单词 | peach |
释义 | peach [英 [pi:t?] 美 [pit?] ] peach的意思、解释 过去式:peached; 过去分词:peached; 现在分词:peaching; 复数形式:peaches; peach 基本解释 peach在线翻译 名词桃子; 桃红色; 极好的人(或物) 形容词桃红色的; 粉红色的 peach的反义词 peach 相关例句 及物动词 1. He has peached me and all the others, to save his life. 他为了救自己,出卖了我和所有其它的人。 不及物动词 1. peach的反义词 1. No good was to be got by peaching on him. 告发他没有什么好处可得。 名词 1. He is a peach to work with. 他是易于共事的人。 2. What a peach of a room! 多漂亮的房间啊! 3. What a peach of a study! 多好的一间书房! peach 网络解释 1. 桃子:二月二十五日 生日花:桃子(Peach) 花 语:优美(Graceful) 桃子淡粉红色的花朵和果实圆圆的曲线,一再令人想起*美的风姿. 因此它的花语是-优美. 受到这种花祝福而生的人,堪称为女人中的女人,充满了女性的魅力,就像成群的虫儿想吃桃子一样. 2. peach在线翻译 2. 桃:凝涡(Swirl),株高25~30厘米,花径5厘米,其中桃(Peach)花橙红色具深色边. 闪电战(Blitz)系列,耐热品种,适用于吊盆栽培. 马赛克(Mosaic),分枝性强,其中玫瑰马赛克(MosaicRose)花玫瑰红色,淡紫马赛克(MosaicLilac)花淡紫色, 3. 桃紅色:Desc:详细信息 热门话题 时尚资讯 搭配推荐 售后服务 象牙色(ivory)(象牙白色) / 均码(FREE) 桃红色(peach)(桃色) / 均码(FREE) BL091024_ 灰色(gray)/均码(FREE) 模特身上衣服的颜色因灯光的原因可能会与原来的颜色有区别; 4. 桃树:6:装饰型树木(Aesthetic Trees) 分为李树(Plum)、桃树(Peach)和樱桃树(Cherry). [I:居民区规划] 富人区的规划跟平民区大致相同,而且规划好平民区要比富人区重要的多,所有下面只讲述如何规划平民区. [I1:道路] 建立一个区域大概都要先铺好道路, peach 双语例句 1. peach 1. Ago by the executive team will be the first command of a small red flag, and then followed by three officers riding, Huang Luo umbrella, Black Dragon flag, clear the way gongs, flags; lights after the commanding officer in the bunting dragon, stilts, lions, the size Yangko Ryuko, Wu Council, sub-horse team, the Eight Immortals Keiju, butterfly, cotton, ghosts and lanterns, lotus lamp, light peach, gourd lamp, square lamp, long lights, flower show team. 队前由执小红旗的会首指挥,接着依次为三官驾、黄罗伞、黑龙旗、开道锣、彩旗;灯官在彩旗后指挥龙灯、高跷、狮子、大小秧歌柳子、武会、队子马、八仙庆寿、蝴蝶、棉花鬼及宫灯、莲花灯、寿桃灯、葫芦灯、方灯、长灯等花会队伍。 2. peach的意思 2. Finally in the dream, I also have a pair of angel wings, I fly through the clouds, flew to the temple desirable, to attend the Queen Mother of the peach will see fairies are dancing, listening to The Sound I get the! 终于在梦中,我也有了天使那样的一对翅膀,我展翅高飞,穿过云霄,飞到了令人向往的天宫,去参加了王母娘娘的蟠桃会,看见仙女们翩翩起舞,听仙乐,我飘飘然了! 3. The jade Emperor hosts the Peach Banquet. 玉帝就会举办蟠桃盛宴 4. When empress Dowager Cixi celebrated her 60th birthday, the local officer of Huishan presented a clay figurine set, Immortality Peach Gathering. 在慈禧太后六十大寿时,地方官把一套大型手捏戏文泥人《蟠桃会》供奉内廷那太监匍匐在皇太后面前。 5. peach什么意思 5. Rou Jia for the first time to see you, give me a tender and beautiful, beautiful feeling, like a peach, like so tender, pure, a small smile made people intoxicated, you will not always be strong to meet the difficulties, only when wind, frost, snow and rain, closed shame to spend months, omitted his own shadow. 柔佳第一次见到你,就给我一种娇艳,美丽的感觉,像桃花一样,如此的柔美,纯洁,一个小小的微笑就令人如痴如醉,你并不会永远坚强的迎接困难,只会在风霜雪雨之时,闭花羞月,隐去了自己的身影。 6. 6. Natural animal and plant kingdom; is a newly developed tourist attraction built are: Songhai Tingtao area, Yuk Sau tower area, a horse plow Spring area, Shek Mun pass area, Fusu Temple scenic area, and ginger peach River Scenic Highland Lake; region major ecological tourism. 天然的动植物王国;现新开发建成的旅游景点主要有:松海听涛景区、毓秀塔景区、马刨泉景区、石门关隘景区、扶苏庙景区和桃花川姜塬湖景区;区内主要以生态旅游为主。 7. peach的翻译 7. I've got a variety of flavors for you to choose from. I've got strawberry, peach, chocolate, coffee, vanilla and praline. 我这有好多口味让你挑,有草莓的、桃的、巧克力的、咖啡的、香草的,还有果仁的。 8. In researching this, I found a number of examples where the Eight Immortals were joined by Shou, the God of Longevity, with his peach wood staff. 在我研究的过程中,我发现好些在八仙之间还有拿着桃木杖的寿星的例子。 9. PEACH: Now hes doing the Schilder technique. 他在采用新的技术 10. It helps add a feminine touch to black, gray and earth tones, and it equally works well with other pastel colors like yellow, peach, blue and lilac. 它有助於增加一个女性触摸到黑色,灰色和泥土色调,它同样非常适合与其他柔和的颜色如黄色,桃,蓝色和紫色。 11. Compared with spread application, bag-controlled fertilizer treatment increased chlorophyll content of leaf significantly, and the density of fine root in fertilized region. The shoot stopped growth at proper time and it was benefit for nutrition cumulation and organ differentiation, so it increased yield and quality of peach significantly. 与散施处理相比,肥料袋控缓释处理能显著提高叶片叶绿素含量,增加施肥区细根密度,并且桃树新梢能适期停止生长,有利于营养的积累与器官的充实分化,从而显著提高了果实产量与品质。 12. An illustration of the world under the sea serves as the background for one of the souvenir sheets, and a photo of an underwater landscape serves as the background for the other. The stamps feature Nemo (a clownfish and star of the film), Tad (a long-nosed butterflyfish), Sheldon, Squirt, Peach, Bubbles, a school of sea turtles, Dory, and Pearl. These small squares of stamps spread joy and happiness with the colorful undersea world they capture. The set is well worth collecting and treasuring. 本组小全张图案分别以手绘及实景的海底世界为背景,除了电影中的主角小丑鱼尼莫外,长嘴柠檬鱼泰迪、小海马东东、小绿蠵龟小古、海星小桃、三角倒吊泡泡、海龟群、蓝倒吊多莉、扁型章鱼珍珠等也都成了邮票主角,将动画电影中缤纷的海底世界表现在方寸之中,为大家散播欢乐,是一套值得珍藏的卡通动画邮票。 13. peach的反义词 13. TCD. Interception of peach twigs, without processing, is the ready-made town Guiwu. 桃核。截取桃树上的枝杈,毋需加工,就是现成的镇鬼物。 14. Use peach before, caused a temporary funeral condolence and slaughter of animals blood was collected into two categories. 桃前的使用场合,致有临丧吊唁和杀牲取血两大类。 15. Slaughter of animals with blood as the vows, but also afraid of something bad, peach former role played by inter. 杀牲取血为盟誓用,然而也怕有不祥,桃前起到被除的作用。 16. Early, 111, Annong honey water, 60, the source of the East white peach, white Xiang Lu, Lu Yuhua, as early as Kwai, as early as Okubo, Okubo night, as early as Feng Wang, Beijing on the 14th, on the 15th, apple peach, Dy Red water honey, peach cultivars, such as the twenty-first century, plant area of 4, 000 mu, the supply of 6, 000, 000 tons, in Hebei Province are in large-scale production base. 上市主要品种有:春蕾、早霞王。666、早生、111、安农水蜜、60、源东白桃、白香露、雨花露、早葵、早久保、晚久保、早凤王、北京十四号、十五号、苹果桃、颐红水蜜、二十一世纪等桃品种,种植面积4000余亩,供应量600万吨,是河北省内大型鲜桃生产基地。 17. peach的意思 17. Costume comedy, Wuling fisherman Laotao is the wife Chunhua cuckold, and the lover she suffered daily boss Yuan of bullying, an excuse to go out fishing one day actually wanted to commit suicide when Peach strayed into fairyland, and Chun-Hua Yuan boss and married after the original is not even worth Queshi Bi-off days. 古装喜剧中,武陵渔夫老陶被妻子春花戴绿帽,每日受尽她及其情人袁老板的欺辱,某日借口外出打鱼实为想自杀之时,误入桃花仙境,而春花与袁老板结为夫妻后,过的却是比原来更不堪的日子。 18. Apple Powdery Mildew, HYG-3001-94, Fire Blight of Apples, Crabapples and Pears, HYG-3002-94, Scab of Apple and Crabapple, HYG-3003-94, Grape Black Rot, HYG-3004-94, Peach Canker, HYG-3005-94, Peach Leaf Curl, HYG-3006-94, Anthracnose of Raspberry and Blackberry, HYG-3007-94...... 苹果白粉病,苹果和梨火烧枯萎病,苹果黑星病,葡萄黑腐病,桃子溃疡病,桃子缩叶病,红莓和黑莓炭疽病。。。。。。 19. In addition, the company also focuses on nurturing and supporting a peach brokers to further expand sales channels. 另外,该公司还重点培育、扶持一支蟠桃经纪人队伍,进一步拓展销售渠道。 20. He flies into a peach garden and eats as many peaches as he likes. 它飞进蟠桃园,而且尽情的品尝了许多他喜欢的蟠桃。 peach 词典解释 1. 桃子 A peach is a soft, round, slightly furry fruit with sweet yellow flesh and pinky-orange skin. Peaches grow in warm countries. 2. 桃红色的;粉红色 Something that is peach is pale pinky-orange in colour. e.g. ...the romantic Tower Suite, decorated throughout in peach and ivory. 完全用桃红色和象牙白装饰的浪漫塔楼套房 e.g. ...a peach silk blouse. 桃红色的丝绸上衣 3. 极可爱的人(或事物);非常迷人的人(或事物) If you describe someone or something as a peach, you find them very pleasing or attractive. e.g. Frank was there and he is a perfect peach. 弗兰克在那儿,他是个非常可爱的人。 e.g. ...a peach of a goal from Beardsley. 比尔兹利的绝妙进球 peach 单语例句peach的解释 1. It had a buttery crumb with a melting texture, studded with bits of ripe peach. 2. Part of the beauty of West Lake lies in the reflection of the willow and peach trees along Bai Causeway. 3. A ball of mashed Chinese yam is matched with a peach flower. 4. Why would the Chinese favor pomegranate, fingered citron and peach among so many fruits? 5. The yam is steamed, mashed and moulded into medium shaped domes and topped with a citrus peach sauce. 6. At the end of July, the University of Georgia officially closed its peach program. 7. It also allows customers to design anything from yellow serpents to peach blossoms by mixing and matching from its closet of crystal treasures. 8. The color palette is classic, except for a few strokes of peach and purple. 9. British Embassy spokesman Barry Peach identified the British detainee as David Heaton, a convert to Islam. 10. He enthused about the nearby area covered with peach blossoms in spring. peach 英英释义 peach noun 1. a shade of pink tinged with yellow Synonym: yellowish pinkapricotsalmon pink 2. downy juicy fruit with sweet yellowish or whitish flesh 3. a very attractive or seductive looking woman Synonym: smasherstunnerknockoutbeautyravishersweetheartlululookermantrapdish 4. cultivated in temperate regions Synonym: peach treePrunus persica verb 1. divulge confidential information or secrets e.g. Be careful--his secretary talks Synonym: spill the beanslet the cat out of the bagtalktattleblabbabblesingbabble outblab out |
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