单词 | precocious |
释义 | precocious [英 [pr??k????s] 美 [pr??ko???s] ] precocious的意思、解释 precocious 基本解释 precocious 形容词早熟的; 较早具备某种能力的; 较早显出的; (儿童)老气的 precocious 同义词 precocious的反义词 形容词forwardprematureadvanced precocious是什么意思 precocious 反义词 形容词backward precocious 相关例句 形容词 1. precocious 1. Her precocious mathematical ability astounded her parents. 她那早慧的数学能力令她的父母非常吃惊。 precocious 网络解释 1. 早熟,过早的:preclude 使不能,妨碍,阻止 | precocious 早熟,过早的 | precursor 先驱,前辈 2. 早熟的,过早的:23 selective 精挑细选的 | 24 precocious 早熟的,过早的 | 25 remiss 疏忽的 3. 早熟的:precision of simple random sampling 简单随机抽样精密度 | precocious 早熟的 | precocious child 早熟儿童 4. 早熟的,早成的,早开花的:precision agriculture 精准农业,精细农业 | precocious 早熟的,早成的,早开花的 | predatory 肉食性的 precocious 双语例句 1. precocious 1. First, from the physiological point of view, younger generations are generally more sexually precocious due to improved living standards and better nutrition. 首先,从生理角度来看,由于生活质量的提高和营养的改善,年轻一代更为早熟。 2. precocious 2. Baby is so small, and ate formula, in your doctor confirmed that he did not receive calcium or zinc circumstances, is best not to blindly supplement, calcium, zinc premium will lead to more sexually precocious child! 孩子这么小,而且吃的是配方奶,在你没有得到医生确认他缺钙或锌的情况下,最好不要盲目地补,钙、锌补多了会导致孩子性早熟! 3. Although only nineteen years old, this precocious redhead unleashes more sass and ambiguity in her voice than a woman twice her age. 这个只有19岁的早熟的红发女孩在她的声音里释放了更多的粗放和可变因素,而年纪是她2倍的人都难以做到的。 4. The French child, boy or girl, gives one the impression of being intellectually more precocious than the product of the chillier English climate. 法国孩子,不论男孩或女孩,与较冷的英国气候孕育的英国孩子比较,常给人的印象是智力上早熟。 5. Compared them with past middle-school student to be more precocious, to be more sensitive, is more self-confident, certainly the competitive spirit, the independent consciousness were more intense. 和过去的中学生相比他们更早熟、更敏感、更自信,当然竞争意识、独立意识就更强烈。 6. They are not callow like the young of most birds, but more perfectly developed and precocious even than chickens. 鹧鸪的幼雏不像其余的幼雏那样不长羽毛,比起小鸡来,它们羽毛更快地丰满起来,而且更加早熟。 7. precocious在线翻译 7. The results showed that after 15 generations of passage in Hailanbai chickens prepatent period of E. tenella SX010323 was reduced from 141 hours to 120 hours; the oocysts were apparently smaller than the parental strain; examination of endogenous development showed that the second generation schizogony of the selected precocious Shanxi line was incomplete; The LD50 to 11-day chickens of parental strain and precocious strains were 7.52×104, 27.64×104 respectively; the precocious parasite is less pathogenic than the parental strain and has a reduced reproductive potential, but remains the immunogenicity of the parental strain. 结果表明:经过海兰白雏鸡15次传代之后,E.tenella SX010323潜隐期由141 h 缩短至120 h,卵囊明显缩小。 8. Precocious and full of wonderment. 我以前的少年老成和好奇心 9. Yes, I had the desire to grow in the childish sense, I had a simple wish for precocious temperament in the future I will be old, perhaps one day will coming from the wrinkles and the cream does not melt away to find one's inner child. 是的,我曾在幼稚中渴望成长的感觉,我也曾在单纯中希冀少年老成的气质,将来的我也会老,或许有一天又会在皱纹与霜鬓中寻找一颗未泯的童心。 10. Perhaps I was trying to impress him with my precocious wisdom. 或许,我只是试图靠我的聪明智慧给他留下好的印象。 11. precocious的解释 11. In recent years, Bishydrazide were developed as a new class of insect growth regular, which were highly effective and selective to the target pests and friendly to the environment. Like 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), Bishydrazide analogs bind to the receptor complex, a heterdimer of the ecdysone receptor and ultraspiracle proteins and induce the transcription of the early genes. However, because of the persistence of the Bishydrazide compounds in the insect body, the events that occur in the absence of 20E do not proceed, the expression of the genes such as DOPA decarboxylase is repressed, chitin is not synthesized, the eclosion hormone can not be released and the end results is an incomplete precocious molt, resulting in the death of the larva. 双酰基肼类杀虫剂是近几年陆续开发的一类高效、选择性强、对环境友好的昆虫生长调节剂,其作用靶标与昆虫蜕皮激素(20E)一样,结合于蜕皮激素受体-过剩气门蛋白的异源二聚体,诱导昆虫早期基因的转录,但由于双酰肼类化合物在昆虫体内的持续存在,使20E不存在情况下发生的事件不能进行,如多巴脱羧酶等基因的表达受阻,不合成几丁质,羽化激素不能释放,最后使幼虫早熟脱皮而死亡。 12. I judged, then, that the children of that time were extremely precocious, physically at least, and I found afterwards abundant verification of my opinion. 我后来找到了这个看法的充分证据。 13. Furthermore, MH shortenmolting period and accelerating the gonadial development. This is the major causegiving rise to precocious mature in the cultured chinese mitten crab. Keywords:Eriocheirsinensis Precocious crab Culture Ultrastructure Cell 体内高浓度的胆固醇通过抑制眼柄神经分泌细胞抑制性神经肽激素的合成和释放,促进Y-器官合成和释放MH,缩短养殖河蟹的蜕皮周期,加速了河蟹的性腺发育,造成养殖河蟹性早熟。 14. There, he made friends with a precocious nine-year old named Tahiri. 在那里,他和早熟的9岁小朋友塔希丽结为朋友。 15. precocious是什么意思 15. Mendelssohn was particularly precocious, and wrote two string quartets, a string octet, and orchestral music before even leaving his teens. 门德尔松尤为早熟,他在成年前就创作出了2首弦乐四重奏,1首弦乐八重奏和1首管弦乐作品。 16. She had a precocious knowledge of diseases. 她有超前的疾病知识。 17. She's a little precocious, but that only because she says what's on her mind. 她有点早熟,但那是因为她心里想什麼就说什麼。 18. precocious的翻译 18. DID I INTEND TO MAKE A PRECOCIOUS SCHOLAR OUT OF MY SON? 我有意把我的儿子培养成一个早熟的学者吗? 19. In another form of pain to nurture precocious all you! 就以另一种形式的痛苦来培育早熟的一切吧! 20. precocious 20. Colleagues before the children to do, go to the hospital to check a bit precocious puberty. 之前有个同事的宝宝也这样,去医院检查有点性早熟。 precocious 词典解释 1. 早熟的;智慧超前的 A precocious child is very clever, mature, or good at something, often in a way that you usually only expect to find in an adult. e.g. Margaret was always a precocious child... 玛格丽特一直是个早熟的孩子。 e.g. She burst on to the world tennis scene as a precocious 14-year old... 她14岁时就作为一名网球神童闯入了世界网坛。 precociously He was a precociously bright school boy. 他是个智力超前的小学生。precocious 单语例句 1. Doctors warn that DEHP can cause male fertility problems and induce female precocious puberty, and that experiments on animals have demonstrated a carcinogenic effect. 2. Not surprisingly, the market is enthusiastically in favour of these precocious young authors. 3. He was demonized in the media and then a good number of people wrongfully laid into him and arbitrarily interpreted his precocious nature as abnormal. 4. Shanghai pediatrician Huang Xiaodong said that around 20 percent of sexually precocious children he had treated were younger than 2 years old. 5. A number of universities and middle schools in China have already set up special courses for precocious talents. 6. Parents who let their children participate in such shows can hardly absolve themselves from blame if in the process their children become precocious. precocious是什么意思precocious 英英释义 adj 1. appearing or developing early e.g. precocious flowers appear before the leaves as in some species of magnolias 2. characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude) e.g. a precocious child a precocious achievement |
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