单词 | pat |
释义 | pat [英 [p?t] 美 [p?t] ] pat的意思、解释 过去式:patted; 过去分词:patted; 现在分词:patting; 复数形式:pats; pat 基本解释 及物/不及物动词轻拍,爱抚; 拍成,拍至 名词轻拍; 轻拍某物发出的声音; 小团,小块 形容词恰好的,适当的; 熟练的; 过于巧合的,人为的; 快活的,活泼的 及物动词表扬,称赞(某人/自己) pat的意思 pat 相关例句 形容词 1. His excuse was too pat for us to believe. 他的理由来得太巧合,令我们很难相信。 2. This is a pat answer. 这是妥贴的回答。 副词 1. The little boy recited the text pat. 那小男孩流利地背诵了这篇课文。 及物动词 1. The headmaster patted the pupil on the shoulder. 校长轻轻拍拍那个学生的肩膀。 pat 情景对话 Skin somebody alive-(活剥某人的皮) A:What happened to Pat this morning? I saw him leave the classroom soon after the exam began. 帕特上午怎么了?我见他考试一开始就离开了教室。 B:He was found cheating and was driven out. 他被发现作弊,被老师赶了出来。 pat在线翻译 A:If the principal caught him cheating, he would skin him alive. 如果校长发现他作弊的话,会活剥了他他的皮。 pat 网络解释 1. 税后利润:净利润中的一部分以红利的形式分给股东:另外一部分以留存收益的形式重新投入公司. 再减去公司所得税,就得到公司的税后利润 (PAT) 或者净利润. 净利润中的一部分以红利的形式分给股东:另外一部分以留存收益的形式重新投入公司. 2. 轻拍:在他的身后,是另外一头 dragon--PLO(巴勒斯坦解放组织),布什对它却安抚有加,正在轻拍(pat)它的头. 显然,漫画作者是在批评美国政府对不同的恐怖主义势力采取不同的态度和行动. 早在上世纪四十年代, 3. 阵发性房性心动过速:阵发性房性心动过速(PAT)是在心房内触发,突然发生的一组规则的、快速的心率(频率160~200次/分). 病态窦房结综合征(SSS)包括心脏自然起搏功能的广泛异常. 4. pat 4. pat:potassium antimonyl tartrate; 酒石酸锑钾 5. pat:positron annihilation technology; 正电子湮灭技术 6. pat 6. pat:program association table; 节目关联表 7. 7. pat:principal axis transformation; 主轴变换 pat 双语例句 1. Pat ie nt: Can you sell me penicillin? 病人:你能不能卖我一些盘尼西宁? 2. 2. To learn more about Sencha, see Pat Graham`s book Tea of the Sages: The Art of Sencha. 若要了解更多关于Sencha ,见八格雷厄姆的书茶的先哲:艺术Sencha 。 3. The Dead Will Walk - An all-new 75-minute documentary featuring interviews with cast and crew members Claudio Argento, Dario Argento, Pat Buba, Tony Buba, Zilla Clinton, David Crawford, David Early, David Emge, Ken Foree, Michael Gornick, John Harrison, Clayton Hill, Sharon Ceccatti-Hill, Jim Krut, Leonard Lies, Scott H. 僵尸行走-75分钟记录片和全体演职员访谈特辑:克劳帝欧·阿基多,达里欧·阿吉恩图,帕特·布巴,托尼·布巴,兹拉·克林顿,戴维·克劳弗,戴维·厄尔利,戴维·埃姆盖,肯·肯,米高·哥历克,约翰·哈里逊,克莱顿·希尔,莎伦·希凯特-希尔,吉姆·库特,罗纳德·丽斯,斯科特·H。 4. pat什么意思 4. The beginning of a new China health district, four rural androu yuan District One, two, seven, Pat Heung. 新中国建立初属建康区三、四乡和柔远区一、二、七、八乡。1955年撤区并乡,境内设果园、巷道、小寺3个乡。1958年公社化后属城关人民公社。1961年从城关公社划出,成立巷道、小寺2个公社。1964年,巷道、小寺公社合并为巷道公社。1983年改为巷道乡。 5. If you find it troublesome, large left facial cream can be touching the neck, rubbing the palm absorbed attention first, with its circle of forms, from the central cervical smear out evenly, then pat massage from the collarbone up, until the jaw. 如果嫌麻烦,大可用擦脸剩下的乳霜摸在脖子上,注意先在手心揉匀后,以画圈方式,由颈部中央向外涂抹均匀,再从锁骨往上轻拍按摩,直到下颚。 6. There are a group of pictures inside, recorded one of two girls friendship small episode, it is after the event fills pat. 里面有一组照片,记录了两个女孩友谊中的一段小插曲,是事后补拍的。 7. The target appears, hero developed the past instantly, odd genu genuflect is before Yi Ren, both hands Feng Shanggong is colourful the rose that admire is held in both hands greatly, the friend that ambuscades aside also takes out watch for a chance pat madly, here romantic setting falls, heroine is moved deeply, a paragraph of the fate brings lovers together is knocked at this point calm. 目标一出现,男主角立即冲了过去,单膝跪在伊人面前,双手奉上红艳艳的玫瑰花一大捧,一旁埋伏的朋友也拿出相机一阵狂拍,在此浪漫的背景下,女主角被深深打动,一段姻缘就此敲定。 8. In the New Age there is the'transmission into Higher Consciousness'through the close proximity of a Guru, or Shakti pat, Shakti pat comes from Hinduism, shakti meaning power. 在新纪元运动这称为「转向高层意识」,通过密切地亲近灵性导师或者夏克提帕特/灵力触传导师夏克提帕特/灵力触传导师是来自印度教的概念,夏克提解作力量。 9. pat的反义词 9. Pat Morror Morris is program director at Women for Women International. Pat Morris是这个妇女互助国际组织项目的负责人。 10. The benefit, says Pat Cowman, president of Datadot Technology Canada, is that it's a national system and can identify bikes stolen in Toronto that might end up for sale in Montreal or Ottawa. 加拿大Datadot技术的总裁Pat Cowman说,微粒的优点是它是一个全国的系统,并且可以辨认出在多伦多遭窃或是在蒙特利尔或渥太华被转售的自行车。 11. 11. He used to pat her and say, 'Well, old Pet, and how is your little Darkie? 他常拍拍她说:喂,老宝贝,你的小黑好吗? 12. Televangelist Pat Robertson says Republican Rudy Giuliani will cast a hopeful vision for all Americans. 电视福音传道的Pat Robertson 说共和党人Rudy Giuliani 将会给所有的美国人带来充满希望的前景。 13. It was founded in 1977 as an extension of televangelist Pat Robertson's ministry, and eventually evolved into The Family Channel. ABC家庭频道成立于1977年,作为电视福音传道者Pat Roberston的一个扩展部门,后来并入了家庭频道。 14. Such as rapacious as a wolf and savage as a cur, be damned snobbish as a dog, greedy cat, cat crying over the mouse`s death- hypocritical show of sorrow or sympathy, stupid swine, blow an ox-boast, and pat the horse on the bottom-soft –soap. 比如,狼心狗肺、狗眼看人低、馋猫、猫哭耗子——假慈悲、蠢猪、吹牛、拍马屁等等。到中国译典经典版本中查找关于hypocritical的最新解释和例句。。。。 15. Such as rapacious as a wolf and savage as a cur, be damned snobbish as a dog, greedy cat, cat crying over the mouse`s death-hypocritical show of sorrow or sympathy, stupid swine, blow an ox-boast, and pat the horse on the bottom-soft –soap. 比如,狼心狗肺、狗眼看人低、馋猫、猫哭耗子——假慈悲、蠢猪、吹牛、拍马屁等等。 16. 16. He took one s ip of the wine and s pat it out. 他抿了一口酒,又吐了出来。 17. pat的近义词 17. Usage: Apply proper amount onto face, gently pat skin till thoroughly absorbed. It has better effect to use together with products of same series. 使用方法:取適量均勻塗抹於面部,輕輕拍打按摩至肌膚充分吸收即可,配合同系列産品使用效果更佳。 18. 18. But this is not the time to pat ourselves on the back. 但是,这是没有时间到拍拍自己的背。 19. pat的近义词 19. Right, I think you can go and pat him now. 好了,我想你现在可以上前拍拍他了。 20. pat 20. Of course I like Pat. She's your wife. 我当然喜欢她,她是你的妻子 pat 词典解释 1. 轻拍;轻敲 If you pat something or someone, you tap them lightly, usually with your hand held flat. e.g. 'Don't you worry about any of this,' she said patting me on the knee... “这个你什么都不用担心,”她轻拍着我的膝盖说。 e.g. The landlady patted her hair nervously... 女房东焦虑地轻抚着她的头发。 2. (黄油等的)小块 A pat of butter or something else that is soft is a small lump of it. 3. 敷衍的;过于简单的 If you say that an answer or explanation is pat, you disapprove of it because it is too simple and sounds as if it has been prepared in advance. pat e.g. There's no pat answer to that... 那个问题不是随随便便就能回答的。 e.g. Despite the film's merits I felt it was too pat. 尽管那部电影不乏亮点,但我还是觉得它过于敷衍了事。 4. 赞许;表扬 If you give someone a pat on the back or if you pat them on the back, you show them that you think they have done well and deserve to be praised. e.g. The players deserve a pat on the back... 球员们值得表扬。 e.g. If you do something well, give yourself a pat on the back. 事情做得漂亮时,给自己一点表扬。 5. 了如指掌;完全掌握 If you have an answer or explanation down pat or off pat, you have prepared and learned it so you are ready to say it at any time. pat e.g. I have my story down pat... 我对自己想好的说法已烂熟于心。 e.g. He had his answer off pat. 他对自己如何作答胸有成竹。 6. 固执己见 If you stand pat, you refuse to change your mind about something. e.g. On the other side, the men stood pat and were unyielding... 在另一方面,那些人固执己见,不肯让步。 e.g. It makes it hard for the Fed to do anything but stand pat till the economy's direction becomes clearer. 这让美联储几乎无计可施,在经济发展方向明朗之前只好硬挺着。 pat 单语例句 1. They were deactivated by coach Pat Riley the day he began an indefinite leave of absence to undergo knee and hip surgery. 2. The actor's perspective on antidepressants echoes that of Scientology, and Cruise became more vocal about his religion after firing longtime publicist Pat Kingsley. 3. Pat the duck back into shape and use toothpicks or bamboo skewers to seal the neck opening and the bottom cavity. 4. Renault were thrown into disarray when Briatore was last week banned from the sport indefinitely and chief engineer Pat Symonds was suspended for five years. 5. Ferrari have been boosted by the arrival last year of former McLaren chief engineer Pat Fry and Red Bull strategist Neil Martin. 6. The driver alleges that Renault team chief Flavio Briatore and chief engineer Pat Symonds ordered him to crash at the Singapore Grand Prix in 2008. 7. Sometimes the old lady comes to pat the python's cold skin when Huang and his children play with her. 8. Coming into the finals, people were comparing him to Miami's Pat Riley. 9. Another big plus is the tactical nous of engineering head Pat Symonds and continuity under the leadership of Flavio Briatore. 10. " BEAUTY CONTEST " Outgoing European Parliament President Pat Cox voiced frustration at the parochial nature of the campaign and the focus on quirky or celebrity candidates. pat 英英释义 noun 1. a light touch or stroke Synonym: tapdab 2. the sound made by a gentle blow Synonym: raptap verb 1. hit lightly e.g. pat him on the shoulder Synonym: dab 2. pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin Synonym: chuck adj 1. exactly suited to the occasion e.g. a pat reply 2. having only superficial plausibility e.g. glib promises a slick commercial Synonym: glibslick adv 1. completely or perfectly e.g. he has the lesson pat had the system down pat |
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