单词 | psychology |
释义 | psychology [英 [sa??k?l?d?i] 美 [sa??kɑ:l?d?i] ] psychology的意思、解释 复数形式:psychologies; psychology 基本解释 名词心理学; 心理状态; 心理特点; 心理影响 psychology 相关例句 名词 1. The professor is a specialist of studying a criminal's psychology. 这位教授是位研究罪犯心理的专家。 2. I knew her psychology. 我了解她的心理。 3. He has obtained a degree in psychology. 他已在心理学方面获得学位。 psychology 网络解释 1. 心理:针对这种现象,朗阁海外考试研究中心写作组专家做了一下总结,绝大多数雅思大作文话题都可以通过以下几个方面进行扩展(简称论据扩展十二大法则),现列举如下:经济(economy)、就业(employment)、时间(time)、空间(space)、心理(psychology)、生理(physi 2. psychology的翻译 2. 主修心理学:转载:成功没有你想的那么难 1965年, 一位韩国人学生到剑桥大学主修心理学(psychology). 在喝下午茶的时候,他常到学校的咖啡厅或茶座听一些成功人士聊天. 这些成功人士聊天. 这些成功人士包括诺贝尔奖获得者, 3. 心理认知:共计100分.请以黑色或蓝色之钢笔或原子笔,将一个最适当的答案填写在答案卷上.答对者每题得2.5分;答错及未答者,不予计分.世界公认在设计教学里引进了人因工程(Ergonomics)和心理认知(Psychology)因素,使设计产品更合乎人性化的原则, psychology 双语例句 1. psychology 1. In order to research on the vision effect of deceleration of road rumble stripes, this thesis reviews the development of road rumble stripes home and abroad, introduces detailedly the varieties, design principles and materials of the general road rumble stripes of domestic and oversears, and does research for the vision effect of road rumble stripes from the aspect of Traffic Psychology and Traffic Engineering. 全文提供:购买充值卡,就可下载本篇论文全文中文摘要:本文为了研究道路减速标线的减速视觉效果,回顾了国内外道路交通标线的发展,详细地介绍了国内外常见的减速标线的种类、设计原则和材料,并从交通心理学和交通工程学的角度对减速标线的视觉效应进行了探讨。 2. Research in cognitive psychology is an exciting and dynamic field, and cognitive studies can reveal amazing insights into the workings of the human mind. 它将人看作是一个信息加工的系统,认为认知就是信息加工,包括感觉输入的变换、简约、加工、存储和使用的全过程。 3. 3. The only way to avoid this fate is to maintain a contrariant position--go against the market psychology--which, of course, is both lonely and involves a great test of will. 避免这种厄运的唯一方法就是保持与市场相反的心态,走逆向市场心理的道路,当然,这不仅是孤独的,而且意志也要经历严峻考验! 4. 4. The only way to avoid this fate is to maintain a contrariant position -- go against the market psychology -- which, of course, is both lonely and involves a great test of will. 避免这种厄运的唯一方法是保持一种逆向姿态,走一条逆向市场心理的道路。当然,这样做不仅是孤独的,而且还要受到严峻的意志考验。 5. This research was issued on the monthly magazine Psychology in April. 这一研究发表在四月号的《心理学》月刊上。 6. The main purpose of this research is to perform surrealistic methodology to create emotional picture book. The visual representation of urrealistic methodology may not only to prompt its art sake but also to fathom unspeakable emotional feeling and psychology. 本研究的目的在运用超现实表现手法创作情绪图画书,藉由超现实风格其蕴含深刻的视觉表现,提升图画书的艺术性及揣摩无法言传的情绪心理感受。 7. 7. This essay uses the theory of Gestalt Psychology, explaining the conception of imago in the view of field. 本文运用格式塔心理学的理论,从场的视角来阐释意象的概念。 8. To grasp the physical education psychology is guarantee for conpleting teaching task. 钟静掌握体育教学心理学,是更好完成体育教育任务的重要保证。 9. Based on cognitive learning theory and the features of pupil`s psychology and age, this article explores methods of repeating words through the investigation, hoping to help student teachers and primary English teachers build up the knowledge system on how to get pupils repeat English words, expecting them to grasp some skills of vocabulary teaching as well as creating innovative English classroom. 本文从小学生的心理和年龄特征出发,以认知主义学习理论为依据,通过调查研究探究小学英语单词教学的方法,以期对师范生和小学英语教师建构课堂单词教读知识系统、掌握小学英语单词教读技巧、创造具有创新理念的教学具有一定的指导作用。 10. Millikan, 'In Defence of Proper Functions'in Philosophy of Science 1989 and in her White Queen Psychology and Other Essays for Alice. 河密立,'在应有的作用国防部'在科学哲学和1989年在她的白色女王心理和爱丽丝其他论文。 11. A fresh tomato can really boost psychology. 新鲜西红柿确实能改善心理状态。 12. psychology什么意思 12. Furthermore, this thesis, with reference to the analyses of the statistical data on basis of psychology, pedagogy and feminine studies, proposes the following strategies for English teaching management: a Educators should bear the importance of gender differences of students in mind and manage their classes with view to gender differences when necessary so as to create a harmonious English autonomous learning environment for students of either gender; b From the perspective of social genders, Educators should have a right view of the socializing process of students'gender roles and avoid stereotyping the roles so that they should get a clear picture of the autonomous learning abilities of students of either gender and that the students should make progress in the English autonomous learning. 接着,以心理学、教育学和女性学为基础就数据进行了分析并提出了教育管理对策:一、尊重男女学生心理发展上的性别差异,实施因性施教,创设适合男女生的英语自主学习教学环境。二、从社会性别视角审视男女生的英语自主学习能力,必须正确看待男女性别角色社会化过程,努力克服性别角色刻板印象,使男女生在英语自主学习过程中共同进步。 13. psychology 13. And the affiliation environmental psychology viewpoint discuss in settlement of Chinkuashih and the environment interaction of relations. 并藉由环境心理学观点来探讨金瓜石聚落老人与居住环境之互动关系。 14. 14. Dr. Serlin is the general editor of Whole Person Healthcare (3 vol., 2007, Praeger), as well as numerous chapters and articles on women, humanistic psychology, the body and the arts. 塞林博士是《全人医疗保健》(3卷。,2007,普雷格)的编辑,撰写了许多有关妇女、人本主义心理学、身体和艺术的文章及著作章节。 15. Baidu collects pelter, make website discharge many decrease, say really, see collect one every day decreasing, IP one every day be in petty, psychology still is not flavor a bit really, but do not have method, no matter you are in, gave an issue how is sadness otiose, you recall the way that solves a problem only just is the most important, state of mind, I say with oneself all the time. 百度收录骤降,使得网站流量大量减少,说真的,看到收录一天天的在减少,IP一天天的在委琐,心理还真有点不是滋味,可是没办法,出了问题无论你在怎么悲伤都是没有用的,你只有想出解决问题的办法才是最重要的,心态啊,我一直和自己说。 16. psychology 16. Due to historical and practical reasons, however, the inertia psychology of peasants has greatly restrained the development of countryside. 但由于历史和现实的众多缘由,造成农民的惰性心理情结,极大程度地束缚着农村发展的步伐。 17. Results: Quality of sexual life of CC patients who received radiotherapy seemed to be dissatisfied, Culture degree and age of patients were related with quality of sexual life (P.05) Conclusions: Patients who received radiotherapy have the lower quality of sexual life, It was elated with radiation injury of genitals and psychology factors. 结果:子宫颈癌患者放疗后性生活质量较差,性生活质量与年龄、文化程度有一定关系(P.05)。结论:子宫颈癌放疗患者性生活质量较差,与生殖器官放射损伤和患者心理因素有关。 18. Good knowledge of psychology and personnel placement. 有良好的文字表达与语言表达能力 19. Pursue your graduate certificate in Business Psychology if you have earned a Bachelor`s or Master`s degree and are interested in working as an internal or external organizational consultant. 追求你的商业心理学学位证书,如果你已经获得学士学位或硕士学位,并在内部或外部组织的顾问工作感兴趣。 20. As the vector of ethnic culture, the religion mixed the ethnic spirit, ethnic character, ethnic psychology, moral concept, value ideal. 近代以来,国际国内形势风云变幻,蒙古社会急剧变革,蒙古族宗教信仰随之发生了相当明显的变化。 psychology 词典解释 1. 心理学 Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and the reasons for people's behaviour. e.g. ...Professor of Psychology at Bedford College. 贝德福德学院的心理学教授 2. 心理;心理特点 The psychology of a person is the kind of mind that they have, which makes them think or behave in the way that they do. e.g. ...a fascination with the psychology of murderers. 对杀人犯心理的着迷 psychology 单语例句psychology的反义词 1. Freud's early work in psychology and psychoanalysis endeavored to understand and cure the human mind by means of hypnosis. 2. Some people say that China shouldn't always show its wound to others in order to win sympathy and call this " victim's psychology ". 3. Totem worship reflects religious psychology of the primitive era, for the purpose of seeking fortunes and getting rid of catastrophe. 4. Popular psychology seems to be something acutely lacking among a certain segment of China's celebrities and public service managers. 5. An old adage still functions today, demonstrating the stability and practicality of culture psychology. 6. Most of the candidates were majors in psychology and have obtained a professional psychologist certification from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. 7. It urged the international community to help establish child psychology units and mental health programmes. 8. Child psychology is only a small branch of the department of psychiatry in Chinese hospitals. 9. The relentless campaign against online porn is surely welcomed by parents, but manifests an upsetting ignorance of child psychology. 10. The foundation stone was laid at the weekend in Nanjing for China's first child psychology research center and it will be ready within a year. psychology 英英释义 noun 1. the science of mental life Synonym: psychological science |
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