单词 | pell-mell |
释义 | pell-mell [英 [?pel?mel] 美 [?p?l?m?l] ] pell-mell的意思、解释 pell-mell 基本解释 副词凌乱地,匆忙地 形容词胡乱的,匆忙的 名词混乱 pell-mell 相关例句 形容词 1. The shelf contained a pell-mell assortment of English novels. 那书架上有一批杂乱的英国小说。 pell-mell 网络解释 1. 乱七八糟:to be promiscunds 泾渭不分 | pell-mell 乱七八糟 | topsy-turvy 七颠八倒 2. pell-mell在线翻译 2. (乱七八糟的):palsy-walsy (要好的), | pell-mell (乱七八糟的), | raggle-taggle (杂色的), 3. pell-mell的意思 3. 混乱:pelitopsammite 泥砂质岩 | pell-mell 混乱 | pellet drillin method 霰弹钻井法 4. 乱七八糟地, 混乱地 杂乱的, 混乱的 乱七八糟, 混乱, 杂乱:solid urethane rubber 固体聚氨酯橡胶 | pell-mell 乱七八糟地, 混乱地 杂乱的, 混乱的 乱七八糟, 混乱, 杂乱 | soft ground tunnelling machine 软地层隧道掘进机 pell-mell 双语例句 1. Fascinating subjects and noble ideas come pell-mell, each with its appropriate imagery and expression.模拟试卷 haokaoshi. com 极有吸引力的主题和崇高的思想纷纷出现在脑海,随之而来的还有恰如其分的意象和措辞。 2. He did not perceive that, along with genius, and pell-mell, he was admitting force, that is to say, that he was installing in two compartments of his idolatry, on the one hand that which is divine, on the other that which is brutal. 他一点没有察觉他在崇敬天才的同时也在胡乱地崇敬武力,就是说,他把他所崇拜的两个对象,神力和暴力,同时并列在他的崇敬心左右两旁的两个格子里了。 3. If the Rock's mortgages are sold off in a hurry and its franchise, staff and branches dismantled pell-mell, the taxpayer would lose out. 如果草率的将北岩的债权卖掉而且把它的分支职工和机构拆的乱七八糟的话,那么纳税人就将受到损失。 4. I open the fan, hoping to get narcotization in the zephyr. The breeze blows my sad hair which pell-mell rubs my head, just as the feeling of my heart. 我打开风扇,希望在徐风中麻醉,和风吹拂残发,残发凌乱地磨在脸上,如同此刻的心。 5. For another thing, a number of the students in our class will attend the IELTS exam in Jan 20th. it is a pity that we can not have the last two days classes, and now we lost this precious writting class as well...it seems to be a tragedy to us...we afraid that we can not comprehend your writting method collectly, then use it pell-mell.... 二是因为班里有若干学生要参加一月二十号考试,我们已经无法上最后两天课了,现在又失去了这堂宝贵的写作课。。这实在太可惜了。。。我们很担心将您的写作方法一知半解,用得半生不熟。。。 6. 6. Wherever our troops go, the enemy flees pell-mell before us and the people give thunderous cheers 我军所到之处,敌人望风披靡,人民欢声雷动。 7. Jove now woke on the crests of Ida, where he was lying with golden-throned Juno by his side, and starting to his feet he saw the Trojans and Achaeans, the one thrown into confusion, and the others driving them pell-mell before them with King Neptune in their midst. 其时,宙斯一觉醒来,在伊达山巅,享用金座的赫拉身边,猛地站立起来,看到阿开亚人和特洛伊人,一方正在溃败,另一方把他们赶得遑遑逃窜;阿耳吉维人攻势猛烈,由王者波塞冬领头。 8. Partly to fuel its pell-mell real-estate construction, China consumes vast amounts of steel, copper and cement, inflating global commodity prices. 由于房地产建筑业的推动等原因,中国消费了大量的钢材、铜和水泥,从而推高了全球的商品价格。 9. From there saw a group of people running pell-mell uphill without looking where they were going. 起身后,他掩到洞口深蒨之处,看到一群人,一个个慌不择路,纷纷向山上攀逃。 10. He must descend with his heart full of charity, and severity at the same time, as a brother and as a judge, to those impenetrable casemates where crawl, pell-mell, those who bleed and those who deal the blow, those who weep and those who curse, those who fast and those who devour, those who endure evil and those who inflict it. 他应怀着满腔怜悯心,同时以严肃的态度下到那些进不去的坑窟里,象同胞兄弟和法官似的去接近那些在那里横七竖八搅作一团的人、流血的人和动武的人、哭泣的人和咒骂的人、挨饿的人和大嚼的人、吞声忍泪和为非作歹的人。 11. As he spoke he took up the shield of his son Thrasymedes that was lying in his tent, all gleaming with bronze, for Thrasymedes had taken his father's shield; he grasped his redoubtable bronze-shod spear, and as soon as he was outside saw the disastrous rout of the Achaeans who, now that their wall was overthrown, were flying pell-mell before the Trojans. 言罢,他拿起儿子、驯马手斯拉苏墨得斯的盾牌,精工制作,停息在营棚的一端,闪射出青铜的流光。斯拉苏墨得斯随即拿起父亲的盾牌。然后,奈斯托耳操起一柄粗重的枪矛,顶着锋快的铜尖,走出营棚,当即目睹了一个羞人的场面:伙伴们正撒腿奔逃,被心志高昂的特洛伊人赶得惊慌失措――阿开亚人的护墙已被砸倒破毁。 12. pell-mell的意思 12. But, though the Chinese onslaught looks fractious and pell-mell, conspiracy theorists smell a state-driven attack on the commanding heights of Australia's economy. 虽然中国人的攻击看起来有些暴躁和忙乱,但在这波旨在控制澳大利亚经济高度的攻击中,阴谋论者似乎嗅到了一丝国家主使的气息。 13. If, indeed, great Jove is minded to help the Trojans, and in his anger will utterly destroy the Achaeans, I would myself gladly see them perish now and here far from Argos; but if they should rally and we are driven back from the ships pell-mell into the trench there will be not so much as a man get back to the city to tell the tale. 但是,倘若容他们掉转头来,把我们赶离海船,背靠宽深的壕沟,那时,我想,面对阿开亚人的攻势,我们中谁也不能脱险生还――连个报信的都没有。干起来吧,按我说的做;让我们就此行动。 14. pell-mell的反义词 14. The most frightful thoughts rushed pell-mell through his mind. 他头脑里出现了一阵乱糟糟的无比恐怖的想法。 15. 15. This is what floats up confusedly, pell-mell, for the year 1817, and is now forgotten. 这些都是在一八一七年(现在已没有人记得的一年)发生过的一些事。 16. Fascinating subjects and noble ideas come pell-mell, each with its appropriate imagery and expression. 极有吸引力的题目和崇高的思想纷至沓来,都伴有恰如其分的意象和措词。 17. pell-mell 17. This investment in talent has paid huge dividends over the past two decades of pell-mell growth. 过去二十年来,Infosys已经付出了大量的股息红利用于人才投资,但这种投资的增长幅度有些混乱。 18. pell-mell的近义词 18. With respiratory and water-borne diseases on the rise, the public is beginning to question the cost of China's pell-mell economic growth. 随着呼吸性和水源性疾病的上升,公众开始质询中国的混乱的经济发展的代价。 19. Still, Hu and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao know that three decades of pell-mell growth have severely devastated their country's environment. 但是,胡锦涛和中国总理温家宝知道,三十年的混乱增长已经严重的破坏了国家的环境。 20. A helter-skelter kind of existence with never a pause; a pell-mell dash for the train. 永不停歇的匆忙、混乱的生活方式;急急忙忙赶火车。 pell-mell 词典解释 1. 匆忙地;忙乱地;仓促地 If you move pell-mell somewhere, you move there in a hurried, uncontrolled way. pell-mell e.g. All three of us rushed pell-mell into the kitchen. 我们三人全都匆忙跑进厨房。 pell-mell 英英释义 adj 1. with undue hurry and confusion e.g. a helter-skelter kind of existence with never a pause a pell-mell dash for the train Synonym: helter-skelter adv 1. in a wild or reckless manner e.g. dashing harum-scarum all over the place running pell-mell up the stairs Synonym: harum-scarum |
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