单词 | petty |
释义 | petty [英 [?peti] 美 [?p?ti] ] petty的意思、解释 petty 基本解释 petty的近义词 形容词不重要的; 卑鄙的,小气的; 小的,一点点; 小规模的 名词佩蒂; [会]小额; 厕所 petty 同义词 形容词smallpunyinferiorunimportantlowbasewretchedmiserableminortrivialdespicablemeancontemptible petty的意思 petty 反义词 形容词greatimportantsignificantsuperior petty 相关例句 形容词 1. A gossip has a petty mind. 长舌妇往往心胸狭窄。 2. petty 2. Don't bother me with such petty things. 不要用这种小事情烦我。 3. He was arrested for petty theft. 他因小偷小摸被捕。 4. Authority was distributed among hundreds of petty leaders. 职权由数百名小头头分掌。 petty 网络解释 1. 佩蒂:境评估实验(MARMET)和其他海洋表面观测资料ds540.2 综合海洋大气数据集(COADS)发表的1a资料ds541.2 全球海洋降水频率和特征的资料,佩蒂(Petty)制作ds560.0 美国国家气候资料中心(NCDC)的TD3220美国管理的台站的月概要资料, 2. 贝蒂:代表体育名星:球王贝利(Pele)、赛车手贝蒂(Petty)、网球英雄维拉斯(Vilas)和篮球传奇人物克莱德(Clyde)等 3. 佩蒂(姓氏):net rule 网络规则 | Petty 佩蒂(姓氏) | permanent press 免烫 4. petty的意思 4. 小的:petty pilferage 小窃 | petty 小的 | petvalve 试水旋塞 petty 双语例句 1. The petty-bourgeois writers and artists constitute an important force among the forces of the united front in literary and''. 在文艺界统一战线的各种力量里面,小资产阶级文艺家在中国是一个重要的力量。 2. When you use these imaginary rules on yourself, you clog your mind with petty restrictions and childish orders. 什么意思?当你往身上套那些想象的规则时,你给你的心扣上了枷锁和强加了幼稚的命令。 3. petty什么意思 3. What is important is that if you want to be petty in life you look at what others do. 这就是我要我们做的。关注你自己的表现,确定你表现了。 4. Working for a petty person is hard, but entertaining a petty person is easy. 给小人做事困难,但却很容易讨好他。 5. Brothers, put aside the petty grievance that have splintered us for so long. 兄弟们,让我们把过往那一些噜苏的积怨都抛在一旁。 6. Baidu collects pelter, make website discharge many decrease, say really, see collect one every day decreasing, IP one every day be in petty, psychology still is not flavor a bit really, but do not have method, no matter you are in, gave an issue how is sadness otiose, you recall the way that solves a problem only just is the most important, state of mind, I say with oneself all the time. 百度收录骤降,使得网站流量大量减少,说真的,看到收录一天天的在减少,IP一天天的在委琐,心理还真有点不是滋味,可是没办法,出了问题无论你在怎么悲伤都是没有用的,你只有想出解决问题的办法才是最重要的,心态啊,我一直和自己说。 7. 7. I regard trifling and petty things also as very important and attractive for me. 微不足道以及漂亮的事物对我同样重要,同样有吸引力。 8. They take him and make him an example for other petty kings. 他们拿他给那些小王来个惩一以儆百。 9. petty的反义词 9. So that's how I think we did petty much a lot of things during this Spring Break.... 所以算一算我们也是在这个春假做了不少的事。。。。可是说是没有浪费的啦。。 10. You're likely to be put off by trivialities and petty details of any sort. 你很可能被举无轻重的事物和无关紧要的细节给拖延。 11. 11. On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics. 今天,我们可以大胆地说,我们既不必抱怨诉苦,也不再假大空;我们不必相互指责,更不必死抱着古旧的条条框框不松手,因为这些都是长期束缚着我们的政治的弊端。 12. The main problem is not the first offender or the petty thief but the repeated offender who commits increasingly serious crimes. 主要的问题不是来自于初犯者或小偷小摸,而是来自于犯罪行为越来越严重的那些惯犯。 13. Because the grain of chalk is thick, sometimes the petty feature report of sole does not come out, need thresh, the contrast that takes a picture is weaker also. 由于粉笔的颗粒粗,有时鞋底的细小特征反映不出来,需要反复做,拍出照片的反差也较弱。 14. 14. When passing through the townhouse i saw a crowd gethering before a petty bulletin board. 经过镇公所,我看见一群人站在小布告牌前。 15. 15. We've become shallow, 'click-ish', and petty. 我们变得狭隘、萎琐。 16. petty 16. Different from the desperation for men which is expressed in the works by many feminists, the difficulties of women in her works are not set off by men's petty and immorality. 和大多数女性主义写作中表达对男性的失望不同,虹影笔下,女人的艰难并不是以男人的萎琐无良来反衬的,虹影作品中的男性虽然凡俗,却有男人气。 17. These petty steps can go a long way in inculcating proper routine in child's life and keep teen sleep problems at bay. 这些小的步骤可以大大灌输正确的例行在孩子的生命并保持青少年睡眠问题湾。 18. The accoutant said we could buy papers with petty cash but not to buy a new printer. 会计说我们可以用零用现金去买纸,但是不能用它买一个新的打印机。 19. petty的近义词 19. China`s middle class, China is a collection of petty bourgeois intellectuals. 中国的中产阶级,中国是一个小资产阶级知识分子的集合。 20. China's middle class, China is a collection of petty bourgeois intellectuals. 中国的中产阶级,也就是中国小资产阶级知识分子的集合。 petty 词典解释 1. 微不足道的;不重要的 You can use petty to describe things such as problems, rules, or arguments which you think are unimportant or relate to unimportant things. e.g. He was miserable all the time and rows would start over petty things. 他总是愁眉苦脸的,常因小事发怒。 e.g. ...endless rules and petty regulations... 没完没了的规则和繁复琐碎的规定 2. 小题大做的;过于关注琐事的 If you describe someone's behaviour as petty, you mean that they care too much about small, unimportant things and perhaps that they are unnecessarily unkind. e.g. He was petty-minded and obsessed with detail... 他小肚鸡肠,满脑子都是鸡毛蒜皮的事儿。 e.g. I think that attitude is a bit petty. 我觉得那种态度有点小题大做。 pettiness Never had she met such spite and pettiness. 她从未遇到过这样的故意刁难和小题大做。 3. 下级的;次要的;小规模的 Petty is used of people or actions that are less important, serious, or great than others. petty的意思 e.g. Wilson was not a man who dealt with petty officials. 威尔逊不是个与小官小吏打交道的人。 e.g. ...petty crime, such as handbag-snatching and minor break-ins. 抢手提包和入室盗窃等轻罪 petty 单语例句 1. URUMQI - Petty Officer Cui Guoqiang studies computer science not in a university classroom, but in his barracks. 2. The Shanghai No 2 Intermediate People's Court sentenced a man to death yesterday for the murder of a rival petty crook. 3. Johnson's total trails only the seven titles won by Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt and he's now tied with teammate Gordon. 4. Yet such shortsighted pursuit of petty gains is detrimental to the elimination of the crises, and may even lead to greater difficulties and new crises. 5. But being a worthy competitor also means a disdain for winning with petty tricks for immediate gains. 6. Some netizens left comments disparaging the waste of police resources on what they consider petty things. 7. Don't spend too much money on extras or petty items that will eat into your budget. 8. During this period a little is known in history except that Tibet became decentralized into a number of petty principalities. 9. Petty is a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 10. The Coast Guard wouldn't speculate on the men's chances of survival, but Petty Officer Robert Simpson said their size and good health were advantages. petty 英英释义 noun 1. larceny of property having a value less than some amount (the amount varies by locale) Synonym: petit larcenypetty larceny adj 1. contemptibly narrow in outlook e.g. petty little comments disgusted with their small-minded pettiness Synonym: small-minded 2. (informal) small and of little importance e.g. a fiddling sum of money a footling gesture our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war a little (or small) matter a dispute over niggling details limited to petty enterprises piffling efforts giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction Synonym: fiddlingfootlinglilliputianlittlenigglingpiddlingpifflingpicayunetrivial |
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