单词 | petition |
释义 | petition [英 [p??t??n] 美 [p??t???n] ] petition的意思、解释 过去式:petitioned; 过去分词:petitioned; 现在分词:petitioning; 复数形式:petitions; petition 基本解释 名词请愿书,; 请愿,请求; 上诉状 不及物动词请愿; 祈求,请求 及物动词(向法庭)申诉 petition 相关例句 及物动词 1. Several organizations petitioned the government for the release of the political prisoners. 好几个组织上书政府,请求释放政治犯。 不及物动词 1. They petitioned for an early end to the fighting. 他们上书请求早日结束战争。 名词 1. The neighbours submitted a petition asking the town to put up traffic lights near the school. 邻居们正式请求市里在学校附近设置红绿灯。 2. A thousand people signed the petition. 一千人在请愿书上签了名。 3. petition 3. The villagers all signed a petition asking for a hospital to be built. 村民们都在请愿书上签名要求建一所医院。 petition 网络解释 1. 请求书:对未成年人触犯法律不被称为犯罪(CRIME),而是过失(DELINQUENCY要求审理未成年人的法律文件不是投诉(COMPLAINT)或逮捕证(ARREST WARRANT),而是请求书(PETITION对未成年人初步审理不是大陪审团裁决(INDICTMENT)或起诉书(INFORMATION), 2. petition的近义词 2. 请求:本来,按照破产法第362条的规定,一旦债务人自行或由债权人提起破产请求(petition),此前针对债务人或其财产的任何行政或司法程序即自动中止;换言之,破产程序具有优先地位. petition 双语例句 1. By way of preparation we should begin with acts of adoration of Almighty God, of self-humiliation, and with fervent petition to be directed by the Holy Spirit in our prayer to know how to make it well and obtain its fruits. 的方式,编写我们应该开始与行为的崇拜全能的上帝,自我羞辱,并与热切的请愿书,以指示圣灵在我们的祈祷知道如何使它良好,并取得其成果。 2. Of the rights of freedom of expression and of assembly and the right to petition their Government, 这段话出现在判决书第7页,这之前讨论了公共空间的分类。 3. It has filed a petition with the Food and Drug Administration to temporarily suspend sales of 75 products. 该组织已诉请美国食品药物管理局暂时禁止七十五项产品的销售。 4. petition 4. Dong`s thoughts on judicial supervision are very abundant, including open trials, petition system, judicial authority etc. 董必武有关司法监督的思想,内涵丰富,包括公开审判、信访制度、司法权威等内容。 5. Article 25 Within seven days from the date of receipt of a petition, the arbitration committee shall decide whether to accept it or not. 第二十五条仲裁委员会应当自收到申诉书之日起七日内做出受理或者不予受理的决定。 6. petition的反义词 6. Undergraduate business majors from non-AACSB International accredited institutions can petition the MBA Admissions Committee for admission to the 11-month program. 非商业专业本科,AACSB国际认证机构可以申请MBA的招生入学的11个月计划委员会。 7. Article 24 When a party petitions for arbitration to the arbitration committee, the petition shall be submitted to the arbitration committee, and copies of the petition shall also be submitted in accordance with the number of respondents. 第二十四条当事人向仲裁委员会申请仲裁,应当提交申诉书,并按照被诉人数提交副本。 8. petition什么意思 8. Answer: The district monitoring committee, the District of Political Science and Law Committee, District Committee, District petition to do so, the Bureau of premises, streets and other departments, units responsible for demolition of the whole process of supervision, as well as major issues during the demolition coordination, is responsible for resolving conflicts arising from the demolition. 答:区监测委员会,区政法委员会,区委员会,区请愿这样做,房地局,街道和其他部门,单位负责拆除的全过程监督,以及在重大问题上拆卸协调,负责解决冲突所引起的拆卸。 9. Provincial Reeducation Through Labor Management Committee that the petition to the national authorities the issue of China's constitution grants citizens of a fundamental right, Xu Yun-in Jiangshan City People's Court, the petition Jiangshan City Council, incite, instigate the petition insufficient evidence. 浙江省政府劳动教养管理委员会认为,向国家机关信访有关问题,是我国宪法赋予公民的一项基本权利,徐云宝在江山市人民法院、江山市信访局,煽动、鼓动上访群众的证据不足。 10. petition 10. Municipal Committee, deputy secretary, secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Li Xue-chun said at a press conference, the morning of November 17, Longnan City, Wudu District East Town, more than 30拆迁户collective petition to the Municipal Committee, requested of Longnan City, the administrative center after the relocation might lead to the housing, land and life in the future respond to questions. 陇南市委副书记、纪委书记李学春在新闻发布会上说,11月17日上午,陇南市武都区东江镇30多名拆迁户集体到市委上访,要求对陇南市行政中心搬迁后可能导致的住房、土地以及今后生活方面的问题作出答复。 11. The individual right to petition is a procedural human right. 个人请愿权是一种程序性权利。 12. petition什么意思 12. In order to seek status as an immigrant investor, you must file CIS Form I-526, .Immigrant Petition by Alien Entrepreneur. The Form I-526 must be filed with supporting documentation which clearly demonstrates that the individual`s investment meets all requirements, such as 为了获得投资移民身份,你需要递交 I -526申请,即移民国外投资者移民请愿书。I-256表必须提供相关的支持文件来证明申请者符合所有的要求。 13. 13. File the Form I-526, Immigrant Petition by Alien Entrepreneur with USCIS. 提交 USCIS 签发的外国企业家移民申请 I-526 表格。 14. The next step is to file a Form I-526, Immigrant Petition by Alien Entrepreneur, with the USCIS Texas Service Center or California Service Center, depending on where the new commercial enterprise is located or will principally be doing business. 下一步就是向 USCIS 得克萨斯服务中心或加利福利亚服务中心递交外国企业家移民申请 I-526 表格,在哪递交取决于新企业在何处或者主要营业地。 15. petition的近义词 15. File the Form I-526, Immigrant Petition by Alien Entrepreneur. 填写外国企业家移民申请I-526 。。。 16. Petitioner, ABC, INC., filed an I-140 Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker on behalf of Beneficiary, Mr. XYZ seeking to classify the Beneficiary under the Employment-Based First Preference (EB-1) category as a Multinational Executive or Manager. 申请人,ABC公司作为受款人的代表申请1-140外籍工作人员移民,受款人XYZ先生竭力按照工人优先(EB-1)原则,将受款人划定为跨国高级管理人员和跨国经理级别。2005年11月1日,移民局向申请人发出了一个证据信息需求。2006年1月20日,申请人递交了一份证据信息回复,在2008年6月23日移民局发出的否定信认为信息不足。 17. I can petition for Junie's custody. 我可以申请做琼妮的监护人。 18. The right of petition is one of the basic democratic legal right granted to citizens. 申诉权,是我国法律赋予公民的基本的民主权利之一。 19. petition的反义词 19. Part One Historical Evolution of the System of Petition Right on Property. 第一部分物上请求权制度的历史演进。 20. Several of Eliot's neighbours put up a petition for a right of way over his ground. 埃略特的几个邻居提出申请,要求在他的土地上有通行权。 petition 词典解释 1. 请愿书 A petition is a document signed by a lot of people which asks a government or other official group to do a particular thing. e.g. We recently presented the government with a petition signed by 4,500 people. 最近我们向政府递交了有4,500人签名的请愿书。 2. 上诉;(对法庭的)请求 A petition is a formal request made to a court of law for some legal action to be taken. e.g. His lawyers filed a petition for all charges to be dropped... 他的律师提请撤销所有指控。 e.g. The court rejected their petition. 法庭驳回了他们的上诉。 3. 祈求;请求;请愿 If you petition someone in authority, you make a formal request to them. petition e.g. ...couples petitioning for divorce... 申请离婚的夫妇 e.g. All the attempts to petition the Congress had failed... 所有向国会请愿的努力均告失败。 petition 单语例句 1. ISLAMABAD - A party in Pakistan on Monday submitted a petition to the Election Commission, calling for reschedule of general elections. 2. Qin and some other villagers recently signed a petition asking for a cemetery to commemorate the soldiers as martyrs be built. 3. The protestors then marched to the Central Government Office and handed in a petition. 4. Another coalition was formed by US furniture retailers to challenge the petition by US manufacturers following the commission preliminary ruling. 5. Under Florida law anyone can file a petition for court protection if they have information that a child is in danger. 6. The authors of the petition claim that celebrating Christmas is a personal decision, but most Chinese join in the celebrations without clearly knowing the origin of the occasion. 7. Her lawyers vowed an appeal, and supporters launched a petition campaign seeking clemency from California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. 8. The Guangzhou center of urban construction and administration received a petition from the protesters yesterday, but only a handful of disgruntled residents got the chance to meet officials. 9. Unlike the steelworkers'petition in the tire case, this complaint will not land on Obama's desk. 10. Legal experts said the role of the administrative petition - by letters and visits - should be weakened in easing conflicts. petition 英英释义 petition noun 1. a formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority Synonym: requestpostulation 2. reverent petition to a deity Synonym: prayerorison verb 1. write a petition for something to somebody request formally and in writing |
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