单词 | pearl |
释义 | pearl [英 [p?:l] 美 [p?:rl] ] pearl的意思、解释 复数形式:pearls; pearl 基本解释 名词珍珠; 珍品; 人造珍珠; 珠状物 不及物动词采珍珠 及物动词使成珠状; 用珍珠装饰 pearl 相关例句 及物动词 1. Sweat pearled his forehead. 他额上满是汗珠。 不及物动词 1. He tried gold mining, pearling and fur trapping. 他尝试过淘金,采珍珠和猎兽皮。 名词 1. She is a pearl among women. 她是女中豪杰。 2. pearl 2. Pearls of dew glistened on the leaves. 叶子上露珠晶莹。 3. pearl的近义词 3. Pearls of dew glistened on the grass. 露珠在草上闪烁。 pearl 网络解释 1. 珀尔:德国媒体报道,壳牌公司在卡塔尔珀尔(Pearl)建设的天然气制合成油(GTL)装置一期项目将于2010年投产. 2. 珍珠色:颜色系列:珍珠色(pearl)、粉白色(natural)、浅咖啡色(capppucino)、象牙色(ivory)其中珍珠色(pearl),粉白色(natural),浅咖啡色(capppucino),象牙色(ivory)四种颜色便于配合如上班、休闲、舞会等场合所着服饰颜色的需要. 3. pearl:process and experiment automation real – time language; 过程和实验自动化实时语言 pearl 双语例句 1. pearl的反义词 1. 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The famous Oriental Pearl Tower is a landmark of Shanghai. 著名的东方明珠塔是上海的地标。 3. pearl 3. The Oriental Pearl Tower is the landmark of Shanghai, isn`t it? 东方明珠塔是上海的地标吧? 4. The Oriental Pearl Tower is a TV tower in Shanghai, China. 东方明珠塔是一个电视塔在上海。 5. The tallest structure in China, the distinctive Oriental Pearl Tower, is located in Shanghai. 位于上海的东方明珠塔,造型新颖别致,是中国的最高建筑。 6. Oriental Pearl and Jin Mao Towers stand proudly as a testament to China's growth and development. 东方明珠塔和靳茂自立为证明我国经济增长和发展。 7. Can the pearl eardrop buy on the net? 珍珠耳坠能在网上买么? 8. The company official said that the purchase of plots as the Pearl River Metro Traffic Group headquarters. 该公司有关负责人表示,购入的珠江新城地块将作为省交通集团的总部。 9. The Yuan Shi Emperor has a pearl with his fingers: the L ing Bao Emperor holds in the arms the univers e, and the De Dao Emperor has a feather fan in his hands. 元始天尊手拈灵珠,灵宝天尊怀抱太极,道德天尊手持羽扇。 10. Methods Retrospective study on 105 cases which are cervical hemorrhage by trate autocoagulative radiofrequency ablation loop electrosurgical excision procedure. including 64 cases of observe groups used autocoagulative radiofrequency ablation, 41 cases of comparison groups used electrocoagulation needle and pearl by using LEEP. We observed times of treating, bleeding, the effective of after operation and bleeding which exceeding emmenia wanted to hemostasia again. 回顾性分析我院105例LEEP刀治疗宫颈疾病后宫颈有出血的病例,其中观察组64例立即采用射频自凝刀治疗止血,对照组41例采用LEEP电凝针或电珠等电凝止血,观察两组治疗时间、手术出血量、术后疗效及术后出血量≥月经量需再次止血治疗的例数。 11. They shoot the very far and small sparrow with the bullet of a precious pearl. 他们以珍贵的明珠为子弹,去打那千尺之外的小麻雀。 12. The company is located in the economically developed Pearl River Delta. 本公司位于经济发达的珠江三角洲。 13. Approximately 80% of the city's smog originates from other parts of the Pearl River Delta. 大约80 %的城市的烟雾来自其他地区的珠江三角洲。 14. In the Pearl River Delta region has a strong market. 在珠江三角州地区有强大的市场。 15. pearl 15. Foshan is an important force in the economic development of the Pearl River Delta. 佛山是珠江三角洲经济发展的一支重要力量。 16. 16. Dr Pearl said, I don`t know what form a healing is best to take. 博士明珠说,我不知道这是什么,形成愈合,是最佳之举。 17. The factory is located in economically developed transport logistics facilities and strategic location in the Pearl River Delta hinterland Foshan area. 本厂座落于经济发达交通物流便利,地理位置优越的珠江三角洲腹地佛山市禅城区。 18. Hester could only account for the child's character- and even then most vaguely and imperfectly- by recalling what she herself had been, during that momentous period while Pearl was imbibing her soul from the spiritual world, and her bodily frame from its material of earth. 海丝特只能靠回忆自己当时的情况来分析这孩子的性格:在珠儿从精神世界汲取自己的灵魂、从世上购物质中形成自己的躯体曲关键内期,她本人如何如何;但这样推断出来的孩子的性格,仍然是十分模糊不全的。 19. But with that said, the Pearl 8100 is a fantastic phone. 但尽管如此,8100年是一个神奇的明珠电话。 20. Love this phone! Upgraded from a Pearl 8100 to this little beauty. 喜欢这款手机,我把自己的8100升级到这个小宝贝。 pearl 词典解释 1. 珍珠 A pearl is a hard round object which is shiny and creamy white in colour. Pearls grow inside the shell of an oyster and are used for making expensive jewellery. e.g. She wore a string of pearls at her throat... 她戴了一串珍珠项链。 e.g. I put on the pearl earrings Daddy had bought me. 我戴上了爸爸给我买的珍珠耳环。 2. 珍珠般的 Pearl is used to describe something which looks like a pearl. pearl是什么意思 e.g. ...tiny pearl buttons. 珍珠般的小纽扣 3. 明珠暗投;对牛弹琴 If you say that someone is casting pearls before swine, you mean that they are wasting their time by offering something that is helpful or valuable to someone who does not appreciate or understand it. pearl是什么意思 e.g. You do not value what should be valued, I see I was casting pearls before swine. 你不重视应该重视的东西,我觉得我是在对牛弹琴。 4. 精辟见解,睿智言论,妙语如珠(常指开玩笑的话) People describe what someone says as pearls of wisdom to suggest that it is wise or helpful, often when they are joking. e.g. And what is that pearl of wisdom supposed to mean?... 那番精辟见解到底是什么意思呢? e.g. Her advice includes perfectly true but rather fulsome pearls of wisdom. 她的建议中有完全正确的金玉良言,但有过于恭维之嫌。 pearl 单语例句 1. It was said that a Persian businessman stole the valueless pearl of his country and came to auction it in Guangzhou. 2. By far, the Pearl River Delta region provides the best opportunities. 3. It is difficult for the Pearl River Delta to upgrade its industrial level by way of traditional means. 4. Such a contrast is also seen in the economically active Pearl River Delta area, where no city is in the top 10. 5. Pearl Shoal is a wide, gently sloping area of active calcareous tufa covered with a thin sheet of flowing water. 6. On Saturday protesters swarmed back into Pearl square putting riot police to flight and confidently setting up camp for a protracted stay. 7. Hemel's design of the Canton Tower won over the client because of its concept of a fair lady overlooking the Pearl River. 8. The carrier is offering the luxury service to its VIP travelers, including first and business class passengers and its Pearl Club's gold card owners. 9. Both Zhou and Wang forecast cargo and container throughput handled by Shenzhen ports will rise thanks to booming foreign trade in the Pearl River Delta. 10. Other projects have included the 2001 film " Pearl Harbor " and ABC's castaway drama " Lost, " which filmed here for six seasons. pearl 英英释义 noun 1. a shade of white the color of bleached bones Synonym: boneivoryoff-white 2. a smooth lustrous round structure inside the shell of a clam or oyster much valued as a jewel 3. a shape that is spherical and small e.g. he studied the shapes of low-viscosity drops beads of sweat on his forehead Synonym: dropbead verb 1. gather pearls, from oysters in the ocean |
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