单词 | precaution |
释义 | precaution [英 [pr??k?:?n] 美 [pr??k???n] ] precaution的意思、解释 复数形式:precautions; precaution 基本解释 名词预防措施; 预防,防备,警惕; 避孕措施 及物动词使提防; 预先警告 precaution 相关例句 名词 1. precaution 1. I took an umbrella as a precaution. 我带了一把伞以防下雨。 2. precaution的近义词 2. We have taken necessary precautions against fire. 我们已采取必要的防火措施。 3. Take precautions against fire! 谨防火灾! 4. He took the precaution of locking his door when he went out. 当他外出的时候谨慎地锁上门。 precaution 网络解释 1. precaution 1. 防范:总之,在进行转基因食品安全性评价时遵循了以下原则:实质等同性原则(substantial equivalence)、预先防范(precaution)的原则、个案评估的原则(case by case)、逐步评估的原则(step by step)、风险效益平衡的原则(balance of benefits 2. 预防:近日以 预防(Precaution) 为标题,刊登了一系列全世界民众戴口罩防范甲型(H1N1)型流感病毒的图片... 2009-05-07 precaution 双语例句 1. The emergency plan shall include procedures for spill prevention and precaution, and detailed action plan listing out the responsibilities and actions of all related personnel. 应变计划须包括预防溅溢程序,以及载列各相关人员职责及行动的详细行动计划。 2. precaution的解释 2. As an added precaution, the quarantine period is lengthened to 10 days. 作为一项附加的预防措施,隔离期延长至10天。 3. precaution 3. This text has mainly introduced some behaves and acquired characteristics of Elephas maximus, the strict precaution of the Elephas maximus and measure of leading mainly. 本文主要介绍了野象的一些生活习性,野象的防范和诱导措施。 4. Since 2000, world travel loan defends 9 projects (precaution and control AIDS/venereal subproject) since be being carried out in the our city, wholesome, culture is combined, staff member of our city project developed extensive propagandist education and behavior interpose activity in song ballroom waitress, gained certain result and richer experience, boss of hall of singing and dancing and waitress had had self-identity to our job, the job was had can last expansibility. 经济的繁荣、外来人员的增加,使得本市的洗浴、桑拿、歌舞厅等休闲娱乐场所迅猛增加。2000年以来,世行贷款卫九项目(预防和控制艾滋病/性病子项目)在我市实施以来,卫生、文化联合,我市项目工作人员在歌舞厅女服务生中开展了广泛的宣传教育和行为干预活动,取得了一定成效和较丰富的经验,歌舞厅老板和女服务生对我们的工作已经有了认同,工作具有了可持续发展性。 5. French President Nicolas Sarkozy's office says the leader has been hospitalized overnight as a precaution. 法國總統薩科齊的隨身官員稱這位領導人在醫院留院觀察一天以防萬一。 6. 6. A growing trend that disingenuously demands proof over precaution in the realm of public health. 越来越多的趋势disingenuously的要求,证明以上预防措施的境界市民的健康。 7. He said it was purely a precaution to make sure they were well rested for Sunday. 弗格森表示费迪南德和斯科尔斯没有受伤,他们被换下只是为周日的比赛留力。 8. precaution 8. The reportor from cental disease and precaution noted the findings are subject to some limitations. 疾病控制与预防中心的记者指出这些调查结果有局限性。 9. The system, taking the warning as an orientation and immunity and security behavior as a goal, is a mechanism to guard against mistakes and correct errors.2、redit risk assessment, precaution and control to a commercial bankCredit risk assessment aims at the present situation of a bank credit risk to evaluate, so as to be a foundation of the entire credit risk management system. 商业银行信用风险评价、预警与控制。 10. Heavy neck rings and spiky collars are favoured by some Snakebites, who claim this to be a precaution against being throttled by personal enemi es who might creep up behind them in the night. 一些蛇咬的兽人偏爱沉重的大颈环和带刺项圈,它们声称这可以防止自己在睡觉的时候被私敌拧断脖子。 11. precaution 11. William's favorite room was said to be the library with its coll ections of more than 5, 000 books, ancient Greek vases, and an antique Spani sh ceiling suspended by cables so it will sway in the event of an earthquake (all the antique furnishings and treasures are anchored as a precaution as this is earthquake country). 威 廉最喜欢的房间据说是图书室,里面有收藏的 5,000 多本书籍,古希腊的花瓶,以及一个用缆索悬吊起来的古代西班牙吊顶,一旦发生地震,吊顶就会摇摆(所有的古代家具和珍宝都被事先用铰链固定住,因为这是一个多地震的国家)。 12. At night, I lock the windows as a precaution against burgulary. 我晚上会锁上窗户,预防盗贼。 13. I just put ice on it as a precaution and for maintenance. 我只是敷上一些冰块来预防受伤和保养它 14. Diamondite Glasswork Restorer will not scratch or distort glass. This product is formulated for glass – every precaution was taken to create a safe yet uncommonly effective glass polish. By gently burnishing the outermost glass, little by little, there is no risk of distorting the glass. By hand or machine application, DIamondite Glasswork Restorer works safely to polish away imperfections and leave glass smooth and flawless. 玻璃抛光剂不会造成玻璃刮伤或变形,这个产品的配方是专为玻璃调配-采用所有可预防的方法以创造一个安全且极有效的玻璃抛光剂,它会温和并逐渐的抛亮最外层的玻璃使你不会面临玻璃变形的风险,使用手工或机器抛光都可以,Diamondite玻璃抛光剂安全的抛除瑕疵并在使用后让玻璃变得平滑且无瑕疵 15. With regard to the admission of postulants the law provides for every precaution being taken, on the one hand, to prevent coercion and, on the other, to safeguard the community from being obliged to receive those about whose vocation there may be any doubt. 对于接纳postulants法律规定,一切预防措施正在采取中,一方面,为防止胁迫,另一方面,为保障社会大众,免除被有义务接受那些对他们的天职,有可能是没有疑问的事情。 16. I actually used Velcro to attach the Rx and used the rubber band as a safety precaution. 实际上我用尼龙搭扣连接的接收和使用的橡胶带作为一个安全防范。 17. Objective:To provide anatomic basis for precaution and treatment of the massive hemorrhage of venous plexus of presacral region in Mile's operation. 摘 要:目的:研究骶前区静脉丛(Venous plexus of presacral region,VPPSR)的解剖学特点,为骶前区静脉破裂大出血的防治提供解剖学基础。 18. 18. The visitor became ill at ease when he noticed that his old friend did not come forth to welcome him, so he took the precaution of sending his boat into a secluded port and moored there before he went to see Zhou Yu. 瑜曰:汝要说我降,除非海枯石烂!前番吾念旧日交情,请你痛饮一醉,留你共榻;你却盗吾私书,不辞而去,归报曹操,杀了蔡瑁、张允,致使吾事不成。 19. Precaution like above is necessary, for you can foretell the exact nature of difficulties which confront pot-holers. 该洞穴深3723英尺,这一巨大的裂痕是由流过岩石缝隙间的伏流形成的。 20. 20. As a precaution, I'll avoid highly touted European 7-footers on this year's squad. 因此我会尽量不要给身高七尺以上欧洲球员很高的评价。。 precaution 词典解释 1. 预防措施;防备 A precaution is an action that is intended to prevent something dangerous or unpleasant from happening. e.g. Could he not, just as a precaution, move to a place of safety?... 就算仅仅是为了以防万一,难道他就不能挪到安全的地方吗? e.g. I had taken the precaution of doing a little research before I left London... 我已在离开伦敦前进行了准备,做了些调查研究。 precaution 单语例句 1. The team flew home without Campo, who was expected to stay at the hospital overnight as a precaution. 2. The incident caused the Wisconsin Capitol in Madison to be evacuated as a precaution as the plane flew through that section of the state. 3. Ben Carpenter was unharmed but was taken to a hospital as a precaution. 4. The castle reported no injuries and no immediate signs of any serious damage but was evacuated as a precaution. 5. Christchurch International Airport was closed as a precaution as experts checked runways and terminal buildings, a spokesman said. 6. In Paris all public parks, gardens and cemeteries were closed as a precaution until the end of the violent weather. 7. Quite some of those representing colleges sounded at the conference as if they had had every conceivable precaution in place. 8. The public health authorities urge people to be careful about their relatives and friends because consolation is the best precaution against suicides. 9. Kellogg had asked stores earlier this week to pull some of its venerable Keebler crackers from shelves as a precaution. 10. Liu said he believes a debt limit of no more than 40 percent of local GDP should be adopted as a precaution. precaution 英英释义 precaution的解释 noun 1. a precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc. e.g. he put an ice pack on the injury as a precaution an insurance policy is a good safeguard we let our guard down Synonym: safeguardguard 2. the trait of practicing caution in advance 3. judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger e.g. he exercised caution in opening the door he handled the vase with care Synonym: cautioncareforethought |
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