单词 | vie |
释义 | vie [英 [va?] 美 [va?] ] vie的意思、解释 过去式:vied; 过去分词:vied; 现在分词:vying; vie 基本解释 不及物动词竞争 及物动词使竞争; 作较量; 下赌注 vie 相关例句 不及物动词 1. They vied with one another for the trophy. 他们互相争夺奖杯。 2. vie 2. All present vied to express their interest in the project. 在场的人都争先恐后地表明自己对这个项目的兴趣。 vie 网络解释 1. 越南:(SYR)哈萨克斯坦(KZK) 中国台北(TPE)吉尔吉斯斯坦(KGZ) 塔吉克斯坦(TJK)韩国(KOR) 土库曼斯坦(TKM)朝鲜(PRK) 泰国(THA)科威特(KUW) 阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE)老挝(LAO) 乌兹别克斯坦(UZB)黎巴嫩(LIB) 越南(VIE)阿尔巴尼亚(ALB 2. 维也纳:卡瓦拉阿莱克桑德罗斯 (KVA) 維也納 (VIE)从卡瓦拉阿莱克桑德罗斯 (KVA)飞往維也納 (VIE)的直飞航班卡瓦拉阿莱克桑德罗斯 (KVA) 維也納 (VIE)卡瓦拉阿莱克桑德罗斯 (KVA) 維也納 (VIE)从卡瓦拉阿莱克桑德罗斯 (KVA)飞往維 3. 3. 奥地利: 维也纳:北京飞维也纳机票价格,北京到维也纳特价机票 航程类型:北京(PEK)-奥地利-维也纳(VIE) 直飞航班:中国国际航空CA 奥地利航空O 4. vie的意思 4. vie:vapour-liquid equilibrium; 气液相平衡 5. vie:various interests entity; 可变利益实体 6. vie:virtual information environment; 虚拟信息环境 7. vie:virtual intravascular endoscopy; 仿真内窥镜式血管表面重建 vie 双语例句 1. vie 1. The reasons that influence the speed of our team are various, but the main aspects are the following ones: there are few rebound and vie for intercepting; aggression tactics is unitary; the other players too much depend on the centers; outside line cannot assume the offensive decisively; Our players are not as strongly built as the foreigners; they do not have a good grasp of the basic skills; defense concept and tactics are backward; players cannot develop strong attacks, so with the influence of the former league matches, our players are restricted in the high-level matches. 其中影响中国队速度的原因是多方面的,主要有以下几方面:抢断球数量过少,进攻战术过于单一,过分依赖中锋,外线不敢果断进攻,身体素质差,基本功不扎实,防守理念偏差和防守战术的落后,受原联赛的影响攻击性差,在高水平比赛中发挥受到限制。 2. The gombeenwoman Eliza Tudor had underlinen enough to vie with her of Sheba. 放高利贷的伊丽莎。都铎的内衣之多,赛得过示巴女王。 3. C'est La vie no one wants to be defeated... 不知道有喜欢marlboro的朋友没。。 4. vie的解释 4. So, just use your imagination. I call this picture c'est la vie. 所以这张图片我叫它c'est la vie。 5. C'est la vie/this is the life. 这就是生活。 6. C'est la vie and que sera, sera. 我的生活和梦想,会实现的 7. C'est la vie, as they say L. O. V. E eloquently, see dream has a part two 这就是生活,他们毫不演示地说出我爱你然后了解,每一个梦都还会有接下去的内容 8. C'est la vie, as they say L. O. V. E evidently, see every song has a sequel 这就是生活,他们毫不掩饰地说出我爱你然后了解,每一段故事都会有一个结局 9. 9. I once read somewhere, 'Vie tes reves, mais ne reve pas ta vie'. 我曾在某处读到『使你的梦想存在,但不要空想。 10. Got my first VIE cleansing oil as a free gift. It's really a good deal. I wear cosmetics everyday, and use the cleaser every night. You feel like you have just stepped out of a saloon fantastic feeling. 我每天都会化淡妆上班,每晚就用这款洁颜油来清洁,那感觉简直就像是在美容沙龙体验贵宾级细致、周到的服务! 11. 11. This toner is really refreshing and gets all the last traces of dirt off. 这款Vie全效净脂控油爽肤水真的非常非常清爽,脸上最后一点点的脏都能全部清除! 12. I have two staff bags full of putters in my basement, and another five or six vie for my attention in my office. 我有两个工作人员在我的地下室袋推杆充分,另有五,六个为争夺我注意到在我的办公室。 13. 13. Situ pense queta vie est sans soleil, jeveux t'aider à laisserun soleil se lever dansle cur de toi-même. 浪漫的热带海滩+堪称经典的高迪建筑,还有我们居住的老城区 14. Roosevelt elk cows scatter across a meadow in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park as two bulls vie for dominance of the herd. 罗斯福麋鹿散布穿过小草原在大草原小溪红杉州立公园当2只雄性的麋鹿争夺畜群的支配权。 15. Casinos vie to lure these high rollers by doling out luxury suites, use of private jets, and a cadre of personal handlers to fulfill every flight of fancy, from wire transfers to fishing trips to Alaska. 赌场为了争夺这些出手阔绰的赌客,为他们提供豪华套房和私人飞机的使用权,并配备专门的客户代表来提供电子汇款、安排前往阿拉斯加钓鱼和豪华旅程等等服务。 16. vie在线翻译 16. As there is a severe lack of resources in the locality, public order has fallen into chaos as people vie over materials. 因为当地的物资严重缺乏,引起民众抢夺,使当地治安陷入混乱。 17. Brown and Sarkozy will vie with each other over the weekend for the title of saviour of the global economy, but the reality is that until Obama is installed in the White House and unless China and India are engaged, little will change. 布朗和萨科奇将会在本周六竞争世界经济救星的称号,但是事实是直到奥巴马入主白宫、中国和印度开始出手救市,状况才会发生改观。 18. Until today, most of scholars have an inclination to vie Gaituguiliu in terms of conflicts between local polities and central dynasties. 长期以来,有关中国民族史中改土归流的研究,学者们多把视角集中在当地土司社会与中央控制体制之间的对立关系方面的探讨。 19. However, there are a large number of people who hold a different vie w concerning this case. 然而,很多人对此有不同的看法。然而,很多人对此有不同的看法。 20. She stood up obediently and went back to her room with a happy Vie. 她听了我这话,就站了起来,很喜欢的回到她的房里去睡了。 vie 词典解释 1. 竞争;争夺 If one person or thing is vying with another for something, the people or things are competing for it. vie的意思 e.g. California is vying with other states to capture a piece of the growing communications market... 为了在日渐扩大的通讯市场分得一杯羹,加利福尼亚正在和其他州展开竞争。 e.g. Four rescue plans are vying to save the zoo... 4个拯救动物园的方案正争得不可开交。 vie 单语例句 1. It offers soaring views of the bustling business hub, where construction cranes vie for visual turf with tourist attractions. 2. Festivals and ceremonies of every conceivable description are celebrated, during which the hosts vie with one another for lavishness. 3. Fake soccer and basketball jerseys vie for shelf space with obscure brands of crackers and sweets. 4. As the credit card business becomes an increasingly important source of revenue, domestic banks vie with one another to issue as many cards as possible. 5. No vapor trails vie with natural clouds to daub the firmament with wisps of white. 6. It is China's established national policy that it will neither seek hegemony nor vie for hegemony with any other countries. 7. It is one thing to sell new market rules during years when power companies have to vie fiercely against each other for consumers. 8. One will go on to vie with other world cities to host the 2012 Olympics. 9. In Canada and the United States, thousands of DJs vie for top honours in more than 35 cities. 10. Four dashing young men will vie for Jia Baoyu, a young aristocrat who fights for free love against family and society. vie什么意思vie 英英释义 verb 1. compete for something engage in a contest measure oneself against others Synonym: competecontend |
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