单词 | turn up |
释义 | turn up [英 [t?:n ?p] 美 [t?n ?p] ] turn up的意思、解释 turn up 基本解释 出现; 翻起; 开大; (尤指失去后偶然)被发现 turn up是什么意思 turn up 情景对话 失物招领处 A:Excuse me, could you help me? 对不起,能不能帮我一个忙? turn up的近义词 B:Yes. What seems to be the problem? 好的。有什么问题吗? turn up在线翻译 A:Well, I was wondering if anyone has turned in a passport. 我想知道是否有人交来一本护照。 B:Im afraid not. Have you lost your passport? 恐怕没有。你遗失了护照? A:I think so. I cant find it anywhere in my hotel room, and I remember the last place I used it yesterday was in this department store. 我想是的。我在饭店的房间里都找不到。我记得昨天最后用护照的地方是在这百货公司。 B:Where exactly did you use your passport in the store? 你在百货公司什么确切的地方用过护照呢? A:In the suit-dress department. I had to show it to pay for these dresses with my travelers checks. 在女装销售部。我用信用卡买衣服的时候必须给他们看护照。 B:Well, let me call the suit-dress department to see if theyve found a passport.Sorry-your passports not been turned in there, either. 这样的话,我打电话给该部门,看看他们有没有捡到护照。对不起---你的护照也没被交到那边。 A:Then what shall I do? 那我该怎么办呢? B:You can fill in this lost property report, and Ill keep my eye out for it. Those kinds of things usually turn up eventually, but I suggest you contact your embassy and tell them about your situation, so they can issue you a new passport in case it doesnt show up. 你来填这张遗失报告表,我会替你留意的。像这样的东西,最后总是会出现的。但我建议你跟你们的大使馆联系并把你的情形告诉他们。万一你的护照找不到的话,他们会给你补发新护照的。 A:Youre right. Do you have a pen? 你说得对。你有没有笔? turn up B:Here you are. 请用。 turn up什么意思 A:Oh, I seem to lose something every time I travel. 唉!我好象每次旅行都会丢些东西。 Dance A:Do you think you could go over that new dance with me again? I missed the last class and don’t want to fall behind. 你可不可以再和我一起复习一下那个新舞蹈?我错过了上节课,但不想落下。 B:Sure. Let’s start with a little stretch. Stand up straight, breathe in, and lift your hands over your head. 可以。让我们先伸展一下。起立站直,吸气,手举过头顶。 A:Like this? 像这样吗? B:Yes. Now, breathe out and push your hands back down by your sides. Breathe in… and breathe out.Now, bend over and touch your toes. Hold it. Repeat… 是的。现在呼气,把手放回身体俩侧。吸气…再呼气。然后,弯腰触摸脚趾,坚持住,重复… turn up A:I think I’m warmed up now. 我想我已做好热身活动了。 B:To start then, walk sideways to your right three steps. Jump up. Turn around. Then, walk sideways to your right another three steps. Jump up and turn around. Got it? 现在开始,向自己的右侧走三步,向上跳,转身,然后再向右走三步。向上跳,转身。学会了吗? A:Yes, but what are we supposed to do with our hands? 学会了。可是我们的手应该怎么做呢? B:Keep them by your side. When we jump up, shake them in front of you. 把手保持在身体的俩侧,当你向上跳时向你的前方挥手。 A:That’s pretty easy. What’s next? 这太简单了。接下来做什么? B:We do that three times. Then, lift your left leg up to your right hand three times. Jump. Lift your right leg up to your left arm three times. Jump. 我们做三遍这个动作,然后抬起左脚去够你的右手三次。跳,抬起右腿去够左臂三次。跳。 A:Is this right? 是这样吗? B:Yes, just make sure that you keep your back straight. 对。注意保持你的背部挺直。 turn up的意思 A:How many times do we repeat this? 我们重复做几遍? B:Three times as well. Then we do the first set again. 也做三遍。然后我们再做第一套。 A:Ok, I think I’ve got it. Thanks, Moira! 好吧,我想我会了。谢谢你,莫伊拉。 turn up B:Not a problem. 不客气。 turn up 网络解释 1. 露面:11 A 词义比较 在作者露面(turn up)的时间里. turn up出现;来临;露面;drive out驾车外出, 逐出;go away走开,离开;come out 出来. 13 A 逻辑推理常识运用 作者对自己的不准时、不守信和撒谎感到的不应该是恐惧害怕(frightened), 2. 出现:turn to 求助于、借助于 | turn up 出现 | take turns 轮流 3. turn up 3. 开大:Turn down 关小 | Turn up 开大 | Turn off 关 4. 调大:turn down 调小 | turn up 调大 | turn off 关掉 turn up 双语例句 1. In the past all the great masters in one voice used to say that until we`ve given up the illusion of the reality of the futility of this life totally then we can`t really turn our minds to the reality of the Dharma. 过去所有伟大的上师都曾同出一辞地告诉我们,除非我们能完全地放弃这个幻相,认识到此生的虚幻,我们才能真正认识到佛法的真相。 2. God forgives all of His children who have strayed off the path of righteousness, but in order to be forgiven you have to turn to God and ask His forgiveness, and give up your dirty deeds and work to offset what you have done. 上帝原谅他的所有的误入歧途的孩子,但为了得到宽恕你必须转向上帝,请求他的宽恕,并金盆洗手,将功赎罪。 3. Cold'.''in a stage whisper that was intended to make them turn the heating up. 冷'。'',意思是要他们把暖气开大点。 4. My wife said she was cold in a stage whisper that was intended to make them turn the heating up. 我妻子用有意让别人能听见的耳语说她很冷,意思是要他们把暖气开大点。 5. But if I turn up dead, and you have no alibi... 但要是我死了,你没有办法开脱的。。。 6. Documents of documents Please list, making stores goods warehouse to turn into library, every order confirmation of the goods, and the arrival of the goods at the goods at work, the pick-up DaZhi statistics, the daily and monthly inventory stock statements for doing Storage department JianZhuang cosfre According to the requirement that the goods Michael head certifying that the number and type, the number of such information, supervision and forklift truck packing, arrange cargo security, reasonable position after completion of packing cosfre JianZhuang fill in form Hobbies: interest are good at computer applications, computer hardware and software have mastered 单证部 单证员制作门店商品请货单,转仓单,对每天进库商品的定单进行预约收货,并在货物到达时进行收货单的打制工作,统计每天的库存进出情况,用于每月做库存报表仓储部拼箱监装按装箱单要求确认货麦头,进仓物数量,型号,编号等信息,监督铲车的装箱,安排货物堆放位置合理安全,拼箱装箱完成后填写监装表格兴趣爱好:兴趣方面比较擅长计算机的应用,对计算机的软硬件有一定的掌握 7. 7. When it was my turn, I just got up and went to the counter. 这是第四次,这次是专门给我上课来了。 8. turn up的意思 8. They may assume a strident command- and-control approach or else turn passive — by clamming up, being indirect, failing to ask for what they want or need, and refusing to delegate junior-level tasks and responsibilities. 她们可能会采取强硬的命令控制方式,也可能转为被动─默不作声、间接、不提出她们的要求或需要、拒绝把较低阶的任务和责任分派出去。 9. 9. They may assume a strident command-and-control approach or else turn passive by clamming up ( If someone clams up, they stop talking, often because they are shy or to avoid giving away secrets. 她们可能会采取强硬的命令控制方式,也可能转为被动─默不作声、间接、不提出她们的要求或需要、拒绝把较低阶的任务和责任分派出去。 10. Mine said Cardiff had seen, so you go to the mine to investigate and take the village to speak before and can get 20 minerals, out of the village, the female protagonist to a wing talisman, talismanic role is to bring to the protagonist have been filed, and that is unlimited, and这下可to fly around you, ha ha, now get to go watch the Cliff mine, the use of magic to be flying after the wind pocket watch, and then to the lower-left corner of the village houses and the old lady to speak to him to watch Baozhu can be jack-o'-lantern is a light bulb, and then flew to the mine Charm wing former warehouse, go right of the door, the door has been opened mine husband, and here好黑ah, who you to turn on the light, no wrong equipment Baozhu jack-o'-lantern, you light to enter, which has been left in the end go, and then enter the Shihmen been the mission of the stone, POWER UP Institute of Erlian jump, cool!! 矿夫说看见过,于是就去矿场调查啦,走之前和村长说话,可得二十个矿石,出村庄后,女主角给了主角一个翼护符,护符的作用是把主角带到去过的存档处,而且是无限次的,这下可以到处飞啦,哈哈,现在先去矿场拿怀表的断崖处,用飞后风魔法得到怀表,然后到村庄最左下角的房子和老太太说话把怀表给他可以得到鬼火宝珠,就是灯泡一个,然后用翼护符飞到矿场的仓库前,走右上的门,矿夫把门已经打开了,这里好黑啊,谁把灯打开呀,没错,装备鬼火宝珠,亮啦,进入后,一直往左走到底,然后进入石门,得到使命石板,POWER UP学会二连跳,爽!! 11. Along with many medium-sized cities nationwide housing prices turn up, Wenzhou Mission real estate seem to have become the spoiler From the Chinese property market, house prices were soaring, the chief culprit, some local governments will also be blamed for soaring house prices real estate corporation in Wenzhou. 随着许多大中城市全国房屋价格又上涨,温州团房地产似乎已成为扰流从中国房地产市场,房价飞涨,罪魁祸首,一些地方政府也将造成真正的房价飞涨温州市房地产公司。 12. turn up的解释 12. Culp asked him to turn down his music as he needed to get up early for work the next day. 在他們激烈爭辯之後的幾小時,卡爾普先生和老婆以及另一位鄰居一起走到外面抽菸。 13. They were born and browght up in an unexpe cted turn of times. 他们生逢易代之际,在元朝的统治下都不得志。 14. Chuan Wangsheng shou from the first temple from west to east from the ditch grass ditch called a total distance of about 67 kilometers, along the wooded, Yamahana Kam-up, winding paths, a turn for the better, one stepzhen nai King, King King pleasant. 从第一川望圣寿寺由西向东而来的沟叫草沟,全长约六七公里,沿途林木茂盛,山花缀锦,峰回路转,柳暗花明,真乃一步一景,景景宜人。 15. 15. Never! I turn in at half-past nine every night, and I get up at six in the morning. 他说:`不会啊,我每天三餐定时定量,多一粒米也不吃。 16. Never! I turn in at half-past nine every night, and I get up at six in the morning. This is my daily routine, without the slightest exception. 他说:`哪里!我晚上九点半就睡觉了,早上六点就起床,每天这个样子,一点点都不差。 17. Do you often work late? Do you know that working late is bad for your health? "Never! I turn in at half-past nine every night, and I get up at six in the morning. This is my daily routine, without the slightest exception. 然后医生再问:`那你是不是经常熬夜熬夜对身体不好,你知道么`他说:`哪里--偶晚上九点半就睡觉了,早上六点就起床,天天这个样子,一点点都不差。 18. I turn my camera up, hope to catch this crystal cold air in my lens. 我把镜头对向夜空,希望能够拍下这通透的冷的空气。 19. At the same time, multi-line (up to 4) and around; increased radial compaction bodies; of each release tension lines to carry out an independent control set, so neatly arranged winding wire, turn to turn a close uniform current density distribution. 同时采用多线(最多4根)并绕;增加径向压紧机构;对每根放线盘进行张力独立控制,从而使绕组导线排列整齐、匝间紧密均匀、电流密度分布均匀。 20. Where more than two people's courts seal up the same land use right or house, the departments of land and resources or real estate administration shall, after handling the registration formalities for seizure by the people's court who is the first to serve notice on assistance in execution, make seizure registration in turn on the people's court who handles seizure registration later, and inform in writing the facts that the land use right or house has been sealed up by other people's courts and the relevant conditions of seizure. 十九、两个以上人民法院对同一宗土地使用权、房屋进行查封的,国土资源、房地产管理部门为首先送达协助执行通知书的人民法院办理查封登记手续后,对后来办理查封登记的人民法院作轮候查封登记,并书面告知该土地使用权、房屋已被其他人民法院查封的事实及查封的有关情况。 turn up 词典解释 1. (常指出其不意地或经长久等待后)出现,到来,露面 If you say that someone or something turns up, you mean that they arrive, often unexpectedly or after you have been waiting a long time. e.g. Richard had turned up on Christmas Eve with Tony... 理查德和托尼在圣诞夜一道露面了。 e.g. This is similar to waiting for a bus that never turns up. 这就跟等待一辆永远等不到的公共汽车差不多。 2. 找出;发现;注意到;出现 If you turn something up or if it turns up, you find, discover, or notice it. e.g. Investigations have never turned up any evidence. 调查从没发现任何证据。 e.g. ...a very rare 15th-Century spoon, which turned up in an old house in Devon. 在德文郡一座老房子里发现的一把非常珍贵的 15 世纪的勺子 3. 开大,调高(收音机、暖气等) When you turn up a radio, heater, or other piece of equipment, you increase the amount of sound, heat, or power being produced, by adjusting the controls. turn up的翻译 e.g. Bill would turn up the TV in the other room... 比尔会把另一个房间里的电视声音开大。 e.g. I turned the volume up... 我调高了音量。 turn up 单语例句turn up 1. And could they have mysteriously disappeared for 20 years, only to turn up by chance in a Tel Aviv laboratory? 2. Even after opening a new route, it can take up to two years before it begins to turn profitable. 3. The state's background check failed to turn up his history of mental illness in each of the two sales. 4. An almost equal number of males has signed up, but those who actually turn up to class are much fewer than their female counterparts. 5. The landlord and his hired hand turn into equals in famine, which runs counter to the theory of class struggle we grew up with. 6. The steps drop steeply in ragged zigzags down one cliff face, only to turn and snake their way up the next. 7. All residents from the county turn up at the pagoda and walk clockwise around the building. 8. To come up with its estimate, the FTC used confidential financial data that it required the companies to turn over. 9. The delayed completion of Wheelock square and Shanghai International Commerce Centre, reduces supply and in turn pushes up the occupancy rate of grade A office place. 10. A warrant had been issued for the arrest of Wong after he failed to turn up in the court on Tuesday. turn up的反义词turn up 英英释义 verb 1. appear or become visible make a showing e.g. She turned up at the funeral I hope the list key is going to surface again Synonym: come oncome outsurfaceshow up 2. bend or lay so that one part covers the other e.g. fold up the newspaper turn up your collar Synonym: foldfold up 3. find by digging in the ground e.g. I dug up an old box in the garden Synonym: excavatedig up 4. discover the location of determine the place of find by searching or examining e.g. Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest? My search turned up nothing Synonym: locate 5. be shown or be found to be e.g. She proved to be right The medicine turned out to save her life She turned up HIV positive Synonym: proveturn out |
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