单词 | unfit |
释义 | unfit [英 [?n?f?t] 美 [?n?f?t] ] unfit的意思、解释 过去式:unfitted; 过去分词:unfitted; 现在分词:unfitting; unfit 基本解释 形容词不适宜的,不适当的; 体格不佳的,不健康的 及物动词使不相宜,使不合格 unfit 同义词 形容词incompetentincapableinappropriateunsuitableunqualified unfit的近义词 unfit 反义词 unfit的翻译 形容词fit unfit 相关例句 形容词 1. unfit是什么意思 1. He was rejected as medically unfit. 他因健康不合格而遭淘汰。 2. Phil is clearly unfit to hold a senior position. 菲尔显然不能胜任高级职务。 3. This meat is unfit for human consumption. 这种肉人不宜食用。 及物动词 1. Years of work in Africa unfitted him for life here. 多年在非洲工作使他不适应这儿的生活。 unfit 网络解释 1. 不适合:188.适合 fit | 189.不适合 unfit | 190.可以使can make 2. 不适当的:unfinished 未完成的 | unfit 不适当的 | unfitness 不适当 3. unfit在线翻译 3. 不合适的:不合适的 unfit | 不讲道理的;不合理的 unreasonable | 不洁的 unclean 4. 不适宜的不适当的:unexpected 意想不到的,意外的 | unfit 不适宜的不适当的 | unfold 展开,打开,显示,展示 unfit 双语例句 1. This type is unfit to transporting acidity, alkalescent, salinity and corrosive liquid. 该型泵不适于吸送酸性和碱性以及含有多盐分的其它能引起金属腐蚀的化学混合物液体。 2. Moreover, people who will be considered unfit for entering the stadium, perhaps due to alcohol excess, won't be admitted. 还有,人们早进入体育场时会感觉到不舒服,可能是因为酒精超标的人不会被接纳进入。 3. Allergic body constitution, cold, generate heat, disease morbidity scheduled time replant urgent, chronic after condition all is unfit to inoculate with a vaccine, ask parents and school to be at ease. 过敏体质,感冒,发热,急、慢性疾病发病期等情况都不适合接种疫苗,以后予以补种,请家长和学校放心。 4. This article bases on this, discussed secretary the personnel to construct the reasonable knowledge structure specifically the principle, has analyzed current secretary each kind of knowledge structure pattern fit and unfit quality, proposed the spider web type knowledge structure pattern position. 本文立足于此,具体探讨了秘书人员构建合理知识结构的原则,分析了当前秘书界各种知识结构模式的优劣,提出了蜘蛛网式知识结构模式的主张。 5. The water in the river is unfit to drink. 这条河里的水不适宜饮用。 6. 6. It was man that made the water unfit to drink in the first place. 最 后,人类活动所导致的损害终究会对人类本身产生负面的影响。 7. It was man t hat made the water unfit to drink in the first place. 是人类自己首先使水变得不适合饮用的。 8. In the past. It was man that made the water unfit to drink in the first place. 总之,人类的活动显然主要仅对人类自己有利,但却对地球不利。 9. The water is unfit to drink. 这水不适合喝。 10. In the first two chapters, the author distinguishes a new the old system change and the human nature fit and unfit quality two aspects analyzes two people regarding the distance between the rich and the poor, the differences between town and country, the incorrigibility centralism manifests the deep concern and the ponder immediately which, sense of responsibility question and so on flaw places. 在前两章之中,笔者分别从新旧制度的更替和人性的优劣两个方面来分析二人对于当下贫富差距、城乡差别、劣根性的集中体现、责任感的缺失等问题所寄予的深切关怀与思考。 11. unfit 11. Some of their proposed commanders are unfit to hold a responsible post anywhere at all. 这些被推荐任命的指挥官的其中一些人完全不适合担任任何责任重大的职务。 12. It can deal with the problems such as the unsuitable proportion of cropping system and unfit stubbles better in the spatial distribution. 采用种植模式对县级尺度的作物进行空间配置,能够较好地解决作物空间布局中熟制比例不当、茬口不适宜等问题。 13. Brand building has been widely regarded as an issue concering the giant enterprise only for a long period, for much difficulty the small and the medium enterprises will encounter no matter from the angle of theory or parctical practice. Moreover, most of the marketing theories available are developed for the giant enterprise, plusing that much difference exists between them, thus making those theories unfit for small and medium enterprises. 现有的一些营销理论与模型多是针对大型企业发展而设计,不适用于中小企业,并且两者在企业特性上也存在着许多差异性,因此有必要针对中小企业的特性与发展需要设计出适合的品牌建设策略。 14. Gentle impairment could be observed in 22 rabbits (37%), medium in 32 rabbits (54%) and severer in 5rabbits (9%).infarction model has multiple advantages, such as easy performance, quick and good repeatability, it can be used to reproduce experimental models for for a long time with low mortality, benefiting for researches on chronic tional size and depth are under control, meeting the need of researches on observed in photochemical injury, which provide basis for study on the efBut there was still some limitations: Since thrombosis was induced at the terminal artery, unfit for the study of lateral circulation and reperfusion; however it was found more similar to human microvascular diseases, thereby incapable of explaining the pathogenesis of other ischemic strokes. 模型动物存活时间长,死亡率低,有利于慢性脑血管病的研究。③此方法避免了对脑血管和脑组织的机械损伤。④可根据需要选定皮质区域制作梗死灶,梗死灶大小恒定并可控制其大小和深度,为皮层定位研究提供方法。⑤该模型可造成血小板聚集及血管内皮细胞损伤,为抗血小板聚集药物及脑缺血保护疗法的研究提供可能性。⑥但此模型也有其局限性[9]:由于血栓阻塞发生于终末动脉,所以不利于侧支循环及再灌注损伤的研究;该模型更近似于人类微血管病变,而不能说明人类其他缺血性卒中的发生机制。 15. 15. Present conditions in the base areas already require us to shed our winter garments and put on summer clothing so that we can move about nimbly to fight against the enemy, but we are still heavily padded and weighed down, and quite unfit for combat. 目前根据地的情况已经要求我们褪去冬衣,穿起夏服,以便轻轻快快地同敌人作斗争,我们却还是一身臃肿,头重脚轻,很不适于作战。 16. unfit什么意思 16. The bulb scales had a higher induction rate of 89.3% to 93.3%, better quality and lower decay rate and the best rooting, in which single-scale reproduction coefficient reached 1.14 to 1.19 when cutting in soil from original environment and peat and pearlite (1:1) as medium under the condition of 25℃ and dark, followed by cutting in peat and sand (2:1) and peat and vermiculite and perlite (1:1:1). There were the highest single-scale reproduction coefficient (1.38) when cutting in sand, but the induction rate was lowest (58.7%). The bulb scales was easy to rot and unfit for use in peat. 以原生土、草炭+珍珠岩(1:1)这2种基质最好,诱导率达89.3%93.3%,平均每鳞片繁殖小鳞茎数较高,达1.14~1.19个,产生的小鳞茎质量也较好,而且鳞片腐烂率低,生根效果也最好;草炭+河沙(2:1)及草炭+珍珠岩+蛭石(1:1:1)的扦插效果仅次于草炭+珍珠岩(1:1);河沙扦插鳞片时,平均每鳞片繁殖小鳞茎数最高,达1.38个,但诱导率最低(58.7%),易造成鳞片干萎,草炭则易造成鳞片大量腐烂,均不宜使用。 17. He is unfit for the job, isn't he? 他并不适合他的工作,是吗? 18. I always work hard, but I think that I am unfit for for this job. 我一直很努力,但我觉得无法胜任这个工作。 19. I mean that he is unfit for the post. 我的意思是说他难以胜任这一职务。 20. unfit的近义词 20. He is unfit for his job, isn`t he? 他并不适合他的工作,是吗? unfit 词典解释 1. (人因缺乏锻炼而)不健康的,不强健的 If you are unfit, your body is not in good condition because you have not been taking regular exercise. e.g. Many children are so unfit they are unable to do even basic exercises. 许多孩子非常不健康,连基本的健身锻炼都无法完成。 2. (人因伤病而)不适宜的 If someone is unfit for something, he or she is unable to do it because of injury or illness. e.g. He had a third examination and was declared unfit for duty... 他接受了第三次检查,被告知不宜上班。 e.g. Mr Abel's doctor has said he is unfit to travel. 埃布尔先生的医生说他不宜出行。 3. 不合适的;不合格的;不胜任的 If you say that someone or something is unfit for a particular purpose or job, you are criticizing them because they are not good enough for that purpose or job. e.g. Existing houses are becoming totally unfit for human habitation... 现有的房子正变得完全不适合住人。 e.g. They were utterly unfit to govern America... 他们完全没有能力治理美国。 unfit 单语例句unfit 1. Worried cabin crew alerted airport medics who grounded the woman as unfit to fly, reports the Chinese Business View. 2. Maintaining that the pilots reporting sick were all certified by doctors as unfit to fly, he lashed out at Cathay's decision. 3. The extremely poor natural conditions there have pushed the United Nations to classify it as unfit for human habitation. 4. So a soldier deemed unfit for combat makes the commander looks bad. 5. Kerry also readied a sharp response to attacks from Cheney and other Republicans that he was indecisive and unfit to be commander in chief. 6. Fujian will construct new houses for the poor and disabled people without houses or living in houses deemed unfit for living in. 7. More rural laborers being rendered unfit to work also means a drain of labor with its predictable adverse effect on economic development. 8. Liu had a previous back problem with lumbar herniated disc symptoms, which ruled him unfit for strenuous exercise like the half marathon. 9. He said a pair of investigations are examining the soldiers'disobedience as well as their allegations that the trucks were unfit for the hazardous journey. 10. The star admitted driving while unfit, claiming it was due to tiredness and prescribed drugs. unfit 英英释义 verb 1. make unfit or unsuitable e.g. Your income disqualifies you Synonym: disqualifyindispose adj 1. not in good physical or mental condition out of condition e.g. fat and very unfit certified as unfit for army service drunk and unfit for service 2. below the required standards for a purpose e.g. an unfit parent unfit for human consumption 3. physically unsound or diseased e.g. has a bad back a bad heart bad teeth an unsound limb unsound teeth Synonym: badunsound |
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