单词 | peremptory |
释义 | peremptory [英 [p??rempt?ri] 美 [p??r?mpt?ri] ] peremptory的意思、解释 peremptory 基本解释 peremptory是什么意思 形容词专横的; 不容置辩的; 断然的; 傲慢的 peremptory什么意思 peremptory 相关例句 形容词 1. There was a peremptory note in his voice. 他说话的声音里有一种不容置辩的口气。 peremptory 网络解释 1. 绝对,强制的:perdurable 持久,不朽的 | peremptory 绝对,强制的 | perennial 永久的 2. 断然的:peremptoriness 专横 | peremptory 断然的 | perennial 四季不断的 3. 3. 绝对的;强制的;断然的:perdurability 延续时间 | peremptory 绝对的;强制的;断然的 | perennial algae 多年生藻类 4. 俨然的:peremptorinesspresumption 专横 | peremptory 俨然的 | perennialperennation 多年生 peremptory 双语例句 1. Rat, ever observant of all winged movement, saw that it was taking daily a southing tendency; and even as he lay in bed at night he thought he could make out, passing in the darkness overhead, the beat and quiver of impatient pinions, obedient to the peremptory call. 河鼠向来密切关注着所有羽翼界的活动,看到他们正日渐趋向南迁。甚至夜间躺在床上,他也能听出那急于南行的鸟儿们听从造化的指令,扑打着翅膀掠过夜空。 2. And model run run elder sister of lotus of peremptory also earthquake, disgusting when interesting, for first view of the philosophy of personal later generations, social morality is exculpatory. 而范跑跑也俨然地震芙蓉姐姐,把肉麻当有趣,为先己后人的人生观、公德观辩解。 3. peremptory 3. Based on the analysis aforementioned, the author puts forward his tentative ideas on this issue, that is such pretrial systems as the loss of rights on evidence system, peremptory pleading system, evidence collection system, judicial instruction system, pretrial conference system and pretrialmediation system should be adopted in civil pretrial procedure, within the principles such as the principle of combining adversary system with judicial supervision, the principle of effectiveness and efficiency, judicial justice, and the principle of adopting and referring to foreign experience in accordance with the reality of China. 在对两大法系民事诉讼审前程序的分析比较和对我国民事诉讼审前程序的现状及存在的问题的思考之后,笔者对如何完善我国民事诉讼审前程序进行了设想,认为我国的民事诉讼审前程序应当在遵循当事人主导和法官监督相结合原则、效率和效益原则、司法公正原则、吸收、借鉴和适合国情原则的前提下,建立和完善证据失权制度、强制答辩制度、证据收集制度、法官释明制度、审前会议制度、审前调解制度。 4. Expressing a command or plea; peremptory 专横的:表示命令或恳求的;不许违反的 5. In short, Hanoi's position as it emerged in the three meet in gs with Le Duc Tho was peremptory and unyield in g 简单地说,同黎德寿举行的三次会谈说明河内的立场是蛮横无理,寸步不让的。 6. His peremptory character makes people around him feel disgusted. 他横蛮的性格,让周围的人感到厌恶。 7. An opinion too absurd to require refutation pretends that only these latter canons contain the peremptory judgment of the council demanding unquestioned submission. 一项民意过于荒谬,要求驳装,只有这些,后者大炮(与重视anathemas )载有强制性的判决安理会要求不容置疑的意见书。 8. A peremptory writ shall be issued for constraining appearance in court. 拘传应当发拘传票。 9. His peremptory style became more understandable. 他的专横的作风就变得更加可以理解了。 10. peremptory的解释 10. No plan offered itself: the very exhibition of any desire to keep him would have rendered the claimant more peremptory: there was nothing left but to resign him. 无计可施:如果显出留住他的愿望,那反而会使索取人要得更坚决。没有别的办法,只能放弃他。 11. Four whipping bars, ff as well as marcatissimo, put a more or less vicious and peremptory end to the phrase. 四个鞭打般的小节,以带强调的最强音给乐句一个或多或少野蛮而断然的结束。 12. Soon even more peremptory orders were issued by Seguier, the new keeper of the seals: the king commanded that a strict inquiry be made into all the misdeeds with which the curé had been charged and a commission was to be set up to judge the case. 很快,新任掌玺大臣塞吉埃下达了更为专断的命令:国王下令对神父所犯罪行进行严格审讯,并为此设立一个委员会审查此案。 13. Robert outfaces his perplexity with his most peremptory air. 罗伯特尽量以专横神气来掩饰窘迫。 14. peremptory的近义词 14. Something was making him nibble at the edge of stale ideas as if his sturdy physical egotism no longer nourished his peremptory heart. 不知什么东西在使他从陈腐的学说里摄取精神食粮,仿佛他那壮硕的体格的唯我主义已经不再能滋养他那颗唯我独尊的心了。 15. Four whipping bars, ff as well as marcatissimo, put a more or less vicious and peremptory end to the. 四个鞭打般的小节,以带强调的最强音给乐句一个或多或少野蛮而断然的结束。 16. 16. With a brief, almost peremptory gesture he pointed to a chair. 他做了一个简单的手势,近乎霸道地指着椅子。 17. On Necessity and Feasibility of Establishing Peremptory Challenge in the Criminal Procedural Law 论刑事诉讼中建立无因回避制度的必要性和可行性 18. She developed a peremptory and fussy disposition. 她养成了一种蛮横和过分注意细节的性格。 19. peremptory的反义词 19. In the first part, first of all, according to the classification of peremptory rule, permissive rule and initiative rule, the researcher points out that illegal juristic act means violating the mandatory rule. 在第一部分,首先根据强行法规范、任意法规范和倡导性规范的分类,指出法律行为违法是指违反强行法。 20. His remarks were intended to be completely nonracial; a nonracial reason for the peremptory challenge of the juror. The panels are assisted in their work by an independent network of international academic referees who provide impartial and expert advice. 他有意使自己的评论完全没有种族色彩;陪审员对种族偏见断然驳斥。学科小组会邀请世界各地的学术专家协助评审工作,由这些专家提供公正客观的专业意见。 peremptory 词典解释 1. 跋扈的;专横的;霸道的 Someone who does something in a peremptory way does it in a way that shows that they expect to be obeyed immediately. e.g. With a brief, almost peremptory gesture he pointed to a chair. 他做了一个简单的手势,近乎霸道地指着椅子。 peremptorily 'Hello!' the voice said, more peremptorily. 'Who is it? Who do you want?' “喂!”那声音更加霸道地说道,“谁啊?你要干什么?”peremptory 单语例句peremptory什么意思 1. Contemporary calligraphers call it " mighty script, " an epithet that conveys its distinctly peremptory air. 2. The banks do not agree that their dropping the free service was peremptory. peremptory 英英释义 adj 1. putting an end to all debate or action e.g. a peremptory decree 2. not allowing contradiction or refusal e.g. spoke in peremptory tones peremptory commands 3. offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power e.g. an autocratic person autocratic behavior a bossy way of ordering others around a rather aggressive and dominating character managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way a swaggering peremptory manner Synonym: autocraticbossydominatinghigh-and-mightymagisterial |
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