单词 | unavoidable |
释义 | unavoidable [英 [??n??v??d?bl] 美 [??n??v??d?b?l] ] unavoidable的意思、解释 unavoidable 基本解释 形容词不免; 不可避免的,不得已的; 不能废除的,不能废除的,不能取消的; 必不可免 unavoidable 同义词 unavoidable是什么意思 形容词inescapableineluctableinevitablesurecertain unavoidable 反义词 形容词avoidable unavoidable 相关例句 形容词 1. unavoidable的解释 1. This delay was unavoidable. 这次耽搁是无法避免的。 unavoidable 网络解释 1. unavoidable在线翻译 1. 不可避免的:其他人则认为:衰老是人体组织新陈代谢(metabolism)不可避免的(unavoidable)结果;还有其他人认为:很大程度上,衰老问题无关紧要(irrelevant),因为几乎没有野生动物的机体衰老过. 2. unavoidable是什么意思 2. 不可避免:反之,当出现大的负面供给冲击时,为了防止国民收入的过度下降,央行应适当提高物价稳定标准的上限门槛,容忍稍高程度的物价上涨(具体如70年代的联邦德国经济)(这种因外部负面冲击而带来的物价上涨,在德国曾被称为是不可避免(unavoidable)的通货膨胀). 3. unavoidable的解释 3. 无法避免的:在最后一段,作者指出,不安全感与自我怀疑不仅是无法避免的(unavoidable),而且是必要的,否则,我们就无法变化、发展. 关键是要敢于面对(confront)并克服这种心理,如果我们一味地求安全,就不会有所长进, 4. unavoidable的解释 4. 不能避免:不能预见 unforeseeable; unpredictable | 不能避免 unavoidable | 犯罪动机 criminal motive unavoidable 双语例句 1. In the process of using computer, it is unavoidable to meet some difficulties in input method. 而使用计算机,不可避免地遇到汉字输入的问题。 2. unavoidable 2. But the unavoidable conclusion is that the consumer-spending power needed to fuel a sharp rebound in the economy just isn't there. 但是,一个不可避免的结论是,足以推动经济大幅反弹的消费者的支出能力目前尚不存在。 3. unavoidable的解释 3. The Pu with breathed hard rock attacks to fall in his foot, face of gentle breeze Buddha, the soughing of the wind in the pines is chanted gently, brown bear is unavoidable some are actuation: Lose a hand and stand, look around all around, ask the world abandons me its who? 顽石无声的匍扑在他的脚下夜幕笼罩了寂寞空旷的大地,起伏的山峦与葱葱的树木都变得朦胧、虚拟起来。一只雄性的棕熊屹立在苍茫的天与地之间。顽石无声的匍扑在他的脚下,微风佛面,松涛轻咏,棕熊不免有些冲动:负手而立,环顾四周,问天下舍我其谁? 4. unavoidable 4. Automobiles have been designed which operate on liquid hydrogen, but these system give rise to seemingly unavoidable problems arising from the handling of a cryogenic liqu id. 虽然已经设计出液氢驱动的汽车,但是这些系统带来一些由如何处理低温液体而引发的似乎难以回避的问题。 5. But sometimes, it is unavoidable in such a calamitous country. 让我想起了许多过去的事情,蛮有意思的。 6. And is in China of developing countries, the likewise unavoidable one welcomes cybereconomy era. 而处于发展中国家的中国,同样不可避免的迎来了网络经济时代。 7. 7. Because the machine is in error is that each brand manufacturers are unavoidable. 因为机械的差错是每个品牌的厂家都是不免的。 8. The hyphen is used more often in routine and occasional couplings, especially when reference to the sense of the separate elements is considered important or unavoidable, as in ankle-bone. 连字符用在一般性和偶然性的匹配中更为常见,尤其当涉及到的独立语素被认为是非常重要的或不可省略的时候,如ankle-bone。 9. This is especially unavoidable in cases where the actual rendering process is too complex and time consuming to repeat on demand. 尤其是不可避免的情况下,实际渲染过程过于复杂和耗费时间的重复需求。 10. If a wait is unavoidable, provide a load time sequence with aprogress indicator, and have navigation load in the first 5 seconds wheneverpossible. 如果一个等待是不可避免的,提供一个下载时间进度条,尽可能的使导航在最初五秒内载入完成。 11. When you come to Jesus Christ, one thing is inevitable and unavoidable and you cannot sidestep it. 当你归向主耶稣基督,有一件事情是无法避免的,16。 12. The loss is unavoidable that caused by the disk disaster, for the reason of centralized management of basic storage units. 数据恢复是尚未克服的难题,由于众多文件系统对基本存储单元的集中管理,使得磁盘灾难带来的损失不可挽回。 13. Sad is unavoidable, happy short, but we want the happy life, even if such short!!! 伤心是难免的,开心的短暂的,但我们要开心的生活,哪怕就那么的短暂!!! 14. In such case, mixture of two oil porducts is unavoidable. What is required of the administrative and operating personel i's that they must know very well the mixing law, accurately calculate the quantity of the mixed oil, and cut it off in time. 在这种工况中,两种油品发生一定程度的混合是难免的,这就要求管理和操作人员必须熟练地掌握混油规律,准确地计算混油量,不失时机地切割混油段。 15. Some hurts are unavoidable in my life, maybe it is the evidence of the favor granted by you... 我在那上班,但是对于你的问题,我只能回答一个:商住都有 16. unavoidable的反义词 16. This matter, I am careless careless can no longer be underestimated, carefully cultivating the child's ability is not a trivial matter in the future to engage in any work is unavoidable carefully. 这件事,让我感到粗心马虎已经不能小觑,培养孩子的细心能力不是一件小事,将来从事任何工作都少不了细心。 17. He cowered a little before his nominal son-in-law, a squire's son and a returned student. Today's talk was a distasteful but unavoidable duty. 周经理见了这挂名姑爷,乡绅的儿子,留洋学生,有点畏闪,今天的谈话,是义不容辞,而心非所乐。 18. 18. However, the most recent edition of these was more than twenty years ago, and because of the early date of these publications, problems were unavoidable. 然而亦毋庸讳言,这些教材因编撰年代较早,最近的一次修编也是在二十余年前,故存在问题在所难免。 19. 19. That's just a part of life and is often unavoidable. 那就是生活的一部分,并且是不可避免的。 20. 20. Thus it can be seen, Transnational Corporation and the home of sovereign state are two different benefit main parts, leading to the discrepancy of goal, that is unavoidable, so it causes control and anti-control between government and Transnational Corporations. 由此可见,跨国公司和主权国家是两种不同的利益主体,由于追求目标的差异而导致两者之间利益上的矛盾,乃至冲突是不可避免的,由此也引发了政府与跨国公司之间的控制与反控制。 unavoidable 词典解释 1. 不可避免的;无法阻止的 If something is unavoidable, it cannot be avoided or prevented. e.g. Managers said the job losses were unavoidable... 经理们说裁员是不可避免的。 e.g. The recession has resulted in an unavoidable increase in spending on unemployment benefit. 经济萧条导致失业救济金的支出不可避免地增加。 unavoidably Prince Khalid was unavoidably detained in Saudi Arabia. 哈利德王子不可避免地被扣押在了沙特阿拉伯。unavoidable 单语例句 1. Wu said he understood provisional duties were unavoidable but was more worried about a possible chain reaction from the EU rulings. 2. As the gangs continually jockeyed for position within their schools, fights were unavoidable since they were the basic way of demonstrating strength. 3. " Mining accidents are not unavoidable but controllable, " Chen said. 4. Zhang added that a short term correction is " unavoidable " if the market grows at its current pace. 5. As the prices of industrial raw materials rise greatly, an overall rise in the cost of agricultural products becomes unavoidable. 6. But unavoidable is a slowdown of the credit expansion if the national economy is not to be caught between rising bad loans and vicious inflation. 7. The IMF argued a haircut on debt held by official creditors would be an unavoidable option. 8. He added that it is unavoidable to witness a rise of the debt level in times of economic crisis. 9. Pollution, smoggy skies and degraded lands were taken by many as the unavoidable price of progress. 10. A number of important matters have already been touched upon and some major adjustments of property ownership and interest distribution patterns have become unavoidable. |
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