单词 | profess |
释义 | profess [英 [pr??fes] 美 [pr??f?s, pro-] ] profess的意思、解释 过去式:professed; 过去分词:professed; 现在分词:professing; profess 基本解释 profess在线翻译 及物动词信奉; 宣称; 声称; 公开表明 profess在线翻译 profess 同义词 动词maintaincontendclaimallege profess的翻译 profess 反义词 及物动词suppressdeny profess 相关例句 及物动词 1. They professed Christianity. 他们宣称信仰基督教。 2. 2. He professed his loyalty to his country. 他宣称对他的国家忠诚。 3. 3. She professed a belief in God. 她表示信仰上帝。 4. 4. He professed that he could do nothing about it. 他承认自己对此无能为力。 5. He professed to know nothing about the matter. 他声称对此事一无所知。 profess 网络解释 1. 承认:今天有许多基督徒在顺利的环境下就承认(profess)他是基督徒. 但是碰到逆境的时候他就不承认了,说我不是基督徒. 真实的承认就不同了,无论在甚么环境里面,顺境也好,逆境也好,你都承认(confess)你是属于主的,因为你里面已经得着这一位主. 2. 表明:pretend假装 | profess表明 | promise承诺,答应 3. 伪称,声称:profane 世俗的 | profess 伪称,声称 | profession 职业 profess 双语例句 1. I don't profess expert knowledge of/to be an expert in this subject. 我总是避免参加对知之甚少的问题的讨论。 2. 2. I won't profess to be a security expert by any means. 我怎么也不会宣称自己是安全专家 3. To claim or allege insincerely or falsely; profess 假称:不诚实地或虚假地要求或宣称;自称 4. A good Buyer Agent can find homes that meet the buyer`s requirements faster and better than the buyer, regardless of all the wonderful public internet websites that profess to have _all_ the listings in their database. 一个好的买主的代理人可以找到家园,满足买方的要求,发展得更快更好,比买方,不顾一切奇妙的公共互联网网站自称有_all_该上市公司及其数据库。 5. I have known him profess himself a man-hater, while his cheek was glowing with compassion; and, while his looks were softened into pity, I have heard him use the language of the most unbounded ill-nature. 我知道他表白自己是一个愤世嫉俗者,但是他的脸颊却飘荡着同情。当他的表情软化为怜悯时,我听到他使用用一种无比乖张的语言 6. I have known him profess himself a man-hater, while his cheek was glowing with compassion; and, while his looks were softened into pity, I have heard him use the languages; of the most unbounded ill-nature. 我曾经见他嘴里一边说自己那么厌恶人类,脸上却因为同情别人而涨得通红,而当他的面容现出一派温柔悲悯的表情的时候,嘴里说的却是性情恶毒的人才能说出的话。 7. Such a society may and generally does profess to believe in love, in goodness; but it is always ready to kill, to go to war. 这样的社会通常表示相信爱和善;但它总是准备杀戮、投入战争。 8. We believe and profess one catholic or universal Church, which is a holy congregation of true Christian believers, all expecting their salvation in Jesus Christ, being washed by His blood, sanctified and sealed by the Holy Ghost. 我们相信,并声言一个天主教或普世教会,这是一个神圣的聚集真正的基督教信徒,都期待著自己的救赎在耶稣基督里,正在洗他的血液,圣洁和密封,由圣灵。 9. We believe that the church, consisting of all true believers, being Christ's own, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit, is the Body of Christ, the invisible church; that the church is holy, universal, and one in Christ; that the invisible church manifests itself in the visible church, local congregations consisting of all who profess to believe in Christ and are baptized; that as the people of God and a kingdom of priests the church is called to grow unto the stature of the fullness of Christ and to fulfill her mission through the exercise of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, in worship, sacraments, fellowship, discipline, and service. 所有真信徒属於基督,是圣灵的居所,是基督的身体,亦是无形的教会;教会在基督里是圣洁、普世性与合一的。无形的教会藉有形的教会表明出来,地方的教会包括一切心信口认基督而且接受洗礼,作为上帝的子民、祭司的国度。教会必须渐渐长大,满有基督长成的身量,藉著运用圣灵的恩赐在崇拜、圣礼、团契、纪律与服事、见证等事上完成宣教的圣工。 10. There is in the letters nothing which is inconsistent with their belonging to the time from which they profess to come, and there seems to be no good reason for doubting that it was the epitomist himself who prefixed them to the book. 人们的信中没有这不符合它们属於时间从他们信奉来,而且似乎没有很好的理由怀疑,这是谁epitomist前缀他们自己的图书。 11. Contrast group give filling Potassium of filling Potassium of profess to convinced and common vein, experimental group gives tiny pump to last vein filling Potassium. 对照组给予口服补钾及普通静脉补钾,实验组给予微泵持续静脉补钾。 12. profess 12. They were received with favor by the proud barbarians, and they induced many thousands to profess the Romish faith. 罗马教的宣教士蒙这些骄傲的蛮族善意接待了,而且其中成千的人宣称信服了罗马教。 13. profess的近义词 13. I was a minor, and uninvited blood relative who profess ed no salvation 我是个小字辈,是个不受欢迎的家属,又是个不信奉灵魂拯救的人。 14. Coefficient of St. Peter's Cathedral in each organ building structure, omnipresent reveals follower of God, St. Peter's right and the right to profess and Mary love, Already embodies Jesus Christ left the blood and his charm T, walking in the St. Peter Cathedral in the hinterland, We felt each of his organs, his appreciation of each accessories, we feel his heartbeat. He also felt the rise, construction, destruction of another rise affects 10 million people heartbeat here seems to be a magnetic field, He is the magnetic what in the end, walked into the church, you can find the answer 系数了圣彼得大教堂的每一建筑器官结构,无处不在流露着信奉者对上帝,对圣彼得以及对圣母的信奉和厚爱,无处不在体现着耶稣基督留下的斑斑血迹和他的魅力之笔,走在圣彼得大教堂的腹地下,我们感受着他的每一器官,欣赏着他的每一佩饰,我们感受到了他的心跳,同时也感受到他的兴起,建造,毁灭再兴起牵动着千万人民的心跳,这里似乎是一个磁场,他的磁力到底是什么,走进教堂,你便能找到答案。 15. 15. Based on analysis on the relationship between judges'professional ethics and judicial justice, this paper gives the impact of the judges'profess... 本文在分析了法官职业道德与司法公正的关系的基础上,从法理学的视角,阐述法官职业道德修养对于司法公正的影响,法官职业者该具备的良好职业道德修养与法律专业知识技能,系统论述了法官职业道德建设过程中的法官职业道德修养的提高有赖于外部制度的建设和内部规约的完善及相应学习制度的建立,指出法官职业道德建设的主要内容是法律道德教育、面向法官的激励机制建设,以及法律制度的系统建设。 16. Remedial method:τ Me Li spins D of · of? 0 Mg/(kg of Huang of ⑸ of Gu Yi of graceful of osmic ⑵ of ┪ of Han ダ Qi, static note, after to temperature normal, clinical symptom disappears, use consecutively 3~5 D changes D) of · of 10 Mg/kg of grain of element of strange mildew of A of profess to convinced, take 3 D repeatedly, stop 4 D to be taken again, week of 2~4 of period of treatment. 治疗方法:应用大环内酯类药物阿奇霉素注射液10 mg/,静注,连用3~5 d至体温正常、临床症状消失后改口服阿奇霉素颗粒10 mg/,连服3 d,停4 d再服,疗程2~4周。 17. The majority of Chinese have no opportunity to play organized sports that profess to teach broader values. 绝大多数的中国人没有机会接触有组织的竞技体育比赛,竞技体育能教给人很多很多有价值的东西。 18. Yet it is admirable to profess because it was once admirable to live. 可是做教授是可羡的,因为教授的生活让人羡慕的。 19. As we lived near the road, we often had the traveler or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry wine, for which we had great reputation, and I profess, with the veracity of an historian, that I never knew one of them to find fault with it. 因为我们住在大路旁边,常有旅客或异乡人来访,尝尝我们家酿的醋粟酒。这种家酿酒是很有名的,我敢说,尝过的人,从没有挑剔过。 20. After A group patient completes the treatment of 4 months, continue to treat 8 months with EPO, in the remedial process of 12 months, 2 groups of patients last chalybeate of profess to convinced. 对照组(B组,16例),天天口服铁剂。A组患者完成4个月的治疗后,继续以EPO治疗8个月,在12个月的治疗过程中,2组患者持续口服铁剂。 profess 词典解释 1. 自称;伪称;谎称;妄称 If you profess to do or have something, you claim that you do it or have it, often when you do not. e.g. She professed to hate her nickname... 她自称痛恨自己的外号。 e.g. Why do organisations profess that they care?... 为什么机构都谎称自己对此很关心? 2. 表达,表明(感情、观点、信仰等) If you profess a feeling, opinion, or belief, you express it. profess e.g. He professed to be content with the arrangement... 他对这个安排表示满意。 e.g. Bacher professed himself pleased with the Indian tour. 巴奇尔表示对印度之行很满意。 profess 单语例句profess的反义词 1. Some of us pretend we have read books we have never opened or profess to having opinions we do not really subscribe to. 2. Backlash inside China would have exactly the opposite effect they profess to desire. 3. Couples in love often profess that the first look was enough for them to know that their partners were'The One'. 4. The dancers are shamans who profess to help the Qiang communicate with the spirit world. profess 英英释义 profess verb 1. state insincerely e.g. He professed innocence but later admitted his guilt She pretended not to have known the suicide bomber She pretends to be an expert on wine Synonym: pretend 2. confess one's faith in, or allegiance to e.g. The terrorists professed allegiance to their country he professes to be a Communist 3. admit (to a wrongdoing) e.g. She confessed that she had taken the money Synonym: concedeconfess 4. practice as a profession, teach, or claim to be knowledgeable about e.g. She professes organic chemistry 5. take vows, as in religious order e.g. she professed herself as a nun 6. receive into a religious order or congregation 7. state freely e.g. The teacher professed that he was not generous when it came to giving good grades |
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