单词 | phlegmatic |
释义 | phlegmatic [英 [fleg?m?t?k] 美 [fl?ɡ?m?t?k] ] phlegmatic的意思、解释 phlegmatic 基本解释 phlegmatic的反义词 形容词冷漠的; 冷静的; 镇定的; 迟钝的 phlegmatic什么意思 phlegmatic 网络解释 1. 冷淡的:是交响芭蕾大师乔治.巴兰钦的代表作之一,作品以忧郁的 (Melancholic)、冷静的( Sanguinic)、冷淡的 (Phlegmatic)、易怒的 (Choleric)四个主题主成,编导在古典芭蕾的技术动的基础上进行全新的动作发展与编排、使之准确的刻画了这四种气质. 2. 冷静的,冷淡的:petulant 性急的,暴躁的 | phlegmatic 冷静的,冷淡的 | apathetic 冷漠的,无动于衷的 3. 3. 粘液质的,不动感情的:Predecessor 前任 | Phlegmatic 粘液质的,不动感情的 | Apathetic 无动于衷的,无表情的 4. 冷淡的,冷静的:calm冷静的 | phlegmatic 冷淡的,冷静的 | uncommunicative, taciturn 沉默寡言的 phlegmatic 双语例句 1. phlegmatic 1. among type 2 diabetes chimese medical pattern of syndrome, phlegmatic hygrosis, meridian and vessels and deficiency of both yin and yang s` blood sugar are not well controlled, metabolic disorder is severe, so there are many patients who have hepatica. 阴阳两虚型和气阴两虚型有共同的脂代谢情况:两者的脂代谢紊乱都以TC和HDL的代谢紊乱为主,表现为TC的明显升高和HDL的明显降低。 2. And those old favorites, your friends and mine: sycophantic, phlegmatic, and, of course, top of the bill-pusillanimous. 而那些过去最受宠的人——你我共同的朋友们,其中有拍马屁的,冷漠的:当然,最招人注意的还有那些胆小怕事的。 3. He is too still, unmoved, phlegmatic to be happy 他太安静、太冷淡,太不动感情,因而郁郁不欢。 4. Little more than a dilute reiteration of the conservative conventions of the European Enlightenment, the reformist humanism of the educated American professional is, for instance, persistently clogged by the inhibitions of an ideologically unfocused and phlegmatic middle class while decisively outdistanced by the global machinations of a corporate culture whose occasional celebration of free enterprise and entrepreneurial individuality is prescriptively pro forma and rhetorical. 美国受教育的职业人本改革家,差不多是把欧洲启蒙思潮的保守传统,稀释性地重复一次。例如,迟钝的中产阶级对改革没有目标和理想,禁锢不前,被全球系统化的公司文化所超越。这样的企业文化偶尔会称赞自由企业和创业个性,但其字句和语调都是例行公事。 5. 5. One good old fashion is not yet left off, viz, to boil Fennel with fish; f or it consumes the phlegmatic humour, which fish most plentifully afford and annoy the body with, though few that use it know wherefore they do it; I suppose the reason of its benefit this way is, because it is a herb of Mercury, and under Virgo, and therefore bears antipathy to Pisces. 有一个很好的古老时尚至今仍然没有消失,便是用茴香来煮鱼;因为它消耗了冷幽默,这是最大量的鱼供或烦恼人所凭借的东西虽然极少用他的人知道为什么要用它;我猜想这么做的好处的原因是:因为它是水星类的植物,同时处于处女座的统治下,因此担负着憎恶双鱼宫的作用。 6. Methods: There are 52 examples of syndrome of traditional Chinese medicine include stagnated heat type of liver and stomach, insufficiency of spleen-YANG, deficiency cold of the stomach, the internal resistance of poison, and the condense of phlegmatic hygrosis, sp immunohistochemistry stain detect the DNAtopoⅡ expression. 原发性胃癌标本52例。中医辨证分为肝胃郁热型、脾胃虚寒型、瘀毒内阻型、痰湿凝结型,SP免疫组织化学染色检测拓扑异构酶Ⅱ的表达。 7. TC and 5 groups`comparation: deficiency of both yin and yang, type of deficiency of both QI and YIN>extreme heat with yin asthenia、phlegmatic hygrosis、meridian and vessels. TC,阴阳两虚型和气阴两虚型>湿热困脾型、血瘀经脉型和阴虚热盛型。HDL,阴阳两虚型和气阴两虚型<湿热困脾型、血瘀经脉型和阴虚热盛型。 8. Bloodfat、baric index; lipoprotein; phlegmatic hygrosis; type 2 diabetes, hepatica; type 2 diabetes chinese medical pattern of syndrome 血脂、体重指数;脂蛋白;2型糖尿病、脂肪肝;2糖尿病中医证型 9. Bloodfat, baric index/metabolism lipoprotein/metabolism phlegmatic hygrosis/metabolism 2,脂肪肝的发生情况:湿热困脾型、血瘀经脉型和阴虚热盛型>阴阳两虚型和气阴两虚型。 10. phlegmatic 10. State of evil domination mainly has syndrome of endoretention of damp heat and internal resistanceof phlegmatic hygrosis. 随着年龄的增长,类脾肾气虚证的比例呈下降趋势,类脾肾阳虚证在各年龄段所占的比例呈上升趋势。 11. This is the mode in which they manage these things, and succeed in Eastern climes, where there are grave and phlegmatic persons who care very little for the questions of time in conjunctures of importance. 这种事情,在东方各国就是这样的,那儿的人天性庄重冷静,在考虑一件事的重要性的时候,他们对于时间是不去注意的。到中国译典经典版本中查找关于phlegmatic的最新解释和例句。。。。 12. phlegmatic在线翻译 12. The nurse was a kind but phlegmatic person. 这位护士心地善良,但却是个不易动感情的人。 13. Your mood should be bland and phlegmatic. 你的心情要舒畅而镇静。 14. Study on Correlation between Tcm Phlegmatic Hygrosis Syndrome and Hs-CRP, Fractalkine in Early Stage of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 早期2型糖尿病痰湿证与hs-CRP、Fractalkine的相关性研究 15. " May I ask what that was? " said the Englishman with an expression of curiosity, which a close observer would have been astonished at discovering in his phlegmatic countenance. 英国人带着一种好奇的表情问道。他那冷峻的脸上竟会现出这种表情,一个细心的观察者见了大概会很惊奇的。 16. Her phlegmatic response itself is now a driver in this financial crisis, and people will rightly blame her for any serious accident. 默克尔冷漠反应的本身,如今就是此次金融危机的舵手,如果出现重大事故,人们责备她也理所应当。 17. 17. The phlegmatic gentleman listened to her, apparently at least, with coldness, neither His voice nor His manner betraying the slightest emotion. 这位沉默寡言的绅士只听她讲,至少在外表上看来他完全是冷冰冰的,不论在语调和动作上都没有表现出一点激情。 18. This passage discussed the penthemeron and pathogenesis of carcinoma of esophagus from the characters of phlegmatic hygrosis and stagnant blood. 从痰湿、瘀血体质特征出发,论述食管癌的证候、病机。 19. This paper analyzes disposition types of several famous guards from the angle of sport psychology and maintains that phlegmatic basketball players are suitable to be in rear back. 通过对国内高水平定向越野运动员的气质类型调查分析,发现其中以多血质和粘液质居多,从心理学方面为定向越野运动选材提供依据。 20. 20. Commuting in the rush-hour requires a phlegmatic temperament. 在上下班交通高峰期间乘坐通勤车要有安之若素的心境。 phlegmatic 词典解释 1. 临危不惧的;冷静的;沉着的 Someone who is phlegmatic stays calm even when upsetting or exciting things happen. e.g. ...a most phlegmatic man, steadily working on as the rain splashed down. 大雨倾盆而下时仍能沉稳工作的非常冷静的人 phlegmatic 单语例句 1. The Phlegmatic corps shift their weight jazzily from one foot to the other, syncopated wit. 2. And Scottsdale's phlegmatic residential real estate market reportedly is getting a boost from Canadian buyers eager to enjoy Arizona's dry warm climate. phlegmatic的翻译phlegmatic 英英释义 phlegmatic在线翻译 adj 1. showing little emotion e.g. a phlegmatic...and certainly undemonstrative man Synonym: phlegmatical |
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