单词 | prehensile |
释义 | prehensile [英 [pr??hensa?l] 美 [pr??hensl] ] prehensile的意思、解释 prehensile 基本解释 形容词适于抓住的 prehensile 相关例句 形容词 1. A monkey has a prehensile tail. 猴子有能盘卷住东西的尾巴。 2. Poets are those strangely prehensile men. 诗人是那些具有深刻洞察力的人们。 prehensile 网络解释 1. 1. 适于抓住的:preheat 预先加热 | prehensile 适于抓住的 | prehension 抓住 2. prehensile的解释 2. 缠绕性:prehemiplegic 偏瘫前的 | prehensile 缠绕性 | prehepaticedema 肝病前期水肿 3. 攀援的;卷缠的:平衡棍前覆鳞 prehalteres | 攀援的;卷缠的 prehensile | 捕握尾;卷缠尾 prehensile tail 4. 4. 适于抓住的 (形):preheat 预先加热 (动) | prehensile 适于抓住的 (形) | prehension 抓; 理解; 握; 领会 (名) prehensile 双语例句 1. prehensile的解释 1. The articulated, prehensile claws of certain arthropod s, such as the lobster. 虾或蟹的螯节肢动物有关节、适抓握的虎钳牙,如龙虾 2. prehensile的近义词 2. The articulate d, prehensile claws of certain arthropods, such as the lobster. 虾或蟹的螯节肢动物有关节、适抓握的虎钳牙,如龙虾 3. The articulated, prehensile claws of certain arthropods, such as the lobster. 虾或蟹的螯节肢动物有关节、适抓握的虎钳牙,如龙虾 4. prehensile的翻译 4. The other six patients achieved a basic hand functional reconstruction and have adequate opposition as Kapandji categories 5-8, abduction angle 58.3 degrees (40-80), and circumduction angle 103.3 degrees (90-110) to allow prehensile integration between the neo-thumb and 2-5th fingers. 受创食指之拇指转植术之知觉结果呈现两点分辨能力是4-6mm,转植之食指三个关节活动角度40-80度,拇指外展角是40-80度,回转角度是90-110度,对掌功能则是转植之食指可触及第四指尖至小指近位指关节。 5. A proboscis, especially the long prehensile proboscis of an elephant. 长嘴象 鼻或长虫的喙,尤指大象的可缠卷的长鼻 6. They have prehensile lips for feeding on leaves and saplings. 它们都具有能卷握东西的嘴唇,可用于取食树叶和树苗。 7. The savanna browsing black rhino has a prehensile lip for feeding on shrubs. 热带大草原的啮草黑犀牛有能卷握东西的嘴唇,可以用于吸食灌木的嫩枝叶。 8. 8. Their hands are capped with sharp claws and their feet have a pair of prehensile toes. 他们的手上有尖利的爪,脚上有一对可抓握的趾。 9. They might even have hands, but then again why not a prehensile tail or a trunk instead? 它们可能有手,但为何不是可以卷曲的尾巴或鼻子呢? 10. Capuchins are New World primates with a small face, short limbs and a prehensile tail. 卷尾猴是新大陆的灵长类动物,具有一张小脸,短的四肢以及适于缠卷的的尾巴。 11. Arboreal civet of Asia having a long prehensile tail and shaggy black hair. 亚洲树栖的灵猫,有易于缠绕的长尾巴和粗浓的黑毛。 12. prehensile的翻译 12. Leonard:That's all right, my tail's prehensile-- I'll swat him off. prehensile:能抓住的,有捕获力的 swat:猛击,用力打下去没事,我脑后长眼着呢,我会干掉他的。 13. A monkey's prehensile tail. 猴子善于抓握的尾巴。 14. Nocturnal arboreal marsupial having a naked prehensile tail found from southern North America to northern South America. 夜间树栖有袋动物,有能盘卷住东西的无毛的尾巴,见于从北美洲南部到南美洲北部的地区。 15. A monkey has a prehensile tail. 猴子有能盘卷住东西的尾巴。 16. Their most distinctive feature is a pair of shapely prehensile tentacles that grow from the base of their skulls. 他们最显眼的外表是从头上长出的一对具感知力的「头垂」。 17. They can do this on the ground, but also in trees due to their long claws and strong prehensile tails. 它们不仅能在地上,而且能在树上拢食,因为它们有长爪以及长而可盘卷的尾巴。 18. Poets'.''are those strangely prehensile men. 诗人是那些具有深刻洞察力的人。。。 19. Small toothless anteater with prehensile tale and four-clawed forelimbs; of tropical South and Central America. 小型无齿食蚁兽,尾巴缠住东西,前肢有四只带爪的趾;产于热带南美和中美。 20. Arboreal monkey of tropical America with long slender legs and long prehensile tail. 产于美洲热带的树栖猴,腿长而细,尾长且宜于盘卷。 |
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