单词 | truculent |
释义 | truculent [英 [?tr?kj?l?nt] 美 [?tr?kj?l?nt] ] truculent的意思、解释 truculent 基本解释 形容词好斗的; 凶狠的; 致命的; 尖刻的 truculent 网络解释 1. 野蛮的:truculency 野蛮 | truculent 野蛮的 | trudge 跋涉 2. 残暴的:timorous 胆怯的 | truculent残暴的 | virulent恶毒的 3. 残暴的,凶狠的:truce 停战,休战(协定) | truculent 残暴的,凶狠的 | truculence 凶猛,粗暴 4. truculent 4. 残酷的:684. trivial - massive 琐碎的 - 巨大的 | 685. truculent 残酷的 | 697. vacuous - intelligent 愚蠢的 - 有智能的 truculent 双语例句 1. He was picked as a conservative, and for the first few years acted like one, agreeing most of the time with the court's most truculent and passionate right-winger, Antonin Scalia. 当初他是以保守派身份当选的,在起初的几年中,他还确实表现的像个保守派,多数时间都同法院中最为残酷,最为感情用事的右翼人士站在一条线上。 2. Of his brothers who owned beasts'bodies can eat rocks and truculent when they fight. 传说蚩尤有八十一个兄弟,他们全是猛兽的身体,铜头铁额,吃的是沙石,凶猛无比。 3. But, three fellow's luck but went bad to the extreme, they army reserve duty army military officer Corrin Grove (think of by truculent and unreasonable · the David decoration to intercept triumphantly) on the way, take for the soldier who was absent-minded, therefore dies pulls entrains hardly flew to the Iraqi Fallujah's airplane. 但是,三个家伙的运气可是坏到了极点,他们途中被蛮横无理的陆军预备役部队军官科林格罗夫截住,误认为是开小差的士兵,于是被死拉硬拽上了飞往伊拉克费卢杰的飞机。 4. 4. And he kicks when he's down. In recent months he has been as truculent as ever: baiting, to no avail, Lil Wayne, who has usurped him as rap's leading commercial kingpin, and seemingly aiming lyrics on T. O. S. 近段时间,50愈加像个输红眼的赌棍,到处寻衅滋事:用言语挑衅Lil Wayne ,这个早已僭取他牢牢坐稳饶舌说唱乐商业市场的老大交椅;而与G-Unit团员一起出的新专辑T.O.S。 5. 5. My boss is very truculent and he is also very aggressive. 我的老板是非常残酷且激进的。 6. I am pleased to see that truculent boy has matured into a sensible young man. 我很高兴地看到,以前那个桀骜不驯的孩子已经长成了明智的年轻人。 7. It was his usual aspect, and a truculent one 这是他惯常的模样,是一种好斗的表情。 8. I can't stand his truculent attitude towards his coworkers. 我看不惯他对同事那副盛气凌人的态度。 9. He had a truculent set to his mouth. 而他除了消受,还有什么办法? 10. I remember her bringing me up to a truculent and red-faced old gentleman covered all over with orders and ribbons. 我记得她曾带我去见一个面目狰狞的红脸膛老绅士,身上挂满了勋章和绶带。 11. His demagogues, who bear names like Aaron Blue-Skin, are as meanly truculent as Cooper's Anti-Renters. 他笔下那些煽风点火的政客,诸如蓝皮艾伦之流,卑鄙残忍不下于库珀的抗租者。 12. He passes, struck by the stare of truculent Wellington, but in the convex mirror grin unstruck the bonham eyes and fatchuck cheekchops of Jollypoldy the rixdix doldy. 骠悍的威灵顿瞪着双目,吓得他赶紧走过去,然而映在凸面镜里那小猪眼睛肥下巴胖脸蛋儿、快快活活的波尔迪,逗乐的笨蛋,笑嘻嘻的,却丝毫也没让他受惊。 13. truculent 13. Now the wilderness of the Department, climbing slightly higher ridge, Si Wang Everywhere you look at everything, diffuse wild pomegranate boundless forest, and occasionally burst of wind and off, the waves with the wind coming, long and truculent, leisurely more layers, this time will be There is a broad vision suddenly faced with the Bureau of Panorama will be a kind of illusion. 现在旷野之处,攀上稍高的田埂,举目四望放眼一切,漫野的石榴林无边无际,偶尔一阵风吹而过,浪随风涌来,漫漫且汹汹,悠悠更层层,此时便有一种豁然开阔的视界,面临这种便有种局临天下的幻想。 14. truculent 14. Martin came back and looked at the beady eyes, sneering, truculent, cowardly, and there leaped into his vision, as on a screen, the same eyes when their owner was making a sale in the store below - subservient eyes, smug, and oily, and flattering 马丁回过神来,看见了那对含讥带讽、专横却又怯懦的小眼睛。另一对眼睛像在银幕上一样映入了他的眼帘:希金波坦在楼下商店里做生意时的眼睛:讨好、吹嘘、油滑、奉承。到中国译典经典版本中查找关于smug的最新解释和例句。。。。 15. Gerald was likable, and the neighbors learned in time what the children, Negroes and dogs discovered at first sight, that a kind heart, a ready and sympathetic ear and an open pocketbook lurked just behind his bawling voice and his truculent manner. 杰拉尔德是可爱的,邻居们很快便知道,连他们的孩子,黑奴和狗都一眼就看出这个尽管大喊大叫,举止粗野,但实际上是个好心肠的人,慷慨大方,乐意倾听别人的话。 16. He was a truculent and quarrelsome man. 他是一个脾气爆爱争吵的人。 17. If he behaves in that truculent fashion again, send him to me, and I'll dress him down 如果你再那样飞扬跋扈,把他给我叫来,我要训他一顿。 18. truculent 18. Small wonder the United Auto Workers union (UAW) is less truculent than before. 难怪美国汽车工人联合会(UAW)不像以前那样气势汹汹,咄咄逼人了。 19. He was in no truculent state of mind now. His viciousness is beyond our conception. 这会儿他心肠一点也不狠毒了。他的狠毒非我们所能想像。 20. They have been particularly truculent when defending unpopular causes such as civil liberties. 他们在保卫诸如公民自由权等不受欢迎的决议时表现得格外勇猛。 truculent 词典解释 1. 暴躁的;易怒的;好斗的;尖刻的 If you say that someone is truculent, you mean that they are bad-tempered and aggressive. truculence 'Your secretary said you'd be wanting a cleaner,' she announced with her usual truculence. “你的秘书说你想要个清洁工,”她用惯常的挑衅口吻说道。truculent 单语例句 1. Some commentators say the Russian leadership's truculent mood is also reflected in this week's tough message to foreign investors in the huge oil sector. truculent 英英释义 adj 1. defiantly aggressive e.g. a truculent speech against the new government |
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