单词 | vertebrate |
释义 | vertebrate [英 [?v?:t?br?t] 美 [?v?:rtbr?t] ] vertebrate的意思、解释 复数形式:vertebrates; vertebrate 基本解释 vertebrate的解释 名词脊椎动物 形容词有脊椎的,脊椎动物的 vertebrate 网络解释 1. 1. 脊椎动物:寄生虫所包括的生物种类繁多,一般都为原生生物(Protista)、无脊椎动物(invertebrate)、脊椎动物(vertebrate). 分类以生物种类分类广义上来说,细菌和病毒也是寄生虫. 原生生物:此类寄生生物也很广泛, 2. 椎动物:2、生物学家根据动物体内有无脊柱,将动物分为脊椎动物(vertebrate)和无脊椎动物(invertebrate)两个主要类群. 脊椎动物又分为鱼类(fishes)、两栖类(amphibians)、爬行类(reptiles)、鸟类(birds)和哺乳类(mammals 3. 脊椎动物 有椎骨的, 有脊椎的, 脊椎动物:get round 避免, 说服, 走动, 传开来 | vertebrate 脊椎动物 有椎骨的, 有脊椎的, 脊椎动物 | acid hydrolysis 酸解 加酸水解 vertebrate 双语例句 1. Whoever robs ancient human fossils and ancient vertebrate fossils that have scientific value is to be punished according to the provisions of the preceding article. 盗掘国家保护的具有科学价值的古人类化石和古脊椎动物化石的,依照前款的规定处罚。 2. Both men lampooned the biologists` theory and attempted to discredit it by publishing figures of yeast cells shaped like miniature vertebrate animals taking in grape juice at one orifice and eliminating carbon dioxide and alcohol at the other. 在他们的图片上,酵母菌形如微小的脊椎动物,它们从一个小孔获取葡萄汁,从另一个孔排出酒精和二氧化碳。 3. And the body structure changes greatly. In this paper, according to the skin of the Vertebrate, Respiratory system., Circulatory system, Nervous system and sense organ, skeletal system and so on, the pointview of transformism, we dissertate the succession rule of the vertebrate from hydrophilous to terricolous, from simplicity to complesity, from low|grade to high|... 从脊椎动物的皮肤、呼吸系统、血液循环系统、神经系统和感觉器官、骨骼、生殖等结构对环境的适应等方面,以进化论的观点,比较解剖学的手法,论述了脊椎动物在漫长的时间里,由水生到陆生、由简单到复杂、由低等到高等,按一定的顺序发展和演变的规律。 4. vertebrate 4. Excavation and gathering of fossils on field are the elements in paleontologic investigation, the unearthed processes of various vertebrate fossils are recommended and then these general procedures, technical essentials, instrumentation, personnel organization and awareness proceeding of this work are expounded in this article. 化石的野外发掘和采集是古生物研究的基础,本文通过对各种类型脊椎动物化石挖掘过程的介绍,详细讲述了这项工作的一般步骤、技术要点、器材设备、人员组织以及注意事项。 5. The lower jaw of a vertebrate animal. 长城的实际长度为6000公里。 6. The vertebrate Wnt gene family represents a large and diverse group of signaling molecules involved in the patterning, proliferation and differentiation of a variety of organs and cell types. Wnts基因家族编码数量庞大且分支众多的信号分子,涉及许多器官的模式形成及细胞的增殖和分化,其信号传导是通过Frizzled受体家族实现。 7. A foot or foot like part, especially the foot of a four - foot ed vertebrate. 脚,足脚或类似脚的部位,尤其指四足脊椎动物的足 8. Synthesized researches on biotic evolution, alternation and accurate chronological dating, taphonomy of vertebrate or invertebrate fossils and elemental or isotopic geochemistry of bones of fossils and sediments, i. e., HBCNOS and COSr, could help us to well understand the biotic and environmental response to the geological events on the Earth surface system and reconstructed the palaeogeography, palaeoecologic environment and palaeoecosystem of the Late Mesozoic, North China. 陆地生物群分布、演化、更替与精确定年,脊椎无脊椎生物埋葬特征,生物演化速率、消长关系和生物群更替的形式和性质,以及脊椎动物骨骼、牙齿的常量、微量元素、H-B-C-N-O-S 和C-O-Sr等地球化学特征的研究可以恢复和重建古地理、古生态环境和古生态系统。 9. Vertebrate paleontologist Jaelyn Eberle of the University of Colorado, Boulder, has been vexed by these questions ever since she started working with fossils in the high Arctic 7 years ago. Jaelyn Eberle是科罗拉多大学的古脊椎动物学家,自从7年前在北极从事化石研究工作,她就被这些问题所困扰。 10. Animal species is also very rich, vertebrate animals, with a total of 1552 kinds of Insecta, including 38 mammals, 217 kinds of birds, 36 species of reptiles, amphibians, 16 species of fish 25 species, 1220 kinds of insects. 动物种类也很丰富,脊椎动物与昆虫纲动物共有1552种,其中兽类38种,鸟类217种,爬行类36种,两栖类16种,鱼类25种,昆虫1220种。 11. 11. The mRNA and amino acids sequences of GH gene of 24 vertebrate species were gained from GenBank., and the phylogenetic tree of GH gene was constructed with MEGA 3.1 using UPGMA method. In UPGMA consensus tree, 25 species were divided into two clusters. 从GenBank数据库中得到的24种脊椎动物的生长激素基因的mRNA序列以及氨基酸序列,通过Clustal W排列,用UPGMA法构建了GH基因的分子系统树。 12. Histogenesis defined that the nucleus ambiguus and the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus were located together in the embryo and took apart with the generation development in the vertebrate. 组织发生学认为,哺乳动物疑核在胚胎期与迷走神经背核定位在一起,以后随着个体的发育而与迷走神经背核分开。 13. But the calcium level feed had significant effect on calcium and phosphorus content in its vertebrate bones (P.05). The calcium and phosphorus content in the vertebrate bones of S. curriculus increasing with raise of calcium level in the feeds. 但饲料中钙水平对赤眼鳟脊椎骨中钙、磷含量影响显著(P.05),骨中钙、磷含量均随饲料中钙水平增加而增加。 14. A nitrogenous organic acid, C4H9N3O2, that is found in the muscle tissue of vertebrate s mainly in the form of phosphocreatine and supplies energy for muscle contraction. 肌酸一种含氮的有机酸,C4H9N3O2,主要以磷酸肌酸的形式发现于脊椎动物的肌肉细胞组织中,并可为肌肉萎缩提供能量 15. Shanghai massage another a square follow vertebrate both sides two point, use hands index finger and thumb tail from the tail Mao bone end, start to knead a skin quietly, however knead a skin first to take by inchmeal and forward, often push a neck to descend the tallest vertebrate part, calculate make 1 time, bottom-up continue to knead to take 4-6 times, calculate make once. 另一方沿脊椎两旁二指处,用双手食指和拇指从尾骶骨末尾,将皮肤悄然捏起,然先将皮肤徐徐地向前捏拿,不时推到颈下最高的脊椎部位,算作1遍,由下而上延续捏拿4-6遍,算作1次。 16. 16. During morphogenesis cells and cell populations change shape: an exampleis neurulation in vertebrate embryos, in which the edges of the flat neural plate fold upward and fuse, forming the beginnings of the hollow brain and spinal cord. 在形态发生期间,细胞和细胞群体形状发生改变:例如,脊椎动物的神经胚,扁平神经板的边缘向上折叠并融合,是中空大脑和脊髓神经形成的开端。 17. During morphogenesis cells and cell populations change shape: an example is neurulation in vertebrate embryos in which the edges of the flat neural plate fold upward and fuse forming the beginnings of the hollow brain and spinal cord. 在形态发生期间,细胞和细胞群体形状发生改变:例如,脊椎动物的神经胚,扁平神经板的边缘向上折叠并融合,是中空大脑和脊髓神经形成的开端。 18. 18. Vertebrate Hair Cells provides a current overview of the mechanosensory receptor cells of the vertebrate inner ear. 脊椎动物毛细胞(听觉的研究的斯普林格手册)脊椎动物毛细胞提供脊椎动物内耳的mechanosensory感受神经细胞的当今的概述。 19. Any of various parasitic flagellate protozoans of the genus Trypanosoma, transmitted to the vertebrate bloodstream, lymph, and spinal fluid by certain insects and often causing diseases such as''. 锥体虫锥体虫属中的一种寄生性带鞭毛原生动物;被某些昆虫带入脊椎动物的血液淋巴液和脊髓,可导致''。 20. Any of various parasitic flagellate protozoans of the genus Trypanosoma, transmitted to the vertebrate bloodstream, lymph, and spinal fluid by certain insects and often causing diseases such as sleeping sickness and nagana. 锥体虫锥体虫属中的一种寄生性带鞭毛原生动物;被某些昆虫带入脊椎动物的血液淋巴液和脊髓,可导致嗜眠性脑炎及非洲锥虫病等疾病 vertebrate 词典解释 1. 脊椎动物 A vertebrate is a creature which has a spine. Mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish are vertebrates. vertebrate的翻译 e.g. Both groups share two attributes normally associated with vertebrates. 两组都具有通常脊椎动物才具备的两个特征。 e.g. ...the ears of vertebrates. 脊椎动物的耳朵 vertebrate 单语例句 1. They wanted to examine qualities that would help vertebrate sea creatures of the Cambrian Period forage for food without becoming lunch for predators. 2. He is a technician in charge of fossil specimen repair at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 3. Changchunsaurus also provided evidence for the study of the formation of vertebrate and ecological environment in the Cretaceous period. 4. A summary of vertebrate diversity helps to understand the significance of Guiyu in the evolutionary history. 5. The deterioration was blamed on lack of maintenance funds and inadequate management by the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology under CAS. 6. The dinosaur was named in a paper published in December by the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 7. Visitors can enter the realm of the faux creatures in the park, organized by the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 8. The excavation in the Zhada Basin started in 2006 and was led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences'institute of vertebrate paleontology and paleoanthropology. 9. Young refers to the late Young Chung Chien, a pioneering Chinese vertebrate palaeontologist. 10. As the oldest living vertebrate on earth, it has been around for about 140 million years. vertebrate 英英释义 vertebrate noun 1. animals having a bony or cartilaginous skeleton with a segmented spinal column and a large brain enclosed in a skull or cranium Synonym: craniate adj 1. having a backbone or spinal column e.g. fishes and amphibians and reptiles and birds and mammals are verbetrate animals |
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