单词 | poor |
释义 | poor [英 [p?:(r)] 美 [p?:r] ] poor的意思、解释 poor 基本解释 poor什么意思 形容词贫穷的,贫乏的; 令人怜悯的,可怜的; 匮乏的; 低劣的 名词the poor 贫困者,穷人 poor 同义词 poor是什么意思 形容词unfortunateimpoverishedwretcheddestitutemiserablepitifulpennilessneedy poor 反义词 poor在线翻译 形容词richwealthywell-to-dofataffluent poor 相关词组 1. as poor as a church mouse : 赤贫; poor 相关例句 形容词 1. 1. How's your poor father? 你可怜的父亲怎么样了? 2. poor 2. He's still in poor health after his illness. 他病绑身体仍很虚弱。 3. poor的近义词 3. That country is poor in natural resources. 那个国家自然资源贫乏。 4. 4. My family used to be poor. 我家过去很穷。 名词 1. The rich ought to help the poor. 富人应该帮助穷人。 poor 情景对话 overdose-(吸食过量) A:Did you hear about John? 听说了汤姆的事情吗? B:No. What happened? 没有,什么事? A:He overdosed on heroin. 他服用海洛因过量。 poor的近义词 B:Oh my god. He used drugs? 哦,天。他吸毒? poor的近义词 A:I guess so. Supposedly, it was the first time he did heroin. 我想是。据称,这是他第一次吸食海洛因。 B:His poor family. 他的家人真可怜。 A:Yeah. 是呀。 Psychological Counseling-(心理咨询) A:One of my students told me she was very depressed today. 我的一个学生告诉我她今天心情很坏。 poor的解释 B:Why? 怎么了? A:Her father is dying. 她的爸爸快死了。 B:Oh, that’s very sad. 哦,真令人难过。 A:Yeah, she’s broken up about it, poor kid. 是呀,她无法承受这件事,真可怜。 B:What did you do? 你怎么做的? A:I talked to her for a while, but she’s really depressed. So, I made an appointment with the school counselor for her. 我跟她谈了一会儿,但是她还很沮丧。所以,我便为她约了学校的咨询顾问。 poor在线翻译 B:That’s a good idea. The counselor is a psychologist. He’s better trained to handle these sorts of things. 这个办法不错。顾问是心理学家。对于处理这些事情他受过良好的培训。 poor的反义词 A:Yeah, that’s what I told her. I’m glad she’s reaching out for help, instead of trying to deal with this on her own. 是,我也是这样和她说的。我很高兴她可以求援而不是自己一个人承担了。 B:Yeah, me too. 是的,我也有同感。 海关申报 A:May I see your passport, please? 请把你的护照给我看一下。 poor什么意思 B:Yes. Here you are. 好的。在这里。 A:Are you traveling on business or for pleasure? 你这次旅行是为了公务还是游玩? B:Im going to visit my older sister in New York. 我来看望在纽约居住的姐姐。 A:How long will you stay? 你打算在纽约呆多久? B:For several months. 几个月。 A:Do you have anything to declare? Jewelry or cash? 你有没有什么东西要申报?珠宝或现金? B:No, I havent. The only things I brought were my own clothes, my notebook computer and some gifts for mysister. 没有。我所携带的东西只是一些自己的衣物和笔记本电脑,还带了一些送给姐姐的礼物。 A:Im sorry. Im afraid Ill have to check these, too. Did you bring any fruits, vegetables, fresh meats orplants into this country? 对不起,恐怕我也得检查一下。你有没有携带任何水果、蔬菜、鲜肉或植物进本国? poor的解释 B:Oh, would you kindly allow me to bring in the civet durian? It is the favorite of my sister. 喔…您能允许我带些榴莲吗?它是我姐姐最喜欢的水果。 A:Sorry, rotten fruit is not allowed. 对不起,腐烂的水果不允许带进来。 poor B:But it is NOT rotten. It naturally has the special flavor. 但是它不是腐烂的水果。它天生就是这种特殊的味儿。 A:Well, perhaps. But perishables are also not allowed. 是吗,也许吧。但易腐烂的东西也是不能带进来的。 B:Oh, my poor sister! 哎,我可怜的姐姐! poor 网络解释 1. 贫穷的:戏终时按照惯例安排了一段歌舞,在我们贫穷的(poor)歌舞技巧中,努力的向音乐剧靠齐,也就是舞蹈或肢体动作是有戏感的,而且跟歌词结合的,不过影片中小演员们抢拍严重[4],自己看了都只有「囧」字可以形容. 2. 可怜的:ble) 2:不好的(Bad) 3:可怜的(Poor) 4:中立的(Neutral) 5:美好的(Fair) 6:优良的(Good) 7:极好的(Superb) 一般说来农业、手工业、商业、军事、建造纪念物所需的建筑(行会和劳力营)和政府类建筑的造币厂等都对吸引力有坏的影响, poor 双语例句 1. Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please: Due to 〈1.the poor weather condition at our airport 2.the poor weather condition over the air route 3.the poor weather condition over the Shanghai airport 4.aircraft reallocation 5.the maintenance of the aircraft 6.the aircraft maintenance at our airport 7.the aircraft maintenance at the Shanghai airport 8.air traffic congestion 9.the close-down of Shanghai airport 10.communication trouble〉(11), the 〔supplementary〕flight CA2986 to Shanghai has been delayed. 乘坐〔补班〕CA2986次航班前往上海的旅客请注意:由于〈1。本站天气不够飞行标准 2。航路天气不够飞行标准 3。上海天气不够飞行标准4。飞机调配原因 5。飞机机械原因 6。飞机在本站出现机械故障 7。飞机在上海机场出现机械故障 8。航行管制原因 9。上海机场关闭 10。通信原因〉(11),本次航班不能按时办理乘机手续。 2. With many of the poor, hunger is a constant problem. 食不果腹是许多穷人经常存在的问题。 3. Why the dress, you poor dear-the picture you coppice of the girl in the hall. 那套衣服呀,可怜的宝贝儿------你模仿的大厅里那幅少女的画像。 4. poor的意思 4. And some PR are tall, as it happens has sth used to one's own advantage, can go selling a link, how much Qian Yiyue, do not have a thing to be being stolen happy, only poor did not give Google pay intribute. 而有的PR高的呢,正好有资本,可以去卖链接,多少钱一月,没事偷着乐,只差没给google进贡了。 5. If we don`t have the developed productive force, we will just fall into a vicious circle of poor equalitarianism of communism society. 而要推动生产力的进步,就需要资本充分而全面的发展,因此,我们要采取措施保证资本有节制的发展。 6. And the situation of poor people can not be too much, the Egyptians loved to try on the road home can taste, try a way to save the geese eat the oil with some of the East on the road, then found a number of goose use of more not only raised to eat slaughtered just so simple. 和现代人的状况差不了太多),这些埃及人为了路上还能尝尝心爱的家乡味,想尽了法子要储存鹅油与一些路上吃的东东,从此发现了鹅更多的一些用途,不只是养大宰来吃吃那么简单而已。 7. poor的反义词 7. After this accident the poor boss asked them to his office, crying, and complained a lot. 事后彭格列可怜的兔子首领哭天抢地把两个人叫到首领办公室抱怨说骸你刚出水牢就这么闹不怕直接躺医院我管不着但是不要一回来就拆房子啊还有云雀学长我求求你敢情你不住在这里也不要说拆就拆啊难道我要睡马路么,对此,云雀和骸当默契的哼了一声以示轻蔑。 8. Join the poly acrylic resin or chloridizing polypropyrene, and so on can improve the business card printing HDpE and membership card making sex is based on their miscibility with HDpE is poor for the HDPE as blends of dispersed and home ownership scheme flats open film surface, obviously beneficial to bond with ink. 加入聚丙烯酸树脂或氯化聚丙烯等之所以能够改善HDpE的制卡和会员卡制作性是基于它们与HDpE相溶性较差,当其在HDpE为基体的共混体系中构成分散相并居开薄膜表层时,显然有利于与油墨的粘结。 9. In the US, I was a poor student. 在美国,我是个穷酸的留学生。 10. I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy 我只是个穷酸小孩,我不要同情 11. poor在线翻译 11. They racked their brains to invent some way of seeming to be very poor. 他们绞尽脑汁,要想出看上去极为穷酸的办法。 12. poor 12. It is clear that businesses in the sales process, with poor grades to replace defective products sold to Miss Wang excellent. 很明显,商家在销售过程中,用等级差的次品来代替优等品卖给了王女士。 13. poor的解释 13. I studied English bypast, but my English is poor still 在过去的日子里,我学习过英语,但我的英语还是很差 14. Perhaps, when you encounter when scavenging, you will ignore, because you can not judge the poor people scavenging it is the case. 也许、当你遇到拾荒人时、你会不屑一顾,因为你无法判断拾荒人的贫困情况是否属实。 15. Without ready access to safe water, the poor – especially women and girls – spend much of their time scavenging for it. 由于安全用水得来不易,穷人、尤其是妇女和女孩,得花大量时间找水。 16. 16. The man is poor, he is old. 这个男人很穷,他很老。 17. The man is very old and poor. 这个男人很老,很穷。 18. Years later he returned, old and poor, for a last''. 多年后他回来了,又老又穷,想最后''。 19. A long time ago, there lived a poor but honest man, and his wife. 很久很久以前,在日本有一对很穷但很诚实的老夫妇。 20. 20. Rich or poor, young or old, we all have problems. 富有或穷,年轻或老,我们全部有问题。 poor 词典解释 1. (人)贫穷的,贫困的 Someone who is poor has very little money and few possessions. e.g. The reason our schools cannot afford better teachers is because people here are poor... 我们的学校请不起好老师的原因是因为这里的人穷。 e.g. He was one of thirteen children from a poor family. 他是13名来自贫困家庭的孩子之一。 2. (国家、地区等)贫穷的,贫困的 The people in a poor country or area have very little money and few possessions. e.g. Many countries in the Third World are as poor as they have ever been. 很多第三世界国家仍和过去一样穷困。 e.g. ...a settlement house for children in a poor neighborhood. 为贫民区儿童设立的街坊文教馆 3. 可怜的;不幸的 You use poor to express your sympathy for someone. poor什么意思 e.g. I feel sorry for that poor child... 我为那个可怜的孩子感到难过。 e.g. Poor chap — he was killed in an air crash... 不幸的家伙,他死于空难。 4. 劣质的;糟糕的 If you describe something as poor, you mean that it is of a low quality or standard or that it is in bad condition. poor e.g. The flat was in a poor state of repair... 公寓严重失修。 e.g. The gap between the best and poorest childcare provision in the European Union has widened... 欧盟最好和最差的儿童保育服务之间的差距扩大了。 poorly Some are living in poorly built dormitories, even in tents... 有些人住在建筑质量很差的宿舍里,甚至帐篷里。 They were dressed and fed poorly. 他们的衣食状况都很糟糕。 5. (数量、比率等)不理想的,不合理的 If you describe an amount, rate, or number as poor, you mean that it is less than expected or less than is considered reasonable. e.g. ...poor wages and working conditions. 低薪和恶劣的工作条件 poorly During the first week, the evening meetings were poorly attended... 第一周时,晚上的会参加人数很少。 For one of the top ten releases in rock history, the record sold poorly. 作为摇滚音乐史上的10大唱片之一,它的销量却差强人意。 6. 不熟练的;蹩脚的 You use poor to describe someone who is not very skilful in a particular activity. e.g. He was a poor actor... 他是个蹩脚的演员。 e.g. Hospitals are poor at collecting information. 医院收集信息能力很差。 poorly That is the fact of Hungarian football — they can play very well or very poorly. 那就是匈牙利足球的现实,他们能踢得非常棒,也有可能非常糟。 7. 贫乏的;缺少的 If something is poor in a particular quality or substance, it contains very little of the quality or substance. e.g. Fats and sugar are very rich in energy but poor in vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre. 脂肪和糖类热量很高,但维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维贫乏。 e.g. ...soil that is poor in zinc. 缺锌的土壤 poor 单语例句poor什么意思 1. " Poor business is also another reason why we moved out, " he says. 2. Both Beijing and Shanghai real estate markets are entering a downward trend, experiencing an unusually poor business season. 3. Sorensen told China Business Weekly that the company's efforts in China are focused on diabetes, given poor public awareness about this chronic disease. 4. He said it is merely a despicable act for the island to criticise the motherland in such a poor excuse. 5. Poor countries have been driven out of the race and are unable to buy enough food. 6. The children wear threadbare clothes and use poor stationeries so as not to ask their families for money to buy new ones. 7. Wu called the members of her group " poor wretches " and " liars " over their failure to buy cigarettes from her. 8. It not only ridicules the poor judgment of the buyer, but also criticizes the unnecessary efforts the seller has spent in making the case. 9. The story is about a prince, who by accident trades lives with a poor waif of the same age. 10. The results showed that all of the cameras had problems caused by poor design. |
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