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单词 parsimony
    parsimony [英 [?pɑ:s?m?ni] 美 [?pɑ:rs?mo?ni] ]
    parsimony 基本解释
    名词吝啬; 小气; 异常俭省; 极度节俭
    parsimony 同义词
    parsimony 反义词
    parsimony 网络解释
    1. parsimony
    1. 吝啬:吝啬 吝啬(parsimony)分析使用这样原则,即为了解释观察到的数据我们选择需要进化事件最少数量的那棵树. 例如,从图 6.1.8给出的数据, 我们选择树3, 因为它只需要10个事件,与树1和2比较它们需要12个事件. 假设对一个特殊结果存在有竞争的解释,
    2. 简约性:简约性(parsimony)是最高标准,自变量要少且相互独立,简约性(parsimony)是最高标准,自变量要少且相互独立,简约性(parsimony)是最高标准,自变量要少且相互独立,简约性(parsimony)是最高标准,自变量要少且相互独立,
    3. 简约法:图5.2 中,人简约法(Parsimony)明显注重每一物种观测的特征值,而不是概括特征值之然估计. 对所有Bootstrap 样本范围内应注意单源(monophyletic)物种的集合.
    4. 过度节俭, 吝啬:patrimony 祖传的财物 | parsimony 过度节俭, 吝啬 | paltry 无价值的;微不足道的;不重要的
    parsimony 双语例句
    1. parsimony的近义词
    1. Different from Clark's well-known haplotype inference method, Gusfield and Wang et al. proposed a new model according to the maximum parsimony principle.
    2. parsimony的解释
    2. Neighbor-joining tree based on genetic distances according to Kimura's 2parameter model, and most parsimony tree and maximum likelihood tree were reconstructed with the sequence of the Chinese bamboo rat served as an outgroup.
    以中华竹鼠Rhizomys sinensis的相应序列为外群,用基于Kimura一双参数距离的NJ法、MP法和ML法分别重建了系统发生树。
    3. Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one's cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony that such close dealing implied.
    4. Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one`s cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony that such close dealing implied.
    5. Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until ones cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony that such close dealing implied.
    6. Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one`s cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony that such c; ose dea; ing implied.
    7. The phylogenetic analysis was based on 1042bp nucleotide positions of the mitochondria control region by maximum parsimony, maximum likehood, and minimum evolution and obtained 3 trees with nearly identical topology.
    8. The morphological characters of all taxa in the matsutake group were analysed under phenetic classification and cladistic classification which contains Fitch, Wagner and Dollo parsimony criterions.
    9. parsimony的意思
    9. Partial sequences of mitochondrial 12 S rRNA gene from 6 civets and Cyt b gene sequences from 4 species were sequenced. The combined data was 755bp long, containing 191 variable sites, 90 parsimony informative sites.
    对六种灵猫科物种线粒体12 S rRNA基因及其中四种的Cyt b基因部分序列进行了侧定,并从GenBank获得斑林狸、熊狸的Cyt b基因同源序列。
    10. In the present paper the essentials of the concept and method of quantitative parsimony analysis for cladogram construction are revealed.
    11. Though he is generous even to profusion, he affects to be thought a prodigy of parsimony and prudence; though his conversation be replete with the most sordid and selfish maxims, his heart is deleted with the most unbounded love.
    12. The evolutionary relationships were investgated by comparing the results from molecular data alone or molecular data combined morphological characters using different analysis methods: maximum parsimony by PAUP(superscript *) 4.0 and Bayesian inference by MrBayes 3.0B4. Base composition and ti/tv of 28S rDNA D2 regions were analyzed by PAUP(superscript *) 4.0. The results showed that GC content of the 28S rDNA D2 gene sequences of subfamily Euphorinae ranges from 40.00% to 49.25%. Transversion frequency of sequence variable sites among species of Euphorinae was higher than that of transition. The subfamily Euphorinae was proved to be a paraphyletic group with close relationship to subfamilies Neoneurinae and Cenocoelinae; only two tribes, Meterorini and Microctonini, were proved to be monophyletic groups; Centistini, Cosmophorini, Euphorini and Dinocampini were paraphyletic groups; the basal position of tribe Meterorini within Euphorinae was partially supported by our phylogenetic trees, and tribe Microctonini was proved to be a group at the top of the trees.
    结果表明:优茧蜂亚科的28S rDNA D2基因序列片段的GC%含量在40.00%~49.25%之间变动,而对于碱基替代情况来讲,优茧蜂亚科各个成员间序列变异位点上颠换大于转换;不同的分析和算法所产生的系统发育树都表明目前根据形态定义出的优茧蜂亚科Euphorinae不是一个单系群,而是一个与蚁茧蜂亚科Neoneurinae和高腹茧蜂亚科Cenocoelinae混杂在一起的并系群;在优茧蜂亚科内部,悬茧蜂族Meterorini和食甲茧蜂族Microctonini(排除猎户茧蜂属Orionis)为单系群,而宽鞘茧蜂族Centistini、大颚茧蜂族Cosmophorini、优茧蜂族Euphorini、瓢虫茧蜂族Dinocampini为并系群;悬茧蜂族Meterorini在优茧蜂亚科Euphorinae内位于基部位置的观点得到部分的支持,同时食甲茧蜂族Microctonini被判定为相对进化的类群。
    13. parsimony的解释
    13. In the several weighting functions have been proposed, Prelec's weighting function has the attractions as its parsimony and consistency with empirical evidence and having an axiomatic foundation.
    14. parsimony的解释
    14. A little later Norton reminded them of Hamilton's Law of Parsimony, the application of which they immediately claimed for every reasoning process of theirs.
    15. It is most likely that the common ancestor D also shared trait x. This is because of the Law or Principle of Parsimony - if two species share a trait, it is most likely that their common ancestor shared the same trait, and that events of evolutionary change are rare, and so you should postulate the minimum number of these events.
    16. Phylogenetic trees for the CXCR4 gene sequences constructed by using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and distance method are similar except branch pattern within the New World Monkey lineage.
    17. parsimony的翻译
    17. Maximum parsimony tree constructed by using 42 capra hircus from 16 breeds, 11 wild capra from 7 species and sheep used as outgroup. The results showed that domestic goats and wild capra existed differently branches except Capra aegagrus.
    18. This paper presents a tabu search algorithm for constructing evolutionary trees based on maximum likelihood and parsimony criterion.
    摘要 这篇论文当中提出一个以禁忌搜寻演算法来建构最大概率条件的演化树与吝啬法的演化树。
    19. The molecular phylogenetic analyses of the subfamily Myrmicinae with Forelius chalybaeus, a species of the subfamily Dolichoderinae as the outgroup wereperformed by using four methods: the maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, neighbor-joined, and unweighted pairgroup method with arithmetic means basedon the deoxyribonucleic acid data and the amino acid data.
    测定了切叶蚁亚科7属12种的线粒体CO1、CO2的部分基因及完整的tRNALeu基因DNA序列,对DNA序列进行了分析,对tRNALeu基因进行了二级结构分析;根据DNA序列数据和氨基酸序列数据,以臭蚁亚科的 Forelius chalybaeus 作为外群,采用最大似然法、最大简约法、邻接法、未加权组对算术平均法构建分子系统树,通过自举检验,得到自举置信水平,以此检验该分子系统树的可靠性。
    20. In this thesis, we adopt the hashing technique and a fast approach, namely partitioned match, to detect the Hamming distance between two substings to resolve the substring parsimony problem.
    parsimony 词典解释
    1. 小气;吝啬
    Parsimony is extreme unwillingness to spend money.
    e.g. Due to official parsimony only the one machine was built.
    parsimony 单语例句
    1. Xia and his colleagues attribute this parsimony to the still low status of pets in Chinese society.
    parsimony 英英释义
    1. extreme stinginess
    Synonym: meannessminginessniggardlinessniggardnessparsimoniousnesstightnesstightfistednesscloseness
    2. extreme care in spending money
    reluctance to spend money unnecessarily
    Synonym: parsimoniousnessthriftpenny-pinching




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