单词 | parochial |
释义 | parochial [英 [p??r??ki?l] 美 [p??ro?ki?l] ] parochial的意思、解释 parochial 基本解释 形容词狭隘的; 教区的; 狭小的; 范围有限的 parochial 网络解释 1. 教区的, 地方范围的, 狭小的:diocesan 主教管区的 | parochial 教区的, 地方范围的, 狭小的 | progeny 后代;子女 2. 教区的:parlous 危险的 | parochial 教区的 | parochialism 教区制度 3. 偏狭的:Pandora掇 box 麻烦,马蜂窝 72 | parochial 偏狭的 74 | play hardball 展开激烈竞争,不再客气 74 4. 便狭的:Pandoras box 潘多拉的盒子,灾祸之源 | parochial 便狭的 | play hardball 展开激烈竞争、不再客气 parochial 双语例句 1. 1. He can speak the language of the parochial Deutsche Bank stick-in-the-muds and the kick-ass Anglo-Saxons. 他既能适应重乡守土的德意志银行那种大牛难翻身的习性,又懂得应付追赶跑跳的英国银行家勇猛向前冲的作风。 2. The English are large consumers of wine and demand quality, but they lack a wine industry of their own that inspires parochial attitudes that cloud perceptions. 英语是大的葡萄酒消费者的需求和质量,但他们缺乏一种葡萄酒产业自身,激发狭隘的态度,云看法。 3. parochial 3. As soon as she had finished parochial school, a brighr young girl named Lena shook the dust of New Ireland off her shoes and made her way to New York where, before long, she became a successful performer in show business. 忏悔年轻的阳光女孩列娜结束了教区学校的学业,抖掉鞋子上新爱尔兰的泥土,来到了纽约。不久就在商业演出秀中成为一个成功的演员。 4. parochial 4. Because about half of the global steel market is still parochial[3] and fragmented, siz e brings many 由于全球近半数的钢铁市场仍带有较强的地方色彩,而且都处于各自为政的状态,因此企业规模可以带来 5. The statistics for 1876 give 3748 religious, but 500 of these had been expelled from their convents and were engaged in parochial work. 统计为1876年给予3748宗教,但500对这些已被驱逐出他们的修道院,并从事与狭隘的工作。 6. In some ways family law is the most parochial of legal domains and yet the effect of global modernism is multifold. 家庭法在某些方面是所有法律学科中地域性最强的,可是全球现代主义之影响是多方面的。 7. Similarly, of the unenclosed orders, some are purely active (ie undertaking educational, parochial, hospital, or other work), and others unite the contemplative with the active life, without, however, being strictly enclosed. 同样,该unenclosed命令,有些是纯粹的积极(即承诺教育,狭隘的,医院或其他工作),以及其他团结contemplative与积极的生活,但不被严格封闭。 8. parochial的解释 8. The minister of a country of Kansan went returning home town after British visit, just issued the train to come up against his place to belong to parochial in the station one teachs civilian. 导读:堪萨斯州的一个乡村牧师去英国访问后回到了家乡,刚下火车便在车站碰到了他所属教区的一个教民。 9. After Danny shoots a deer, authorities take the boy away to live and study in a parochial orphanage/school. 在Danny射击一只小鹿之后,当局把他带到了当地的孤儿院/学校学习和生活。 10. Few can dare abuse Schopenhauer in hypocrisy for his salacity or criticize Kant that is parochial as lack of odyssey. 没有人因为叔本华好色而骂他虚伪,也没有人敢因为康德没出过家门而批评他目光狭隘。 11. He is very interested in parochial affair s. 他对教区的事务非常感兴趣。 12. He is very interested in parochial affairs. 他对教区的事务非常感兴趣。 13. parochial 13. Let them take care, however, not to harm in any way the parochial rights of established churches. 让他们照顾,但是,不以任何方式损害的狭隘权利,建立教会。 14. The evidence suggests that not only is it nonrandom and parochial, but it is difficult to come by at all. 这种迹象表明,变异不仅是非随机的、范围有限的,而且根本就是很难获得的。 15. Because about half of the global steel market is still parochial and fragmented, size brings many advantages. 由于全球近半数的钢铁市场仍然是地区性和分散的,规模将会带来很多的优势。 16. I felt my way in the new position, to be responsible for my work; I was energic in creation and surmounted the personalist the parochial self-interest to maximize the whole interest; In the teams, I learned that all should be relative to the company's cores and targets, with mutual credits, coordinating with each other, to break the limit of organization structure and maximize the department's efficiency. 在新的工作岗位上我谨慎行事,对自己的行动负责,积极创造,超越狭义个人利益,追求整体利益最大化;在团队中,我学会了以公司的核心以及目标为基准,相互信任,协调运作,突破组织结构的局限,追求部门效能最大化。 17. The most parochial moment is on the bed for happy love..the broadest moment is on the bed for bad love. people become narrower and narrower, even if you are madly in love with each other, you are just a frog in the well. 好的爱情,最狭窄的时刻也不过是在床上的时候,是最挤逼的了。坏的爱情,最广阔的时候也只是在床上的时候,那已经是最大的空间,人于是变得愈来愈狭隘,爱得死去活来,也无非是井底之蛙。 18. However, due to individualism and liberationof personality, a concept of justice with the sense of modern humanism gradually substitutes for the parochial view of faith to the king and the country. 然而,由于个性解放思想的渗入,带有现代人文意识的正义观逐渐取代了狭隘的忠君爱国思想。 19. French parochial education make a point of elementary education, establishes xuhui high school, originates zhengdan university, it take a leading part in all foreign papistically parochial education. 法国教会教育重视初等教育,设立了徐汇公学,创办了震旦大学,成为外国在华天主教教会教育的主要力量。1840年到1919年是法国在华天主教教会教育的大发展时期。 20. A parochial life is not a bed of roses, Mrs Mann. (Ch. Dickens, Oliver Twist) 吃教区饭可不清闲呀,曼太太。 parochial 词典解释 1. (人)思想狭隘的,只考虑自身的 If you describe someone as parochial, you are critical of them because you think they are too concerned with their own affairs and should be thinking about more important things. 2. 堂区的;教区的 Parochial is used to describe things that relate to the parish connected with a particular church. parochial e.g. She was a secretary on the local parochial church council. 她是当地教区教会委员会的秘书。 parochial 单语例句 1. " BEAUTY CONTEST " Outgoing European Parliament President Pat Cox voiced frustration at the parochial nature of the campaign and the focus on quirky or celebrity candidates. 2. " The denial reflects the unjust and parochial investing environment facing private Chinese enterprises abroad, " Huang said at his Beijing company headquarters in an exclusive interview. 3. " We've previously been relatively parochial in our animal protection, " he says. 4. A country will have no friends or allies if it holds a parochial view. 5. It's a problem for all foreign films that want to be released in the country, where people are known for being parochial about film soundtracks. parochial 英英释义 adj 1. narrowly restricted in outlook or scope e.g. little sympathy with parochial mentality insular attitudes toward foreigners Synonym: insular 2. relating to or supported by or located in a parish e.g. parochial schools |
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