单词 | plod |
释义 | plod [英 [pl?d] 美 [plɑ:d] ] plod的意思、解释 过去式:plodded; 过去分词:plodded; 现在分词:plodding; plod 基本解释 及物动词沉重地走 不及物动词沉重缓慢地行走; 孜孜不倦,勤苦地工作 名词沉重缓慢的前进; 沉重的踏步声 plod 相关例句 不及物动词 1. 1. The old man plods wearily along the road. 那老翁迈着沉重的步子沿着大路疲乏地向前走。 2. He plods away at his lessons until he learns them. 他埋头学习功课直到学会为止。 plod 网络解释 1. plod的翻译 1. 沉重走路,跋涉:plausible: adj. 似是而非的èì÷?÷L?O?.forum.liuxuehome.comih ?... | plod: 沉重走路,跋涉èì÷?÷L?O?.forum.liuxuehome.comih ??AR3 | pointless: a.无意义的,不得要领的,没有目的的èì÷?÷L?O?.forum.liuxuehome.com... 2. plod的翻译 2. 缓慢、疲倦而又不停地继续步行:toddle 幼儿学步般地走;随便走走 | plod 缓慢、疲倦而又不停地继续步行 | sidle (羞怯或是偷偷地)侧身行走、离开 3. 沉重脚步:pliofilm 胶膜 | plod 沉重脚步 | plodder 沉重行走的人 4. plod的反义词 4. 沉重緩慢地行走:patter 輕快地行進 | plod 沉重緩慢地行走 | gambol 蹦蹦跳跳;嬉戲 plod 双语例句 1. plod 1. They still plod on their way up when their partner were sleeping. 伟人所达到并保持著的高处,并不是一飞就到的,而是他们在同伴们都睡著的时候,一步步艰辛地向上攀爬的。 2. plod的翻译 2. He plod s away at his lessons until he learns them. 他埋头学习功课直到学会为止。 3. He plod ded away all night at the accounts but didn't finish them in time. 他彻夜不眠地清理帐目,却未能按时完成。 4. He plod ded away at his lessons. 他孜孜不倦地用功读书。 5. plod 5. We must plod away at our task no matter how difficult it is, we mustn`t let up on it. 不管困难多大,咱们得使劲干;我们绝不能松劲。 6. We must plod away at our task no matter how difficult it is, and we mustn't let up on it. 不管困难多大,咱们得使劲干;我们绝不能松劲。 7. 7. We should plod away at our work the way ants gnaw at a bone. 我们要象蚂蚁啃骨头那样苦干。 8. The high expression of PLOD2 is tightly related to the formation of collagen Ⅰ, PLOD2 ASODN can suppress the formation of collagen Ⅰ post-transcriptionally. PLOD2高表达与Ⅰ型胶原形成密切相关,PLOD2 ASODN阻止I型胶原形成的作用位于COLIα1 mRNA转录后水平。 9. 9. They all plod along in finitude like the rest of us, doing the best they can, and then time folds them up and tosses them in the trash basket of eternity. 他们都局限在并排像我们一样,他们可以做最好的,折叠起来,然后就把时间在垃圾篮永恒。 10. I thrust my hoe in the mellow ground, Blade-end up and five feet tall, And plod:I go up to the stone wall For a friendly visit. 我将锄头插入松土,刃底立起足有五英尺,然后缓慢地走开了,去石墙那边 65 《弗罗斯特诗精选》徐淳刚译为了一个人来这儿坐坐。 11. plod的翻译 11. But he also admitted it had made him a laughing stock as people drew comparisons with him and Mr Plod from cartoon series Noddy from Toytown. 但他也承认,他也因此成了人们的笑柄,他被人们比作动画片《诺弟来啦!》里面的普拉先生。 12. 12. But he also admitted it had made him a laughing stockas people drew comparisons with him and Mr Plod from cartoon series Noddy from Toytown. 但他也承认,他也因此成了人们的笑柄,他被人们比作动画片《诺弟来啦》里面的普拉先生。 13. 13. You can stroll, you can amble, you can plod. 你会到达需要你的地方,你也会找到需要你的职位,你还会得到你想要的东西。 14. But it meant that we could plod away unnoticed, plotting more outrageous things. 不过那正意味着我们可以不引人注意地变换,增加更多疯狂荒谬的东西。 15. She continued plod ding on, but exasperation and irritation had got hold of her lower body, she couldn't escape. 她继续着作她的忧郁的散步,但是愤懑的激怒,占据着她的全身,她不能逃避。 16. So for now the Kings plod on, waiting for their injured stars to return. 到现在国王队还在辛苦的挣扎,期待着他们受伤的明星球员归队。 17. They had to plod wearily on up the hill. 他们不得不迈着疲倦的步子登上山。 18. plod 18. Some move about on three wheels; others plod slowly and deliberately on two or four legs. 他们中的一些拥有三个轮子,有的靠精心设计的两条或四条腿慢慢行进。 19. plod 19. The dull driver, smoking his pipe, was plod ding along toward the limits of the Faubourg Saint-Denis, where no doubt he ordinarily had his station 车夫懒洋洋地吸着烟,似乎想把车子驶回到对面的圣·但尼街口去,他显然是经常停在那儿的。 20. Those in hard denial will continue to plod through their life as though nothing were happening, walking like automatons amid the din and the melee. 精神错乱之人将会出现剧烈的变化,他们中许多人已与现实失去了联系-----要么默不作声,傻愣愣地坐着;要么在自我的现实中祷告着。 plod 词典解释 1. 沉重缓慢地走;步履艰难地走 If someone plods, they walk slowly and heavily. plod e.g. Crowds of French and British families plodded around in yellow plastic macs. 成群结队的法国和英国家庭穿着黄色塑料雨衣步履沉重地走来走去。 2. 缓慢地进行 If you say that someone plods on or plods along with a job, you mean that the job is taking a long time. e.g. He is plodding on with negotiations... 他正缓慢艰难地进行着谈判。 e.g. Aircraft production continued to plod along at an agonizingly slow pace. 飞机制造业仍旧举步维艰,发展速度之缓很让人头疼。 plodding The plot unfolds at a plodding pace. 情节缓慢展开。plod 单语例句 1. The topography of this parched landscape is shaped like the backs of the camels that plod across its slopes. plod的解释plod 英英释义 noun 1. the act of walking with a slow heavy gait e.g. I could recognize his plod anywhere Synonym: plodding plod的近义词 verb 1. walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud e.g. Mules plodded in a circle around a grindstone Synonym: slogfootslogtrudgepadtramp |
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