单词 | viewpoint |
释义 | viewpoint [英 [?vju:p??nt] 美 [?vju?p??nt] ] viewpoint的意思、解释 复数形式:viewpoints; viewpoint 基本解释 名词视角; 观点,意见,角度; 视点 viewpoint 相关例句 名词 1. This is entirely wrong from my viewpoint. 在我看来,此事全错了。 viewpoint 网络解释 1. 视点:一个架构描述由一个或者多个视图(view),视点(viewPoint),涉众(stakeholder),模型(model),关注点(concern)组成. 架构描述提供其基本原理(Rationale). 当使用 服务(Service) 作为系统组件来定义和搭建架构的时候,就是面向服务的体系结构(SOA)了. 2. 观察点:摄影机位置被称为视点(观察点)(Viewpoint). 屏幕坐标是x y坐标,它能够在计算机显示屏幕上报绘出来. 屏幕坐标也称为显示器(display)坐标,它是将影像面定标以适合显示屏幕的结果. 在这个3D操作过程中计算每组坐标都包括从矩阵数学导出的正弦(sine)和余弦(cosine)公式. 3. 视角:这一点看起来十分可怕,因为在实践利益 (practical interest)的竞争(struggle)中,任何表达都可能是欺骗性的,而且有 关的解释在视角(viewpoint)转换之后会发生转变. viewpoint 双语例句 1. It has the implications of a new viewpoint of nature and a new viewpoint of science and technology. 正确理解与把握三者之间的内在联系具有重大的理论与现实意义。 2. The article argues against the viewpoint and suggests that Free Choice Any belongs to the category of universal quantifier with the property of universality. 本文对这种观点进行了质疑,指出任选义Any类属于全称量词,具有全称属性。 3. viewpoint的意思 3. Offer oneself viewpoint and opinion actively, can use character and idea of oneself of verbal glibly expression. 主动提出自己的观点和意见,能够使用文字与言语流畅地表达自身思想。 4. All above I said, there are also have some other reasons, standing on my viewpoint, no matter which reason above make our eyes shortsighted day by day, we can't ignore the serious problem. 除了我以上所述的几点外,还有其它的一些相关原因。站在我的立场,不管是以上何种原因造成我们的眼睛日益近视,我们都不能忽视这个严重的问题! 5. And the affiliation environmental psychology viewpoint discuss in settlement of Chinkuashih and the environment interaction of relations. 并藉由环境心理学观点来探讨金瓜石聚落老人与居住环境之互动关系。 6. This paper describes the basic principle of velocity pursuit guidance law and body pursuit guidance law of trajectory correction projectiles, researches the terminal correction trajectory and miss distance under pursuit guidance laws by 6—DOF trajectory simulation program, researches the orbit of laser detector ray axis and ground projection area of laser detector spatial viewpoint. 文中对速度追踪制导律和弹体追踪制导律的工作原理进行了研究,利用六自由度弹道仿真程序对弹道修正弹两种追踪方式下的末段修正弹道和脱靶量进行了对比计算,研究了两种追踪方式下激光探测器光轴的轨迹及激光探测器空间视场在地面投影区域的变化;弹体追踪方式命中精度虽然较低,但由于工程实现简单、成本低,仍有其工程使用价值。 7. The viewpoint that seed recalcitrance is a compound quantitative trait is a new and further cognition, which will be a help for studying causes and resolve of seed recalcitrance on species-specific basis. 种子顽拗性的复合数量性状特征的提出及其三个层面的划分,有助于加深对种子顽拗性的认识,并用以指导我们在实践中解决种子顽拗性方面的具体问题。 8. viewpoint的反义词 8. Yeah, we have no mighty family background, no exceptional capability, no encyclopaedic knowledge and no outstanding viewpoint. 是的,我们没有强大家庭背景,没有不寻常才能,没有百科全书的知识和没有未完成的观点。 9. viewpoint的翻译 9. This research carries on the predecessors foundation, and has the unique viewpoint in the thought principle and function district zoning. 本文在前人的研究基础上,提出了具体的建设性原则和独特的功能区划观点,对都市农业的发展和新农村建设有着理论指导及现实意义。 10. This viewpoint of month of dawn wind damage I am not of approve of. 晓风残月的这个观点我是不赞同的。 11. Writing an Argumentative Paper - There comes a time in our lives when it becomes necessary to express your opinion or alternate position on paper, whether it be for a school assignment, a letter to the editor, a memo suggesting new company policy, or just an e-mail to your sibling explaining an opposing viewpoint. 一纸书面追根究底-我们生活中出现的时间是在有需要表达意见或候补立场文件无论是一个学校转让的读者来信,提出了新公司的便笺政策还是一个电子邮件你弟妹解释反对观点。 12. viewpoint 12. Bacing on the historical and philosophic viewpoint, this paper discussed the relation both culture of the physical education and physical educatln in schools, and the necessity, possibility, complicated ways of the physical education in schools to sublate culture of the physical education. 本文从历史的角度、运用哲学的观点,就学校体育与体育文化的关系,学校体育扬弃体育文化的必然性、可能性、复杂性以及方式进行了较为全面的分析和探索,旨在为当前学校体育的改革提供思路,并发挥一定的启发、导向作用。 13. The purpose of this paper is to study the trend in the development and the characteristics of modern agricultural sciences from the viewpoint of managerial science. 本文从管理科学的观点出发,探讨现代农业科学的发展趋势和特点。 14. 14. The author thinks this is a big feature in Hu Shihs viewpoint of literature and it is a very meaningful literature phenomenon as well. 笔者以为,这是胡适文学观中的一大特征,同时也是一种很有意味的文学现象。 15. viewpoint 15. The subject chooses the point of Folklore and literature to explore the specificity and creativity of Floklore tendency in Hu Shihs viewpoint of literature. 本课题选择民俗与文学交叉的视点,着眼于探求胡适文学观中民俗理念的独特性和开拓性。 16. viewpoint的解释 16. Encryption and decryption of data from a macroeconomic viewpoint is very simple and very easy to understand. 数据加密与解密从宏观上讲是非常简单的,很容易理解。 17. 17. By comparison with the discharge characteristic of pure switching surge, it is discovered that the discharge voltage of tower air clearance under superimposed voltages is higher than that under pure switching surge by 2% to 4%. Thus, from the viewpoint of operational security, it is feasible to adopt the test data from pure switching surge in UHVDC tower air clearance design. 通过与纯操作冲击放电特性的比较,发现叠加电压情况下杆塔空气间隙的放电电压比纯操作冲击情况下高2%~4%,因此从安全的角度考虑,在特高压杆塔空气间隙设计中,采用纯操作冲击电压试验数据是可行的。 18. viewpoint是什么意思 18. From the viewpoint of sustainable development for the world this should be good news! 从全球永续发展的观点来看,这应该是好消息! 19. 19. Worse than all, rubbishy commercials and harmful programmes lead to bad tastes and a distorted viewpoint towards human life. 更糟的是,不良的电视广告和有害的电视节目促成了低级趣味和对人生不正确的看法。 20. From the viewpoint of subject development, it is active to research from literature to wider cultural field. But the real problem is that the attitude to cultural critics may cause a kind of damage to objectivity and fairness of academic study. 从学科发展逻辑来讲,文艺学研究向更宽泛的文化的扩展是积极的,但真正的问题在于文化批判的态度可能产生了对学术的客观性和公正性的销蚀作用。 viewpoint 词典解释 1. 观点;看法;角度 Someone's viewpoint is the way that they think about things in general, or the way they think about a particular thing. viewpoint的反义词 e.g. The novel is shown from the girl's viewpoint... 这部小说是从这个女孩的视角来叙述的。 e.g. To include as many viewpoints as possible, the editor reserves the right to shorten letters. 为了能包括尽可能多的观点,编辑保留对信件进行删节的权力。 2. 视角;角度;观察点 A viewpoint is a place from which you can get a good view of something. e.g. You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint. 你得知道站在哪里观察角度比较理想。 viewpoint 单语例句 1. I should say at this point that this is not a male chauvinist viewpoint. 2. The prevailing viewpoint is that participants in he movement should endeavor to change their personal circumstances rather than resorting to complaining on the street. 3. With the background changing between old Beijing's hutongs and the modern cityscape, the performance is developed from the viewpoint of a dove of peace. 4. If one tries to comprehend such an arrangement from the viewpoint of common law principles, one would run into big trouble. 5. Ma said China's viewpoint was the consensus reached by the international community, and the core content of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 6. I grabbed this opportunity to ask his viewpoint about the CPC national congress report on Hong Kong affairs. 7. Nuclear powers regard their nuclear weapons as a defensive response to a nuclear strike, but this viewpoint increases the likelihood of using these weapons. 8. False stories and photographs to prove a viewpoint or claim can only harm Internet supervision, says an article in the Beijing News. 9. Yet we find fault with the indiscriminative ban not only from the viewpoint of logic. 10. " The OPEC meeting from their viewpoint was a disaster, " Flynn said. viewpoint 英英释义 noun 1. a mental position from which things are viewed e.g. we should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians teaching history gave him a special point of view toward current events Synonym: point of viewstandstandpoint 2. a place from which something can be viewed e.g. from that vantage point he could survey the whole valley Synonym: vantage point |
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