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单词 plate tectonics
    plate tectonics [英 [pleit tek?t?niks] 美 [plet t?k?tɑn?ks] ]
    plate tectonics的意思、解释
    plate tectonics 基本解释
    plate tectonics 网络解释
    1. 板块构造:板块构造(Plate tectonics)学说的确立是20世纪地球科学划时代的事件,它不仅使得地球科学从分门别类资料搜集、零星式描述性研究转变成为系统阐述和探索机理的全球地质学理论阶段,也使得地质学形成了多个跨学科领域的研究方向,
    2. 板块构造学:盘古大陆的分裂现以板块构造学(plate tectonics)加以解释. 此理论认为地球的外壳(或岩石圈)是由一些相对移动,并在其边缘发生分裂、辐合或彼此滑移的大而坚硬的板块所构成. 盘古大陆在某一分离的板块边界处裂开,并在大陆下方发展成裂缝.
    3. plate tectonics
    3. 板块构造学说:板块构造学说(Plate tectonics)是在大陆漂移学说和海底扩张学说的基础上提出的. 板块构造,又叫全球大地构造. 所谓板块指的是岩石圈板块,包括整个地壳和莫霍面以下的上地幔顶部,也就是说地壳和软流圈以上的地幔顶部. 新全球构造理论认为,
    4. 板塊運動:就像水星(Mercury) 和月球一样,火星现在缺乏活跃的 板块运动(plate tectonics), 而且火星的地表也没有近代水平移动的证据(像是在 地球上很普遍的褶皱山脉).
    plate tectonics 双语例句
    1. And that supports the idea that plate tectonics was in motion.
    2. It is divided into four major sections: Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, GPS, and Space Technology at Work.
    3. This process has been happening naturally via plate tectonics at a very slow rate for many thousands of years.
    4. Hot spring, seismicity, tectonics and plate movement are closely related to each other.
    5. What does the theory of plate tectonics maintain?
    6. Based on the view of plate tectonics, this paper discussed the division of tectonic units in principle.
    7. These change only over periods of millions of years due to processes such as plate tectonics.
    8. plate tectonics的近义词
    8. On plate tectonics, said that the county's land in North Korea.
    9. Since the triumphs of the 1960s-the genetic code, plate tectonics, and the microwave background radiation that went a long way towards proving the Big Bang-genuine scientific revolutions have been scarce.
    10. plate tectonics
    10. The highly strained structural belts in some units of palaeo plate tectonics, products of subduction and collision of various scale plates in East Junggar, controlled the distribution of the majority of the endogenetic gold deposits and occurrences, turning into the most important gold metallogenic system in East Junggar.
    11. plate tectonics的解释
    11. Likewise, the modern theory of plate tectonics holds that mountains work as stabilizers for the earth.
    12. Likewise, the modern theory of plate tectonics holds that mountains work as stabilizer s for the earth.
    13. Photo Gallery: Plate Tectonics Sunrise warms the icy southern end of the Andes during a rare break in the weather in Chile's Torres del Paine National Park.
    14. Daily updates are provided during cruises and users can correspond, via E-mail, with scientists on board. Background information is provided on various topics including the earth's structure, hydrothermal vents, vent biology, plate tectonics, mid-ocean ridges, the history of the earth and the history of oceanography.
    15. plate tectonics的解释
    15. Photo Gallery: Plate Tectonics Offset streams cut into the Carrizo Plain along the San Andreas Fault in California.
    16. Photo Gallery: Plate Tectonics Raplee Ridge, part of the Monument Upwarp in southeastern Utah, is a long, narrow, folded anticline that formed about 70 million to 50 million years ago.
    17. The heterogeneity of crustmantle material reflects the complexity of dynamic processes in continental plate tectonics.
    18. plate tectonics
    18. Comprehensive study for rheology of continental crust and the upper mantle is the best approach to understand continental structure and beyond plate tectonics.
    19. Photo Gallery: Plate Tectonics A cloud of hydrothermal fluids streams from a black smoker, or mineral chimney, along the Mid-Ocean Ridge off the west coast of Mexico.
    20. Taking the plate tectonics as leading theories, combining outcrop, seismic techniques, drilling and logging datum, inter-verifing manifold researching methods, The paper has amply researched the region. discussed the coupling relation of basin-mountain and the geodynamics system; analyzed geologic tectonic characteristics of the basin; confirmed superposed alteration in Mesozoic of the basin; recompartmentalized tectonic units of the researching region and the basin; studied the tectonic evolution of the basin since Mesozoic; ascertained four large tectonic layers and five tectonic evolution process stages in different ways of formation and tectonic alteration; established different tectonic stages、compages、models and sedimentary filled processes, based on the organic geochemistry and oil-gas geologic characteristics in middle Cenozoic of the basin, the conclusions have been summarized in the paper, such as:The primary source rock in lower Permian and subordinate source rock in upper Triassic are developed in the region with better quality, and secondary hydrocarbon is possible; The bearing system which is comparted by three large tectonic layers and two unconformity surfaces formed in Palaeozoic、upper Palaeozoic to Triassic and Cenozoic developing in the region, compounded with reservoirs of different lithology is developed in the region, while the property of tectonic fracture reservoir is better; Based on the analyzing petroleum accumulation elements and preserving conditions, the deep depressing belt in the north of Luoyang depression、Shiling-Yiyang folded fault belt in Yiyang depression and wide anticline belt in Yichuan depression are advantageous petroliferous region, Zhaizhen anticline in Luoyang depression and Shimen wide anticline on footwall of overthrust in Yichuan depression are optimum tectonic traps.
    plate tectonics 英英释义
    1. the branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust
    Synonym: tectonicsplate tectonic theory




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