单词 | plight |
释义 | plight [英 [pla?t] 美 [pla?t] ] plight的意思、解释 过去式:plighted; 过去分词:plighted; 现在分词:plighting; 复数形式:plights; plight 基本解释 plight的反义词 名词境况,困境; 誓约 及物动词保证,约定 plight 相关例句 名词 1. 1. Seeing the people's plight, he knelt down and prayed. 看到人民的困境,他跪下祈祷。 2. He is in a sad plight. 他陷入了悲惨的境地。 3. plight的解释 3. He was in a sad plight, sick and penniless. 他贫病交加,处境十分困难。 plight 网络解释 1. 困境:由于对大熊猫所面临的困境(plight)的宣传活动(publicity),从国际野生物基金会(World Wildlife Fund)和中国国内外的筹资活动中又筹集到10万美元的紧急拨款(emergency allocation),用于大熊猫的拯救工作. 2. 悲惨的命运:8. medieval 中世纪的 | 9. plight 悲惨的命运 | 10. secularization 世俗化,脱离教会 3. plight的近义词 3. 情况:plight ones troth 发誓 | plight 情况 | plim 膨胀 4. 面对:47. tenacious adj. 顽强的 | 面对plight. . . . . . | 1. ramble v. 漫游 plight 双语例句 1. But this is actually a departure from the basic principles of the public domain. Here am I to address significance of rules in bureaucracy, rather than to find solutions to the plight of the rules. 这里并不是想要找到一条关于公共领域中规则困境的解决方案,而是通过以上这些诸多讨论从反面证明规则问题的重要性。 2. Not yet out of the plight of the other forestry bureaus, Qinghe experience can be replicated. 对于尚未走出困境的其他林业局而言,清河的经验可以复制。 3. Along down with these centuries, every corners of the old street left indelible marks, which tell inhabitants here the plight, perseverance and honor of Dongting Lake. 三个世纪的风风雨雨在老街的旮旮旯旯留下不可磨灭的痕迹,这些痕迹向后人述说着洞庭湖苦难,坚毅和荣耀。 4. This thesis anticipates revealing the new migrans individual survival plight and mind. 本论文期望通过这批文学作品,揭示新移民独特的生存困境和精神世界。 5. Therefore, it can be sure that in some real income has reached or even exceeded 12:1 than the city, the property market has not bought into the owner-occupier, no rent to the plight of investors. 因此,可以肯定地说,在一些房价收入比已达到甚至已超过12∶1的城市,房地产市场其实已陷入了自住者买不起,投资者租不出的困境。 6. plight的解释 6. The plight of 2008, because we did not realize the existence of crisis, without a reasonable response. 当然不是。牛不会真的让股市飙升,2009年牛气不是因为任何变化的。2008年的困境,因为我们没有意识到存在危机,没有一个合理的回应。 7. In the new background, Song authors with Confucianism assimulated Buddhism and Taoism to adjust their view and outlooks on the world. As a result, they could confront with the reality when they were in plight and find balance of mind and happiness of life, therefore Song intellectuals came to terms with demotion much more easily. 在三教融合的背景下,宋代文人士大夫从儒教出发,对佛道进行摄取和融会,调整自己的心态和世界观,从而在逆境中也能从容面对,找到心理的平衡和人生的乐趣,因而宋代文人面对迁谪要比唐代文人自如从容得多。 8. plight的解释 8. She have no intention of plight her troth at the moment. 目前她尚无意于婚嫁。 9. The East and the West in the spring of the world shall blend, as a man and a woman that plight their troth in the warm spring night. 东方和西方将在世界的春天里融为一体,就象男人和女人在温暖春夜里的海誓山盟。 10. plight的近义词 10. This stands in stark contrast to the plight of the destitute people in the old Tibet. 这同旧西藏民不聊生的悲惨境况形成了鲜明的对照。 11. plight 11. He had been in a sorry plight. 他处于狼狈的境地。 12. Vernon zhong: You don't want to appear in front of him in such a sorry plight. 仲天骐:你该不希望这么狼狈的出现在他面前吧。 13. Be in a sorry plight; be in a predicament; be in a difficult situation 艰难的生活处境锻炼了他顽强的性格。他现在的处境很尴尬。 14. plight 14. He was in a sorry plight when he became ill and had no money. 他贫病交加,处境困窘。4。不足信的;无价值的5。拙劣的,差劲的 15. Live in poverty; We were in a sorry plight, tired, lost and hungry. 我们疲乏不堪,迷了路又饿着肚子,处境很是窘迫。 16. Be in a sorry plight 那声音的微弱是可怜而且可怕的。 17. It is marred, however, by songs that editorialize mawkishly about the childr's plight. 但是,它被吵闹而乏味的关于小孩子困境的评论文章污损了。 18. But the plight of the world compel s his unwilling attention. 但人世的情况迫使他不自愿地予以注意。 19. In order to help the plight of farmers from coming out of the city government has also decided to Fuding funded from the County RegistrarPutian Ocean Development Co., Ltd. and the purchase of seaweed seedlings free of charge to farmers affected by the. 为了帮助养殖户从困境中走出来,福鼎市政府也决定出资从连江县官坞村海洋开发有限公司和莆田购买海带苗免费提供给受遭的养殖户。 20. 20. In order to help the plight of farmers from coming out of the city government has also decided to Fuding funded from the County Registrar坞村Putian Ocean Development Co., Ltd. and the purchase of seaweed seedlings free of charge to farmers affected by the. 为了帮助养殖户从困境中走出来,福鼎市政府也决定出资从连江县官坞村海洋开发有限公司和莆田购买海带苗免费提供给受遭的养殖户。 plight 词典解释 1. 困境;苦境 If you refer to someone's plight, you mean that they are in a difficult or distressing situation that is full of problems. e.g. ...the worsening plight of Third World countries plagued by debts. 受债务困扰的第三世界国家日益加深的苦境 plight 单语例句 1. The Party and the government will by all means help you pull through the plight. 2. Chairperson of the Women's Commission Elizabeth Quat emphasized the group is principally concerned with the plight of the city's single moms living on welfare. 3. He was so cheerless that he often drank his sorrows away at home and complained about his plight. 4. During the NPC and CPPCC sessions earlier this month, lawmakers joined the chorus of raising awareness for the plight of the country's private schools. 5. His impoverished plight forced him to adjust to wearing pants and undershirts all year round. 6. This absurd case shows the enterprises'lack of social responsibility and the plight of administrative enforcement. 7. But it is condescending to refuse to hold many of them partly responsible for their own plight. 8. But the school authorities admitted my daughter readily when they learned of our plight. 9. Costar Luke Wilson was a bit more sympathetic to Simpson's plight, reportedly patting her on the back and reassuring her that things were okay. 10. Exposing human cruelty and the plight of sharks, it sparked enthusiasm for environmentalism and has increased condemnations of shark finning. plightplight 英英释义 noun 1. a solemn pledge of fidelity Synonym: troth 2. a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one e.g. finds himself in a most awkward predicament the woeful plight of homeless people Synonym: predicamentquandary verb 1. promise solemnly and formally e.g. I pledge that I will honor my wife Synonym: pledge 2. give to in marriage Synonym: betrothengageaffiance |
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