单词 | pervert |
释义 | pervert [英 [p??v?:t] 美 [p?r?v?:rt] ] pervert的意思、解释 过去式:perverted; 过去分词:perverted; 现在分词:perverting; 复数形式:perverts; pervert 基本解释 及物动词使堕落; 误用,滥用; 使反常 名词堕落者; 背教者,反常者; 性反常者 pervert 相关例句 及物动词 1. 1. This has perverted the development of that country. 这使该国的发展走上了邪路。 2. A clever criminal perverts his talents. 一个聪明的犯罪者误用了他的才智。 名词 1. 1. A gang of perverts often gather in this bar. 一帮性变态者经常在那个酒吧聚集。 2. pervert的反义词 2. Don't act like a pervert. 不要像个行为反常者。 pervert 网络解释 1. 变态:和那些企图颠覆现有价值观以追求理想社会的人或通常意义上的变态(pervert)不同, 他是一个无法认定自我价值的人,既有的文化霸权把他这个具有病态渴望的人给毁了,而他又无法采取正确的方式对抗这种隐性的社会霸权(hegemony). 2. pervert的反义词 2. 变态、流氓:1. Playing with fire 找死 | 2. Pervert !变态、流氓 | 3. Brag ! 吹牛 pervert 双语例句 1. Said: O full of all guile, and of all deceit, child of the devil, enemy of all justice, thou ceasest not to pervert the right ways of the Lord. 说:「你这满怀各种欺诈和各种奸恶的人,魔鬼的儿子,一切正义的仇敌,你还不停止颠复天主的正道吗? 2. Sandy, I think you're a pervert. 山帝,我觉得你是个性变态。 3. Can you give us a statement as to the identity of the pervert? 您能就此性变态的身份向我们陈述一下吗? 4. Well, I'm gonna go back in my office and continue to feel like a huge pervert. OK ,谢谢,我回办公室去了,继续感觉像个性变态。 5. pervert的近义词 5. If you have the longing, if you have sufficient understanding and purpose, you will understand the Truth in its pure sense, in its simplicity; but if you are complicated, you will pervert it. 如果你有渴望,如果你有充分的理解和意图,你将从它的纯粹的意义上,从它的简单明了上理解真理;但是如果你是复杂的,你将扭曲它。 6. Empowered by this knowledge, Horazon was able to take the work of the Vizjerei and pervert it for his demented purposes. 在这方面知识的浸淫下,Horazon已经能够采取Vizjerei的密法去达成他那疯狂的目的。 7. pervert什么意思 7. A pervert could read it and escape the urge to buy pornographic material for a whole week. 这么说吧,一个性变态的人读过这个议案之后,一个星期之内不会想去购买任何与色情有关的东西。 8. The pervert changed himself into a monk first and asked if he could bathe with them, and after that he turned into a fish and slinked between their legs......... 当她们在池子里洗澡的时候,他反常地第一次把自己变成一个和尚,问是否愿意和他一起洗澡。 9. If you make obvious and nasty sexual innuendoes, you aren't being a turn on, you're being a pervert.. 如果你做出明显的性暗示、恶劣,你不亮了,你::除非你是一个破坏一个女孩。 10. I distain nit-pick on words all along, the person of pervert the law by playing with legal phraseology, so I write an article never can go on enigmatic road forward. 我一向鄙视咬文嚼字,舞文弄墨的人,所以我写文章从不会朝着高深莫测的路上走。 11. I'm not going to stand here and get the third degree from this pervert. 我可不想站在这接受严刑逼供 12. B, it's clear that this pervert is some kind of sociopathic genius... 其次,很显然这个变态是个极端的反社会份子 13. And said, O full of all subtlety and all mischief, you child of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord? 010 你这充满各样诡诈奸恶,魔鬼的儿子,众义的仇敌,你混乱主的正道还不止住吗? 14. And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord? 010 你这充满各样诡诈奸恶,魔鬼的儿子,众义的仇敌,你混乱主的正道还不止住吗? 15. And lest they drink and forget judgments, and pervert the cause of the children of the poor. 免得在酒兴之余,轻易将法律忘掉,颠倒穷人的是非。 16. The lips of the just know how to please, but the mouth of the wicked, how to pervert. 义人的唇,常吐雅言;恶人的口,只说邪恶。 17. What are you, some kind of pervert? 你是什么色狼 18. pervert的近义词 18. Not a fuckwit, alcoholic, workaholic, pervert or megalomaniac, but total sex god and human rights lawyer. 不是酒鬼类,工作狂,变态或狂妄,整个是一个性爱之神和人权律师。 19. Not a fuckwit, alcoholic, workaholic, pervert or megalomaniac, but total sex god and human rights lawyer. He is a miracle, really. 他不是笨蛋酒鬼工作狂变态或是自大狂,他非常性感还是个人权律师,事实上,他是个奇迹。 20. 20. At that time advocate book surname swims, pervert the law of this person take bribes, written complaint closes; Not bad beat person, politics reputation is very so bad, common people abhors he. 当时主簿姓游,此人贪赃枉法,有状子就收;还好拷打人,所以政声很不好,老百姓都痛恨他。 pervert 词典解释The verb is pronounced /p?'v??t/. The noun is pronounced /'p??v??t/. 动词读作/p?'v??t/, 名词读作/'p??v??t/。 1. 破坏;颠覆;使走样;误导 If you pervert something such as a process or society, you interfere with it so that it is not as good as it used to be or as it should be. e.g. Any reform will destroy and pervert our constitution... 任何改革都会破坏并歪曲我们的宪法。 e.g. He perverted her mind. 他误导了她的思想。 2. 妨碍司法公正 If someone perverts the course of justice, they deliberately do something that will make it difficult to discover who really committed a particular crime, for example, destroying evidence or lying to the police. pervert e.g. He was charged with conspiring to pervert the course of justice. 他被控谋划妨碍司法公正。 3. 性变态者 If you say that someone is a pervert, you mean that you consider their behaviour, especially their sexual behaviour, to be immoral or unacceptable. pervert 单语例句pervert的解释 1. And in one of the few reminders of Jackson's darkest hours, a New York congressman branded Jackson a " pervert " undeserving of so much attention. 2. A New York congressman said in a YouTube video that Michael Jackson was a " pervert ". 3. He has pleaded not guilty to charges of attempting to pervert the course of justice and will stand trial in June. 4. The three accused pleaded not guilty to the charge of conspiring to pervert the course of justice. 5. Such activities pervert the ideals of Tibetan Buddhism and threaten social progress as well as the religion. 6. The six people were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, police said in a statement. 7. We don't know whether the charge against the institute is true, but we do know latent rules pervert other artistic tests in China. 8. He is being held on counts of attempting to pervert the course of justice and grievous bodily harm. 9. Prosecutors branded him a deviant who used his playland as the ultimate pervert's lair, plying boys with booze and porn. pervert 英英释义 noun 1. a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior Synonym: deviantdeviatedegenerate verb 1. change the inherent purpose or function of something e.g. Don't abuse the system The director of the factory misused the funds intended for the health care of his workers Synonym: misuseabuse 2. practice sophistry change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive e.g. Don't twist my words Synonym: twisttwist aroundconvolutesophisticate 3. corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality e.g. debauch the young people with wine and women Socrates was accused of corrupting young men Do school counselors subvert young children? corrupt the morals Synonym: corruptsubvertdemoralizedemoralisedebauchdebaseprofanevitiatedepravemisdirect |
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