单词 | procreate |
释义 | procreate [英 [?pr??krie?t] 美 [?pro?krie?t] ] procreate的意思、解释 过去式:procreated; 过去分词:procreated; 现在分词:procreating; procreate 基本解释 及物/不及物动词生(儿、女),生育,生殖 procreate 网络解释 1. procreate 1. 生:点燃(kindle)还保留着这一双重意义,其词根是梵文的gan或gen,条顿的kin或kan,它也许更频繁地意指生育(bring forth)而非产生(procreate),虽然很难断言一个意义比另一个更原始. 2. 产生:点燃(kindle)还保留着这一双重意义,其词根是梵文的gan或gen,条顿的kin或kan,它也许更频繁地意指生育(bring forth)而非产生(procreate),虽然很难断言一个意义比另一个更原始. 3. 制造,生产:proclivity 倾向,癖性 | procreate 制造,生产 | procure 取得 4. 生殖,生育:repopulate: 增加(人口) | procreate: 生殖,生育 | streamlined: 流线型的 procreate 双语例句 1. procreate的解释 1. The first one is the procreate rites and a variety of specific procreate custom. The procreate custom including the taboo before birth, the prediction of the fetus'gender, the pray for safe birth and the taboo after birth. 其一是生产礼仪,具体而言便是与产育相关的各种习俗,是朝鲜民族为了子息繁衍而进行乞愿的民间习俗,包括产前行事禁忌、胎儿预知、安产祝愿、产后育儿禁忌等各种有关习俗。 2. 2. So well, if i married a foreigner, i'll procreate a mestizo child! 我会把一些新鲜有趣的东西记录下来一块与你分享,也希望你能够记住我的 3. After all, I couldn't procreate then, after more than one year's use of hormones. 终究,我那时不能生育,在不止一年的对激素的使用之后。 4. procreate 4. I cannot procreate, susan. 我无法生育,苏珊 5. If a spcies of animals can't procreate enough generations, it will be die out. 一个动物物种如果不能在每一代生育足够数量的后代,那它就要灭绝。 6. In order to Open out the immunology mechanism for the hemochorial placenta animal to maintain the normal pregnancy, to start-up parturition and enrich the content of the procreate-physiology and procreate- immunology we make out a systematic study on the immune state of normal pregnancy and post parturition in rabbits. 本研究通过对新西兰白兔妊娠期及分娩前后不同时期外周血白细胞进行总数及分类计数,结果表明母兔在妊娠期及分娩前后外周血循环血液单位容积内的白细胞数量正常。 7. The prevalence of procreate worship make out that the distinction between man and woman in that times was the result of the sex roles difference. Meanwhile many differences between man and woman of burial style, burial custom, burial articles show that it had a transition from the sex roles difference to the gender roles distinction. The pattern of gender roles had been present itself in the telophase of the Neolithic Age. 生殖崇拜的盛行,说明此时的男女角色之别,应当是性角色的差异被渲染的结果;而大量新石器时期墓葬所呈现的男女葬式、葬俗、随葬品等方面的前后差异,则显示了此时男女已经从性角色的差异向性别角色的区分过渡。 8. Experiment results is cue, that drinking magnetized water could significance improve fertility or procreate ability of ribbits. 实验结果提示饮用磁处理水能显著提高家免的生殖能力。 9. If you can't procreate, why not consider to adopt one? 假如你自己不能生育,何不考虑收养一个呢? 10. procreate的意思 10. If you can't procreate by youself, why not to adopt one? 假如你自己不能生育,何不考虑收养一个呢? 11. procreate在线翻译 11. If you can't procreate why not think about adopting one? 假如你自己不能生育,何不考虑收养一个呢? 12. procreate 12. If you can not procreate, Why not considering to adopt one. 假如你自己不能生育,何不考虑收养一个呢? 13. If you can't procreate why not considering adopting one? 假如你自己不能生育,何不考虑收养一个呢? 14. Why don't you think about adopting a child if you aren't able to procreate. 假如你自己不能生育,何不考虑收养一个呢? 15. If you cannot procreate, why not consider to foster one child. 假如你自己不能生育,何不考虑收养一个呢? 16. 16. Due to the advancement of medical technique and health service, the transformation of people's procreate notion, the implement of family planning and so on, the demographic transitions of many countries are non-stationary state in modern society, especially from postwar. 实际上,由于医疗卫生技术的进步、人们生育观念的转变、计划生育政策的实施等原因,现代社会,尤其是二战以后多数国家的人口转变都是非稳态的过程。 17. Much of what we are about centers on the same impulses to eat, procreate, fight or flee that motivated Fred Flintstone. 人之所以为人,大多基于饮食,男女,斗争,避凶的冲动,在原始社群就是这样了。 18. My wife warned me that I can't require her to procreate once more, the progess of childbearing was too hurted to bear. otherwise she will kill me immediately. 我老婆警告我说不能逼她再生了,生孩子的过程真是太痛苦了,否则她会立马把我宰了的。 19. The couple who are both One-Child can procreate two children in most areas of China according Chinese population policy. 按照我国人口政策,大部分地区双方都是独生子女的夫妻可以生育两个子女。 20. Most young women feel a biological need to procreate. 大多数的年轻妇女都有生儿育女的生理需要。 procreate 词典解释 1. 生育;生殖 When animals or people procreate, they produce young or babies. e.g. Most young women feel a biological need to procreate. 大多数的年轻妇女都有生儿育女的生理需要。 procreation Early marriage and procreation are no longer discouraged there. 那里不再反对早婚早育。procreate 单语例句procreate的解释 1. The thinning populace prompted Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi in January to invoke the Japanese calendar to persuade people to procreate. 2. If people want to have a healthy relationship with nature, they must let other species live and procreate as nature intends. 3. Because people live longer and procreate less, raising and caring for children requires less of a parent's life than it used to. 4. The year is 2027 and it's a chaotic world in which man can no longer procreate. 5. SEOUL - A South Korean government ministry will help bureaucrats date, mate and procreate in order to boost the country's falling birthrate. procreate的近义词procreate 英英释义 verb 1. have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant e.g. The Bible tells people to procreate Synonym: reproducemultiply |
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