单词 | villain |
释义 | villain [英 [?v?l?n] 美 [?v?l?n] ] villain的意思、解释 复数形式:villains; villain 基本解释 名词恶棍; (小说、戏剧等中的)反面人物; 罪犯; 淘气鬼,顽童 villain 同义词 villain是什么意思 名词devilknavescoundrelrascalscamprogue villain 反义词 名词hero villain是什么意思 villain 相关例句 名词 1. You little villain! 你这小淘气! 2. villain的近义词 2. He was cast as the villain in the play. 他在戏里扮演反面角色。 3. villain 3. The children have been teasing the cat, the little villains! 孩子们一直在逗弄猫儿,这些小淘气鬼! 4. Some villains robbed the widow of the savings. 有几个歹徒将寡妇的积蓄劫走了。 villain 网络解释 1. 魔头:2、黑暗神父(Priest of Dark)任务(转职任务,黑暗系) 任务出处:迪雅莫德尔城福克府邸3、魔头(Villain)任务(转职任务,黑暗系) 任务出处:迪雅莫德尔城瑟尼特府邸4、刺客(Assassin)任务(转职任务, 2. 坏人; 恶棍:maritime: 海的; 海事的 | villain: 坏人; 恶棍 | shriek: 尖叫 villain 双语例句 1. His retirement is short-lived, since there is the emperor's death to answer for and an arch villain to deal with, a smooth-faced genocidal warlord named Wuhuan, who has the blood of Kunlun's people on his delicate hands. 他的退休岁月没有持续多久,因为他必须为皇帝的死负责,除此还需要对付一个名叫无欢的恶棍——皮肤光滑、纤细的手上沾满昆仑一族的鲜血。 2. 2. Hungry don't choose food of we point comprehensive chafing dish, make bosom not disorderly of father give sharp advice preemptive, claim help a villain do evil to take a knife foolish display of skill before expert waitress, hurry Jiao rabbit dead the henchman boil, because corpse vegetable meal of we a son early add oil to add vinegar to complete, wait for chafing dish hurry up Chen2 Yu2 La4's wild goose good contend for Central plains, regrettable the pot cover be too small, have a little desire cover Mi soup after anticipate seethe, hot get so happy as to forget home and duty of we hurriedly take off clothing to push food very big righteousness to put out close top and bottom its hand, round up all at one fell swoop to get a water rockslide. 饥不择食的我们点了综合火锅,作怀不乱的爸爸当头棒喝先发制人,请求为虎作伥拿着刀子班门弄斧的女服务生,快点将狡兔死走狗烹,因为尸位素餐的我们一家子早就添油加醋完毕,就等着火锅赶快沈鱼落雁好问鼎中原,可惜锅盖太小,有点欲盖弥汤料沸腾后,热得乐不思蜀的我们赶紧解衣推食好大义灭亲上下其手,一网打尽捞个水落石出。 3. If the Court publishes the list of Suksaha's Twenty-Four Heinous Crimes, it will be plain for everyone to see that he was a rogue and a villain, and they will ask themselves how His Late Majesty came to appoint such a wicked person as Regent? 朝廷将苏克萨哈二十四条大罪布于天下,人人心中都想,原来苏克萨哈这厮如此罪大恶极,这样的坏蛋,先帝居然会用做辅政大臣,和你鳌少保并列,这,这……岂不是太没见识了么? 4. Being kind is concrete and special, while abstract kindness is the pretext of villain, hypocrite and lickspittle. 行善总是具体的、特定的;抽象的、笼统的行善是恶棍、伪君子和献媚者的托辞。 5. How am I then a villain To counsel Cassio to this parallel course, Directly to his good? 我既然凑合著凯西奥的心意,向他指示了这一条对他有利的方策,谁还能说我是个恶人呢? 6. He is a blackhearted villain. 他是个心肠狠毒的恶棍。 7. However, it is undeniable that we live in circles, there are too many industries can not be beautiful, I can be an exaggeration to say that beauty is the savior in some industries, models, air hostesses, public relations, entertainment, beauty really can be called heaven and earth, With the United States have been popular, with the popular will have a prosperous, you just look at the television a few heavy-weight, from CCTV to Phoenix, from the East to the West, which a few superstars less beautiful, they are absolutely Television signboards We can not be refused because of the well-being of the beautiful, but beautiful and we can not spoil themselves, those who we despise the so-called beautiful, and unscrupulous villain To the visual enjoyment of the beautiful people, but also to their own feelings of happiness, the pursuit of beautiful and deserve it, Having stayed out of the beautiful Princess has its own borders in exchange for a peace, the beauty of them is a great hungry, proud, glorious. 但是,不可否认的是,我们生活的圈子里,有太多行业离不开美女,我可以很夸张的说,美女是一些行业的救世主,模特,空姐,公关,娱乐,真可谓是美女天地,有了美就有了人气,有了人气就有了兴旺发达,你随便看几家重量级的电视台,从央视到凤凰,从东方到西方,哪家少了几个巨星美女,她们绝对是电视台的招牌,我们不能拒绝因为美丽而得到的幸福,但是我们不能因为美丽而作践自己,我们更鄙视那些为了所谓的美丽,而不择手段的小人美丽给人以视觉享受,也给自己快乐心情,追求美丽何罪之有,昭君出塞,明妃有自己的美丽换来了疆界的安宁,她们的美丽是伟大的饿,骄傲的,光荣的。 8. STEPHEN: In his trinity of black Wills, the villain shakebags, Iago, Richard Crookback, Edmund in King Lear, two bear the wicked uncles'names. 382斯蒂芬:他笔下的黑心肠的三位一体——那帮恶棍扒手:伊阿古、罗锅儿理查和《李尔王》中的爱德蒙,其中两个的名字都跟他们那坏蛋叔叔一样。 9. villain 9. If we act on screenplay, and the leading role, supporting role, hero and villain are arranged by the director and playwright, then, the man acts villain should not be punished. 因为,我们都是照着剧本来演戏,主角、配角、好人、坏人等都是编剧、导演所指派及指挥我们去做的,因此,扮演坏蛋的演员,我们是不能治他们什么罪的。 10. Villain is inevitable, and therefore Huaikang disturbed heart, always alert, and focused beam repair from the good, Shou Shen pollution prevention, less in the manage withstand various attacks. 小人不可避免,因此要常怀不安之心,时时提高警惕,并注重束修自好,守身防污,以内在的操持抵挡住各种各样的攻击。 11. Cazaril and his compatriots are forced to actually outthink him rather than winning due to the villain's stupidity. 卡萨瑞和他的同伴必须比他棋高一招,而不是因反派的愚蠢而获胜。 12. 12. The last fight of the hero and the villain is still to take place. 英雄和恶棍的最后战斗仍在发生。 13. In order to enable enterprises to better serve the community, so that meat supply and demand in close cooperation the two sides to ensure that the meat quality, to protect people's health, education and guide the plant staff to establish a sense of customer service, to transform the concept of service, improve service levels, in accordance with the B requirements and procedures, pick-Jae, timely supply of meat, and strive to do with the demand for, do not mistake, not villain. 为了使企业更好的服务社会,使肉品供需双方密切合作,确保肉品质量,保障人民群众身体健康,该厂引导教育员工树立为顾客服务的意识,切实转变服务观念,提高服务水平,按照乙方要求及操作规程,随到随宰,及时供应肉品,努力做到随需随供,不误时,不误事。 14. So a search for Darth Vader on Google. com returns aresultspagethat includes photos of the Star Wars villain at thetop, aswellas a video clip from Googles YouTube video servicefeaturingDarthVader. 因此,如果在谷歌上搜索达斯·维达,结果中会包括这个《星球大战》反面角色的图片,以及一段来自谷歌旗下YouTube视频网站的有关达斯·维达的视频片段。 15. Long-lived is sensitive wants to offer amnesty to me, but I am not willing to accept under his Beishan Mountains the villain group's rule. 寿愍想对我招安,但是我不愿意接受他的北山下恶棍集团的统治。 16. Hot on the trail of deadly megalomaniac Gustav Graves and his right-hand man Zao, Bond travels to Iceland into the villain's lair: a palace built entirely of ice. 紧随着自大狂妄的古斯塔夫·格拉夫及其得力助手兆的踪迹,邦德来到了冰岛并潜入匪巢:一幢完全由冰建造的宫殿。 17. A particular way of painting jing's face represents a particular identity of the concerned role in a play: it may be a loyal, wicked or good man, or a villain, or a chivalrous hero. 京剧中的净分为正净,副净和武净。人物的忠,奸,善,恶,侠义都可从那张脸上表现出来,它的本身就是一种符号化的立体艺术。 18. A truly deep-dyed villain could have hornswaggled him as readily as he could have flattered a pretty shop-girl. 就像他能轻易讨得一个女店员的欢心一样,一个真正老谋深算的恶棍会同样轻易地把他骗了。 19. As a disciple of a villain Didst thou act the tragedienne. 作为一名恶魔的门徒,是你酿成了这场悲剧。 20. When Darth Vader first burst on the scene in 1977, storming into the Rebel Blockade Runner amid smoke, stormtroopers, and blaster fire, it was impossible to think of him as anything but the ultimate villain of Star Wars. 1977年,当达斯·维达最初出现在银幕上,伴着烟雾、暴风突击队和激光枪的光束,大步走进反抗军偷越封锁线飞船的船舱时,除了把他看成《星战》中的头号反派外,让人很难再做他想。 villain 词典解释 1. 歹徒;恶棍;流氓 A villain is someone who deliberately harms other people or breaks the law in order to get what he or she wants. 2. (小说、电影或戏剧中的)主要反面人物,反派主角 The villain in a novel, film, or play is the main bad character. 3. 元凶;祸首;为害的人 If you say that someone is the villain of the piece, you are saying in a slightly humorous way that they are seen by some people as the cause of all the trouble in a particular situation. e.g. If Mr Denny is indeed the villain of the piece, as the police claim he is, he should have been more carefully watched. 如果丹尼先生真像警察说的那样是犯罪元凶,就应该对其进行更加严密的监视。 villain 单语例句 1. It's as if the costumer is telling us Catherine is both a heroine and a villain. 2. Nicholas principal, is obviously the villain for her unflappable certitude and fearsome authoritarianism. 3. Other golden popcorn trophies will be awarded in such categories as best villain, best comedic performance and best fight. 4. Together they encounter a pair of female con artists and combat a monstrous villain. 5. Although the film was attacked by some critics, the actress's performance as the glamorous villain Coulter won wide praise. 6. Although the film was attacked by some critics, the actress's performance as the glamorous villain Mrs Coulter won wide praise. 7. She is currently in England preparing for her role in Disney's'Maleficent', based on the villain from'Sleeping Beauty'. 8. But approaching them dressed as a decrepit witch or a horror movie villain is sure to make more of an impression. 9. The production focuses on the devious wife of King Macbeth, the classic Shakespearean villain. 10. The grocery manager didn't seem to be a villain but the ruthlessness she demonstrated toward the hungry and timid girl is outrageous. villain 英英释义 noun 1. a wicked or evil person someone who does evil deliberately Synonym: scoundrel 2. the principal bad character in a film or work of fiction Synonym: baddie |
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