单词 | paternity |
释义 | paternity [英 [p??t?:n?ti] 美 [p??t?:rn?ti] ] paternity的意思、解释 paternity 基本解释 paternity的意思 名词父亲的身份[地位] paternity 网络解释 1. 亲子鉴定:企业道德business ethics | 亲子鉴定paternity | 青少年网络文明公约China National Civilized Net Pact for Youngsters 2. 父亲身分:passport of restricted validity 有效期须受额外限制的护照 | paternity 父亲身分 | pending removal 等候遣离 3. 起源:Measure up to不辜负,符合 | Paternity起源 | Mutation变异,变体 paternity 双语例句 1. paternity的近义词 1. The study aimed to provide the base for hybrid identificationof Patinopecten yessoensis×Chlamys f arreri population and paternity testing in family in great scale. 为进行大规模栉孔扇贝×虾夷扇贝群体的杂种鉴定以及家系中的亲子鉴定提供了基础。 2. 2. However, from a macro point of the observation, we still find paternity has a trend of loss. 但是,从宏观的角度上考察,父性仍呈现失落的趋势。 3. If not for the paternity bet, I never would have taken their D. N. A. 如果不是打他和父母的血缘关系的赌我就不会取他们的DNA 4. The techniques of DNA analysis is very pow3erful for the paternity and individual identification in the field of forensic medicine, We adopted the techniques of PCR co-amplified STR loci, and polyacryl amide gel electrophoreses and silver staining to the case work of paternity and individual identification. 以PCR复合扩增短串联重复序列技术和高分辨率的聚丙烯酸胺凝胶电泳及银染技术对亲子鉴定和个体识别案例的CSF1PO、TPOX和TH01三个位点的基因型进行了分析判别。 5. paternity的意思 5. Objective To evaluate the diversity of combined paternity index of multiple STR lociwhen different population allele frequencies was used to calculate the paternity index. 目的观察中国汉族不同人群STR等位基因频率对联合父权指数的影响。 6. 6. Paternity testing; short tandem repeats; paternity index 亲权鉴定;短串联重复;父权关系指数 7. paternity的反义词 7. Paternity test; paternity index; half sibling index 亲权鉴定;父权指数;半同胞关系指数 8. The method involved the quantitative analyses and comparisons of given reference standard with 4 statistical indices of blood-group examination, including paternity index, paternity probability, general probability of excluding paternity of the mother-child pair and W value considering posterior probability. 本文提出用父权指数PI值、父权概率W值、母子对的累积非父排除总概率PE值及考虑后概率的父权概率PP值等4项统计学指标对未排除亲子关系案例的血型检验结果,作定量分析比较,按所给参考标准,综合判断亲子关系的方法;推导出PI、PP和PE值的简便计算公式并进行了例算分析。 9. WANG Lin, WANG Yi, MA Xu. Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100081, China[Abstract] Objective To explore whether PCR-STR technique is must or not in zygosity diagnosis of twins. Methods 15 STR were genotyped in five twin's family. The 15 STR were D3S1358, TH01, D21S11, D18S51, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, D16S539, CSF1PO, VWA, D8S1179, TPOX, FGA, Penta E and Penta D. Record the genotype result and calculate the combined paternity index. 目的 探讨PCR-STR技术在双生子卵型鉴定中的可行性和有效性并比较该技术与传统鉴定方法的优劣方法检测15 短串联重复序列基因座,包括D3S1358、TH01、D21S11、D18S51、D5S818、D13S317、D7S820、D16S539、CSF1PO、vWA、D8S1179、TPOX、FGA等13个CODIS基因座以及Penta E、Penta D基因座,比较双生子各基因座基因型,分析双生子卵型,计算双生子累计父权指。 10. paternity的意思 10. Methods 15 STR were genotyped in five twin's family. The 15 STR were D3S1358, TH01, D21S11, D18S51, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, D16S539, CSF1PO, VWA, D8S1179, TPOX, FGA, Penta E and Penta D. Record the genotype result and calculate the combined paternity index. 检测15个短串联重复序列基因座,包括D3S1358、TH01、D21S11、D18S51、D5S818、D13S317、D7S820、D16S539、CSF1PO、vWA、D8S1179、TPOX、FGA等13个CODIS基因座以及Penta E、Penta D基因座,比较双生子各基因座基因型,分析双生子卵型,计算双生子累计父权指数。 11. The irreparability of the past: once at a performance of Albert Hengler's circus in the Rotunda, Rutland square, Dublin, an intuitive particoloured clown in quest of paternity had penetrated from the ring to a place in the auditorium where Bloom, solitary, was seated and had publicly declared to an exhilarated audience that he was his (the clown's) papa. 317过去的事是已经不可挽回的了。有一回艾伯特。亨格勒马戏团在都柏林市拉特兰广场的圆形建筑里演出,一名富于机智的小丑身穿色彩斑驳的服装,为了寻找乃父,竟走出马戏场,钻进观众席中,来到孤零零地坐着的布卢姆跟前,在大庭广众之下,向兴奋不已的观众公开宣称:他是他的爸爸。 12. paternity的解释 12. Earlier this month a DNA test confirmed Murphy as the father of Brown's newborn baby girl after he declined to publicly acknowledge paternity. 在墨菲在公众面前不认孩子之后,本月一份DNA鉴定证明了墨菲和布朗的新生女婴的父女关系。 13. paternity什么意思 13. Part two, discuss the achievement which Qin and Han Dynasties have made in the field of forensic medicine on seviral topics, such as: knowledge of the death and postmortem phenomena, the postmortem examination, the trauma examination, the examination of some diseases prescribde by law, identification and paternity test, forensic foxicology, forensic veteninary medicine crime investigation, emergency treatment and save, examination system, forensic medicine terms in Qin and Han Dynasties. 第二部分,对秦汉时期人们对死亡及尸体现象的认识,尸体检验(自缢、贼死、烧死、病死)、疾病诊验(麻风病、传染病、精神病、诈病、流产等涉及法律的疾病进行鉴定)、损伤检验(伤型、致伤物、保辜制度)、个体识别和亲权鉴定、刑事侦查、法医中毒、牲畜检验、紧急救治、检验制度、司法检验术语等诸问题进行专题讨论,勾勒出了秦汉法医学的基本情况。 14. In general, identification was based on the worldwide-accepted 16-gene-loci system which including sexual genes. If probability of paternity is less than 99.99%, to different relations between half-siblings, siblings and mutation is a challenge. In addition to X or Y chromosomal and DNA STR typing and other newly adopted loci system, we also could make analysis of the two highly varied sequences of HV Ⅰ, HV Ⅱ which are on the D-loop of mitochondrial DNA, the maternal gene substances. We carried out PCR to amplify the mitochondrial DNA, HV Ⅰ and HV Ⅱ. After gel electrophoresis, we purify the PCR product. Then we use BigDye Terminator Sequencing Kit for sequencing, by use of DNA sequencing machine. We present three groups of mitochondrial DNA to study the application of mitochondrial DNA certification technique on identification. 一般身份鉴定首先以国际通用之包含性别的十六基因点位系统为基础分析,若有亲子关系概率不到99.99%或半手足、手足关系鉴定、疑突变等的情况下,为提高鉴别力,除依鉴定当时的需求增作X或Y染色体DNA STR式型别鉴定法和其他新增点位系统外,有时也须加做代表母系遗传之粒线体D-loop之两个高变异小区HV Ⅰ、HV Ⅱ碱基序列的分析,利用PCR技术分别复制粒线体DNA之HV Ⅰ、HV Ⅲ两段碱基,以琼脂电泳法确定PCR产物大小后纯化产物,以BigDye Terminator Sequencing Kit进行定序反应并纯化后以DNA定序仪分析。 15. The performance of film images can be divided into the performance of static painting lattice and the PHI phenomenon of painting lattices. As for the research on the performance of static painting lattice, it should make reference of the relationship between the sun, and the main body of paternity, the main background of the relations between viewers and painting, the main characters include the size, shape, color, sense of space and so on. 在对静态画格的表现力研究时,根据画框与主体的关系,主体与陪体的关系、主体与背景的关系以及观众与画格的关系,主体本身的性质:大小、形状、色彩、空间感等因素,分别对画格的构图的表现力、景别的表现力、角度的表现力进行研究,把运动镜头整合为两个大的类别,分析了这两类运动镜头的表现性;最后,建立一个模型来论证,一部影片的表现性是在大量的具有表现力画格感应出一个表现力场的过程中完成的。 16. And her husband seems to be the picture of satisfied paternity. 他们的父亲,脸上透露出满意和欣慰的神色。 17. The results showed that in cases of inheritance with Mendelian Law, through testing 8 or more polymorphic DNA loci, the paternity probability may reach 0.9990 or more. 检测8个以上的DNA多态性基因座,在等位基因的遗传不违反孟德尔规律的前提下,父权概率都可达到或超过0.9990的标准;对不存在亲生关系的案例,在用本方法时,都有3个或更多的基因座的等位基因遗传违反孟德尔规律。 18. It reflects four different rights of patriarchal clan system – clan right, paternity, authority of husbands and theocracy are playing decisive role in the marriage of minority family. 我国近代少数民族的婚姻形态,处处渗透着宗法的色彩和内容,反映了宗法的族权、父权、夫权、神权在少数民族家庭婚姻生活中起着决定性的作用,体现出浓厚的宗法性。 19. SRMs 2390, and 2391 b are intended for use in the standardization of forensic and paternity quality assurance procedures and instructional law enforcement or non-clinical research purposes. 这些标准物质2390和2391b分别用于在法医鉴定及亲子质量保证程序和指导执法或不规范使用的临床研究用途。 20. paternity什么意思 20. I'm not authorizing a paternity test. 我不授权亲子鉴定 paternity 词典解释 1. 父亲身份 Paternity is the state or fact of being the father of a particular child. e.g. He was tricked into marriage by a false accusation of paternity. 他被诬赖成孩子的父亲而被骗结婚。 paternity 单语例句 1. The girl was briefly thought to be fathered by Stern before paternity tests showed the father was Birkhead. 2. Stern, his former adversary in the Anna Nicole Smith paternity case. 3. Eddie Murphy has vowed to " do the right thing " if a paternity test reveals Mel B's daughter to be his. 4. He spent decades denying paternity of the doctrine everyone credited him with creating. 5. A drop of blood or a strand of hair can serve as a sample sufficient to conduct a paternity test. 6. The DNA fingerprinting techniques used by the scientists are identical to those used in human paternity testing. 7. The United States guarantees fathers neither paid paternity nor paid parental leave, but 65 countries grant fathers either paid paternity or paid parental leave. 8. Days later, a paternity test showed that he was in fact the girl's father. 9. Paternity testing is becoming a booming business in this metropolis as more and more husbands suspect their wives of infidelity. 10. He subsequently denied being the father of Angel Iris until his paternity was proved by a DNA test. paternity 英英释义 noun 1. the act of initiating a new idea or theory or writing e.g. the authorship of the theory is disputed Synonym: authorship 2. the kinship relation between an offspring and the father Synonym: fatherhood 3. the state of being a father e.g. tests were conducted to determine paternity |
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