单词 | protest |
释义 | protest [英 [?pr??test] 美 [?pro?test] ] protest的意思、解释 过去式:protested; 过去分词:protested; 现在分词:protesting; 复数形式:protests; protest 基本解释 名词抗议; 反对; 申明 不及物动词抗议; 断言 及物动词抗议; 声明反对; 断言 protest 同义词 动词disapproveobjectchallengedissentdisputesquawk 名词dissent protest 反义词 不及物动词agreesupport protest 相关词组 1. under protest : 抗议着, 极不乐意地; protest在线翻译 protest 相关例句 及物动词 1. The children protested when they were punished unfairly. 当孩子们被不公平地处罚时,他们表示抗议。 2. The tourists protested about the bad service at the restaurant. 旅客们对那家饭店低劣的服务表示不满。 3. protest 3. A large crowd protested the terrorization. 一大群人示威抗议暴力压制。 4. 4. The defendant protested that he had never been near the scene of the crime. 被告坚决声辩他从来没有在犯罪现场附近。 名词 1. 1. The demonstration was a protest against the rise in tuition and fees. 此次示威是抗议学杂费上涨。 protest 网络解释 1. 1. 拒付证书:贴现(DISCOUNT)是指远期汇票承兑后, 尚未到期, 由银行或贴现公司从票面金额中扣减按一定贴现率计算的贴现息后,将余款付给持票人的行为.(6)拒付(Dishonour)或退票按照有些国家的法律,持票人为了行使追索权应及时作出拒付证书(PROTEST). 2. 2. 拒绝证书:.在国外,通常还要求持票人提供拒绝证书(Protest). 拒绝证书,又叫拒付证书,是由付款地的法定公证人(notary Public)或其他依法有权做出证书的机构如法院、银行、工会、邮局等,做出证明拒付事实的文件. protest 双语例句 1. Meanwhile, hundreds of university students took to the streets of Jalalabad in neighboring Nangarhar province to protest the killings. 与此同时,数百名大学生到邻近的楠格哈尔省贾拉拉巴德的街道上抗议平民被杀。 2. Another police offcer, Raja Umer Khatab, said some in the crowd began firing shots into the air in protest. 警察说炸弹杀死了3人并且有些人受伤,另一位警官说在人群中的一些人像空中开枪来表示抗议。 3. No sooner had the proposal been announced at the meeting than she got to her feet to protest. 这项提议在会上一公布,她就站起来提出贰言。 4. Central leadership made a speech, young students across the country to protest, we very resentment. 中央领导发表了义正辞严的讲话,全国各地青年学生游行抗议,大家无比愤恨。 5. 5. Accommodation kite; bad check; bad cheque; check dishonored; fictitious bill; kiting check; kiting cheque; leite; protest check; rubber check; rubber cheque 成语空头:有名无实的;支票:向银行取款或拨款的票据。 6. 6. Where can I get the protest form and when shall I pay the protest fee of 100 US dollars? 我在什么地方可以领到申诉单,100美元申诉费又交到何处? 7. protest是什么意思 7. The formal protest may be extended at any time thereafter as of the date of the noting. 至于正式之拒绝证书,得于注明之日以后之任何时间内作出。 8. Students in South Korea hold a nationwide pro-democracy protest against their president Syngman Rhee, eventually forcing him to resign. 1960年的今天,韩国的学生举行全国规模的大规模示威抗议游行,反对他们的总统李承晚,最终迫使其辞职。 9. 9. I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily. 我抗议你值得庆幸的是我在基督耶稣我们的主,我死每日。 10. protest是什么意思 10. In Paris, what began as a protest over the ouster of Henri Langlois, the legendary founder of the Cinematheque Francais, grew into a popular revolt that threatened to topple the government. 在巴黎,这股力量起源于抗议政府解雇传奇人物亨利。朗格卢瓦--法国电影资料馆的建立者,后来发展成威胁到政府统治的颠覆性革命。 11. The sister said they were from northeast China and sent here because of taking poison in Tiananmen Square for protest. 姐姐在一旁说,听说他们是东北的,在天安门服毒自杀被送到这里的。 12. 12. They protest against the continue denial of civil liberty. 他们抗议对公民自由权力的持续否认。 13. Finally, the strategies of mass protest and the incumbents` decisions resulted in regime change. 最后,示威群众的策略与统治者的个人决断,促成了政权替换。 14. After the parade, the protesters headed to the City Hall for handing the protest to Mayor Hsu. They asked government to punish the teammates and abided in catching the stray dogs. 抗议人士游行后,随即到市府向市长许财利递交抗议书并举行短暂会谈,要求市府严惩失职人员,以后并谨守人道捕犬的作业规范。 15. protest 15. The emergency decree bans gatherings of more than five people, and gives the government sweeping powers to detain protest leaders and to censor the press. 紧急状态令禁止超过五人的集会,并赋予政府拘留抗议行动领导人和审查媒体的巨大权力。 16. But only in Britain, where workers have picketed refineries and power stations over the hiring of foreigners, has protest had a very anti-global tone. 只有在英国,一些工人抗议精炼厂和供电所雇佣国外员工,有反全球化的论调。 17. Do you think it is right to protest in the public? 你认为在大众面前抗议是对的吗? 18. To most of us, humour is not only a lively decoration of our lives, it is also a complex ability. It's an attacting style, a defence line, a protest to all the injustice in the battle of our daily life, and it is a way to make up mistakes and renew cordial relations. also it is a compromise to the things which is random, broken and we cannot control. 对于我们中间的大多数人来说,幽默不仅仅是生活的一个和蔼可亲的装饰,它是我们生活的一种复杂的才能,是一种攻击方式,一条防御战线,是一种对于生活的斗争中的不平等的抗议,是一种弥补过失和重修旧好的方式,也是一种对于生活中那些随意的、被破坏的和我们所不能控制的一切的一种妥协。 19. A citizen can avoid responsibility in advance by explicitly disowning the government as his spokesman, or after the fact through open protest, resistance, and so on. 一个市民可以预先明确的否认政府是自己的代言人而否认承担责任,或通过公开的抗议、抵制等其他行为后的事实。 20. The famous Beatle John Lenon and his wife Yoko Ono Together invented a form of peace protest by staying in bed while being filmed and interviewed. 著名的披头士约翰·列侬与他的妻子大野洋子一起发明了一种和平抗议的方法:当被拍摄和采访的时候,呆在床上。 protest 词典解释The verb is pronounced /pr?'test/. The noun is pronounced /'pr??test/. 动词读作 /pr?'test/,名词读作 /'pr??test/。 1. 抗议;提出异议;反对 If you protest against something or about something, you say or show publicly that you object to it. In American English, you usually say that you protest it. e.g. Groups of women took to the streets to protest against the arrests... 成群结队的妇女上街抗议逮捕行动。 e.g. The students were protesting at overcrowding in the university hostels... 学生们在抗议大学宿舍过于拥挤。 2. 抗议;反对 A protest is the act of saying or showing publicly that you object to something. e.g. The opposition now seems too weak to stage any serious protests against the government... 反对党现在似乎势力非常弱小,无法针对政府发起真正的抗议。 e.g. The unions called a two-hour strike in protest at the railway authority's announcement. 各工会号召罢工两小时,以对铁路当局所发通告表示抗议。 3. 申辩;申明 If you protest that something is the case, you insist that it is the case, when other people think that it may not be. e.g. When we tried to protest that Mo was beaten up they didn't believe us... 我们试图申明莫遭到了毒打,他们却不相信我们。 e.g. 'I never said any of that to her,' he protested... “我从来没有对她那么说过,”他申辩道。 4. 申明;声明;断言 A protest that something is true is a strong declaration that it is true. e.g. That was how she usually dealt with their protests that she was spoiling her grandchildren. 当他们坚持说她是在溺爱孙儿,她通常会作出那样的回应。 protest 单语例句protest是什么意思 1. Guangzhou's regulation rattled the business, prompting CAAM to protest the practice. 2. Demonstrators in Hong Kong display national flags during a protest on Sunday against Japan's decision to " buy " the Diaoyu Islands. 3. He will be greeted by a nation where many feel his act of protest encapsulated their own bitterness over the war and US occupation. 4. PCCW's decision sparked a protest by about 300 staff from the contract companies on Tuesday. 5. The campaign was initiated by a student who wrote a letter to the county's leading official to protest teachers smoking in classrooms and offices. 6. Demonstrators shout their defiance after militiamen acting as police fire in the air in an attempt to disperse the protest in front of Libya's parliament. 7. Ukraine ordered two Russian diplomats to leave last month to protest weapons movements by the Black Sea Fleet that Ukraine said were not permitted. 8. Friday's protest by tens of thousands was the biggest since Mubarak's ouster. 9. The taxi drivers who organized a strike to protest a requirement for new cab technology vowed that their engines'silence would make their complaints heard. 10. Yonhap news agency reported that South Korea plans to call in Japan's ambassador to Seoul to file a protest. protestprotest 英英释义 noun 1. the act of protesting a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent Synonym: objectiondissent 2. a formal and solemn declaration of objection e.g. they finished the game under protest to the league president the senator rose to register his protest the many protestations did not stay the execution Synonym: protestation 3. the act of making a strong public expression of disagreement and disapproval e.g. he shouted his protests at the umpire a shower of protest was heard from the rear of the hall protest verb 1. utter words of protest 2. affirm or avow formally or solemnly e.g. The suspect protested his innocence 3. express opposition through action or words e.g. dissent to the laws of the country Synonym: resistdissent |
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