单词 | proclivity |
释义 | proclivity [英 [pr??kl?v?ti] 美 [pro?kl?v?ti] ] proclivity的意思、解释 复数形式:proclivities; proclivity 基本解释 proclivity的反义词 名词倾向,癖性 proclivity 网络解释 1. 癖性:如在西方政治学研究中,两种政治行为被认为是青年的政治异化的症候,一种表现为参选率非常低;一种为政治批判抗议的癖性(proclivity)特别高,都属于无力感的表现(agnello jr., thomas j.,2001). 2. 倾向,癖性:proclaim 正式宣称 | proclivity 倾向,癖性 | procreate 制造,生产 3. 倾向:probity#正直 | proclivity#倾向 | progenitor#祖先 4. proclivity什么意思 4. 倾向性,癖性:prodigious 巨大的 | proclivity 倾向性,癖性 | procure 取得,获得 proclivity 双语例句 1. proclivity 1. Now there was added a proclivity to emulate the scale of French colonial rule. 现在又增加了一种要同法国殖民统治规模媲美的倾向。 2. This makes it even more dangerous that people have a proclivity to choose grad school because we naturally look for a default in the face of confusion. 更危险的是人们有会趋于选择大学业,这是因为我们的惰性驱使我们在困惑面前会选择一种默认的行为。 3. Every group, society or culture has its own proclivity... 每一个群体、社会或一种文化都有它自己的癖性。。。。 4. Every group, community or culture has its own proclivity... 每一个群体、社会或一种文化都有它自己的癖性。。。。 5. Each of a group, She Kuaihuo a culture has its own proclivity... 每一个群体、社会或一种文化都有它自己的癖性。。。。 6. My father's proclivity for rage grew over a period of time. 我父亲的怒火总是阶段性的增长 7. Exemption Notice intrinsic compassion proclivity mainstay Su Su (2) extracts of the text used by students were subtle or need to know the words, sentences. 恻隐 豁免癖性告禀簌簌中流砥柱(2)学生自行摘抄文中用得精妙或需要掌握的词语、句子。 8. She has a homo sexial proclivity. 她有同志倾向。 9. However, in our opinion, it is a unique neoplasm with a proclivity for the kidney. 但我们认为,网状血管瘤是一种独特的肿瘤,好发于肾脏。 10. He has a proclivity to violence. 他有暴力的倾向。 11. proclivity的翻译 11. He has the proclivity of drinking a cup of milk before sleeping. 他有在睡觉前喝杯牛奶的习惯。 12. proclivity 12. Women's greater proclivity for child care may well have a biological basis, as may the difference in variance that I mentioned. 女生带小孩的倾向更大一些,这可能具有生物学的理由,这也是我前面提及的方差有别的原因。 13. proclivity是什么意思 13. Ldquo; Therersquo; s not much of a proclivity to invest right now, is how I see it, rdquo; he said. 他说,我的看法就是,目前人们投资股市的欲望不强。 14. Translation -'proclivity'- bab. la Dictionary - English translation: Pirates of the book addiction, theft, addiction, food addiction soil. 翻译- '癖性'- bab.la词典-英语翻译:盗书癖,盗窃癖,食土癖。 15. Because I`ve never met him personally I cannot tell if this description fits, but his paintings certainly do carry a proclivity for the cultured a well as the mundane. 因没有过直接的接触,我不知这评价于他是否贴切,但其画作确乎透着亦野亦文的气质。 16. If you like KCM - love your proclivity of 12 song on here put it into your music box bar; . 如果您喜欢KCM -爱你的12种癖性这首歌曲,就点这里把它放入您的音乐盒吧;。 17. Pakistan rejects these baseless and irresponsible allegations and the attitude and proclivity behind them. 巴基斯坦拒绝接受这些缺乏依据和不负责任的指责、以及这些指责背后的态度和倾向。 18. His proclivity for alcohol was almost as well-known as his poetry. 他的酗酒倾向几乎和他的诗作一样有名。 19. proclivity的翻译 19. It's a reference to the lack of introspection and the proclivity to deny and ignore serious problems. 书中的这个例子是为了表明中国人缺乏内省的精神以及否认和忽视严重问题的倾向。 20. The cross old lady has a proclivity to grumble. 两岸老太太有一个癖性,以发牢骚。 proclivity 词典解释 1. (常指不好的)倾向,偏好,嗜好 A proclivity is a tendency to behave in a particular way or to like a particular thing, often a bad way or thing. e.g. He was indulging his own sexual proclivities. 他沉浸在自己的过度纵欲中。 e.g. ...a proclivity to daydream. 好做白日梦 proclivity 单语例句 1. Given the Chinese proclivity for homogeny, we have turned out pretty well. 2. The Beijing Discipline Inspection Committee recently issued a decree that officials who have shown a proclivity for getting into trouble should receive " talk treatment ". proclivity的近义词proclivity 英英释义 noun 1. a natural inclination e.g. he has a proclivity for exaggeration Synonym: propensityleaning |
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