单词 | polarization |
释义 | polarization [英 [?p??l?ra?'ze??n] 美 [?pol?r??ze??n] ] polarization的意思、解释 polarization 基本解释 名词极化; 产生极性; (光)偏振; 对立 polarization 网络解释 1. polarization 1. 极化:再有,在电池中,极化(polarization)建立逆电动势,这种情 况是由化学作用引起的. background radiation 本底放射由于宇宙放射 (cosmic radiation)和地球岩石、土壤和大气中存在放射性同位素,因而 在地球表面和大气中存在的低强度电离辐射(ionizing radiation). 2. 极化作用:之后,大彗星又奔向了地球的方向,导致地球被夹在太阳与大彗星的万有引力之间,产生了极化作用(polarization),彗星散落到地球上的冰由于离心力的作用分别转移至南北两极,覆盖了空心地球的大部分南北极(两个)空洞(地球、火星和木星一样都是空心的, 3. 偏振:这种由Swinburne科技大学的James Chon等人研发出来的DVD有五个维度可以记录与读取数据:其中三维是堆栈的记录层,另外两个新维度则是颜色波长与偏振(polarization). 4. 4. 偏光:在物理课本里,以偏光(polarization)去分析金属矿物的特性、光学仪器里的滤光器制作、光在不同材质表面的反射系数(reflective index)与偏光的关系、物质的左旋光特性与右旋光的差异性,都是布鲁斯特最早提出的. polarization 双语例句 1. With the Fano factor, We analyse the effect of the Fano and the Kondo resonance on the conductance and the variation of the conductance with the spin-polarization strength and the magnetic flux in both the parallel and the antiparallel lead-polarization alignments. 在左右铁磁电极平行和反平行两种磁组态下,结合Fano因子分析和讨论了Fano 和Kondo 共振对该系统电导的影响,以及电导随自旋极化强度和磁通的变化。 2. polarization什么意思 2. Assuming the polarization distribution is the same as the distribution of the electric current on the aerial, the angle distribution of the aerial secondary radiation is calculated, and the modification factor of electric dipole model is obtained. 最后,将极化分布看作是电流在天线上的分布,计算了天线的次级辐射在空间中的角分布,得到天线模型对电偶极子模型的修正因子。 3. It is found that the phase-conjugate fifth-order polarization beat is due to the interference between fifth- and fifth-order optical polarizations, the beat signal oscillates not only temporally but also spatially, and the measurement accuracy for laser absolute frequency could reach the same order of magnitude as the laser linewidth. 发现相位共轭五阶极化拍频是五阶非线性光学极化强度之间干涉的结果,拍频信号不仅进行着时间振荡而且同时进行着空间振荡,它对激光绝对频率的测量可达到与激光线宽同一量级的精度。 4. The dependence of the frequency range on structural paramerter (crystal lattice shape, the ratio of the rod radius and the lattice constant) and electromagnetic parameter (the dielectric constants of the rods and of the background, incident electromagnetic waves with different polarization) were investigated. 同时,分析了AANR频率范围随着结构参量(晶格类型、介质棒半径与晶格周期的比值)和电磁参量(介质柱介电常量、本底介电常量、入射电磁波偏振方向)变化的行为。 5. Although the diaphragm is the voltage through a lot of resistance imposed on the, when the diaphragm deflection when bending so will charge a re-distribution of times, when the series in the polarization voltage and the resistance R between the diaphragm and electrostatic for - Electro-acoustic transducer capacitance Co posed by the membrane time constant is much larger than the cycle frequency vibration, such Diaphragm uneven surface charge distribution of the situation to improve. 虽然振膜上的电压是通过一个很大的电阻施加上的,当振膜弯曲偏转时电荷亦然会一次次的重新分布,当串联于极化电压与振膜之间的电阻R和静电换电声换能器的电容Co构成的时间常数远大于振膜的基频振动周期时,这种振膜表面电荷分布的不均匀情况会有所改善。 6. We propose a build to low energy γ ray beam line at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility. By Compton back scattering of infrared or far infrared laser lights from 3.5 GeV electrons circulating in the storage ring of SSRF, high intense quasi monochromatic BCS γ rays with high linear or circular polarization ranging 1-25MeV will be produced. 提出在筹建的上海同步辐射装置上建造一条MeV量级γ射线束及应用站,采用μm波长的红外激光与储存环中 3 。5GeV电子束进行康普顿背散射,从而获得能区为 1— 2 5MeV的康普顿背散射γ光子束,该光子束具有高强度、高极化度、准单色、方向性好的优点,可以广泛地应用于核物理和核天体物理基础研究及相关的应用研究领域。 7. 7. In this paper, a novel method of matched correlation for high range resolution polarization radar target recognition is presented. 本文提出一种基于高距离分辨率极化雷达体制的雷达目标相关匹配识别新方法。 8. In chapter 4, the dynamic properties of target polarization structure and its application in the realm of polarization radar target recognition have been investigated. 在第四章中,研究了目标极化结构的动力学特性及其在目标识别中的应用问题。 9. A Study of High Resolution Polarization Radar Target Recognition by Using Matched Correlators[J]. 高距离分辨率极化雷达目标匹配识别研究[J]。 10. This paper introduces a new mothod of target identification by using radar echo polarization information. 一、前言雷达的发射信号与通信机发射信号有本质上的区别,这就是通信的全部信息包含在发射信号内,而雷达发射的信号中不包含任何信息,它只是信息的运载工具。 11. polarization的反义词 11. Simulation of polarization synthetic aperture radar imaging of sea wave has great significance on sea surface scattering. 海浪极化SAR成像模拟对海面散射的研究有重要的意义。 12. This chapter gives a deeply and completely introduce ofdual-linear polarization weather Doppler radar system in this fields. 对EVM6701 的外部存储器接口和DSPLINK2 接口作了详细的介绍,并结合该接口和EVM6701 评估板设计了一个高速的接口转换电路,完成信号处理系统的设计。 13. 13. In chapter 3, the dynamic properties of target polarization structure and its application in the realm of polarization radar target recognition are investigated through eigen-polarization. 在第三章中,研究了本征极化在目标极化结构动态特性分析及其在极化雷达目标识别中的应用问题。 14. 14. According to the field variation with frequency in the test volume, the work frequency of GTEM cell can be divided into three frequency areas, namely, quasi-static area, high frequency area and out of the vertical polarization area. 根据测试区场分布随频率的变化情况,可将GTEM传输室的工作频率分为三个特征频段,即:准静态区、高频区和非垂直极化区。 15. Angular spectral is spectral value map formed by estimating semblable coefficients of fast and slow shear wave or the variation of amplitude ratio of fast and slow shear wave with times and angles at a specified space point based on semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the angle value of this space point at a given time can be got by picking the maximum of angular spectral; the study reveals that fast and slow shear wave with different polarization direction should be separated using different rotation formula, eight formulas of separating fast and slow shear wave using clockwise rotation and counterclockwise rotation have been derived, and gained energy assignment rule and phase coincidence rule, in real data estimation, the rotation formula used for separating fast and slow shear wave can be uniquely determined on the two discriminating rules. On the basis of semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the delay time corresponding to the maximum of semblable coefficients at a specified point in a given time window is the delay time of fast and slow shear wave, delay time section of fast and slow shear wave can be got by moving space point and smoothing time window. The vertical variation values of delay time of fast and slow shear wave reflect the effect degree of vertical fractured reservoir on fast and slow shear wave which is defined as anisotropic coefficient, and section map of anisotropic coefficient can be obtained. 角度谱就是利用快慢横波的相似性原理,在某一空间点求出快慢横波的相似系数或快慢横波的振幅比值随着时间和角度的变化而形成的谱值图,拾取其极大值就得到该空间点某一时间的角度值;在研究中发现分离不同偏振方向的快慢横波应该采用不同的旋转公式,推导出了利用顺时针旋转和逆时针旋转分离快慢横波的八个公式,并给出了能量分配准则和相位一致性准则两个判别准则,在实际计算中利用这两个判别准则能唯一地确定分离快慢横波的旋转公式;根据快慢横波的相似性原理,在某一给定点和给定时窗内最大相似系数对应的延迟时间就是快慢横波的延迟时间,随着空间点的移动和时窗的滑动就可以得到快慢横波延迟时间的剖面图;快慢横波延迟时间与慢横波传播时间的比值定义为裂缝密度,并求出了裂缝密度剖面图;快慢横波延迟时间纵向上的变化值的大小反映了纵向上裂隙层对快慢横波影响的大小,定义为各向异性系数,并求出了各向异性系数的剖面图。 16. In China, class polarization is the fundamental cause of the aggravating public security in various areas in certain period of time. 从国内看,一个时期以来,在各地愈演愈烈的社会治安问题的背后存在着阶级分化根源。 17. The polarization controller using fiber squeezers is improved under prevenient groundworks. Restoration units are cancelled, so that the squeezers are decreased from five to three. Half-wave voltage reaches 15V. 论文在前期研究工作的基础上对光纤挤压式偏振控制器进行了改进,取消了复位单元,使挤压器从五个减为三个,半波电压达到 15V。 18. 18. The polarization Mie-scattering lidar can be used for detecting the depolarization ratio of cirri and aerosol backscattering wave, and investigating the extinction characteristic of aerosols in the atmosphere. 研制的偏振-米散射激光雷达,可用于探测卷云和沙尘气溶胶的后向散射光退偏振比以及研究流层大气气溶胶的消光特性。 19. polarization 19. The soil electrode polarization effect under direct current excitation is analyzed by theory. 从理论上分析了直流激励下土壤的极化效应,提出了一种双极性脉冲间歇电压激励的测量方法,设计了相应的转换电路、程控放大电路,实现了土壤电导的快速测量。 20. In this way, the precision of control is enhanced because of considering the polarization and element spacing. 由于新的控制方案充分考虑了极化、单元间距等因素对雷达目标角闪烁的影响,因此控制精度较原先有显著提高。 polarization 单语例句polarization 1. The Wall Street turmoil and the global financial crisis have proved the trend of such polarization. 2. Social differentiation in ancient Lingjiatan was advanced, both with regards to wealth polarization and occupational differentiation. 3. " The medical skills and morals of doctors in private clinics are in serious polarization, " he said. 4. The polarization has aroused wide concern among the public in recent years. 5. Its latest step is the establishment of a uranium futures market, designed to ensure the polarization of nuclear energy for civilian use. 6. That is why our policy will not lead to polarization, to a situation where the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. 7. If efforts are not made to achieve equity in wealth distribution, growth will foster polarization and contribute to instability. 8. The resulting social divisiveness will have a negative impact on the economy and polarization will do no good to anybody. 9. So we need relatively unobstructed social mobility channels and opportunities because they can offset income polarization. 10. But considering China's financial environment and the growing polarization of the rich and poor, the hostility makes some sense. polarization 英英释义 noun 1. the phenomenon in which waves of light or other radiation are restricted in direction of vibration Synonym: polarisation 2. the condition of having or giving polarity Synonym: polarisation |
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