单词 | unbiased |
释义 | unbiased [英 [?n?ba??st] 美 [?n?ba??st] ] unbiased的意思、解释 unbiased 基本解释 形容词无偏见的,不偏不倚的,公正的; 持平; 无偏无党; 谠 unbiased的翻译 unbiased 网络解释 1. unbiased 1. 没有偏见:-worm 2007年7月10日 (二) 10:45 (UTC)谢谢指正-worm 2007年7月10日 (二) 10:51 (UTC)维基的中立的观点(Neutral Point Of View)简单来说,中性的观点就是您在编写文章的时候,要没有偏见(unbiased)、要公平地把各方的意见表达出来. 2. 公正的:这些属性是以高质量财务报告为基础进行分析所获得,FASB认为:一整套恰当的(Reasonable)、公正的(Unbiased)会计准则应当提供相关的、可靠的,对外部投资人、债权人以及类似决策者决策有用的信息,这就必须制定一系列高质量的会计准则. 3. 無偏:而这些特定文件的全域性(global)索引词汇,如果好好利用,有可能可以进一步分割出来的字元影像,做笔迹细化处理(thinning)以及连笔或断笔的判断,再为了准备一组客观无偏(unbiased)的单字查询词,笔者以图一的步骤, 4. 没有偏见的:subjective主观的,个人的 | unbiased 没有偏见的 | emotional感情的,情绪的 unbiased 双语例句 1. When the estimator is unbiased, the numerical estimate is frequently also called unbiased. 当估计量无偏时,数字估计值也常叫做无偏的。 2. unbiased 2. Unbiased Non-Partisan, kingly sway; to no party bias, Wang Pingping; no anti-free side, Wang integrity. 无偏无党,王道荡荡;无党无偏,王道平平;无反无侧,王道正直。 3. Science, any system of knowledge that is concerned with the physical world and its phenomena and that entails unbiased observations and systematic experimentation. 大英百科全书》说,科学是任何涉及自然界及其现象和无偏向的观察与系统实验的知识系统。 4. Fair, unbiased, objectice, e. g. equitable access to water resources or water supply gives all water users access to the basic needs of water at an affordable price 公正、不偏向、无偏见的,例如水资源或者供水的公平分享是使所有用水户的基本需水都能够以他们有能力支付的价格得到满足。 5. unbiased的解释 5. Modern scholars, such as Sprenger, Noldeke, Weil, Muir, Koelle, Grimme, Margoliouth, give us a more correct and unbiased estimate of Mohammed's life and character, and substantially agree as to his motives, prophetic call, personal qualifications, and sincerity. 现代学者,如sprenger ,noldeke ,韦伊,国防部长,koelle ,格力莫,马戈柳思,给我们一个更正确和不带偏见的估计,穆罕默德的生活和性格,并大幅同意,以他的动机,先知性的呼吁,个人资历,和诚意。 6. The necessary conditions for the unbiased structure are discussed. Some basic external criteria for the selection of model structures are proposed. The partition of o... 文中分析了无偏结构的必要条件和模型筛选用的几个基本的外部准则,讨论了观测数据分割问题。 7. Then two modified models for CAPM were further analyzed—the model after revising unbiased estimation conditions and dynamically modified model. 并深入分析了CAPM的两个修正模型:无偏估计条件修正后的模型和动态修正模型。 8. 8. This paper may have several innovation as fallows:(1) it established a realistic and operable framework for evaluation of the information efficiency of commodity futures market; (2) it used OLS estimator with PCSE to study whether the futures price is the unbiased prediction to the spot price; (3) it used quantile regression method to analyze the spot and dynamic relationship between volume and return of futures market; (4) it studied the dynamic relationship between NFI and Chinese CPI for the first time in China. 纵观全文,本文主要在以下方面进行了一定程度的创新:①以现有的理论为基础,构建了一个现实的、可操纵的商品期货市场效率评价框架;②使用面板修正标准差的OLS估计方法对中国连豆的期货价格对现货价格的预测能力进行了实证研究;③运用分位回归方法对中国连豆期货的价格收益和交易量之间的同期和动态关系,得出了与以往文献不同的实证结论;④对中国商品期货指数与中国消费品物价指数的动态关系进行了实证研究,考察了中国商品期货市场的信号功能。 9. By comparing with these methods, Huffman tree model is demonstrated useful on enzyme class predicting since we can obtain unbiased and the best prediction accuracy of 36% using the Huffman tree model. 比较了两个方法,使用霍夫曼树模型我们可以得到一个没有偏倚而且最好可达36%的准确率,这也证实霍夫曼树模型在酵素分类的预测上是有用的。 10. Based on the empirical results, we found out that the CIP and UIP are tenable simultaneously in the range of tenable US Dollar and Eurodollar from 1999 January to 2004 July. That means when return on asserts between two counties has some differences, it would become towards equality lastly on the basis of international capital mobility. And the null hypothesis that the forward rate is an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate can be employed, revealing the foreign exchange market in the range of Eurodollar and US Dollar has certain efficiency. 实证结果发现,於1999 年 1 月至 2004 年 7 月期间,美国与欧元区间 CIP 与 UIP 同时成立,表示当两国资产报酬率有差异时,可以经由国际间资本的移动,使得报酬率最后有趋於相等的倾向;并且接受远期汇率为未来即期汇率的不偏估计值之虚无假设,显示欧元与美元间外汇市场具有效率性。 11. So, we discuss the asymptotically best linear unbiased estimator for the logistic population based on the selected order statistics, give the pr. 为缓解这一困难,本文讨论利用样本分位数的Logistic总体的近似最佳线性无偏估计,给出估计量的大样本性质,以及样本分位数不超过10情形下,估计量有渐近最大相对估计效率时样本分位数的选取方案等。 12. In a process known as voir dire, the attorneys and/or the judge question potential jurors to determine whether they could render an unbiased opinion in the case. 在众所周知的陪审员接受审核的过程中,代理人和/或法官向有资格的陪审员提出问题以决定他们是否能在案件审理中提出公正的意见。 13. The adjusted R-square is still not an unbiased estimator of the population R-squared, because the ratio of two unbiased estimators is not an unbiased estimator. 调整过的R2仍不是总体R2的一个无偏估计量,因为两个无偏估计量的比例不是一个无偏估计量。 14. 14. It is our belief that total impartiality of a testing facility is paramount in ensuring an unbiased evaluation. 完全公正的测试在保证赌博标准的公平方面是极其重要的——这是我们的理念。 15. If one's interest is only the FM law, the estimator is unbiased provided that a linear FM signal satisfying the Bedrosian theorem. 如果只关心信号的瞬时频率,那么只要幅度大于零、频率按线性规律调制的AM-FM信号满足Bedrosian定理,基于WVD峰值的瞬时频率估计无偏。 16. unbiased是什么意思 16. The asymptotic covariances of different unbiased estimates are derived, which can be used for the comparison of different measurement methods and various estimations. 在连续系统离散时域模型辩识中,论文分析了采样频率对辨识精度的影响,给出了采样频率选取的经验公式。 17. unbiased什么意思 17. It is shown that the method is asymptotically unbiased under high SNR and the variances of time delay and scale is close to Cramér-Rao bound when SNR is over 0dB. 指明了在较高的信噪比下,基于连续小波变换的参数估计方法是渐进无偏的;时延和尺度估计的方差在0dB以上接近克拉美—罗限。 18. 18. And others discussed the best linear unbiased estimator for the logistic population. 等又先后讨论了Logistlic分布参数的最佳线性无偏估计及估计的相对效率等问题。 19. In theory, the proposed Blue-estimator is akin to the best invariant quadratic unbiased estimator. 理论上,本文所介绍的估计式(Blue-estimator)雷同於最佳不变二次无偏估计式。 20. unbiased的近义词 20. Want to think about how spread out this distribution is. This allows us to choose the best estimator among all, or at least a broad class of, the unbiased estimators. 了解这一点,将对我们如何能够在所有的估计量中,或至少在无偏估计量这一类估计量中选出最优的一个具有一定的指导意义。 unbiased 词典解释 1. 无偏见的;不偏不倚的;公正的 If you describe someone or something as unbiased, you mean they are fair and not likely to support one particular person or group involved in something. e.g. There is no clear and unbiased information available for consumers... 消费者没有清晰明确、不偏不倚的信息可以参考。 e.g. The researchers were expected to be unbiased. 调查人员应该是不带偏见的。 unbiased 单语例句 1. Any unbiased person will come to the conclusion that China is sincere in its desire for peace and growth and the " China threat " is groundless. 2. But when their testimonials are used to convict uninformed others, there have to be rigid rules to make sure the process is just and unbiased. 3. Unbiased reporting is only a fair dinkum way to readers irrespective of country involved! 4. A fair and lasting political solution must be based on informed judgments, which in turn calls for an unbiased evaluation of the true state of affairs. 5. Before discussing the feasibility of any policy, we should first guarantee it is fair and unbiased. 6. In being smug and ideologically against China, the host of Peking Duck has discredited himself as an unbiased and objective writer. 7. She believed he will maintain the RTHK tradition of editorial independence, as well as impartial and unbiased news reporting. 8. Market Probe's survey is the first independent and unbiased survey of customer satisfaction in China's banking industry. 9. CNN has tried to promote an unbiased approach to establish a middle ground between opinionated hosts on Fox News Channel and MSNBC. 10. Fair value is a rational and unbiased estimate of the potential market price of goods, services or an asset. unbiased 英英释义 adj 1. without bias Synonym: unbiassed 2. characterized by a lack of partiality e.g. a properly indifferent jury an unbiasgoted account of her family problems Synonym: indifferentunbiassed |
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