单词 | unblemished |
释义 | unblemished [英 [?n?blem??t] 美 [?n?bl?m??t] ] unblemished的意思、解释 unblemished 基本解释 形容词无瑕疵的; (人的名声、记录或性格)无污点的,完美无缺的 unblemished 网络解释 1. unblemished在线翻译 1. 无缺点的:unbleached 原色的 | unblemished 无缺点的 | unblessed 不幸的 2. unblemished 2. 无疵的:unbleachedrags 未漂破布浆 | unblemished 无疵的 | unblendedgasoline 未乙基化汽油 3. 无缺点的;无污点的:unbleached 未漂白的;未热烫的;原色的 | unblemished 无缺点的;无污点的 | unblended 未混合的;未掺和的 4. 无瑕疵的/无缺点的/无污点的/清白的:unbleached /原色的/未漂白的/ | unblemished /无瑕疵的/无缺点的/无污点的/清白的/ | unblessed /不幸的/受咒的/邪恶的/ unblemished 双语例句 1. If it is to be acceptable, the ox or sheep or goat that he offers must be an unblemished male. 应是一只无瑕的公牛,公绵羊,或公山羊,方蒙悦纳。 2. Product Description: Asparagus when fresh should have firm, straight, bright green stalks with tight unblemished dark green tips, with maybe a hint of purple. 中文描述:新鲜芦笋有硬的、的绿茎和无暇的暗绿或紫色的笋尖。 3. So far Mr Kleinfeld's integrity is unblemished. 到今天为止,柯菲德的职业操守一清二白。 4. 4. A majestic craft with smooth lines, an unblemished chromed surface, and a bold flying wing silhouette, the Naboo Royal Cruiser is unmistakable in its origins. 有著平滑线条的皇家星船,有著镀铬的光亮表面,与厚实的翼形轮廓。那卜皇家星舰是不会令人搞错它的主要用途的。 5. Choose winter squash and pumpkins that are heavy for their size, and have hard, dense, unblemished skins. 选择冬南瓜的时候要挑选那些分量较沉,而且表皮坚硬且光滑的品种。 6. Popcorn kernels with the right amount of moisture and unblemished hulls pop into the snack that just about everyone enjoys. 有著最佳濕氣度和無暇的外殼的爆米穀粒能成爲每個人最愛的餐前小吃。 7. Is it false respect, you may ask, to preserve intact and unblemished a beautifully printed book, an elegantly bound edition? 也许你会问,把一本印刷精美、装订考究的书籍保持得完好无损是盲目的崇敬吗? 8. unblemished 8. As his guilt offering he shall bring to the LORD an unblemished ram of the flock of the established value. 为赔补自己的过犯,应照你的估价,从羊群里取出一只无瑕的公绵羊,交给司祭献与上主作赎过祭。 9. On the second day you shall offer twelve bullocks, two rams, and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs 第二日:应献公牛犊十二头,公绵羊二只,一岁无瑕的公羔羊十四只。 10. On the seventh day you shall offer seven bullocks, two rams, and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs 第七日:应献公牛犊七头,公绵羊二只,一岁无瑕的公羔羊十四只。 11. 11. On the fourth day you shall offer ten bullocks, two rams, and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs 第四日:应献公牛犊十头,公绵羊二只,一岁无瑕的公羔羊十四只 12. His unblemished life, considerate temper, and loyalty to his friends made him by no means easy to attack. 他无疵的生活,体贴的脾气,和忠于他的朋友,使他不容易受到攻击。 13. I needed you to hear me one last time, beautiful and unblemished. 我要你最后一次听到我完美无暇的歌声。 14. Your transcript is a series of unblemished A's. 你的成绩单全是A 15. She said she is unblemished. 她说她是清白的。 16. However, playing here in beijing has taught me that the only thing you really need is an unblemished passion for the game. 不过,玩在北京相聚,使我认识到,唯一你真正需要的是完美无瑕的激情游戏。 17. unblemished 17. Just as honor is a prerequisite for respectability, so is unblemished character a barometer of integrity. 正如声誉是可敬的前提条件,无暇疵的品格是正直的晴雨表。本文来自英语学习网 18. unblemished的解释 18. And on their expressing their assent, he speak as follows:- So long as the brethren shall persevere in kindness of action, speech, and thought towards their fellow disciples, both I public and in private so long as they shall divide without partiality, and share in common with their upright companions, all such things as they receive in accordance with the just provisions of the Order, down even to the mere contents of a begging-bowl-so long as the brethren shall live among the saints in the practice, both in public and in private, of those virtues which (unbroken, intact, unspotted, unblemished) are productive of freedom, and praised by the wise; which are untarnished (by the desire of future life, or by the belief in the efficacy of outward acts and which are conducive to concentration of heart so long as the brethren shall live among the saints, cherishing, both in public and in private, that noble and saving insight which leads to the complete destruction of the sorrow of him who acts according to it so long may the brethren be expected not to decline, but to prosper. 当他们表达他们的赞同时,他接着说:只要兄弟坚持不懈的行善行,言善言,并且思维他们的戒律,包括我公开和私下讲的-只要他们不偏袒分裂,并与他们的伙伴共同分享他们的正直,他们拥有的仅仅是戒律规定的粮食,甚至谦卑地乞讨,要饭,只要兄弟在生活中实践圣人之道,无论是在公共地方和私下里,这些美德(不间断,完整,无暇,清白)都会产生自由,并为智者所称道,这是没有污点的(对未来的生活欲望,或对外在行为的功效的信仰),这有助于心灵专注-只要兄弟们生活在圣人中,珍惜,无论是在公共地方和私下里,这一崇高和慈悲的领悟将会完全消除依照此而行的人的悲伤和不幸-只要如此,可以预期兄弟们不会堕落,而是繁荣。 19. 19. Ghana does not have an unblemished record on human rights. 加纳在人权方面并非毫无瑕疵。 20. Free from flaw or blemish or impurity. He has an unblemished employment record. 无缺陷、污迹或杂质的。他的(工作)履历毫无污点。 unblemished 词典解释 1. 没有污点的;无瑕疵的;清白的 If you describe something such as someone's record, reputation, or character as unblemished, you mean it has not been harmed or spoiled. unblemished e.g. Ghana does not have an unblemished record on human rights. 加纳在人权方面并非毫无瑕疵。 e.g. ...Lee's unblemished reputation as a man of honor and principle. 李为人诚实、坚持原则的清白名誉 2. 无斑痕的;无瑕疵的;完好无损的 If you describe something as unblemished, you mean that it has no marks or holes on its surface. e.g. Be sure to select firm, unblemished fruit. 一定要选坚实、无疤痕的果子。 e.g. ...an open field of unblemished snow. 皑皑白雪覆盖着的一片旷野 unblemished 单语例句 1. No punitive action of any kind was taken against Hawkins, who rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel and retired with an unblemished record. 2. Popular cheerleader Nina Deer's seemingly unblemished suburban world is turned upside down when her parents adopt their recently orphaned goddaughter Dot. 3. To the untrained eye it looks nothing more than a white spot on an otherwise unblemished red landscape. 4. Now the trend is decent dressing, unblemished skin and fruity fragrances. 5. Only in such a state will fruit arrive at grocery stores relatively unblemished - and therefore appealing to shoppers. 6. Look for unblemished spuds with no dark spots or little green buds sprouting out of the eyes. unblemishedunblemished 英英释义 unblemished在线翻译 adj 1. free from physical or moral spots or stains e.g. an unblemished record an unblemished complexion Synonym: unmarredunmutilated |
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