单词 | typhus |
释义 | typhus [英 [?ta?f?s] 美 [?ta?f?s] ] typhus的意思、解释 typhus 基本解释 名词斑疹伤寒 typhus typhus 网络解释 1. 斑疹伤寒症:typhopaludism 伤寒型疟疾 | typhus 斑疹伤寒症 | typicalprototypesquintessencerepresentativerepresentativenesstypic 典型 2. typhus的反义词 2. 斑疹作寒:diphtheria 白喉 | typhus 斑疹作寒 | typhoid 伤寒 typhus 双语例句 1. Ann G. Carmichael, MD, PhD, maintains that the bubonic bacillus, Yersinia pestis, was most certainly a factor in the outbreak of plague, but, at the same time, the fearsome reputation of the Black Death may have hidden or deemphasized the emergence of other interacting epidemics such as smallpox, influenza, anthrax, typhus, meningococcemia, mycosis, and acute diarrheal diseases. 医学博士安妮·G·喀米舍尔认为,耶尔森氏菌最有可能是瘟疫爆发的一个因素,但是黑死病令人胆颤的大名可能使得其他一些相互影响的传染病被人们所忽视,比如天花、流行性感冒、炭疽、斑疹伤寒症、脑膜炎球菌血症、真菌病以及急性腹泻等等。 2. The body louse, usually found on inner clothing seams, is the only proven vector of louse-borne typhus and epidemic relapsing fever. 通常发现于内衣衣服接缝中的体虱是唯一被证明传播虱播伤寒和传染性回归热的载体。 3. It is very urgent to develop novel vaccine against scrub typhus. 56kDa和47kDa蛋白是恙虫病东方体的主要外膜蛋白。 4. typhus什么意思 4. Both 47- and 56-kDa proteins are considered as the major surface proteins of Ot, which has a potential importance in development of subunit vaccine against scrub typhus. 研究证明,这两种外膜蛋白均存在菌体表面并具有良好的免疫原性,已成为恙虫病东方体亚单位疫苗的重要候选分子。58kDa蛋白是恙虫病东方体的热休克蛋白,属于Hsp60家族。 5. Onlythe Yale University medical school, the nursing institute and assistant doctor the project requested the student to vaccinate specially parotitis vaccine, smallpox vaccine, the second grade hepatitis vaccine, tetanus vaccine, the infantile paralysis vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine (or hepatitisA and hepatitis B combination vaccine), typhus vaccine, yellow fever vaccine and the Japanese second grade encephalitis vaccine, as well as provides the hepatitis B blood to examine list and the tuberculin check list (tuberculin exceed the allowed figure also needs to provide chest X light check list). 只有耶鲁大学医学院、护理学院和助理医师项目特别要求学生接种过腮腺炎疫苗、天花疫苗、乙型肝炎疫苗、破伤风疫苗、小儿麻痹症疫苗、甲肝疫苗、伤寒疫苗、黄热病疫苗和日本乙型脑炎疫苗,以及提供乙肝血检单和结核菌素检查单(结核菌素超标者还需要提供胸部X光检查单)。 6. Typhus:Any of a group of related diseases caused by various species of rickettsia that release toxins into the blood. 斑疹伤寒:因不同种类的立克次体释放毒素至血液中而引起的一系列相关疾病。 7. typhus的翻译 7. Typhus:Any of a group of related disease s caused by various species of rickettsia that release toxins into the blood. 斑疹伤寒:因不同种类的立克次体释放毒素至血液中而引起的一系列相关疾病。 8. Typhus:Any of a group of related diseases caused by various species of rickettsia that release toxin s into the blood. 斑疹伤寒:因不同种类的立克次体释放毒素至血液中而引起的一系列相关疾病。 9. typhus 9. If we have typhus it may spread to your camp. 如果我们有伤寒可能会传到你的营地 10. 10. There Have Been No Other Outbreaks Of Typhus In This Area. 伤寒没有在这个地区的其他地方出现 11. Objective:To analyse the value of two tests used in the diagnosis of murine typhus. 目的:分析2种血清学诊断方法在斑疹伤寒诊断上的应用价值。 12. Those who do not see them are in their hands, just as a typhus epidemic flourishes best when its source is undiscovered. 那些没有看见他们的人也由它们掌握着,就像伤寒的流行最为活跃是在它的传染源未被发现时。 13. typhus在线翻译 13. Epidemic typhus is passed from human to human by the body louse. 流行性斑疹伤寒是由体虱在人与人之间传播的。 14. Epidemic typhus exists in highland populations in Africa and South America. 该病多发于非洲与南美洲等地的高原人群。 15. carries on the epidemiology analysis to the Xichang 1994~2004 year typhus epidemic situation material. 对西昌市1994~2004年伤寒疫情资料进行流行病学分析。 16. typhus 16. In February 1945, the situation at Bergen-Belsen became catastrophic when a typhus epidemic broke out in the crowded camp where a typhoid epidemic was already claiming thousands of lives. 1945年2月形势在贝尔根-贝尔森成为灾难时,伤寒爆发流行,在拥挤的难民营凡伤寒疫情已经造成数千人的生命。 17. Incidents of epidemic typhus occur during the winter months when laundering of louse-infested clothing is absent and person-to-person spread of lice is common. 该病的易发期多在带虱衣物较少清洗的冬天,另外或通过虱子在人与人之间传播。 18. Under normal growth period, there is no significant difference among cannas, typhus, juncos and water bamboo. 美人蕉、香蒲、灯心草和水竹在正常生长期内对污染物的去除效果之间无明显差异。 19. 19. Certain species of fleas have been known to transmit such diseases as bubonic plague and murine typhus. 某些种类的跳蚤已众所周知,转递等疾病的鼠疫和斑疹伤寒。 20. typhus是什么意思 20. Murine typhus'''is relatively common throughout the world and is transmitted by fleas. 头痛,皮疹。所有类型的斑疹伤寒症都可由类似的抗生素组合治疗。 typhus 词典解释 1. 斑疹伤寒 Typhus is a serious infectious disease that produces spots on the skin, a high fever, and a severe headache. typhus 单语例句typhus的意思 1. Five people in Nanjing in East China's Jiangsu province have been diagnosed with scrub typhus, a disease that killed two females in Guangzhou this year. 2. He said it was the first ever tropical typhus outbreak in Fuyang. 3. She was born in Wuhu in 1908 and left in 1913, after Edgerton Hart died of typhus. typhus 英英释义 noun 1. rickettsial disease transmitted by body lice and characterized by skin rash and high fever Synonym: typhus fever |
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