单词 | philology |
释义 | philology [英 [f??l?l?d?i] 美 [f??lɑ:l?d?i] ] philology的意思、解释 复数形式:philologists; philology 基本解释 名词语文学 philology 网络解释 1. 语言学:他也为释经学定下一些原则:二.为要了解圣经,语言学(philology)的训练是必须的. 后来有一位僧侣,威腾特(Vincent,AD434)在他所著(Commonitorium)中为当时的解经法作了结论,说:以上是中世纪时流行的解经方法. philology 双语例句 1. On a sidetrack, however, it left abundant materials for modern research on ancient philology, especially about the changes in euphonies. 一个侧线,但它留下的丰富材料,为现代研究古文字学,特别是关于如何变化euphonies 。 2. 2. The bamboo silps discovered in the ancient tomb of Qin dynasty in Shuihudi was an important find for archaeology and philology. 1975年12月出土的睡虎地秦墓竹简是考古学上的一次重大发现,也为古文字学的研究提供了弥足珍贵的材料。 3. philology 3. His Erya Shu is not only important in the history of the Erya studies but also valuable in the study of Confucian classics, the study of historical literature, philology and culture. 遗憾的是,对邢昺《尔雅疏》的评价,后人大多有深刻的门户之见。近代学者,也只有黄侃较为客观地看待它。 4. On methodology, traditional methods (such as philology, exegetics, textual criticism etc.) and modern methods (such as lexicology, semantics etc.) were applied in the study. Furthermore, both synchronic study and diachronic study were united in the paper and all these developed the range of archaic words'study. 在研究方法上,本文采用传统训诂学、文字学、校勘学与现代词汇学、语义学、文化语言学等相结合的方法,从历时研究和共时研究两个层面展开论述,为寻求汉语词汇研究的新路径做出了努力探索。 5. The thesis combines philology with history of thought, and try to explore the primary contents and philological value. 第一部分从作者叙考和版本述要两方面介绍了《老子道德经古本集注》的基本情况。 6. He is interested in philology very much. 他对语言学很感兴趣。 7. Do you wish to become a Professor of Philology? 你想要成为语言学教授吗 8. 8. But in all other respects this so-called revelation of philology is void of instruction. 但是在所有其他方面这所谓文献学的革命是没有指示意义的。 9. philology的翻译 9. I am not quite sure what you mean by philology, and what your purpose in following that course would be. 我不十分了解你所说的语言学的含义,以及你学习这门课程的目的。 10. 10. We want to strengthen the study of philology and hermeneutics in Mo-jing logic research. 我们要加强墨经逻辑研究中的文字学和解释学研究。 11. 11. Of or relating to or dealing with philology. 属于、关于或涉及语言学的。 12. philology的翻译 12. Such an approach is by no means alien to modern philology. 如此的方法是一点也不对现代的语言学的外侨。 13. Most of them are pictures of ink rubbings, and collected by Fu Ssu-nien, Xu Zhong-shu, Dong Zuo-bin and Lao Gan through donations, exchanges, purchases or field investigations since 1928, when the institute of History and philology was set up, to 1937, when the Sino-Japanese War started. 其中多数拓片藏图,为民国17年(1928)历史语言研究所创建以来,至26年(1937)抗战期间,经由傅斯年、徐中舒、董作宾、劳干等前辈学者,透过赠送、交换、购买或田野调查时拓制而得。 14. Expatiating on the cultural presentation of TCM in System, which contents the below aspects.①Chinese, Chinese literature, and ancient documents, ②Social, philology, and religious ideas, ③Ethics and morals, ④History, literature, and arts, ⑤Folk customs and festivals, ⑥Learning with masters, family and in government schools, ⑦Wushu and Qigong, ⑧Famous herbal medicine shop with hundreds years, ⑨The Saint of TCM and the King of medicine, ⑩Cultural relics and archeology. 4中医药的文化渊源与文化表现形式:对中医药的文化表现形式进行了比较系统的阐述,包括10个方面:①汉语、汉字与古籍文献;②社会、哲学和宗教思想;③伦理道德;④历史、文学、艺术;⑤民俗节庆;⑥师传、家传与官办教育;⑦武术气功:⑧百年老字号;⑨医圣药王;⑩文物考古。 15. philology的近义词 15. And yet history goes on being studied as of old, side by side with laws of statistics, of geography, of political economy, of comparative philology and geology, that flatly contradict its assumptions. 同时,以前的历史与完全违反它的原理的统计学、地理学、政治经济学、比较语言学和地质学的法则继续被人研究着。 16. philology 16. Philology from... 本文从文献学角度搜集、整理关于三娘子对土默特蒙古发展的影响、对维护民族团结所作出的贡献等资料,试图为有关三娘子的研究辟出更为广阔的材料依据。 17. philology是什么意思 17. Fang Yizhi's TongYa, a well-known work in the history of chinese linguistics, is of great value in terms of philology, phonology, lexicology and exegetics. 方以智的《通雅》是中国语言学史上的一部名著,在文字、音韵、词汇、训诂等方面有重要价值。 18. Fang Yizhi's TongYa, a well-known work in the history of chinese linguistics, is of great value in terms of philology, phonology, ... 方以智的《通雅》是中国语言学史上的一部名著,在文字、音韵、词汇、训诂等方面有重要价值。 19. This dissertation choses the historical Chaghtay literature named Biography of Khojas as researching object, which was written by Muhamad Sadik Kashghari in Kashghar during the year of 1768-1769, what I want to do is, from aspects of linguistics, philology, religion, and history, firstly, to retranslate and re-annotate the literature Biography of Khojas, secondly, to analyze the content of this literature and then reemerge the historical picture of Xinjiang Uighur sufism during 16-18centuries by referencing the original Chaghtay edition and comparing with other kinds of existing editions of Biography of Khojas in English and Chinese. 本论文选择穆罕默德·萨迪克·喀什噶里于公元1768-69年写成的察合台文献《和卓传》为研究对象,以1988年喀什维文出版社出版的维吾尔文版《和卓传》为基础,结合察合台原本以及现有的英文、汉文版本,从语言学、文献学、宗教学、历史学的角度,一则是对《和卓传》进行再译释,二则是在该文献内容的基础之上,再现16-18世纪新疆维吾尔苏非主义发展的历史面貌。 20. This article takes the philology angle of view, ordinally sawing about the issues as compilatory origin, complier, explanatory notes, stuff chosen, classic items quote, try to analysis the compilation function and scholarly tenet of the Emperor Kang Xi`s Scriptures roundly. 本文从文献学的角度入手,以问题为序,依次就御纂诸经的修纂动机、纂修人、凡例、取材问题、学术宗旨等问题,加以比较全面的分析和考察。 philology 词典解释 1. 语文学;语言学 Philology is the study of words, especially the history and development of the words in a particular language or group of languages. philologist He is a philologist, specialising in American poetry. 他是专攻美国诗歌的语文学家。philology 英英释义 noun 1. the humanistic study of language and literature Synonym: linguistics |
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