单词 | porch |
释义 | porch [英 [p?:t?] 美 [p?:rt?] ] porch的意思、解释 复数形式:porches; porch 基本解释 名词门廊; 游廊,走廊 porch的近义词 porch 相关例句 名词 1. We waited in the porch until it stopped raining. 我们在门廊等待直到雨停。 porch 网络解释 1. 1. 廊:而游泳池(swimming pool)、露台(deck)、门廊(porch)等等,都应该有单独的工程许可证和审核证涵盖这些工程. 如果在房屋中发现了上述建筑工程,但在CO中没有相应体现,并且也没有其他的房屋局证件证明其合法性(legalization), 2. porch什么意思 2. 玄关:4 对包括地板、天井和壁橱(Alcove)在内的天花板进行建模 1532 白板(Whiteboard)和辅助出入门的建模和结束 2965 1层和玄关(Porch)的建模 4392 钢缆(Wire)和钢筋构架连接板的建模 537 3. porch在线翻译 3. 门廊;游廊:13.playground 运动场;游戏场;游乐场 | 14.porch 门廊;游廊 | 15.property 财产;地产 porch 双语例句 1. porch 1. Other site issues to correct included a front porch with the same subbase problem as the drive resulting in cracking of the concrete. 其它网站的问题,纠正包括与作为在混凝土裂缝产生的驱动器相同的底基层的问题前廊。 2. 2. The concept of porch, result from China, but the possibility that uses the earliest is geomantic gentleman door. 玄关的概念,源于中国,但最早用的可能是风水先生门。 3. The postmeridian sunlight crossed through the thick honeysuckle covered on the porch and shined on my face. 午后的阳光透过门廊上覆盖着的厚厚的一层忍冬,照在我微微仰着的脸上。 4. The light of Postmeridian shone on my slightly upturned face through a lay of the thick honeysuckle on the porch. 午后的阳光透过门廊上覆盖着的厚厚的一层忍冬,照在我微微仰着的脸上。 5. You can be inside or outside in the sun on a porch or balcony. 你可以在国内或国外在阳光的阳台或露台。 6. porch在线翻译 6. After bleeding sloped, the hemoglobin amount in films or gauzes were measured to determine the hemostatic effect Using a randomized design, one incision in each animal was treated with C-CM membrane, the influence of C-CM film on the growth of bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 27853. Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. Monil lia albicans ATCC 14053)were observed in vitro with solid medium. Rusults: It was observed that C-CM membrane had no toxic effects on surrounding tissue and was slowly degraded after implanted into rat leg muscular porch; The results of hemostatic experiment showed that C-CM film adhered well to incisions. 结果:C-CM膜植入动物肌肉中,周围组织无明显炎症,未发现组织变性和坏死,可在组织内缓慢降解,具有良好的组织相容性,6周后反应接近外科缝合丝线组;止血实验结果发现:C-CM膜组和纱布组的出血时间分别为83.5±9.333s和117±15.9275s,血红蛋白光度吸收值为0.9204±0.7559和1.9764±0.7205,二组比较差异显著(P<0.05),说明C-CM膜有一定的止血作用;促进创面愈合实验结果显示:不同时间段C-CM膜组肉芽组织较对照组厚,其中胶原纤维含量亦较多,C-CM膜组的创面愈合时间早于空白对照组,伤口愈合较快;抑菌实验显示C-CM膜对三种菌产生接触性抑制。 7. Hern and I sat at two corners of the porch face to face, holding our blanket together. 荷和我拥衾对坐,在廊子的两角,遥遥谈话。 8. Once I had smuggled it home, with the help of my sister, I hid it on the upstairs neighbor's porch. 我偷偷地把礼物带回家,在姐姐的帮助下,我把它藏在楼上邻居的门廊上。 9. 9. Once I had smuggled it home, with the help of my sister, I hid it on the upstairs neighbor`s porch. 悄悄地,我把天竺葵带回家,在大姐的帮助下,我们把它藏在楼上邻居家的阁楼里。 10. A block from the house, I spied a neighborhood friend sitting on the screened porch of her house reading a book. 在与住处隔条街的地方,我忽然看到了一位邻居朋友,正坐在她屋前门厅的屏帐里读书。 11. The living room has thick plaster walls, built-in bookcases, a lovely mantle and fireplace, and dual sets of French doors leading to the wrap-around front porch. 客厅里有厚厚的石膏墙,内建的书架,一个可爱的壁炉和壁炉盖,和通过法式双大门可往前廊。 12. porch的近义词 12. I hope you make time to sit on a porch with your father and cook with your mother. 我希望你腾出时间坐在门廊上与你的父亲和厨师与您的母亲。 13. porch是什么意思 13. Now, she sits on her porch and wonders what to do next. 订单寥寥无几的时候,她回到了自己家。 14. 14. Then, flecked mattesses were extended on the dosses. Arms and toes wearing ratty socks could be seen everywhere in the porch. 之后,铺位上纷纷铺起污迹斑斑的列车床垫,走廊里顿时到处都是胳膊和露在外面、穿着破袜子的脚丫子。 15. We arrived at twilight and sat on the refurnished porch watching the lake go dark. 我们于黄昏到达,坐在新修饰的门廊上看入暮的湖色。 16. And as the sun sets down before me, I see my true love waiting for me, standing by the back porch screen 当太阳在我的面前落下,我看到我的真爱站在后沿的屏风边等待着我 17. Suddenly, Mike's dad burst through the rickety screen door and onto the porch. 突然,迈克的爸爸推开那扇摇摇晃晃的门走进了门廊。 18. The group portrait, The Screen Porch, is one of Porter's best-known works because it has often been exhibited. 这组名叫《纱窗门廊》的群像因为经常被展出,成为波特最著名的画作之一。 19. The Screen Porch was Porter's largest canvas to date, 79.579.5, and was the first of a series of ambitious works in square format and life-size scale 纱窗门廊》是波特至今所画的最大的画布油画,尺寸为79.5×79.5英寸,也是他的一系列雄心勃勃的等人大小的正方形构图画中的第一件。 20. The woman says the gator must have pushed through the back porch screen door and then went inside through an open sliding glass door at her home. 该名老妇表示,相信鳄鱼是挤进房子后面的网格门,再从打开的滑动玻璃门进入屋内的。 porch 词典解释 1. 门廊 A porch is a sheltered area at the entrance to a building. It has a roof and sometimes has walls. e.g. Is there a light in the porch or garden? 门廊或花园里有灯吗? 2. (沿外墙建造、常带顶的)走廊,游廊 A porch is a raised platform built along the outside wall of a house and often covered with a roof. porch e.g. We'd eat during the hot summer evenings on the front porch. 在炎热的夏夜,我们会在屋前走廊上吃晚饭。 in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 verandaporch 单语例句 1. Francie told him the name of the nearest intersection, and that she would hide the cell phone under the porch of a particular house. 2. He sits on the front porch of a dilapidated house outside New Orleans, drunk all day on cheap vodka. 3. Overflowing boxes were piled on the front porch, and a US flag leaned against the siding. 4. Qu managed to get out of the car and tried to stagger to a nearby house before collapsing on the front porch. 5. The new home has a covered front porch, two fireplaces and a finished basement. 6. At least one round hit a house, damaging the roof and a porch. 7. That thought first hit him while he was sitting on the porch of his house, located on the idyllic campus of Southern Illinois University. 8. There was moonlight on the roses and he made love to her in the porch swing. 9. The pillar for the porch of the first floor is made of wood on the upper part and stone on the lower part. 10. Children's toys were strewn on the porch and in the yard. porch的解释porch 英英释义 porch noun 1. a structure attached to the exterior of a building often forming a covered entrance |
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