单词 | prosperous |
释义 | prosperous [英 [?pr?sp?r?s] 美 [?prɑ:sp?r?s] ] prosperous的意思、解释 prosperous 基本解释 prosperous 形容词富裕的; 繁荣的,兴旺的; 幸福的,运气好的; 良好的 prosperous 同义词 形容词wealthyflourishingtriumphantopulentrichaffluentgoldensuccessfulcomfortablewell-offfortunatethriving prosperous prosperous 反义词 形容词unprosperous prosperous 网络解释 1. 繁荣:帮忙翻译两句!!问题补充:还有 ~5到9月间多雨水. 有人口600多万人. 有东方明珠(Oriental Pearl)的美誉. 是世界上最大的贸易(trade)中心之一.1997年回归后更加繁荣(prosperous),富强. 能翻译几句翻译几句,好的话再加分!!!! 2. 2. 兴旺的:[499]在英文中,富裕、兴旺的(prosperous)与普洛斯彼罗(Prospero)拼音相近. [511]这里,把Eglinton改为Eclecticon,以表示约翰.埃格林顿的观点是把当时流行的观点加以折衷(eclectic)汇集而成. [529]迫克(Puck)是中世纪英格兰民间传说牛的顽皮小妖, 3. 繁荣昌盛的:professional 专业的 | prosperous 繁荣昌盛的 | prudent 明智的 4. 繁荣的:land tenure 土地所有制 | referendum 公民投票 | prosperous 繁荣的 prosperous 双语例句 1. Elegant prosperous is passed such upgrade ceaselessly, turn similar Yamaxun into such number finally publication company. 雅昌经过这样的不断升级,最后变成类似雅马逊这样的数字出版公司。 2. Group of medium and small businesses is promoting region economy progress and prosperous respect to having outstanding effect. 中小企业集群在促进区域经济发展与繁荣方面有着突出的作用。 3. The prosperous development of Buddhism and Taoism and their deep influence changed shaman's social existing circumstance a lot. 佛教、道教发展的昌盛局面,两教学说的深入人心,使巫觋面对的生存环境发生巨大变化,巫觋在实现其社会职能时,既以巫术的主持者、表演者的身份为民众驱邪禳灾,在各类求雨祈晴活动中更是活跃,他们还设计各种贴合民众需要的巫术,在调谐人际关系、帮助人们度过危机时刻方面发挥着重要作用。 4. Apart from living in a stable and prosperous society, there were at least three other criteria necessary for a successful curator of books. 除了生活在一个稳定和繁荣的社会,至少有三种其他标准所必需的一个成功的策划书。 5. 5. Innovation is the soul of one nation, is the motive force to make a country prosperous. 创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。 6. prosperous的翻译 6. Dear, you said that these two day of soles of the foot always give off heat, this is not the cloudy deficiency-fire prosperous symptom? 亲爱的,你说这两天足心老是发热,这不是阴虚火旺的症状吗? 7. prosperous 7. In Sui and Tang Dynasty (581-907), China was reunited after 300 years long split and entered a united and prosperous period. Its territory at that time reached Japanese Sea in the Northeast, Caspian Sea in Northwest, Lake Baikal and upstream of Yenisei river in the north, and Rinan in the south. 隋唐时期(公元581-907),中国历史结束了魏晋南北朝以来长达近300年的分裂局面,进入了一个统一强盛的时期,它的疆域在极盛时东北到达日本海,西北达里海,北界包括贝加尔湖和叶尼塞河上游,南至日南。 8. prosperous的近义词 8. I guess Shanghai be to bego the outstanding prosperous country in China. 我想沪深将成为中华人民共和国最繁华的都市。 9. prosperous的反义词 9. The Medici Bank was one of the most prosperous and most respected in Europe. 美第奇银行是欧洲最繁荣最受尊敬的银行。 10. He see at that time of society the productivity don't be to is prosperous, the material wealth isn't very abundant, promote to reduce expenses stanza to bury, the whole moderation in order to like, need not excessiveness waste, in managing home he lay claim to don't offend, still wise, break high and low and high or low grade boundary to appoint an able men, still together make public have unify of thought, unify not same, not durance human nature of of freedom development, but lay claim to one country inside have basic of unify of race believe in, at personal development top he lay claim to non- life, the person's destiny oneself should control, go to development oneself, perfect oneself, his non- life be the day life of opposite Confucianism to put forward of, day life's thinking the person's destiny be a God arrangement of okay, personal how effort all useless, this kind thought with profoundly durance human nature of freedom, bar person of development, rather than put forward of life then lay claim to people effort development oneself, pursue self-interest, control oneself of destiny. 他看到当时的社会生产力并不是很发达,物质财富不是很丰富,提倡节用节葬,一切适度为好,不必过度浪费,在家治理上他主张非攻,尚贤,打破尊卑贵贱的等级界限任用贤人,尚同,使众人有统一的思想,统一并非同一,并非禁锢人性的的自由发展,而是主张一国之内有基本的统一的民族信仰,在个人发展上他主张非命,人的命运应该自己掌握,去发展自己,完善自己,他的非命是相对儒家的天命提出的,天命认为人的命运是上天安排的好的,个人怎样努力都没用,此种思想以深深地禁锢了人性的自由,阻碍了人的发展,而非命的提出则是主张人们努力发展自己,追求自己的利益,掌握自己的命运。 11. prosperous的解释 11. As for China, from the first unified dynasty----Qin to the prosperous Han and Tang, main places of public sphere are courts and schools. 中国自秦完成天下一统,延续到汉唐盛世,公共领域的主要场所是朝堂和学校。 12. prosperous是什么意思 12. It is good position for a restrant to build in the street or shopping centre in prosperous sowntown. 位于繁忙商业区的街道或购物中心通常是开餐馆的好位置。 13. However, though bumpy, FTTH will have a bright and prosperous future in China market. 但不管怎么样,FTTH在我国的的发展前景是无限光明的,虽然道路是曲折的。 14. The city is becoming more and more prosperous. 这个城市越来越繁盛了。 15. Subsequently and those who come is a taxi is prosperous. 随后而来的是出租车的繁盛。 16. The once prosperous area is filled with trash and swage sewage and lacks electricity. 这个曾经繁荣的地方充斥着垃圾和污水,而且供电不足。 17. He is ruling the country which the ancestor fights down, certainly, their ambition, has not always abated, attacks and wrests away the territory has been their evil mission, FUKA premeditates and is planning all from the very beginning, until now has the real power, he already knew that this day approaches eventually, the prosperous times war, is ready to be set off at a touch! 他统治着祖先打拼下来的国家,当然,他们的野心,从来也没有消退过,攻打和霸占领地一直是他们的邪恶使命,FUKA一开始就预谋和策划着一切,直到现在自己掌握实权,他早已知道这一天终究来临,盛世战争,一触即发! 18. We have a common goal, that is the life is more formidable in one, in more prosperous China. 我们有个共同的目标,那就是生活在一个更加强大,更加繁荣的中国里。 19. prosperous是什么意思 19. Bold use of the most luxurious royal palace-style grand and prosperous, bed screen used in the current top of Europe`s most prominent Indian gold flannel is a prudent and luxury, bed screen on both sides of his simple wood carvings coupled with seemingly random gold embellishment, so that the entire bed is even more solemn luxury, always starting with the mainstream import cherry red skin paste bedside cabinets, score from Meditation and other furniture, so that the whole bedroom showing the seventeenth century royal life of luxury in Europe. 大胆使用最豪华的皇家宫殿式大繁荣,床屏在欧洲最知名的印度目前最大的黄金绒布使用的一个简单的木材,他看似随意的点缀,加上黄金雕刻双方谨慎和豪华,床屏,使整个床更是庄严豪华,始终与主流进口樱桃红皮肤粘贴床头柜,妆台与其他家具分开始,使整个卧室展示17世纪欧洲王室奢侈的生活。 20. On Huniu and other representatives of the 1930s fiction writers in the image of the differences between women Abstract: In the 1930s the Chinese Modern Literature is prosperous period novels surge, emerged a large number of outstanding writers, Ba Jin, Mao Dun and Lao She, and Shen Congwen is one of the most representative writer, in the shape of their novels in a series of classic Female images, and in one of the unique image of women - Huniu. 急需论文题目和摘要的英文翻译,十分感谢!题目:试论虎妞与三十年代其他代表作家小说中女性形象的差异摘要:三十年代是中国现代文学的繁盛期,长篇小说激增,涌现出大量优秀作家,巴金、茅盾、沈从文和老舍是其中最有代表性的作家,他们在小说中塑造了一系列经典的女性形象,而在其中有一个独树一帜的女性形象——虎妞。 prosperous 词典解释 1. 富足的;成功的;兴旺的;繁荣的 Prosperous people, places, and economies are rich and successful. e.g. ...the youngest son of a relatively prosperous British family... 一个相对富裕的英国家族中最小的儿子 e.g. The place looks more prosperous than ever. 这地方显得空前繁荣。 prosperous 单语例句 1. He said American Express was assessing opportunities in China's prosperous business travel market. 2. It was originally built near a wharf and became a prosperous commercial center because of its location and the busy shipping business. 3. The building blocks for strong capital markets buttress the broader development of a prosperous economy. 4. In more prosperous times the school had 40 pupils and seven teachers, but poverty in this remote village caused all of Cai's colleagues to leave. 5. Three prosperous generations later, the whole affair was consigned to a footnote in Canton's history. 6. Despite becoming the world's second largest economy and having some prosperous cities, the country is still characterized by a huge population and low per capita GDP. 7. Xinjiang's trade volume with surrounding nations exceeded US $ 14 billion in 2008, and the regional capital Urumqi has become most prosperous city in Central Asia. 8. While the mountaintop was covered with white snow this morning, at the foot was a carpet of prosperous grass and woods. 9. Many in the US hoped that Libya would be a good case study, showing that a transition can lead to a more open and prosperous society. 10. The West Development Strategy is a policy adopted by the Chinese government to help underdeveloped western region catch up with prosperous eastern region. prosperous 英英释义 adj 1. presaging or likely to bring good luck e.g. a favorable time to ask for a raise lucky stars a prosperous moment to make a decision Synonym: goldenfavorablefavourablelucky 2. marked by peace and prosperity e.g. a golden era the halcyon days of the clipper trade Synonym: goldenhalcyon 3. in fortunate circumstances financially moderately rich e.g. they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards easy living a prosperous family his family is well-situated financially well-to-do members of the community Synonym: comfortableeasywell-fixedwell-heeledwell-offwell-situatedwell-to-do 4. very lively and profitable e.g. flourishing businesses a palmy time for stockbrokers a prosperous new business doing a roaring trade a thriving tourist center did a thriving business in orchids Synonym: boomingflourishingpalmyprosperingroaringthriving |
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