我在哪里? 5. It may seem paradoxical to lay such stress on being conventional in the use of English when may well feel that the big prizes go to people who are original and unconventional in their English. 把这样的重点放在在使用英语过程中传统上看起来是自相矛盾,可能感到大的奖去在他们的英语方面原先和非常规的人们。 6. The book explained as follows: It sounds paradoxical, but good intentions can also become a sly Road leading to the destruction. 书中作了如下解释:「这听起来似乎自相矛盾,然而良好的意图也可成为一条通向毁灭的诡道。 7. From time to time when he did not do what she wanted, she gave his thin gegs a hard butt with her young head, and she was so pretty that you could not help, when you looked upon the two together, seeing them as a new paradoxical illustration to the tale of the Beauty and the Beast. 有时,如果他没有按她的意愿做事,她就会用她的小脑袋撞他瘦瘦的腿。她真的非常可爱,看到这俩个小东西,你想起美女和野兽的故事,不过角色是反过来的。 8. 8. This study investigated the relationship between cough reflex sensitivity and laryngeal dysfunction, which was assessed as paradoxical vocal cord movement and extrathoracic airway hyperresponsiveness, in patients with chronic cough. 本试验通过反常声带运动和胸腔外气道高反应性研究慢性咳嗽患者咳嗽反射敏感性与喉功能异常之间的关系。 9. paradoxical在线翻译 9. In the paradoxical world of AIDS bad news can turn out to be good news. 在荒谬、是非颠倒的艾滋病世界中,坏消息也能变成好消息。 10. However, the paradoxical strategy immerses it into dilemma, due to ASEAN member states'uneven levels of economy development and diversity of politics and cultures. 然而,由于东盟成员国的经济发展水平和政治文化制度参差不齐,这种矛盾性的策略反而使其陷入困境。 11. This demands remarkable control and coordination which may appear to be paradoxical. 这要求显着的控制和可能似乎是似非而是的协调。 12. paradoxical的近义词 12. He is a paradoxical aesthete as well as a paradoxical moralist. 他是一个矛盾的唯美主义者,同时他更是一个矛盾的道德家。 13. 13. One should not think slightingly of the paradoxical. 人们不应该轻视自相矛盾的东西。 14. The optimal starch-based API is optimized in the orthogonal test by adopting composite modifier starch, second diacids, polyvinyl alcohol and P-MDI as the main elements in the paper. Adopting the different formulation of the adhesive bonds wood which can implement demand of the different water resistant bonding strength in the JIS K6806 standard and resolves paradoxical problem between water-resistance of wood glue-product and greenzation request. Physical and chemical properties are symbolized by conventional chemistry analysis and apparatus analysis. The cause for long pot lift of starch-based API by adopting the different blocking out P-MDI as cross-linking at room temperature. 论文主要是以玉米淀粉为原料,通过对淀粉进行酸解、氧化、接枝共聚等多重变性,制成一种复合变性淀粉;以复合变性淀粉、乙二酸、聚乙烯醇和P-MDI为主要因素,通过正交试验优化出满足不同需要的最佳淀粉基API,采用此种胶粘剂的不同的配方胶接木材时,可实现JIS K6806标准中不同耐水胶接强度的要求,较好地解决了木材胶接制品耐水性与胶接制品的绿色化的要求相矛盾的问题。 15. Both are combined to form a paradoxical dilemma for these sensitive poets, tearing them apart mercilessly. They could not find a feasible way out but to internalize this bewilderment into their poetry and naturally dialectics between nature and society comes into being, which can be well exemplified via Robert Frost's poetry. 从表面上看,诗人纵情山水,实际上饱受社会与自然双重引力的分裂之苦,并内化到诗作中去,形成了自然诗人特有的关于自然和社会的哲学话语:自然与社会对立与并存,物质和精神脱节与连接,造就了人类主体在夹缝中生存的痛苦困境,一个完美而永恒的心灵港湾的神话由此破灭。 16. I do not know how many visitors would get a paradoxical feeling in front of this great First Emperor and his terracotta army. 我不知道有多少参观者在面对秦始皇和他的陶佣军队时,会产生出自相矛盾的感觉。 17. Paradoxical stripping of clothes as cold impairs thermoregulation center of brain. 乱脱衣服(因为大脑的体温调节系统被寒冷削弱)。 18. The Chinese modernity outspreads between two paradoxical dimensionalities:tradition and world mainstream culture. 中国的现代性的展开在中国传统与世界主流文化两个充满矛盾的维度中。 19. The relative results indicated that different intensity of magneto-induction can exert paradoxical effents on the proliferation of human umbilical venous endothelial cells and human umbilical arterial smooth muscle cells. 实验表明不同磁感应强度的SMF对体外单独培养的人脐静脉内皮细胞和人脐动脉平滑肌细胞的增殖活性具有不同的作用。 20. Despite audience can not receive the feeling of light and joy, they still can feel lively about human perverseness, the paradoxical state in existence and the questioning manner toward history and reality through his work. 也使观者尽管不能获得整体上的轻松和愉悦,但是,当我们沉潜于每一幅看似荒谬的场景内部,沉浸于每一幅类似于愕异的目光之中,我们又可以非常鲜活地感受到人性的乖张,生存的悖谬,以及语境中洋溢出来的创作主体对历史、对现实的质疑态度。 paradoxical 词典解释 1. 自相矛盾的;似矛盾而(可能) 正确的 If something is paradoxical, it involves two facts or qualities which seem to contradict each other. e.g. Some sedatives produce the paradoxical effect of making the person more anxious... 一些镇静剂适得其反,加重了患者的焦虑。 e.g. We were a team of individuals — as paradoxical as that sounds. 我们是一个保持了个体的团队——尽管这听起来自相矛盾。 paradoxically Paradoxically, the less you have to do the more you may resent the work that does come your way. 矛盾的是,你手头的事越少,一旦有工作落在头上,你就越会愤愤不平。 ...a growing up that paradoxically involves remaining a child, too. 一方面在成长、一方面还是个孩子的矛盾paradoxical 单语例句 1. The results seem paradoxical because Europe is experiencing one of the worst economic crises, with falling employment and living standards and rising worries over the future. 2. What at first glance appears paradoxical about this US situation is that there is no shortage of investable funds. 3. A number of Western countries have long been adopting a paradoxical approach to domestic and international issues. 4. The EU needs to move beyond its paradoxical approach and work jointly with China to deepen cooperation and reduce differences. 5. It may sound paradoxical, but I'm not for abolishing the gaokao system. 6. Recommending more borrowing to relieve an economic crisis caused by excessive debt is paradoxical and will merely lead to " apparent growth ". 7. Her fears also show the paradoxical relationship between rental yields and home price movements in the property investment process. 8. This paradoxical phenomenon first appeared just a few years ago and looks set to intensify this year. 9. Calling for law enforcement officers to behave themselves and respect the law sounds paradoxical and superfluous. 10. It is paradoxical but true that China and America are both developing into bilingual societies. paradoxical 英英释义 adj 1. seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true e.g. it is paradoxical that standing is more tiring than walking Synonym: self-contradictory |
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