单词 | victim |
释义 | victim [英 [?v?kt?m] 美 [?v?kt?m] ] victim的意思、解释 复数形式:victims; victim 基本解释 名词牺牲者,受害者; 自找苦吃的人; 受骗者,上当者; 为祭祀杀死的动物(或人) victim的意思 victim 相关例句 名词 1. 1. She was the victim of a road accident. 她是一场交通事故的受害者。 2. They are the victims of the civil war. 他们是内战的受害者。 3. The victims of the explosion were buried last week. 爆炸事故的罹难者于上周举行了葬礼。 4. He fell a victim to the dagger of an assassin. 他死于刺客的刀下。 victim 情景对话 报警 victim的近义词 A:Ive just been the victim of a robbery. 我被抢劫了。 B:A thief has just robbed me. Can you send the police? 一个盗贼抢劫了我,你能替我报警吗? A:Please try to keep relaxed, sir. 别太紧张,先生。 victim的意思 B:Just give me your name and the place where you are calling from? 请给我您的姓名与地点所在。 victim 网络解释 1. 受害者:回探电影历史,(Victim)早在1961年,便在片中大胆直陈「同性恋」一辞,而影片勇敢揭示同志受迫、活在恐惧的社会现实,更让本片成为同志电影史上,不可错过的里程碑作品之ㄧ .但本片过去在台湾一直没机会放映,以古鉴今, 2. 受害人:透过适当的帮助和宽恕,故事中的小孩可以由受害人(Victim)的角色,升华成为安慰者(Comforter)的角色. 宽恕不单令疏忽的工作人员受益,更重要是令这个小孩培养出宽容大方的品格,和处变不惊的勇气. 现代管理学把宽恕大致上分为两种, 3. victim 3. 被干扰对象:容性耦合是由于干扰源(Aggressor)上的电压(Vs)变化在被干扰对象(Victim)上引起感应电流(i)通过互容Cm而导致的电磁干扰,而感性耦合则是由于干扰源上的电流(Is)变化产生的磁场在被干扰对象上引起感应电压(V)通过互感(Lm)而导致的电磁干扰. victim 双语例句 1. If I am a genuine victim too. 我期待着您的回复。 2. Born to save the world and human beings; while the latter embodies morality and virtue, falling deplorably into the victim of afflictions and waiting pitifully for the salvation by the male. 前者是力量与智慧的化身,她们往往比男人更有本领征服世界、拯救人类;后者是美德与道义的象征,可却常常处于苦难之中,等待着男性的拯救。 3. How to safeguard the behoof of the victim becomes the topic that people concern very much. 如何保护受害人的利益,成为人们十分关心的话题。 4. victim的翻译 4. The western rock lobster and the huge industry it supports are just one victim of the vagaries of El Nino induced ocean currents. 由于厄尔尼诺导致的洋流,使得西部龙虾及其巨大的产业为了牺牲品。 5. victim的解释 5. Jay Gatsby is the victim of American dream and his life is full of tragedy, ranging from his dream and his pursuit of the dream to the wreckage of his dream. 主人公杰伊·盖茨比是美国梦的牺牲品,他的一生充满了悲剧性的色彩,首先是他的梦想,其次是梦想的追逐,最终是梦想的破灭。 6. You are the Palace closed on a palace, but only because was born in troubled times, it is doomed to become a victim of the war era. 闭月你是王府的一位宫女,却只因生在乱世,便注定成为了战乱年代的牺牲品。 7. victim 7. Disaster victim, Jun Jace:Last night was very difficult for us all. If we didn't swim for it, we would have been burned alive. 昨晚经历的实在很艰辛,因为若我们不奋性命跟水拼,就会活活被火苗吞噬。 8. Officer Cheung is in charge of this case, and found the way of the murder is very similar to the case a year ago which victim is Michelle. 探員張震調查此案,發覺殺人手法與一年前Michelle之被殺案相似,懷疑與當年的嫌疑犯Jacky有關。 9. Li says that, as a victim of He's fraud, he has become a subject of investigation. 李连达说,他作为贺海波造假的一名受害人,他已经成为调查对象。 10. victim 10. Your life is not determined by heredity, nor are you the victim of past lives, an indentured slave paying off a karmic debt. 你的生活并不取决于遗传,你也不是过往的受害者,更不是偿还业债的契约奴隶。 11. In the enthusiasm of my confidence, I brought chairs into the room, and desired them here to rest from their fatigues, while I myself, in the wild audacity of my perfect triumph, placed my own seat upon the very spot beneath which reposed the corpse of the victim. 我心头有恃无恐,就热诚的端进几把椅子,请他们在这间房里歇腿,我心头又是洋洋得意,就大胆的端了椅子,在埋着冤鬼尸首的地方坐下。 12. 12. Perfect the people check pertaining to crime in the Cha hospital to discuss again an anti- to tell system, then can better maintenance judicatory of fair, accused person and the legal rights of victim. 完善了人民检察院刑事再审抗诉制度,才能更好的维护司法之公正、被告人和被害人之合法权益。 13. Another lovely victim of the mirror's evil way. 另一种镜像的恶道可爱的受害者。 14. I thought I might be falling victim to another bad taste joke, like Jose Antonio Reyes when someone from a radio station rang him pretending to be the Real Madrid`s vice president Emilio Butragueno while he was still at Arsenal and he got himself in all sorts of trouble by admitting to `Butragueno` that he would love to join Madrid. 但是拉法。贝尼特斯一直在不停的和我说话,他向我诉说了他在利物浦的计划,并且他还告诉我,我就是他想要的那名前锋,他决定了,我——费尔南多。 15. First, Miss mo invites classmates to attend a party for her birthday. second, xiaya is cheated to buy fake sausage that leads to a customer to go to hospital and she is oblidged to pay 800 yuan to the victim. 古同学费了好大的劲自己做了个飞机的模型,他有些喜欢莫欣儿。莫家是个有钱的人家,同学们看到了诺大的排场,都有些不自在,不习惯,饭也没吃饱。 16. victim的近义词 16. Then for an hour, and with extreme fastidiousness, the scorpion ate its victim. 然后1小时和与极端需要复杂营养,蝎子吃了它的受害者。 17. I certainly feel like a victim but Cantamessa told me not to say that. 我当然以无辜者自居,但坎塔梅萨告诉我不要那么说。 18. Fell victim to the mysteries of the triangle..... 成了三角区之迷幻的牺牲品。。。。 19. Degree, because China is a colonial and semi-colonial country which is a victim of aggression. 在中国,因为它是殖民地半殖民地,是被人侵略的,所以中国民族资产阶级还有在一定时期中和一定程度上的革命性。 20. We have demonstrated that a nation need not provoke us or threaten us to become a victim of our aggression. 我们也向世人表明,一个国家不一定要对我们进行挑衅或者威胁就可能变成我们的侵略对象。 victim 词典解释 1. 受害者;遇害者;遇难者 A victim is someone who has been hurt or killed. e.g. Not all the victims survived... 并非所有受害者都得以幸存。 e.g. Statistically our chances of being the victims of violent crime are remote. 从统计数据来看,我们成为暴力犯罪受害者的可能性微乎其微。 2. (他人行为、信仰或恶劣环境的)牺牲品,受害者 A victim is someone who has suffered as a result of someone else's actions or beliefs, or as a result of unpleasant circumstances. e.g. He was a victim of racial prejudice... 他是种族歧视的受害者。 e.g. He described himself and Altman as victims rather than participants in the scandal... 他把他自己和奥尔特曼描绘成这一丑闻的受害者而不是参与者。 3. 成为…的牺牲品(或受害者) If you fall victim to something or someone, you suffer as a result of them, or you are killed by them. victim e.g. In the early 1960s, Blyton fell victim to Alzheimer's disease... 在19世纪60年代早期,布莱顿患上了老年痴呆症。 e.g. At Brussels airport he fell victim to pickpockets who pinched his wallet. 在布鲁塞尔机场,他被扒手盯上,钱包被偷走了。 victim 单语例句 1. The last photo showed the victim being kicked in the head and buttocks. 2. Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini condemned what he called a " deplorable act of violence, " and offered Italy's solidarity with the embassy staff and the victim. 3. They seem mild by comparison because most merely seek a ransom, and the victim survives. 4. Chinese athletes need to stop acting with a childish victim mentality that makes them lash out with violence to gain some warped idea of respect. 5. Some people say that China shouldn't always show its wound to others in order to win sympathy and call this " victim's psychology ". 6. Gunmen in that attack had dragged the body of an American victim from the bumper of their car. 7. Tears streamed down the face of one man sitting in the passenger seat of an SUV that carried another victim away. 8. The ministry set up a team to reinvestigate the case in accordance with Chinese law, and found that Heywood had been the victim of homicide. 9. In the case of injuries, the new law has abolished the limitation on compensation for the victim's lost earnings. 10. Xiamen police released information of a murder case including details of the victim's pictures and asked for netizens'help to provide clues. victim 英英释义 noun 1. an unfortunate person who suffers from some adverse circumstance 2. a person who is tricked or swindled Synonym: dupe |
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