单词 | unfettered |
释义 | unfettered [英 [?n?fet?d] 美 [?n?fet?rd] ] unfettered的意思、解释 现在分词:unfettering; unfettered 基本解释 形容词被除去脚镣的; 不受限制的,不受约束的 动词解放( unfetter的过去式和过去分词 ) unfettered 网络解释 1. 被除去脚镣的:unfetter 释放 | unfettered 被除去脚镣的 | unfilial 不孝的 2. 无拘无束:I have to work completely...|我必须完全地工作 | unfettered.|无拘无束 | Oh, yes.|哦,是的 3. 无忧无虑的:fettered 被拘束的,没自由的 | unfettered 无忧无虑的 | shred 切成细条,撕成碎片 4. 无拘无束的:无稽之谈:Fiddle-faddle;Cock-and-bull story | 无拘无束的:Unfettered | 无力的:Lymphatic unfettered 双语例句 1. unfettered的近义词 1. In the latter event the parties are restored to the position in which they were before the defective decision was made; questions left outstanding must be resolved in another court, and that court must reach its own decision unfettered by anything that may have been said on cassation, even with regard to the correct interpretation of the law. 在后者中宴会被回复到位置的事件在哪一个在有缺陷的判决被作出之前,他们是;疑问向左杰出一定在另外的法院被决定,和那法院一定达成被可能已经在毁弃上被说的任何事解开脚链的它自己的判决,甚至关于法律的正确解释。 2. He succeeds in removing the enslavement and fetter of the objects off his mind by intellectual purification, which enables him to go on a free and unfettered route with leisure and to a large degree, obtain his spiritual liberation, independence and freedom. 以心灵之隐、心斋之术排除外物对自己的奴役束缚,从而走上充满逸情的逍遥之路,极大程度上获得了精神的解放,个性的独立与自由。 3. Show me the heart unfettered by foolish dreams And I`ll show you a happy man. 让我看到一颗因愚蠢的梦想而挣脱束缚的心我就能让你看见一个快乐的人。 4. Since the area ratio of muffin top to muffin bottom changed considerably when the traditional small round exploded into a giant mushroom, consumers became more aware of the difference between the soft texture of tops, allowed to rise unfettered, and rougher, tougher bottoms, restricted by the pans. 由于muffin顶部到底部区域比例的相当大的变化——原先传统意义上的小圆顶变成了今日的大蘑菇头,顾客们意识到要做出不同松软质感的顶部、烘出不松垮的、粗些而坚实的底部的muffin,很大程度上受限于烘烤盘样式的使用。 5. unfettered的翻译 5. While Focused, an Unfettered Warrior is freed from distractions and is able to react to their enemies attacks with blinding speed. 当你集中时,你将成为一个摆脱一切束缚的自由战士向你的敌人进行眼花缭乱的攻击 6. unfettered 6. But, " he replied, " I see four men unfettered and unhurt, walking in the fire, and the fourth looks like a son of God. 君王又问说:"怎么我看见有四个人无拘无束地在火中行走,丝毫没有受伤,而且那第四个人的外貌,彷佛是神的儿子。 7. He was too poor to marry then, and when I was offered a situation as governess in a rich Australian family, I persuaded him to let me accept it, so that I might leave him free and unfettered to win his way in the world, while I saved a little money to help us when we began life together. 当时他穷得很,没法儿结婚;有人推荐我到澳大利亚一个富有家庭里去当家庭女教师,这时我就劝他让我接受这个职位、离开他,使他得以自由自在、无拘无束地在这个世界上求得他的出路,而我也可以积蓄一点儿钱,以便在我们一起开始生活时作点补贴。 8. That is why I am now so unfettered and, with a single idea, I can change anything as I will. 世人总喜欢自已眼见为实,却不知自已的眼,只能看到自已的脚尖。 9. First, and most importantly, our customers have unfettered access to all the content, services, and applications on the Web. 首先,最重要的是,我们的客户不受阻碍地进入所有的内容,服务和应用在网站上。 10. That`s one of the reasons why unfettered access to search engine technology is so important in individuals` lives. 这就是为什么不受阻碍地进入搜索引擎技术对个人生活非常重要的其中一个原因。 11. Before Ferrell`s campaign, they had unfettered access to schools and students. 之前,费雷尔的竞选,他们不受阻碍地进入学校和学生。 12. Even the reformist Mr Neves has trouble tolerating an unfettered press in his home state. 就连改革派的代表人物内维斯本人都不能做到允许自己管辖的州内存在言论自由。 13. unfettered 13. Cold Mountain, and the water lost, the children's nature remains unfettered release of the. 山寒了,水瘦了,孩子们的天性依然无拘无束地释放着。 14. Like a lot of other artists of his generation, Data has a veritable fascination for mellow arpeggios, a curiously naive aesthetic and the futuristic utopia of what`s been calledspace disco, and the electronic spirals of a select band of musicians like Vangelis, without forgetting the unfettered romanticism of great movie soundtrack composers such as Vladimir Cosma. 然而和那些觉得MTV音乐频道很重要的美国明星比较,DatA更是完全的表现出他的特殊性,他仍保留了自己的个性。就如同他的专辑Skywriter充满了想像力,综合了现在一般流行音乐市场里所欠缺的特质。 15. On the other hand, Confucianism dishes of two the contradiction coexists among Feng Weimin thought, run through latent ease complex for all his life, make friends all people of influences, ;and in addition disppointment wear down, all those helped to be hospitable in generation for officer career, it made his latent ease works detached, free and unfettered. 儒、道二家在冯惟敏思想中矛盾并存,贯穿一生的隐逸情结以及交游诸人的影响,加之失意的为官生涯消磨了济世热情,使其隐逸作品中的超然散诞均是真心流露。 16. In Singapore, dedicated Net users are planning to maintain unfettered access by junping borders and dialing services in neighboring Malaysia. 新加坡的网络迷正计划跨越国界,使用领国马来西亚的拨号服务,以确保网络上的自由使用权。 17. Who cares how good the outside world, in my own kingdom easily enjoy unfettered joy. 管它外面的世界如何精彩,在我自己的王国里独享无拘无束的轻松快乐。 18. It is a terrible consequences, the only escape is free and unfettered, inviting outside. 它的后果是可怕的,唯一的逃避是逍遥在外,寻欢作乐。 19. My childhood was unfettered and happy. 我的童年是无拘无束的,是快乐的。 20. Lily said, Here I am not working my state, and arbitrary, unfettered, in particular, to relax. Lily说,在这里我就不是工作状态时的我了,随心所欲,不受约束,特别放松。 unfettered 词典解释 1. 自由的;不受拘束的 If you describe something as unfettered, you mean that it is not controlled or limited by anyone or anything. e.g. ...unfettered free trade... 不受限制的自由贸易 e.g. Unfettered by the bounds of reality, my imagination flourished. 跳出现实的束缚,我的想象力天马行空。 unfettered 单语例句 1. The US has long had relatively unfettered naval access to the Western Pacific and will not easily change its mindset about that region. 2. The authority also feared that unfettered commentaries and images circulating on websites would stir up tensions. 3. Klein's concerns about unfettered markets have more sympathy in Asia than Greenspan might like to admit as officials struggle to avoid their own crisis. 4. It cannot afford a return to the days of maxing out credit cards to finance unfettered consumption. 5. It also said it could stop allowing unfettered IAEA inspections of its nuclear facilities and programs if the agency's board involves the Security Council. 6. Since the advent of the global financial crisis, many have criticized the unfettered financial market and called for more government regulations. 7. Unfettered markets do not operate well on their own - a conclusion reinforced by the current financial debacle. 8. But analysts warn that unfettered capacity expansions could foment a serious glut that will erode margins. 9. " We have no reason at all to view the future market with unfettered optimism, " he said of the outlook for exports. 10. Washington has called for unfettered access to the area and accused Beijing of adopting an increasingly aggressive stance on the high seas. unfetteredunfettered 英英释义 adj 1. not bound by shackles and chains Synonym: unchainedunshackleduntied |
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