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单词 polyandry
    polyandry [英 [?p?li??ndri] 美 [?pɑ:li??ndri] ]
    polyandry 基本解释
    名词一妻多夫制; 一雌多雄; 一妻多夫(制); 多雄性
    polyandry 网络解释
    1. 一雌多雄制:配偶关系的形成与维持对于繁殖成功至关重要 而不同种类和同种不同个体的鸟的配偶关系的形成方式、配偶数量、维持时间长短以及雌雄鸟对占区、筑巢、孵卵、育雏活动的投入及所担负的职责有许多差异. 鸟类的婚配制度有许多种 一般分为四类 :即单配制 (monogamy)、一雄多雌制 (poly-gyny)、一雌多雄制 (polyandry)和混交制(prom
    2. 一妻多夫制:一妻多夫制(polyandry)是一个女子同时与几个男子结为夫妻的婚姻形式. 它与一夫多妻制都被认为是人类婚姻的例外形式,并不是普遍流行的. 一妻多夫的主要形式有:①有血缘关系的几个兄弟共娶一妻,一般由长子出面迎娶,以后造成兄弟共妻的事实;
    3. polyandry的意思
    3. 一妻多夫:具体包括一夫多妻(polygyny)和一妻多夫(polyandry). 偶尔也采用群婚(group marriage/circle marriage)形式,即每个人都有若干妻子或丈夫. Polyfidelity指只和群体内成员保持性关系的一种polyamory. Threesome指一对夫妻或情侣与另外一个人发生性接触,
    4. 多雄性[一卵多精]:polyadenylation 聚腺苷酸化 | polyandry 多雄性[一卵多精] | polyanion 聚阴离子
    polyandry 双语例句
    1. By studying on allogrooming in captive Presbytis francoisi, in which All Occurrences Sampling and Sociometric Matrix Completion were used, The social significance of allogrooming and some social relations in polyandry were discussed.
    2. polyandry是什么意思
    2. Behavioral phenomena quantified by genetic markers in various species include patterns of multiple mating by both sexes; frequent cuckoldry by males and rare cuckoldry by females in nest-tending species; additional routes to surrogate parentage via nest piracy and egg-thievery; egg mimicry by nest-tending males; brood parasitism by helper males in cooperative breeders; clutch mixing in oral brooders; kinship in schooling fry of broadcast spawners; sperm storage by dams in female-pregnant species; and sex-role reversal, polyandry, and strong sexual selection on females in some male-pregnant species.
    3. polyandry的反义词
    3. Behaioral phenomena quantified by genetic markers in arious species include patterns of multiple mating by both sexes; frequent cuckoldry by males and rare cuckoldry by females in nest-tending species; additional routes to surrogate parentage ia nest piracy and egg-thieery; egg mimicry by nest-tending males; brood parasitism by helper males in cooperatie breeders; clutch mixing in oral brooders; kinship in schooling fry of broadcast spawners; sperm storage by dams in female-pregnant species; and sex-role reersal, polyandry, and strong sexual selection on females in some male-pregnant species.
    4. This marriage-club system, however, is not real polyandry at all
    5. Thus, what we find is just what was to be expected if the account we have offered of the origin of polyandry was correct.
    6. Typically, Polyandry was practiced in parts of China and Tibetans in Nepal.
    7. Away from the Shangri-La County, Diqing terms-180 km of Deqin County has still preserved its unique marriage of polyandry practices.
    8. This paper reviewed the advances in honeybee breeding involving to estimate the numbers of subfamilies in a colony and analyze the genetic correlation among workers; guess the polyandry level of queens and identify the purity of a subspecies; build a linkage map and discriminate loci of quantitative traits; genotype and distinguish full sister from semi sisters; analyze the trend of sperm to inseminate an egg and so on by means of such molecular biotech as microsatellites DNA, mitochondria...
    综述了应用微卫星 DNA技术、线粒体 DNA技术、随机扩增多态性 DNA、聚合酶链式反应和 DNA指纹等分子生物技术所进行的蜜蜂育种研究现状。其应用主要包括估计蜂群内亚家系的组成数目和分析工蜂间的遗传相关,推断蜂王的多雄水平和鉴定蜜蜂种性,构建连锁图和区别数量性状位点,鉴定基因型和区别全胞、半胞姐妹以及分析精子受精力的倾向性等
    9. McLennan knew only three forms of marriage: polygyny, polyandry and monogamy.
    10. The men live in polygyny, the women in polyandry.
    11. This marriage-club system, however, is not real polyandry at all;
    12. In fraternal polyandry the woman is expected to marry each of her original husband's brothers.
    13. Honeybee is polyandry and eusocial-insect that they produce by colony fission and swarming who communicate with dancing and pheromone.
    14. polyandry在线翻译
    14. Before we go on to monogamy, which developed rapidly with the overthrow of mother-right, a few words about polygyny and polyandry.
    15. polyandry
    15. The ancient Hindu tradition of polyandry was once widely practised in India, but is now only observed by a minority.
    16. But I prefer polygamy and polyandry, she said.
    17. They show that the Nair and Tibetan polyandry could never have been general in the tribes of mankind.
    18. We have numerous examples of polyandry, and they are such as to show that polyandry must be regarded as a modification of and advance from promiscuity.
    19. We have examples of polyandry in which the wife has several husbands, who are not necessarily relatives; and very many examples of polyandry in which the husbands are all brothers.
    20. On the other hand, much labour and investigation will yet be needed to show clearly that that kinship was not merely a concomitant of exogamy and polyandry, should cases occur in which it must be held that neither polyandry nor exogamy was primitive custom.
    polyandry 英英释义
    1. having more than one husband at a time




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