单词 | potency |
释义 | potency [英 [?p??tnsi] 美 [?po?tnsi] ] potency的意思、解释 复数形式:potencies; potency 基本解释 名词效力; 潜能; 权势; (男人的)性交能力 potency 网络解释 1. 效价:使心跳及血压上升 (C)溶解度较差的气体麻醉剂,其恢复期较短;反之,高溶解度的气体麻醉剂恢复期较长 (D)麻醉剂的效价(potency)与最低肺泡麻醉浓度(minimum alveolar anesthetic解析:quinidine为抗心律不整的药物, 2. 效价强度:5效价强度(potency)用于作用性质相同的药物之间的等效剂量的比较, 达到等效时所需药量较小者效价强度大,所用药量大者效价强度小. 6斜率(slope) 量效曲线在效应量的16%~84%区间大致呈直线,该段直线与横坐标夹角的正切值称量效曲线的斜率. 3. 效力:请将下列激素依其效力(potency)做递减排列:雌三醇(estriol)、雌二醇(estradiol)、雌素酮(estrone). 未控制(Unopposed)的雌激素治疗将导致____________________ 癌症罹患的风险增加. 将____________________与雌激素一起合并使用则会降低这个风险. potency 双语例句 1. potency的翻译 1. The ultimate high potency, natural sleep aid - available without a prescription. 效果超强帮助自然睡眠无需医生处方用药。 2. We use only the first 2 milking's to guarantee potency and quality. 我们只使用最初两次牛乳来保证产品的效力和品质。 3. This research subject is to prepare skimed milk powder containing Nisin and toapplicate it in dairy products. Research results are as follow:A mutant strain with hight yield of Nisin was obtained from lactococcus lactis 2379 by many mutagenetic treatment with ultraviolet ray and CsCL. Compared with primitive strain, the Nisin potency of the mutant strain was increased by over 32%. 本课题对含Nisin脱脂乳粉的制备及应用进行了系统的研究,主要研究结果如下:以乳酸乳球菌PCM2379为出发菌株,经紫外线及氯化铯复合诱变使其产Nisin能力提高了32%。 4. And you should make a special love potion which can bring back his potency. 你应该做一个特殊的爱情药水可以带回他的潜能。 5. Most of these lactobacilli are capable to produce hydrogen peroxide, L. crispatus, L, jensenii and L. acidophilus are with higher potency. 大多数乳酸杆菌均能产生过氧化氢,L.crispatus、L.jensenii和L.acidophilus产生过氧化氢的能力较强。 6. Results: 953 strains of pathogenic bacteria G belong to 11 categories. Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, hemolysis Staphylococcus, Streptococcus viridans and enterococcus are five main kinds of pathogenic bacteria G(superscript +), accounting for 30.3%, 17.3%, 15.1%, 9.8% and 6.8%, respectively. Among the 16 kinds of antibiotics tested, penicillin (24.22%), illotycin (26.22%), cephazolin (28.06%), phytomycin (30.52%) and cidomycin (31.06%) are five kinds of antibiotics with the lowest average potency for pathogenic bacteria G(superscript +). 结果:953株G致病菌经鉴定属于11大类,其中金黄色葡萄球菌、表皮葡萄球菌、溶血葡萄球菌、草绿色链球菌和肠球菌属是五类主要的G致病菌,依次分别占总分离量的30.3%、17.3%、15.1%、9.8%和6.8%;在检测的16种抗生素时排在前五位的G致病菌的平均效价最低的五类抗生素是:青霉素(24.22%)、红霉素(26.22%)、头孢唑林(28.06%)、与链霉素(30.52%)和庆大霉素(31.06%)。 7. 7. Regular use may help healthy males strengthen rudimentary potency and nourish blood, cultivate libido and reinforce the kidney. SW-3501{浪漫海葵}Romantic Anemone 恒温药浴:由微电脑控制的电子加热系统调节水温;根据具体治疗需要设置特定温度后,可实现恒温药液按摩。健康男性经常使用可养根护性,培欲固本。 8. And if you say that the form actuates this potency, this is true, but it does so as a formal cause. Before this actual formation takes place, then, matter and form must be regarded as separate, and that which unites them has the character of an efficient cause. 如果你说形式实现了这一潜能,这是对的,但它是以形式因的方式实现的,在这一赋形实际发生之前,质料和形式必须被看成是隔离的,把它们合成一个整体的是动力因。 9. The domestic people trading arbitral agreement potency confirmation case, is the People's court managers the case. 国内民商事仲裁协议效力确认案件,属人民法院主管的案件。 10. The initial SAR studies indicated:(1) the presence of a linker of methene at the N-1 may be beneficial to anti-HIV activity, while longer chain could enhance toxicity; (2) substituted phenyl at the C-2 could reduce toxicity; (3) 6-substituted benzimidazoles generally showed higher anti-HIV activity than 5-substuted ones; (4) the presence of a halogenated benzyl ring at the N-l would enhance anti-HIV potency and decrease cytotoxicity. 初步构效分析提示:(1)苯并咪唑环1位侧链间隔基为亚甲基时活性最好,侧链延长,毒性增大;(2)苯并咪唑2位侧链无间隔基毒性相对较低;(3)苯并咪唑6位取代活性高于5位取代;(4)苯并咪唑1位芳环用卤素取代,毒性明显降低。 11. The initial SAR studies indica ted:(1)the presence of alinker of methene at the N-1may be beneficial to anti-HIV activity, while longer chain could enhance toxicity; (2)substituted phenyl at the C-2could reduce toxicity; (3)6-substituted benzimidazoles generally showed higher anti-HIV activity than 5-substuted ones; (4)the presence of ahalogenated benzyl ring at the N-l would enhance anti-HIV potency and decrease cytotoxicity. 初步构效分析提示:(1)苯并咪唑环1位侧链间隔基为亚甲基时活性最好,侧链延长,毒性增大;(2)苯并咪唑2位侧链无间隔基毒性相对较低;(3)苯并咪唑6位取代活性高于5位取代;(4)苯并咪唑1位芳环用卤素取代,毒性明显降低。 12. This is because once a pharmacophore is known, medicinal chemists can modify it to reduce toxicity while maintaining potency. 这是因为一旦知道药效基因,药物化学家就可以修饰它,在保持药效的基础上减少毒性。 13. potency的解释 13. The product has provided the reliable technical support for the safety in production of our country high potency gas mine. 对主、辅助回路均具有:过载、短路、断相、漏地闭锁和风电延时闭锁保护功能,为我国高瓦斯矿井的安全生产,提供了可靠的技术保证。 14. Consequently, he is greatly victimized: immersed in the world of thoughts for long, he has no insights in reality; as a result, he is done in by his wife and best friend --- they have committed adultery for years but Herzog has been totally kept in the dark and is divorced without knowing the real reason; after being informed about the twofold betrayal of his wife and best friend, he is caught by irresistible reasoning and thinking, trying to reconsider life and humanity with the help of knowledge in his academic field; nonetheless, it is not until he truly confronts reality that he discerns no theoretic work can give total explanations of the complex humanity and transforming the world with mere theories is no more than a delusion; meanwhile, he comes to see that his potency in the world of thoughts turns out to be impotence in life and that his obsession with thinking after his divorce is in fact an evasion of reality and is attributed to his hatred for his own impotence; eventually he has to admit that his over-reliance on theories is responsible for his victimhood in life. 简而言之,赫索格的极端唯智论思想使得他无法正确认识现实,有效应对生活中的问题,以致深受其害:长期沉浸在思想的世界之中,他并不具备对现实的洞察力,因而遭到了妻子和好朋友的蒙骗——他们私通长达几年之久,而赫索格对此一无所知,与妻子不明不白地离了婚;得知妻子和好朋友双双背叛的真相后,他不可抑制地陷入理性思考之中,试图通过他的学术知识来重新审视生活与人性,可是直到真正接触现实他才意识到任何一种理论框架都无法完全解释复杂的人性,单纯靠理论来改变世界不过是一场空想而已;同时,他认识到,在思想世界的强大却使得他在现实生活中极其无能,离婚后一味执迷于思考实际上是对现实的逃避,是痛恨自己无能的结果;最后,他不得不承认,对理论的过分依赖导致了他在生活中的受害地位。 15. These showed Ambrosia trifida can be a new potential biosorbent. So all we done will establish a well foundation on a new biosorbent and resource utilization potency of invasive plant in future. 因此,本论文的开展对于开发一种新型的重金属生物吸附剂和相应水处理工艺及东北林业有害植物的综合防治提供了一定的理论依据。 16. 16. Calcitriol is preferred (over vitamin D2 or D3) because of its potency and rapid onset and offset of action. 骨化三醇是首选的,它作用明显而且起效和失效都很快。 17. The wine of life, henceforth to be presented to her lips, must be indeed rich, delicious, and exhilarating, in its chased and golden beaker; or else leave an inevitable and weary languor, after the lees of bitterness wherewith she had been drugged, as with a cordial of intensest potency. 今后举到她唇边的、在雕花的金色大杯中的生活的美酒,肯定是醇厚、郁和令人陶醉的;不然的话,在她喝惯了具有强效的兴奋剂式的苦酒渣之后,必然会产生一种厌烦的昏昏然之感。 18. 18. Methods right sciatic nerve compression model of 120 male icr mice was employed to observe the effects of aerobic exercise on weight of immunity organs, abdominal cavity the phagocytosis rate of macrophagus in abdominal cavity, antibody potency and ear swelling index. 雄性icr小鼠120只,采用右侧坐骨神经卡压模型,观察有氧运动对小鼠免疫器官重量、腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬率、抗体效价和耳肿指数的影响。 19. Now all her body clung with tender love to the unknown man, and blindly to the wilting penis, as it so tenderly, frailly, unknowingly withdrew, after the fierce thrust of its potency. 现在她整个的身体,在深情地紧依着那不知名的男子,在盲目地依恋着那萎缩着的阴茎,它,经过了全力的、狂暴的冲刺后,现在柔软地、娇弱地、不自知地退缩着。 20. potency 20. The multiple aromatic rings attachment at amino group of vancosamine is useful for increase the inhibitory potency against vancomycin-resistant E. faecalis. 体外抗菌实验结果表明:Fmoc和4-联苯甲基取代在万古霉素氨基糖上表现出较好的抗万古霉素耐药菌活性。 potency 词典解释 1. (人、行动或思想的)影响力,支配力 Potency is the power and influence that a person, action, or idea has to affect or change people's lives, feelings, or beliefs. potency的翻译 e.g. They testify to the extraordinary potency of his personality... 这些事情证明了他非凡的人格魅力。 e.g. All their songs have a lingering potency. 他们所有的歌曲都有耐人寻味的魅力。 2. (药物等的)效力;药力;药效 The potency of a drug, poison, or other chemical is its strength. e.g. Sunscreen can lose its potency if left over winter in the bathroom cabinet. 如果把防晒霜在盥洗室的壁橱里放一个冬天,就有可能失效。 3. (男子的)性交能力,性机能 Potency is the ability of a man to have sex. e.g. Alcohol abuse in men can cause loss of sex drive and reduced potency. 男子酗酒可能导致性欲丧失和性功能下降。 potency 单语例句 1. As one of the most durable cells in the body, sperm can maintain potency even if frozen for a decade or two. 2. The Empress Dowager believed in the potency of martial arts, so she declared war on the whole world. 3. Although many of the diners believe that eating penis will add to their sexual potency, doctors say these claims are groundless. 4. They refuse doctors'requests for the herbal mix, saying the saint warned it would lose its potency if commercialized. 5. Even many of the Chinese words and phrases in vogue will lose their potency after a period of intense use. 6. The Euryale seeds produced in Zhaoqing have large size and strong potency. 7. The potency and side effects of some herbs are poorly understood by TCM practitioners, sometimes they even cause fatal errors. 8. In some cases, the finished wine is further distilled to concentrate the flavor and increase potency. 9. Patients in the trial took Wisconsin ginseng from a single crop that was tested for uniform potency. 10. The market should not underestimate the potency of the prudent monetary policy. potencypotency 英英释义 potency在线翻译 noun 1. capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects e.g. the toxin's potency the strength of the drinks Synonym: effectivenessstrength 2. the power or right to give orders or make decisions e.g. he has the authority to issue warrants deputies are given authorization to make arrests a place of potency in the state Synonym: authorityauthorizationauthorisationdominancesay-so 3. the state of being potent a male's capacity to have sexual intercourse Synonym: potence 4. the inherent capacity for coming into being Synonym: potentialpotentiality |
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