单词 | philately |
释义 | philately [英 [f??l?t?li] 美 [f??l?tli] ] philately的意思、解释 philately 基本解释 名词集邮 philately什么意思 philately 网络解释 1. 集邮:[乌龙BBS](洛城冰牛奶茶坊-----美国南加州洛杉矶第一大华人部落格 -by ) 集邮(Philately)天地---方寸之间的乐趣引用:从小就养成集邮的习惯,从清朝到民国,从日韩到瓯美,集邮册也从一本激增到二十几本,到了美国之后,偶尔看到漂亮邮票, 2. 集邮业务:邮趣廊精品 Postshop products | 集邮业务 PHILATELY | 邮品订购服务Local Standing Order Service 3. 3. 集邮, 集邮的兴趣 (名):philatelist 集邮家 (名) | philately 集邮, 集邮的兴趣 (名) | Philemon 腓利门 (名) philately 双语例句 1. With the rapid development of Chinese economy, the collection market in China has seen all-round recovery, both in collector population and auction records. Calligrapy, paintings, porcelain, jade ware, bronze, coins and philately are all hot objects. Collectibles that appreciate more than 10 times in years are not rare. From CCTV to regional TV Stations, programs on finding valuable collectibles and identifying them are welcomed by audience. Collection is all fashion in China almost overnight. 伴随着中国经济的快速发展,中国的收藏市场全面复苏,集藏人数激增,具有悠久历史的字画、瓷器、玉器、青铜器、钱币、邮品走俏市场,拍卖行的拍卖纪录不断刷新,几年间增值十倍的收藏品比比皆是;从央视到地方台的寻宝、鉴宝类电视节目开始热播……收藏,几乎在一夜之间红遍了全国。 2. Photography and philately, for the disabled. 近几年,全国各地广泛举办残疾人参加的各种文艺演出、体育比赛和书画、摄影、集邮等 3. philately的意思 3. I have interested in philately 3 years ago. 三年前我喜欢上了集邮。 4. I have started to like philately three years ago. 三年前我喜欢上了集邮。 5. 5. I fell in love to philately three years ago. 三年前我喜欢上了集邮。 6. I have enjoyed philately three years ago. 目前,我还没收到报告。 7. One of my love is philately. 我的一个爱好就是集邮。 8. I began to enjoy philately three years ago. 三年前我喜欢上了集邮。 9. 9. The range of postal services has been expanded, covering the four categories of mail, distribution of newspapers and journals, philately and postal savings and postal remittance, and providing recently new services such as advertisement letters, mail-order, protocol service, E-mail, postal audio and video and insurance by proxy. 邮政业务发展迅速,已包括邮递、报刊发行、集邮和储蓄、汇兑四大类业务,还开办了广告信函、商品邮购、礼仪服务、电子信函、邮政音像、代办保险等新型业务。 10. The Olympic Philately, Numismatic and Memorabilia Commission is comprised of the International Federation of Olympic Philately, the International Federation of Olympic Numismatic, and the International Olympic Memorabilia Federation. The OPNMC in conjunction with the FIPO, FINO, and FIMO share the same goal: to increase awareness of all Olympic collections by linking them to the cultural activities of the Olympic Movement. 奥林匹克集邮、钱币和纪念品委员会由国际奥林匹克集邮联合会、国际奥林匹克纪念币联合会以及国际奥林匹克纪念品联合会组成,并与这三个联合会秉持同一个目标,即将所有的奥运收藏活动与奥林匹克运动的各项文化活动结合起来,提升奥运收藏的知名度。 11. Philately is stepping into people's lives, the rich, scholars and commoners. 集邮,正逐步走进人们的生活,成为文人雅士和普通百姓的爱好之一。 12. For many decades it is acknowledged worldwide as the most valuable and most important item in Chinese philately. 它是数十年来闻名于世的中国最名贵和最重要的邮品 13. 13. However, the first Red Revenue Stamp has been a major issue in the study of Chinese Philately in the past hundred years, leaving a number of disputes and arguments. 中国第一枚印花税票问题近百年来一直是中华邮学和税票史研究的重大课题,留下多个难圆其说之处。 14. philately 14. In confirmation of feasibility that philately networks management system shared green card lines with green card system, the traffics and response time are tested and calculated. The conclusion is made that the green card lines can be shared. 为了证实集邮网络管理系统与绿卡系统共用绿卡线路的可行性,对业务量和系统响应时间等进行了测试和计算,得出了可以共用的结论。 15. Value-Added Tax shall levied on sales of philately stamps and first day covers by postal departments. 邮政部门销售集邮邮票、首日封,应当征收增值税。 16. Value-added tax is levied on the production and allocation of philately commodities. 集邮商品的生产、调拨征收增值税。 17. I became fond of philately three years ago. 三年前我喜欢上了集邮。 18. philately在线翻译 18. They have a philately counter where he can buy stamps for his collection. 那里有一个集邮专柜,他能在那儿买到他想收藏的邮票。 19. We enjoy the fun of philately and we wish for peace and happiness for the people around the world. 我们在收藏中享受乐趣,也祝愿世界人民收藏平安和幸福。 20. 20. For the development and future of philately, we will keep innovating, bring philately into modern life as an element of fashion and vitality, and advocate openness and tolerance in philately. 为了集邮的发展和未来,我们将不断创新,把集邮活动融入现代生活的时尚与活力,积极倡导集邮方式的开放与宽容。 philately 词典解释 1. 集邮 Philately is the hobby of collecting and learning about postage stamps. philately的反义词 philately 单语例句 1. Wang said he has experienced the ups and downs of the stamp market but his devotion to philately has remained unchanged. 2. The biggest pitfall in philately is finding out that the precious stamp you just bought is a fake. 3. They will be issued in Denmark June 4 and also be sold at China Post philately stores starting May 30. 4. Only one entire unused sheet exists in China and they are considered a treasure of Chinese philately. philately 英英释义 noun 1. the collection and study of postage stamps Synonym: stamp collectingstamp collection |
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