单词 | populace |
释义 | populace [英 [?p?pj?l?s] 美 [?pɑ:pj?l?s] ] populace的意思、解释 populace 基本解释 名词平民; 百姓; 人口 populace populace 相关例句 名词 1. They represented only a fraction of the general populace. 他们代表的仅是全体国民的一小部分。 populace 网络解释 1. 1. 民众,老百姓:405. pontiff: 教皇,主教. | 406. populace: 民众,老百姓. | 407. poseur: 装模作样的人. 2. 平民,大众:unpopular 不通俗的,不推广的 | populace 平民,大众 | 父,祖-patri,pater populace 双语例句 1. It is indeed the nature of the populace, whose density is always greater in the cities, to be suspicious toward one who has their welfares at heart, and gullible toward one who fools them. 这的确是那些城市人口密度总是更大的大众的天性:对於真正关心其福祉的人心怀猜忌,而对愚弄他们的人却深信不疑。 2. populace在线翻译 2. The theory of Confucianism founded by Lu Gu and Jia Yi was originated from the theory of Xun Zi, However, not the same as the thougt of Lu Gu, in the theory of Jia Yi, which reflected the aristocracy-oriented feature of the upper class, the ideology of aristocratism was aroused. Han Ying initiated the self-awakening man's original mind or nature and reestablished the theory of born good. His theory was regarded as an anabranch of Confucianism in the early stage of Han Dynasty, and a reecho of historical movement of the aristocratic theory of Confucianism advocated by Confucius and Mencius. During the periods of Emperor. Jing of Han and Emperor Wu of Han, an aristocratic upper class had come into being. Therefore, in the face of the society that experienced populace-oriented baptism, Dong Zhong-shu kept down the aristocratic components existed in Jia Yi's theory, absorbed populace-oriented consciousness, which formed the foundation for theoretical system, and transferred instrument-centered Confucianism to the one with sanctification. Thus, Confucianism acquired its theoretical remolding and historical transforming. 汉初的陆、贾儒学的思想理路是由荀学发展而来,但不同于陆贾之说,在贾谊思想里,作为当时上层社会走向贵族化这一时代特征的反映,贵族化思想成分开始被唤起;陆、贾之后的韩婴则倡导心性修养,重建性善论,他的学说是孔孟儒学贵族化历史乐章之回响,为汉初儒学的支流;景武之际,汉初上层社会已经完成了贵族化转变,为此,董仲舒保留了贾谊学说中的贵族化思想成分,然更为重要的是,面对一个经过平民化洗礼的社会,董仲舒吸纳平民思想意识以建构理论体系,将陆贾、贾谊承自荀子的工具性特征显著之儒学转变成具神学特征的儒学,使儒学获得一次理论上的大改铸,实现了儒学的历史转型。 3. Though the considerable progress of elegance history have made important contribution to Chinese historiography, but it is unfavourable to enhancing the quality of the populace and forming the spirit of the Chinese nation because the popular history was squeezed out of the major historiography. lj`Pg而梁氏所说的中国这种极为发达的史学,乃是指以史官为撰修主体的官方史学以及以非史官的知识分子为主体的文人史学,对此他有非常明确的说明。 4. populace 4. Already obtained result: Attains two and so on scholarship 5 one and so on scholarship 1outstanding clerk 2 Attains my school sixth session of track and field gamesoutstanding referee Basketball two levels of referees track and field three levelsof referees soccers three levels of referees The populace healthily hold the exercise standard six levels oflevels healthily to hold three levels of athletes A national college computer level English three A three characters six levels 现已取得的成绩:获二等奖学金5次一等奖学金1次优秀干事2次获我校第六届田径运动会优秀裁判篮球二级裁判田径三级裁判足球三级裁判大众健美操锻炼标准六级水平健美操三级运动员全国高等学校计算机一级英语三A 三笔字六级 5. populace的解释 5. The last thing that we want to do is bring fear to the populace. 的最后一件事就是我们希望做的,是民众的恐惧。 6. Therefore, it is very necessary to develop a set suitable and the populace and compatible good system. 因此,开发一套适和大众的、兼容性好的系统是很有必要的。 7. 7. Their goal is to thin out the populace, not to help people. 他们的目标是薄民众,而不是来帮助人。 8. He have the support of large section of the populace. 他获得大多数民众的支持。不适合 9. He had the support of large sections of the populace. 他获得大多数民众的支持。 10. And the populace cried out, The voice of a god and not of a man! 12:22 民众喊著说,这是神的声音,不是人的声音。 11. populace的解释 11. Meanwhile the author put forward some proper measures to encourage the populace to do more reading. 最后提出唤回全民阅读热潮宜采取的一些措施。 12. Its prosperity resulted from Lei Haiqing's individual moral caliber and the need of populace's life. 雷海青的个人德行和民众的生活需要造就了雷海青信仰的兴盛。 13. The belief of Lei Haiqing reflected the original school of Taiwan folk drama and custom of populace's belief, and was characterized by professionalism, miscellaneity and fiction. 雷海青信仰反映了台湾民间戏曲的渊源流派及民众的信仰习俗,具有行业性、混杂性和虚构附会性等特点。 14. 14. There has been no outbreak yet, but the feelings of the populace are on the simmer. 虽然还未发生暴动,但群众满腔怒火,有一触即发之势。 15. 15. A knight is also proud because of his honor and status but the difference between a kight and a lord is that he is urbane not only to the young beautiful women and glorious lord but also to the populace. 骑士有其骄傲的一面,因其荣耀与地位,但骑士不等同于其他贵族的地方之一就是他同时还有谦卑的一面。谦逊的态度不仅仅是面对年轻貌美的女士和身份显赫的贵族,在对待平民时,骑士也绝不会恶言相向。 16. 16. I observed too his habit of careful inquiry in all matters of deliberation, and his persistency, and that he never stopped his investigation through being satisfied with appearances which first present themselves; and that his disposition was to keep his friends, and not to be soon tired of them, nor yet to be extravagant in his affection; and to be satisfied on all occasions, and cheerful; and to foresee things a long way off, and to provide for the smallest without display; and to check immediately popular applause and all flattery; and to be ever watchful over the things which were necessary for the administration of the empire, and to be a good manager of the expenditure, and patiently to endure the blame which he got for such conduct; and he was neither superstitious with respect to the gods, nor did he court men by gifts or by trying to please them, or by flattering the populace; but he showed sobriety in all things and firmness, and never any mean thoughts or action, nor love of novelty. 我也看到了他仔细探讨所有需要考虑的事情的习惯,他坚持不懈,决不因对初步印象的满足就停止他的探究;他有一种保持友谊的气质,不会很快厌倦朋友,同时又不放纵自己的柔情;他对所有环境都感到满足和快乐;能不夸示地显微知着,富有远见;他直接阻止流行的赞颂和一切谄媚;对帝国的管理所需要的事务保持警醒,善于量入为出,精打细算,并耐心地忍受由此而来的责难;他不迷信神灵,也不以赏赐、娱乐或奉承大众而对人们献殷勤;他在所有事情上都显示出一种清醒和坚定,不表现任何卑贱的思想或行为,也不好新骛奇。 17. The text of Wei Huis physical description is the result of lack of spiritual nurture during the transitional process of the present time. By nature it is to cater to the need of the populace without regard to that of the elites. 卫慧的身体叙事文本是当代中国社会结构转型过程中精神有效供给不足的必然产物,实质上是媚俗而不媚上的大众文化。 18. populace的近义词 18. Much Mediterranean architecture remains, but it seems out of place considering that over 95% of the populace is Chinese. 许多地中海风格的建筑仍然受到保存,但却与当地超过百分之九十五的中国居民不太搭调。 19. populace的意思 19. The bloody nag took fright and the old mongrel after the car like bloody hell and all the populace shouting and laughing and the old tinbox clattering along the street. 该死的驽马吓惊了,那条老杂种狗宛如该死的地狱一般追在马车后边。乌合之众大叫大笑,那老马口铁罐头沿街咯嗒咯嗒滚去。 20. He weighed the possible evidences for and against ritual murder: the incitations of the hierarchy, the superstition of the populace, the propagation of rumour in continued fraction of veridicity, the envy of opulence, the influence of retaliation, the sporadic reappearance of atavistic delinquency, the mitigating circumstances of fanaticism, hypnotic suggestion and somnambulism. 274他在衡量着赞成和反对杀人祭神的可能的证据:神职人员的煽动以及民众的迷信;随着谣言的传播,致使真实性逐渐减少。对财富的嫉妒,复仇的影响,隔代遗传造成的不法行为的突发性再犯。有量情余地的狂信,催眠术的暗示和梦游病症状。 populace 词典解释 1. (一国的)平民,百姓,民众 The populace of a country is its people. e.g. ...a large proportion of the populace. 大部分民众 populace 单语例句populace 1. In ancient times going out after dark was actively discouraged in order to instill temperate habits in the populace and keep them from harm. 2. A lot of studies link population growth with emissions and the effect of climate change upon the populace. 3. It is not surprising that there are divergent views among the US populace on ties with China. 4. The heavy metals discarded by the company have remained for decades, causing lingering problems for the local populace. 5. While the populace enjoys the boom in the performing arts, the people who organize and manage the festivities have invariably been talking about going international. 6. The thinning populace prompted Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi in January to invoke the Japanese calendar to persuade people to procreate. 7. It will enhance human rights awareness among the whole populace to create an atmosphere of public opinion that human rights is emphasized by all. 8. But she definitely does not deserve the cruel lashing by the huge online populace. 9. But they cannot blame Cameron for " inciting unrest " among a restive populace unable to hold on to their rights of abode. 10. Waiting in lines there is a nightmare, even for the populace. populace 英英释义 noun 1. people in general considered as a whole e.g. he is a hero in the eyes of the public Synonym: publicworld |
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