单词 | uncanny |
释义 | uncanny [英 [?n?k?ni] 美 [?n?k?ni] ] uncanny的意思、解释 uncanny 基本解释 形容词神秘的; 怪异的; 可怕的; 危险的 uncanny uncanny 相关例句 形容词 1. uncanny是什么意思 1. An uncanny light seemed to be coming from the castle. 一道神秘的光像是从古堡中射出的。 uncanny 网络解释 1. uncanny的意思 1. 神秘的;不可思议的:canny 稳定的,克制的,轻柔的 | uncanny 神秘的;不可思议的 | patrimony 祖传的财物 2. uncanny的翻译 2. 俺揩你(你藏起来,我找你) 神秘的:traitor 捶 他 叛徒;卖国贼 | uncanny 俺揩你(你藏起来,我找你) 神秘的 | underpay 俺得赔(我得赔钱) 少给(工人)工资 3. 奇怪的,神秘的:suspicion嫌疑,疑心 | uncanny奇怪的,神秘的 | vaxation苦恼,烦扰 uncanny 双语例句 1. The plot of this model is novel, the subject matter is original and different, the paragraph is clear, the plot is uncanny, of flowing rhythm, the thread is clearly demarcated, fascinating, demonstrate out of the ordinary literature grounding in basic skills in being dull, may be each word a gem, every sentence classics, whose name is for I people should study model. 这篇帖子构思新颖,题材独具匠心,段落清晰,情节诡异,跌宕起伏,主线分明,引人入胜,平淡中显示出不凡的文学功底,可谓是字字珠玑,句句经典,是我辈应当学习之典范。 2. It`s no coincidence some of the most profound and popular scientists are also musicians: Albert Einstein played the violin, and Brian Cox rocks out on synths. music performance itself requires a sense of timing, pitch, and if you`re doing it in front of others, charisma and the uncanny ability to engage the audience. 无独有偶的是,一些影响深远的伟大的科学家同时也是音乐家:艾伯特·;;爱因斯坦善于演奏小提琴,布莱恩·;;考克斯是摇滚乐队电子合成器的演奏者,音乐演奏本身需要很高的节奏感和韵律感,如果你能当众演奏,你就能用超凡的魅力和神奇的能力感染观众。 3. Ditch tunnel started from Xianqiao extends from north to south-east a deep valley about 5 km, such as uncanny workmanship cliff cut cleavage. 风洞沟是从仙桥开始自北向东南延伸的一条大约5公里的深谷,山崖如鬼斧神工削劈。 4. Walk slowly, the Aged, skull, King Shenzhou rocket holes, One-Line-Sky, Xiantao Stone, Journey to Snooze, Pirates dianthera gecko, stone monkey was born, Buddha, giant Zhaoxi, double Shishan, thekang mai plot, giant xiangshan (palace-style window Danxia Clostridium), flying stone, skylights, thehu li jing uncanny workmanship of nature, such as art, people dizzying, Lenovo million 缓缓步行,本康老人、骷髅头、格萨尔王神箭洞、一线天、仙桃石、八戒贪睡、壁虎盗仙草、石猴出世、坐佛、巨晰、双狮山、本康麦积、巨象山、飞来石、天窗月、狐狸精等大自然鬼斧神工的艺术杰作,让人目不暇接,联想万千 5. His draftsmanship and technique display an uncanny mechanical reproduction that generates an uncanny reality. 他用手工形成了一个比机械复制更加荒诞的现实。 6. 6. He tried his hand at bridges—his unbuilt version of the Rialto Bridge was decorated with the large pediment and columns of a temple—and, after a fire at the Ducal Palace, he offered an alternative design which bears an uncanny resemblance to the Banqueting House in Whitehall in London. 帕拉第奥曾尝试桥梁设计,在他未建版的里亚托桥的设计中,桥身被巨大的三角楣饰和神殿式的圆柱所修饰。还有在公爵宫失火后,他曾提供了一份与伦敦怀特霍尔街的宴会宫极为相似的参选设计方案。 7. He will be the first to admit that fans missed his smile, which once led many to notice his uncanny resemblance to Korean hearthrob Kim Jae Won. 当然,张栋梁也认为观众会怀念他的微笑。而他的微笑也曾经让人发现他其实貌似韩国艺人金在元。 8. 8. Even when you are hiding behind foliage or making virtually no sound at all, your adversaries have the uncanny knack of spotting you right away. 甚至当你躲在后面叶面或几乎没有任何声音,你的对手有鬼斧神工诀窍的检举你的时候了。 9. Maybe none of these works were triumphal, but still they were unexpected and uncanny images. 也许这些作品中没有一个是胜利的,但是他们依然是不可预料和离奇的图像。 10. uncanny 10. Last season, Walton showed uncanny confidence in his three-point shot; a year later and the forward looks afraid to shoot beyond ten feet in. 上个赛季,沃顿在他的三分球上展现了不可思议的自信心;但一年后,这名小前锋看上去好像害怕在十英尺以外的地方投篮。 11. uncanny 11. Its uncanny persistence on the sea's surface, defying the choppiness, is a good omen. 虽然浪涛阵阵,神奇的尾印却经久不散,这是一个好兆头。 12. uncanny 12. Wang has constantly proven that statement right, showing an uncanny ability to induce grounder after grounder when he's on. 王持续的证明了这种说法是正确的,他显示了异于常人的能力,引导著一个接一个的滚地球,只要他在投手丘上时。 13. uncanny的解释 13. Outside the open within the secluded valley, hidden wonders of, Shek Kipfei pu, Bitan rapids, combined with steep cliffs, qi feng yi shi everywhere highlight the uncanny workmanship of nature. 峡谷外旷内幽、奇景深藏、石峡飞瀑、急流碧潭、加之峭壁悬崖、奇峰异石,处处凸显大自然的鬼斧神工。 14. 14. Found and recruited by the Lich King, Barathrum's uncanny speed and wraithlike powers have now been unleashed upon the Material Plane, his lantern able to project nether energy into enemies, sending them backwards with sudden force. 在被巫妖王发现并招至帐下以后,Barathrum不可思议的速度和幽魂般的力量得以在尘世释放。他的灯笼能向对手投射冥界的力量,将他们向后推送。 15. The reading finished. She was startled. She looked up, and was more startled still to see Clifford watching her with pale, uncanny eyes, like hate. 但是他结束得太快了,太快了;而她再也不能用自己的力量迫使自己完结,这一次是不同了,不同了,她毫无能力了,好也不能竖挺起来缠着他,去博得她自己的满足了。 16. Perhaps most notable, though, is his uncanny ability to extract colossal profits from catastrophic circumstances. 也许最值得关注的是,他让人吃惊的能力,这个能力能在灾难的环境中吸收财富。 17. uncanny什么意思 17. Like many other watch brands, there was a time when Zenith's future was questionable, it appears as though Mr, Nataf has been instrumental in changing all that, despite is uncanny fantasy character resemblance. 如同许多其他手表品牌,有一个时候Zenith的未来是有疑问的,看来好像主席,纳塔夫一直在改变着这一切的工具,尽管是不可思议的幻想性质的相似性。 18. At first, it seems like a mere coincidence; then it becomes uncanny. 首先,它看起来似乎是的巧合,然后它变得不可思议。 19. These stones look like it was carefully crafted by the fact, are uncanny workmanship of nature's masterpieces. 这些石头看上去像是有人精心雕琢出来的,其实,都是大自然鬼斧神工的杰作。 20. 20. Bronze stone is from the origin to the birth of shape, is nature's uncanny workmanship of carving. 青铜石仅获得几块,它的挖掘方式、方法也是与其出土文物方式、方法相同的。 uncanny 词典解释 1. 奇怪的;离奇的;费解的 If you describe something as uncanny, you mean that it is strange and difficult to explain. e.g. The hero, Danny, bears an uncanny resemblance to Kirk Douglas... 主人公丹尼与柯克·道格拉斯出奇地相像。 e.g. I had this uncanny feeling that Alice was warning me. 我有一种奇怪的感觉:艾丽斯是在警告我。 uncannily They have uncannily similar voices... 他们的声音出奇地像。 It fits Orwell's guidelines almost uncannily. 这与奥韦尔的指导方针出奇地吻合。uncanny 单语例句uncanny的意思 1. The inside of the metro bore an uncanny resemblance to the mosh pit at the country star's Hong Kong debut. 2. In a village where most people are relatives through generations of intermarriage, they develop uncanny wisdom in sizing up relations. 3. " The resonance with today's controversies is just uncanny, " he said. 4. And he has that uncanny knack of taking games over when his team needs it most. 5. Or consider the Universal Shifting Stance, which redirects and reverses opponents'attacks through uncanny manipulation of energy streams within the body. 6. Church was just 11 when she shot to fame with her uncanny mastery of classical standards. 7. An audio version is floating in cyberspace, with uncanny mimicry of the original singers Liu Huan and Sarah Brightman. 8. The new face bore an uncanny resemblance to her former face, one doctor said. 9. Life is a wonderful thing, and the immune system has the uncanny ability to fend off many diseases. 10. Which brings us back to one other individual in China with an uncanny knack for prediction. |
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