单词 | villus |
释义 | villus [英 [?v?l?s] 美 [?v?l?s] ] villus的意思、解释 复数形式:villi; villus 基本解释 名词绒毛,长茸毛 villus 网络解释 1. 绒毛:(16)绒毛:绒毛(villus)是指伸入由棘层松解而形成的裂隙或水疱中的乳头,其上覆盖一层基底细胞,见于毛囊角化病、家族性良性慢性天疱疮等. (17)基底细胞液化变性:基底细胞液化变性(liquefyaction degeneration of basal cells)轻者表现为基底细胞空泡化或破坏, 2. 繊毛:vestige-痕跡 | villus-繊毛 | warm blooded-定温の 3. 绒毛 藓毛 藓毛:villoustenosynovitis 绒毛状腱鞘炎 | villus 绒毛 藓毛 藓毛 | villusdegeneration 绒毛变性 4. 长茸毛:villous 像绒毛一样的 | villus 长茸毛 | vimineous 枝条的 villus 双语例句 1. However, diets supplemented with antibioyics and prebiotics could improve the growth of villus. Although Zinc bacitracin could decrease the Gram-positive bacteria, but it couldn`t suppressed Coli form. Added mannanoligosaccharide and Bacillus subtilis to the feed could increase the growth performance and decrease the number of Coli form in jejunum and ileum, and the results were better than added mannanoligosaccharide and Bacillus subtilis alone. The results show that mannanoligosaccharide posses the potential to replace the antibiotics as growth promoter. 实验结果发现饲粮中添加抗生素与益生剂在体重、采食量、体增重与饲料转换率方面,均无显著影响,但在绒毛生长型态上均较对照组有较佳之表现;虽然锌枯草菌素有利於抑制革兰氏阴性菌,但是对於抑制大肠杆菌增殖的情形则不显著;饲料中同时添加枯草杆菌与甘露寡醣对肉鸡的生长性状与降低空肠和回肠中大肠菌群之表现,均优於单独添加甘露寡醣或枯草杆菌。 2. villus的解释 2. Treatment Some forms of CAH can be detected in prenatal tests like amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. 治疗 一些类型的先天性肾上腺增生性肥大能够运用诸如羊水诊断或绒毛膜取样的产前检查被发现。 3. UU detection were used in cervical secretion in 49 cases abortion and 49 cases by PCR technic. And then observed with pathological examination the villus and decidual membranes. 应用 聚合酶链反应技术对49例稽留流产患者和49例正常孕妇的宫颈分泌物进行UU检测,并将观察组刮宫后绒毛及蜕膜送病理检查。 4. villus是什么意思 4. The results showed that the IgA~+-cell and IgA positive reaction substance were located in the tip of villus, lamina propria, surround intestinal gland, and lymphatic nodule of cecum. 在常锌常硒组,IgA+浆细胞的数量及IgA阳性反应物比较多,而低锌低硒组和高锌高硒组的IgA+浆细胞数量及IgA阳性反应物数量减少(P<0.01),尤其高锌高硒组减少更为明显。 5. In recent years, many XXY males have been diagnosed before birth, through amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. 近年来,许多xxy男性被诊断出生前,透过羊膜穿刺或绒毛取样。 6. villus 6. At present, the diagnosis of DS mainly depends on cytogenetic analysis through amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling or puncture of umbilical vein to recovery fetal cell. 目前该病的诊断是通过羊水穿刺、绒毛膜活检或脐静脉穿刺术获取胎儿细胞,经培养后进行染色体核型分析。 7. Prenatal diagnosis: Amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, umbilical cord blood sampling, maternal blood sampling, maternal serum screening, and fetal visualization with ultrasound and radiography are useful in prenatal diagnosis. 产前诊断羊膜腔穿刺,绒毛膜绒毛采样,脐带血检查,母血检查,母血清筛查,胎儿超声检查和X光摄片等都可用于产前诊断。 8. Wink... GOLDEN lower villus is extravagant warm tone... 眼色。。。GOLDEN 下层绒毛是浓艳暖调的。。。 9. A study of enzymolysis for chromosome preparation from chorionic villus was established upon previous work. 在以往工作的基础上,建立了制备绒毛细胞染色体的24小时培养并结合酶解的方法。 10. villus 10. The results showed that ABP had an up-trend to pH value of rectum, cecum and colon, and groupⅢand groupⅣsignificantly decreased the pH value of cecum and colon(P<0.05, or P<0.01), but didn't have significant difference on pH value of rectal(P>0.05), pH value between antibioties group and control group didn't have significant differences(P>0.05).Groups added with ABP had the same effect or had better effect on inhibition of intestinal E. coil and promotion of intestinal salutary bacteria in contrast with antibiotics groupP>0.05, P<0.05 or P<0.01With the increasing of the addition of ABP in groupⅡ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, there were more inhibition of intestinal E. coli and promotion of intestinal salutary bacteria, and there were significant difference between groupⅡand groupⅣ(P<0.05 or P<0.01 The duodenal epithelial cell thickness in all experimental groups had no significant difference; With the increasing of the addition of ABP, the epithelial cell thickness of jejunum and ileum increased significantly than that of the control group and experimental groupⅠP<0.05orP<0.01Compared with the control group, groupⅡ, ⅢandⅣimproved intestinal villi height and reduced recess depth significantly(P<0.05 or P<0.01In the duodenum, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳgroup improved intestinal villi height and reduced recess depth significantly than groupⅠP<0.05 or P<0.01There were no significant difference for the depths of recess of jejunum and ileum in all experimental groups, and the intestinal mucous membrane had no significant difference between groupⅢandⅣ.ABP increased significantly villus height and depth of recess ratio(VH/CD value in duodenum, ileum and jejunum(P<0.05 or P<0.01), therefore ABP could improve digestion and absorption of nutrients, and then improve the growth perfonnance for pigs. 结果显示:ABP能使直肠、盲肠和结肠的pH有降低的趋势,其中试验Ⅲ、Ⅳ组显著降低了盲肠段和结肠段的pH值(P<0.05或P<0.01),但对直肠pH没有显著性的差异(P>0.05),而抗生素组与对照组没有差异P>0.05ABP具有显著抑制肠道大肠杆菌和提高肠道双歧杆菌、乳酸杆菌的作用(P<0.05或P<0.01,效果达到或显著好于金霉素(P>0.05,P<0.05或P<0.01),随着ABP添加量的增加,其抑制肠道大肠杆菌和促进肠道有益菌的效果逐渐提高,试验Ⅱ和Ⅳ组之间差异显著或极显著P<0.05或P<0.01试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组之间的十二指肠段上皮细胞层厚度无显著性差异(P>0.05,随着ABP添加量的增加,回肠段和空肠段的上皮细胞层厚度增加,显著或极显著大于对照组和抗生素组P<0.05或P<0.01ABP显著增加十二指肠段肠绒毛高度和降低隐窝深度(P<0.05或P<0.01,不同浓度ABP对回肠和空肠的隐窝深度的影响没有显著性差异,试验Ⅲ、Ⅳ组各测定指标之间差异不显著P>0.05ABP显著增加十二指肠、回肠、空肠肠段的绒毛高度与隐窝深度比值(VH/CD值(P<0.05或P<0.01),进而改善营养物质的消化吸收,提高猪的生长性能。 11. igf i and igf ii may play important roles in the regulation of fetal growth, the decrease of igf i and igf ii levels in villus, decidua and serum may be the key factor contributing to the embryogenesis termination of early pregnancy. igf i和ii在绒毛组织中的表达及母血中的水平的升高对早期胚胎发育有重要的保护作用,其含量的减少可能是导致胚胎死亡的重要原因之一。 12. 12. Identification with histological and immunohistochemical stain were performed. Results With the application of new isolation methods, the dissociated time shortened distinctly. Every harvested graft formed cyst-like tissue. The lumina of cysts were full of mucus and debris of apoptosis cells. Intestinal villus and crypts could be perceived by histological stain in the graft harvested two weeks after implantation. 结果 采用改良方法分离时间明显缩短,体内植入所有实验组均有多个囊泡样组织形成,植入2周后部分囊腔凹陷可见隐窝样结构,2周后部分囊泡内壁可见分化较成熟的上皮细胞突出,类似绒毛结构;上皮下可见少量平滑肌样细胞围绕囊状管腔周围。 13. villus的翻译 13. Results ITF and ITF mRNA were expressed in whole small intestine and most of them were localized in goblet cell of intestinal villus. 在此基础上采用原位杂交、免疫组化和高效液相色谱等手段观察了烧伤后两组大鼠ITF 及ITF mRNA的变化。 14. In the first experiment, Isolation of the epithelial cells and preservation of perfect intestinal villus and crypt cell clumps were achieved using a mixture of tripsin and EDTA. Cutures were used for experiments between 11-14 days postconfluency, because cultures of intestinal epithelial cells exhibit maximum differentiation at this stage by alkaline Phosphatase staining. 牛和鸡小肠上皮细胞体外原代培养体系的建立联合使用胰蛋白酶和EDT∧作为消化酶液能分离出健全的肠绒毛隐窝单位,经碱性磷酸酶染色鉴定培养至第11-14d的牛和鸡肠上皮细胞为分化完全、功能健全的成熟肠上皮细胞。 15. The velocity and flux of red blood cell in villus tip arteriole and capillaries were measured by FITC-labeled erythrocytes and intravital microscopy. The effect of iNOS was determined by targeted disruption of mice iNOS-gene and administration of S-methylthiourea sulfate, a selective inhibitor of iNOS, before LPS injection. 利用FITC标记红细胞和活体显微镜方法直接观察并计算小鼠小肠绒毛尖端小动脉和毛细血管内红细胞的流速和流量,并观察敲除小鼠iNOS基因和选择性iNOS抑制剂S-methylthiourea sulfate对实验过程中小肠微循环的影响。 16. villus 16. On day 21, dietary supplemented with Thr increased the villus acidic goblet cell size of jejunum, and NaB plus Thr had a synergistic effect on the villus neutral goblet cell numbers and area of jejunum. 饲料处理未能显著影响试验21与42天之免疫球蛋白浓度,试验处理亦未影响试验21天之胆汁、小肠黏膜及其食糜之IgA浓度。 17. In rat esophagus, the positive varicosities and fibres could be observed in the circular muscle layer and the muscularis mucosae layer at 21st day before birth. With the development of rat digestive tract, neurokinin A-immunoreactivity positive nerves could be observed gradually in the epithelium, submucosa, longitudinal muscle layer, myenteric plexus and submucosal plexes, while mature nerve fibres could be seen at one month after birth. 2. In rat stomach, the positive reaction of NKA initially happened in the myenteric plexus at the 14th day of embryo, and then appeared on circular muscles, longitudinal muscles, submucosal, muscularis mucosae, lamina propria and epithelium. 30 days after birth, expression of NKA is same as seen in adaulthood. 3. In rat small intestinal, the NKA-IR could first be found in the myenteric plexus of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum at 14th, 15th and 17th day before birth respectively. Then the NKA-IR occurred in the longitudinal muscle layer, circular muscle layer, intestinal villus, intestinal gland, muscularis mucosae, submucosa, submucosal plexes, mucosa plexus and deep muscular plexus. 结果 1、在食管,于胚胎21天的粘膜肌层和环肌层内观察到神经激肽A免疫阳性膨体纤维,出生后,随幼鼠的生长发育,相继在上皮,粘膜下层,纵肌层、肌间丛、粘膜下丛有NKA-IR表达,30天时已和成年鼠相似;2、在胃,首先于胚胎14天的肌间丛出现NKA-IR的表达,随发育相继在环肌、纵肌,粘膜下层、粘膜肌、固有膜及上皮内出现NKA-IR的表达,30天时具备成年鼠的分布特征;3、在小肠,分别于胚胎14、15、17天的十二指肠、空肠和回肠的肌间丛处出现NKA-IR的表达,随发育相继出现在纵肌、环肌、绒毛、小肠腺周、粘膜肌、粘膜下层、粘膜下丛、粘膜丛、深肌丛。 18. 18. The results showed that the length, weight, perimeter of the duodenum and intestinal villus length, intestinal glands recessus depth, intestinal gland width and the thickness of layers of muscles increased with the week age. Relative growth of the duodenum, density of intestinal gland(Gl. intestinal)and the duodenum index varied inversely wi... 结果表明,十二指肠的长度、体质量、周长和肠绒毛的长度、肠腺隐窝的深度、肠腺宽度及各肌层厚度等指标随周龄的增加而增长;十二指肠相对生长率、肠腺密度和十二指肠指数则呈下降趋势;肠绒毛有分支现象;淋巴组织的发育比较缓慢,到6周龄后才出现有淋巴小结;通过建立Logistic方程模型模拟十二指肠重量的生长变化,得到其生长方程:♂:Y=9.72/(1+15.31e-0.33t),♀:Y=8.29/(1+12.50e-0.31t)。 19. Proliferation of fibrous tissue、necrosis and infiltration can been seen in DDP group; There were little apoptosis、karyopycnosis、condensed-plasm、deep-stained and no infiltration in group LNT; More apoptosis in LNT+DDP; Under electron microscope the cell in NS was round or irregular, there were a lot of micro-villus on the cell surface, nuclear membrane was irregular with angular bites, many nucleolus, no swollen mitochondrion; the cell became smaller, mitochondrion was swollen, the chromatin crescent shaped along the inner margins of the nuclear; There was chromatinorrhexis in group DDP; There was karyopycnosis, chromatin condensation along the inner margins of the nuclear, more lysosomes could be found in cytosol, the mitochondrion became bigger and rounder, the mitochondrial crista became less and shorter, even disappeared. In condition of very swollen, it could became the structure of vacuole, and apoptosis body, which is the characteristic structure of apoptosis, could be found. 电镜下可见NS组瘤细胞呈圆形或多角形,细胞表面有许多微绒毛,核呈不规则形,有切迹,核仁明显,有多个核仁,线粒体未见肿胀;LNT组可见瘤细胞体积变小,细胞肿胀、出现空泡现象,核轻度固缩,聚集在核膜下;DDP组可见肿瘤细胞核碎裂,呈坏死表现;LNT+DDP组肿瘤细胞核固缩,染色质凝聚,聚集在核膜下,胞质内可见较多的溶酶体,线粒体肿胀,变大变圆,嵴变短变少甚至消失,在极度肿胀时转化为空泡状结构,并可见凋亡特征性结构—凋亡小体。4。 20. Objective To investigate the expression of cytochrome C oxidase subunit Ⅰ mRNA in the placental villus of preeclampsia. 检测妊高征患者胎盘绒毛组织中细胞色素C氧化酶亚单位Ⅰ mRNA的表达,探讨线粒体能量代谢与妊高征发病的关系。 villus 英英释义 noun 1. a minute hairlike projection on mucous membrane |
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