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单词 propeller
    propeller [英 [pr??pel?(r)] 美 [pr??p?l?] ]
    propeller 基本解释
    名词螺旋桨,推进器; =propellor
    propeller 相关例句
    1. The water was thrashing and churning about under the propellers.
    propeller 网络解释
    1. 推进器:故依国际电工协会(IEC) 的规定,今后多层2.1.5 推进器(Propeller)技术 这是GE公司的一项最新的联合运用MRI和正电子发射体层摄影(PET)的方法较单独用MRI更能提高放射学家发现和评价脑肿瘤复发和放疗坏死将PET和容积CT联合应用有助于肿瘤放射中总肿瘤体积(GTV)的显示,
    2. 螺旋桨:德国ZF海事集团在中国的全资企业--珠海采埃孚宏昌船舶推进系统有限公司,是一家专业生产螺旋桨(propeller) 的工厂,公司位于珠海平沙镇,总面积约4.6万平方米,首期已完工并投入使用面积约7千平方米,离市区45公里.
    3. (螺)旋浆:目的:比较螺旋浆(PROPELLER)扫描技术和单次激发快速自旋回波(SSFSE)扫描技术颅脑磁共振成像的图像质量,揭示PROPELLER这一独特的成像技术在未镇静不配合受检者颅脑磁共振成像中临床应用价值.方法:25例疑颅内病变的临床受检者,
    4. 螺旋器:美国人真......),拿到了螺旋器(PROPELLER). 再回右岸(RIGHTBANK),用小刀将多余的绳子(ROPE)割下,装上铁钩(HOOKROPE). 继续回头走到瀑布,TIM用铁钩钩住树,纵身跳进了瀑布. 唉呀!撞在一个大木桶(BARREL)上. 愤怒的TIM一脚将木桶踢掉,
    5. propeller:prop; 螺旋桨
    propeller 双语例句
    1. propeller的解释
    1. The propeller shaft may be solid or hollow, protected by an outer tube or exposed.
    2. Air motor, piston air motor, vane air motor, air mixer, agitator, air fan, propeller, pressure tank, spray gun, manual spray gun, automatic spray gun, ...
    3. propeller是什么意思
    3. Obviously this is only possible if the engine is still running and the propeller slipstream blows over the horizontal tail.
    4. In the upper right corner of the first photo you will note the propeller for the wind driven fuel pump.
    5. The test results indicates that the loss of energy in propeller slipstream is certainly reduced by adding vane wheel.
    6. propeller
    6. Measuring results, the clearance between the coupling sleeve and the propeller shaft
    根据测量结果,联轴器套筒与螺旋浆轴的间隙为0.07 毫米。因此,这种配合松
    7. Using this formula to estimate the performance of the cycloidal propeller and comparing the computational results with experimental results, it is shown that the agreement between them is quite good.
    8. Propeller head is designed for a total tonnage of 450 kg with great reserve.
    螺旋桨头是专为1 450公斤,总吨位大储备。
    9. It was much lighter than its predecessor and with the R2800 driving a four-bladed propeller, it could climb much faster, which was an important consideration because of the increasing number of kamikaze attacks from high altitude.
    10. Although many types of fans are used for mine ventilation, they fall into two classes, viz, the centrifugal or wheel-type fan and the axial-flow or propeller type fan.
    11. Compared with horizontal shaft propeller rotor wind turbine, this product has a simple structure, low price, and generates electricity by single machine, exports mechanical energy independently. Relative to vertical shaft single vane general wind turbine, the product solves self-starting and impeller speed control of strong wind situation.
    12. propeller的翻译
    12. Hurricane propeller company was established in 2000, is committed to general aviation propeller research.
    13. Zhucheng Shenfeng造纸机械厂main products: water pulper equipment (low concentration of hydraulic pulper, the high concentration of hydraulic pulper, D-hydraulic pulper, to drum hydraulic pulper), Refining Relief equipment (Roll-grinding machine, single-effective fiber separator, Double-Disc refining machines, high concentration of refining, Li seminal plasma horizontal plane), filter purification equipment (dual-screen drum pulse low net sieve, flow Pressure on the screen, cylindrical screen, high-frequency vibration box sieve), deinking equipment (all closed flotation Deinking machine, the trough flotation Deinking efficient machines, exhaust-Deinking machine), washed enrichment equipment (enrichment Machine, sludge dewatering machine, washing machine, screw propeller), the paper machine and ancillary equipment (toilet paper machines, pneumatic scraper, dryer, Slitter, embossing machine, pump).
    14. New type water gauge and infrared modulated propeller type micro current meter are developed, and collective acquisition of distributed velocities is realized.
    15. The capacity of a propeller fan is increased by increasing the number of blades.
    16. The propeller is just a big fan in front of the plane used to keep the pilot cool.
    17. The government's social controlling has the function of correcting market failures, safeguarding public interests, Securing social stability and so on, is a strong propeller in harmonious society building.
    18. The methods were studied for predicting range and endurance of a propeller plane at constant altitude.
    19. propeller的翻译
    19. The tip-drive system was retained for take-off, hovering and landing only, a selective clutch enabling the engine (now a 140hp Siemens-Halske Sh.14A radial) to drive a conventional pusher propeller for forward flight while the rotor blades'free-wheeled'in autorotative pitch.
    20. It shows that the method is feasible for simulating of tip clearance flow, and there are four types of eddy in tip clearance flow of ducted propeller with ex-stator.
    propeller 词典解释
    1. (轮船或飞机上的)螺旋桨,推进器
    A propeller is a device with blades which is attached to a boat or aircraft. The engine makes the propeller spin round and causes the boat or aircraft to move.
    e.g. ...a fixed three-bladed propeller.
    propeller 单语例句
    1. The plane traveled a half mile along a taxiway, chopping up soybeans with the propeller before it got stuck in the field.
    2. Propeller describes itself as the first digital satellite television channel in Europe to screen 100 percent new and original programming.
    3. The propeller of the Philippine vessel got tangled with the rope, disconnecting the Chinese fishing vessel from the 25 smaller boats.
    4. They also got a rope entangled in the propeller on a harpoon vessel, causing it to slow down.
    5. A killer whale believed to be Luna died in Nootka Sound in 2006 when it was hit by the propeller of a large tugboat.
    6. Droned by the aircraft propeller, her howl could be heard by all on the scene.
    7. Chinese government knew that the education is the most import factor and propeller to the country's development.
    8. Saturday as its screw propeller was enlaced by aquatic plants amid sudden gales on the sea.
    9. Political and security cooperation is viewed as the other propeller, he added.
    10. Officials are now allowing helicopters and propeller planes to take off, but commercial flights remain grounded.
    propeller 英英释义
    1. a mechanical device that rotates to push against air or water
    Synonym: propellor




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