单词 | unforgettable |
释义 | unforgettable [英 [??nf??get?bl] 美 [??nf?r?get?bl] ] unforgettable的意思、解释 unforgettable 基本解释 形容词难忘的; 铭刻肺腑的 unforgettable 相关例句 形容词 1. It was an unforgettable experience. 那是一次令人难忘的经历。 unforgettable 网络解释 1. 令人难忘:20 A 逻辑推理常识运用词义比较 我们也就可以用经过某一个熟悉却又无法叫出名字的(unnamed)人,这人也许令人难忘(unforgettable),也许难以置信(unbelievable),也许是不真实的(unreal),来识别我们自己所处的位置. unforgettable 双语例句 1. 1. This kind of sincere friendship and the simple, to a man, are forever unforgettable. 这种友谊的真挚和朴实,对于一个人来说,都是永世难忘的。 2. 2. This book is a record of an unforgettable journey to Central and South America by Alumni Wong Hung Mui, Jess and Kwok Shiu Ming, Jessis. They went through Peru, Chili, Argentina, Mexico and Cuba in four months. 内容简介:此书记录了黄红梅校友及郭瑞明校友以四个月时间浪走中南美的经历,先由秘鲁开始,探索印加古城马丘比丘,再往人生必到的智利百内国家公园;之后,跨境到阿根廷与梁朝伟来个火热探戈;意犹未尽,於墨西哥泛蓝的加勒比海玩浪;转眼,在古巴与热情的国民大跳salsa,幻想与海明威对饮mojito。 3. 3. During this unforgettable experience, I improved my oral English, widened my knowledge and built up a good relationship with my family and teachers. 在这次既难忘又珍贵的经历中,我不仅提高路英语口语水平,获得了比赛经验,提升了综合能力,还学到了许多课外的知识,建立了良好的家庭情感和师生情谊。 4. It was really an unforgettable experience to go to Cornell University. 去康奈尔的日子是一段难忘的经历。 5. unforgettable 5. Charles Stockell, a forward artillery observer for the 2nd Division, had two unforgettable experiences on Christmas Day. 在前线,第2师炮兵校射查尔斯·斯托尔中尉对圣诞节有两次难忘的经历。 6. On schedule in the real estate market has an opportunity for all developers, banks and real estate funds拆入customers unforgettable words. 如期在房地产市场有一个机会,使所有开发商,银行和房地产的资金拆入顾客难忘的话。 7. In retrospect, come the unforgettable years, lost a fortune fame, has won the praise is the sound of the masses. 回顾过去,走过的是难忘的岁月,失去的是利禄功名,赢得的是群众的夸奖声。 8. 8. Today is a special day, at least in my life is not an unforgettable day. 今天是一个特别的日子,至少在我生命中是一个不能忘怀的日子。 9. So, his efforts make every piece of works travels through time and the low-key luxuriousness and eternal charm he keeps his works unforgettable. 也正是如此,才使得他的每一件作品都能超越时空的界限,以其独属的低调奢华与永恒魅力令人过目不忘。 10. Because all this time, everything disappeared in a long stream, but why do we do it unforgettable? 因为这一切的一切都会消逝在时间的长流中,而我们又何必去对它难以忘怀呢? 11. How unforgettable it is for me to travel there! 到松山的旅游真是令我难忘! 12. Water is an unforgettable sight of Caohai Lake. Swimming fish and waterweeds under the water can be seen. 水,是草海的另一景,特别清,像透明的玻璃,一眼可望到游鱼和水草。 13. At that time I have been like a person, and this is like the unforgettable! 那时候我曾经喜欢过一个人,而这种喜欢是刻骨铭心的! 14. Maui offers several fascinating attractions, including the unforgettable sight of a surfacing whale, biking through wine country, snorkeling the tiny atoll of Molokini, or enjoying a stage production at the Historic'Iao Theater. 毛伊提供几个有趣的景点,包括了难忘的景象出现鲸鱼,骑单车通过酒国浮潜小小的环礁的molokini或生产的历史舞台上享有『农学院战区。 15. Tonight, it is clear and bright; tonight, it is houseful of guests, and good play continues; tonight, it is spectacular and harmonizing; tonight, it is splendid and unforgettable. 今天,光芒万丈,星光璨灿;今晚,宾朋满座,好戏连台;今晚,气象万千,其乐融融;今晚,精彩夺目,终身难忘。 16. One day in my second grade, It was most unforgettable, a member of us, he must leave, the student who was Ge. 二年级的一天,也是令我最难忘的一天,我们班里的一员就要转走了,那位同学就是葛宁。 17. One day in the second grade, I wasmost unforgettable, a member of us, he must leave, the student who was Ge. 二年级的一天,也是令我最难忘的一天,我们班里的一员就要转走了,那位同学就是葛宁。 18. unforgettable的近义词 18. The six days when i have stayed in china is indeed pleasant and unforgettable. 在中国度过的这六天确确实实令人愉快,令人难以忘怀。 19. unforgettable是什么意思 19. 4Talking with people is one of my favorite activities, so being able to speak a new language lets me meet new people, participate in conversations, and form a new unforgettable friendship. 4我乐于与人交谈,新的语言使我能与以前不认识的人交往,参与他们的谈话,并建立新的难以忘怀的友谊。 20. unforgettable的解释 20. The old days are memories unforgettable, are sprites you can not touch but can always feel. 往昔是忘却不了的记忆,是消而不散的精灵。 unforgettable 词典解释 1. 难忘的 If you describe something as unforgettable, you mean that it is, for example, extremely beautiful, enjoyable, or unusual, so that you remember it for a long time. You can also refer to extremely unpleasant things as unforgettable . e.g. A visit to the Museum is an unforgettable experience... 参观博物馆是一段令人难忘的经历。 e.g. A bright shooting star, or meteor, is an unforgettable sight. 明亮的流星,或者说陨石,是番难忘的景象。 unforgettably ...an unforgettably unique performer. 一位令人难忘的独特的表演者unforgettable 单语例句 1. The unforgettable Andy Lau - still going strong after three decades of standing solo under the relentless spotlight of show business. 2. But what draws me back repeatedly is the unforgettable narration by the novelist Zhu Ziqing, who described an obsolete tradition from a more gracious past so vividly. 3. Our major challenge will be to exceed expectations and to give people an unforgettable golf experience. 4. We would sit around a table with the steaming pot in the center, chat about all the unforgettable moments we have had and enjoy our last moments. 5. Though we didn't wear Cheongsam, holding that graduation certificate in your hand is still and unforgettable moment. 6. He added the two sides will continue to carry out comprehensive cooperation to make the Expo a complete success and an unforgettable one. 7. " That music composing experience is still the most important and unforgettable one, " he says. 8. At CSA with pride ourselves on offering our students wide range of services and help, which we hope will make there time in China an unforgettable one. 9. Critically acclaimed DJ and producer from New York Pete Rock joins Beijing's local hip hop crew Section 6 for an unforgettable night. 10. The genius of director Zhang and my musical talent and efforts will bring you deep and unforgettable emotion and beauty. unforgettable 英英释义 adj 1. impossible to forget |
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